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Chapter 50: Heavy on the outside and light on the inside


On May 20th of the fifth year of Dashun, there was a heavy rain in Bianzhou.

Zhu Quanzhong shouted loudly, got off Mrs. Jing Liu's body, and gasped for breath...

Mrs. Liu's face turned red and she glanced at Zhu Quanzhong resentfully.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes and go out through the back door." Zhu Quanzhong entered the sage's time, feeling a surge of guilt in his heart.

Jing Sima worked hard and planned for me, and he didn't even have time to sleep, but I was playing with his wife.

But he immediately comforted himself that Li Keyong was playing with Li Kuangchou's wife, Shao Shude was playing with the emperor's woman, and Yang Xingmi

Well, Yang Xingmi seems to be fine.

However, Zhu Quanzhong didn't know that a few years later, Yang Xing secretly married his wife Zhu, and Zhu had an affair with Hongxing and had an affair with his bodyguard, which caused a reverse trend.

When passing through the corridor, Zhu Quanzhong suddenly stopped and looked at the white rain curtain outside the corridor.

Dense raindrops fell on the pond, and the lotus leaves were crackling, but they were extremely tenacious and unmoving, which made him feel a lot better.

In the front hall of Zhu's Mansion, Jingxiang, Li Zhen, Wei Zhao and Pei Di have been waiting for a long time.

Jingxiang silently looked at the patterns on the tea bowl, as if the peonies painted on it were something special.

Peony symbolizes wealth and honor, and he is already extremely wealthy, but he is not satisfied because there is something more worthy of his pursuit in the world. He also has the ambition to save the world, help the people, and help the world, and he will not hesitate to pay any price for this.

Li Zhen rubbed the jade pendant around his waist, which was awarded to him by Zhu Quanzhong and was one of the reasons why others respected him wherever he went. This feeling was particularly fascinating.

Wei Zhao closed his eyes and meditated, but his eyelids flickered slightly, obviously there was some intense planning going on in his mind.

Pei Di's face was calm, neither sad nor happy.

In fact, he had just entered the inner circle. Because he was good at caring for the people, good at managing politics, and managed his financial affairs in an orderly manner, he was deeply loved by Zhu Quanzhong.

Before Zhu Quanzhong arrived, the four of them didn't speak, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

News of the fall of Huaizhou came back immediately, and of course the four most powerful civil servants in the inner circle, Jing, Li, Wei and Pei, knew about it.

Li Han's move sent tens of thousands of troops south, and was attacked by Dai Siyuan and Zhang Guihou on the banks of the Qinshui River. Thousands of people were captured and killed, and the Ze soldiers fled in panic. If the news of the fall of Huaizhou had not been brought to the defeated troops, Li Han would probably have

It was explained there. In front of the mounted infantry, it was difficult to escape with one's life.

The four of them were of course not very interested in Li Hanzhi's fate. They were more concerned about the war situation in Heyang.

Dai Siyuan and Zhang Guihou have already surrounded Huaizhou with more than 11,000 troops on foot and on horseback.

Pang Shigu also transferred 15,000 Kou Yanqing's Changzhi Army and prefecture and county soldiers from the Heqing front line, as well as 10,000 Tutuan villagers to go north and station near Huaizhou, while blocking the reinforcements from the Xia thieves who might come out of Taihang Xingdao.

On the one hand, it protects the grain road going north through Qinshui River.

There are still more than 3,000 people in Jiyuan County and more than 7,000 troops in Zhiguan. The troops are sufficient, but the situation has become very difficult.

The possibility of winning has become extremely slim.

Since we can't win, why not withdraw our troops?

But no one dared to issue this order. Only Zhu Quanzhong could decide what to do.

"Jing Sima, I heard that the Xia thieves popularized the three-field farming method in Lingzhou, and the harvest was more than two husks of Dendrobium per acre. Maybe the states in the Central Plains can imitate it?" Seeing that everyone was silent, Pei Di wanted to liven up the atmosphere, so he

Open your mouth and say.

Jingxiang seemed to have suddenly woken up. He smiled when he heard this and said: "Shu De is really powerful. I have also heard about the three-field system. Sixty acres of land, twenty acres of which are planted with wheat, two acres of dendrobium and three bushels of beans are harvested, and twenty acres are planted with beans.

, harvest six bushels per mu, plant turnips in winter, and plant twenty acres of grass to feed livestock.”

Pei Di did a mental calculation and said: "In this way, we can harvest 116 grains and beans in two years. Turnips are difficult to calculate. There are very few people in the Central Plains. I don't know how much I can harvest per acre. I'm really ashamed." Bianzhou farmland, two

Three crops a year, the same 60 acres, yielding 150 bushels of grains and beans in two years."

116 Dendrobium seems to be less than 150 Dendrobium, but other people’s turnip yields are also quite large. Or instead of planting turnips, plant cereals that mature quickly, such as mung beans. If you harvest them before it snows, you can harvest several crops per acre.

Dou. To put it into perspective, with the same 60 acres of land, the harvest of grains and beans by farmers in Lingxia may be slightly less than that in Henan.

But they still have twenty acres of pasture land and feed twenty large livestock, which produce milk every year. After the livestock are slaughtered, there is also a harvest of meat, skins, horns and the like.

Pei Di is engaged in finance and taxation, and is particularly sensitive to these things. After doing the calculation, he was very envious.

Fortunately, Shu De had such a bad start!

Xia Suiyinyou only had more than 100,000 Han residents, which was less than one-tenth of the household registration of Boying in Bian and Song Dynasties. Shude worked hard for so many years just to make up for the gap between the two sides when they started.

But now that his territory has expanded, it's another story. Fortunately, the three-field system cannot be promoted everywhere. In large and densely populated towns such as Weibei, Huazhou, and Henan, he cannot do this.

Play, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

"Jing Sima, might Henan follow suit?" Pei Di asked.

"It's difficult." Jingxiang sighed and said: "The twenty prefectures of Xuanwu, including the four prefectures of Luo, Ru, Meng, and Huai, can be tried. The other prefectures have many household registrations, all the land has owners, and there are few livestock.

It’s difficult to promote.”

"It's a pity." Pei Di smacked his lips and said with great regret: "Shu Deguang can be called a saint in ancient times, right? It has done great merit to the people of the world."

Jingxiang remained silent. Li Zhen and Wei Zhao both turned their eyes to Pei Di and glared at him.

"Slip of my tongue, my slip of the tongue!" Pei Di laughed and covered up his embarrassment: "Shu De's conduct is too bad. He is an insult to women. It is useless to be kind to the people of the world. If his conduct is not upright, no matter how much he does, it will be useless."

For some of these Founder scholars, the requirements for personal morality are indeed relatively high. Even if you have made great achievements and made outstanding contributions to the country and the people, as long as your private morality is not good, especially the most serious private morality of the lower third path

, then you are not good enough, and merit is nothing. But as long as you have good personal ethics, even if you have no achievements and the people have difficulty living under your rule, you are still a gentleman and will be praised by others.

After all, they are not the same as the people. They are like spectators. What does the people's sufferings have to do with me? I only care about whether you have good moral character, whether you are worthy of association, and whether you are in line with my values.

Of course, this situation is not serious at this time. If Neo-Confucianism becomes dogmatic, it will be more difficult for people like Shao Shude to make a fortune. It is impossible to promote people based on talent, and it is more reliable to promote people based on virtue. However, in this world, people with both political integrity and talent

After all, saints are so rare that they are rare.

Jingxiang glanced at Pei Di without any trace and said nothing.

Pei Di is also unscrupulous in what he says. In fact, he is on the same side as himself and does not care much about his lord's personal ethics. He cares more about expressing his ambitions and using the world as a chessboard to realize his ideals.

"Ahem..." Wei Zhao cleared his throat and interjected: "I heard that Shude raped his concubine, can you spread the word to the world so that people with lofty ideals can see his true face?"

"Yes!" Li Zhen slapped the table and said with a smile: "I have wanted to do this for a long time. Dong Zhuo is the master who brought disaster to the country and the people. People with outstanding intelligence will hear about it and will be ashamed to work for him."

Jingxiang sighed softly.

Once upon a time, the only way to deal with Shao Shude was to encircle and suppress him with a large army, and defeat him openly in the battle formation. Even Li Zhen and Wei Zhao, the strategies they had offered before were mostly about military strategy. How had they ever played such a disgusting trick?


What's wrong? No confidence in defeating Shu De?

Moreover, the effect of this trick is very limited.

Among all the warriors in the world, how many are perfect? ​​It means a child of a family with upright character. If you go to this big dyeing vat for ten or eight years, it will be good if you don't turn into Li Hanzhi.

Brutal and murderous people: Zhu Xuan, Zhu Jin, Shi Pu.

The extravagant and lustful people: Dong Chang, Qian Liu, Zhu Mei.

Arrogant people: Li Keyong, Li Kan, Luo Hongxin.

The lustful and evil people: Shao Shude, Li Kuangwei, Zhu Er.

Yang Xingmi is a little better, but he was murderous in his early years and killed his enemies at every turn. In recent years, he somehow changed his temper. After the death of his close adviser Yuan Xi, he suddenly became more tolerant. Is it possible that those in the past were the same?

Was Yuan Xi's suggestion for all the bloody killings?

"Perhaps we can contact Li Keyong?" After Li Zhen thought for a while, he made another move: "The Shao thieves are attacking me. Nanyang, Hanoi, and Luoyang are sending out troops, making it difficult for me to take care of both. If the Jin troops advance westward, Shao

It’s hard for a thief to take care of both."

Jingxiang's expression changed after hearing this.

If Li Keyong is really willing to use troops against Shao Shude, it will be like Zhe Zongben launching an offensive from Nanyang, which will cause Shao Shude to divide his troops to guard his home base, and his frontline troops will be reduced by half, making it difficult to make progress.

But is Li Keyong willing to give up Youzhou's huge interests? This is a question.

Furthermore, Li Keyong and Prince Dongping are not on good terms. This matter is quite difficult to handle. Maybe we can start with the people around Li Keyong. They are not as stubborn as Sha Tuozi, but they can still listen to people.


In today's situation, the Shao bandits have become a serious problem, not only for Bianzhou, but also for Taiyuan.

The biggest advantage of Shao Thief is not the large number of soldiers, but his position. Jingxiang is experienced in military affairs and is very envious of Shao Thief's rear being safe and sound. If Li Keyong is willing to take action, Shao Thief will have no rear. This can be fundamentally solved

reverse the current situation.

"I heard that the mastermind of Ke Yong is very smart and smart, so he might send envoys to contact him and talk about his interests." Wei Zhao also said: "Shude occupied the middle of the river, and if he occupied Heyang again, he would threaten the Shangdang. How can Ke Yong take it easy?

See it?"

"The difficulty is how to convince Li Keyong." Li Zhendao.

"Maybe this way..."

The two of them talked about each other seriously, until Zhu Quanzhong strode in.

"See you, Marshal." Everyone saluted together.

Zhu Quanzhong returned the gift and then sat down together.

"Commander, the situation in Heyang" Li Zhen looked at Zhu Quanzhong and planned to make some suggestions.

Zhu Quanzhong stretched out his hand to stop him, turned to look at Jingxiang, and asked: "Jing Sima, it has been raining for days and the fields are waterlogged, so the harvest will be poor. Have you ever inspected it?"

"Don't worry, Commander. A few days ago, I inspected the counties with my subordinates. The ditches, ponds, and ponds have smooth drainage. The water in Bianhuanhui, Caiying, and Huaihe Rivers rose three feet in two days, but the river embankments are stable and there will be no disaster." Jingxiang replied.


Zhu Quanzhong nodded with satisfaction.

Henan has a well-developed water system, which not only provides convenient shipping, but also irrigates fertile fields. It can be said to be their lifeline. Zhu Quanzhong attaches great importance to mulberry farming. The most common question about mulberry farming is about mulberry farming. He went on several expeditions and confiscated goods.

In addition to being used for rewards and pensions for soldiers in the army, they also find ways to purchase cattle and rent them to the people for farming at low prices.

This attitude of attaching importance to people's livelihood is already a great advantage among martial artists all over the world, and this is the main reason why Jingxiang is willing to call himself "an old slave of the Zhu family".

He came from an ordinary background. When he was a child, he saw a lot of suffering among the people, and he was very sympathetic to the hardships of people's lives. For many years, he had been looking for a wise leader who was willing to care about people's livelihood. Later, he met Zhu Quanzhong in Bianzhou. The two met late.

From then on, Jingxiang helped me attentively and often worked all night long.

"Commander, my servant has something to say, please give the order to retreat immediately." Wei Zhao was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zhu Quanzhong with a smile.

"Judge Pei, you are in charge of the Prison Qiangu. Can you give out all the pensions for the soldiers who died in the war?" Zhu Quanzhong asked.

"Commander, everything has been sent," Pei Di replied.

Zhu Quanzhong nodded again and said: "Xuzhou is newly broken. Although spring sowing has begun this year, the people's homes do not have much food left, so they may not be able to sustain the harvest. We can transport a batch of grain along the Bian River to prepare for the relief of the people. Hmm.

, use work in exchange for relief, and renovate the Pichi that has been abandoned for a long time in Xusu. If Pu doesn't repair it, I will repair it."

"Yes." Pei Di responded.

After saying this, Zhu Quanzhong looked at Li Zhen and Wei Zhao, laughed loudly, and said: "Look how anxious you are! The war with the Shao thief, w.; is not a matter of one or two years. If you don't repair the internal affairs,

How to fight externally? When Qin Zongquan attacked Bian, I suffered a defeat in Bajiao Town. Is it not much more dangerous than now? What a big deal! Both of them are talented, and they often give advice and hit the mark. But the situation in Heyang did not

The situation is so critical that we need to withdraw our troops immediately."

Zhu Quanzhong had just vented his anger on Mrs. Liu. He felt refreshed and his head was particularly clear. He just heard him say again: "Besides, even if you want to withdraw, you can't mess around. Some things have not been arranged yet."

"Commander, more than 100,000 people in Heyang have been fighting with the Shao thieves for more than three months. In addition, the situation is to emphasize internal affairs over internal affairs." Li Zhen said softly.

Jingxiang glared at him angrily.

The smile on Zhu Quanzhong's face did not change, but Jingxiang was too familiar with him. After careful observation, he still found some clues.

Li Zhen, a thief, knows how to wield power!

"Commander, even if you want to withdraw, you must have a plan. How to defend the three cities of Heyang, how to arrange the army at Zhiguan, and how to equip the defenders at the ferry crossings in Henan. These must all be straightened out one by one." Jingxiang said: "Why?

Are you just going to quit?"

Zhu Quanzhong smiled and said nothing, but his smile gradually solidified.

The suspicion has returned again! Jingxiang sighed secretly, thinking that he would have to ask for a meeting in private later and talk about it properly.

However, the Prince of Dongping County is about to go to Caozhou to inspect the military camp, so we must hurry up. If that doesn't work, send Liu to find out the news?

Jingxiang's face twitched. The Prince of Dongping County often called his wife into the palace. Although she borrowed the name of the princess, Jingxiang was a smart man. How could he not know what was going on?


However, there are advantages to marrying Mrs. Liu, because this woman is also responsible for monitoring him. This way, the Duke of Dongping County can know that I, Jingxiang, am loyal, and I can better display my ambitions.

It's not easy to do something.

This chapter has been completed!
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