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Chapter fifty-ninth there is always an end

"General Xie, what do you think of the situation in the world?" Su Junqing and Xie Bin stood overlooking the sandbar in the middle of the river.

The sandbank is full of smoke. The cavalry troops left yesterday, but the navy is here again.

In order to speed up the withdrawal of troops, they could not wait to send the people to Biankou, but sent them to the nearby Zhongli City Pier, and then let them leave on foot.

Almost all the navy and civilian ships were in use. There were also people evacuating at the ferry to the east, including many civilians, farm cattle, and military baggage, which accounted for the most transportation capacity.

The Battle of Heqing came and went in a hurry.

"I am a martial artist and I don't know a few words. How can I understand the general trend of the world? How about Judge Su explain it to me?" Xie Bin said with a smile.

He looked full of energy, not like he had suffered a defeat at all...

"The land of the Central Plains has been densely populated and rich since ancient times. The king of Dongping County went out to Bianzhou, carried a three-foot sword, and wiped out Bo. Ying rebelled and subdued Bian. The old army of the Song Dynasty defeated Huang Chao, and Qin Zongquan defeated Shi Pu again. , defeated Zhu Xuan, Zhu Jin, and Luo Hongxin several times. It can be said that the huge territory was built with one sword and one gun, so the soldiers are extremely convinced." Su Junqing said.

Jie Bin looked at him with some confusion, why did he say good things for Zhu Quanzhong?

Su Junqing smiled and said: "But what I want to say is, why did Prince Dongping fight all over the country from east to west? Because Henan itself was the place of the Four Wars, it had to be like this."

Jie Bin listened quietly.

"Just like the three cities of Heyang." Su Junqing patted the female wall and said: "In the Later Wei Dynasty (Northern Wei Dynasty), Emperor Wen of Luo built Beizhonglangfu City as a barrier to the capital. During the reign of Emperor Zhuang, Liang general Chen Qingzhi came to attack Luoyang. , crossed the river to guard the North City. During the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties, Qi Shenwu sent a series of generals to guard this place, built Zhongli City, and set up Heyang Pass. The Zhou Dynasty main attack on Qi also came here and set fire to the pontoon bridge, which was destroyed. The dynasty was in chaos. At that time, Li Guangbi stood firm here and thwarted Shi Siming's plot to burn the floating bridge. In the past dynasties, those who used troops to have affairs involving Luoyang all fought for the control of the bridge, and if they couldn't fight, they would burn it. Those who had affairs involving the Central Plains all fought for Luoyang, and those who had affairs involving the world , all fight for the Central Plains. The Central Plains is the place where the four battles took place, and Luoyang is the place of suffering and despair that is exposed to the wind everywhere."

Xie Bin chewed silently.

"In what way is Shao Shude better than Zhu Quanzhong? In terms of military bravery, literary talent, reputation, or appearance? None." Su Junqing said to himself: "Shude is stronger because he has a rear, but Quanzhong does not. The Xia army marched from Heluo, Heyang, and Nanyang. The Tibetan people were like leeks in the field, one crop after another crop sprouted up, and tens of thousands of lives were lost, right? If someone were to go from west to east at this time , attack Hexi and Longyou, and threaten Fengxiang, Yingning, and Jingyuan towns. Shude must be greatly frightened, lead his troops to retreat, and personally lead the westward expedition. He must calm the rear before he dares to go east. Why? Hexi, Longyou When the towns in the western frontier continue to provide Shu De with horses, soldiers, equipment, money and food, if they are captured or not captured by others, it will mean that someone has established a separate empire and Shu De will lead an army to conquer it. Next time he goes east Come, I don’t know when it will be. Sometimes time is wasted on this.”

Xie Bin let out a long sigh and looked at Henan in the distance. His eyes seemed to have penetrated many obstacles and landed on the ruined Luoyang.

"Quanzhong will not be defeated for a while, but it will not be able to survive for many years because of its left and right support. Unless the towns support him with equipment, money and food, then Shude will be fighting half of the world, and it will naturally be difficult to win. But what does that have to do with us? By the time Yang Xingmi and others send money and food to support Bianzhou, the Xuanwu Army will no longer be relevant. In this case, it is better to change the Ming Dynasty." Su Junqing finally said the last words, which shocked Xie Bin and made him speechless for a long time.

"The longer we delay, the less valuable the goods in our hands will be." Su Junqing pressed closer to Xie Bin and said in a low voice: "General Xie has more than three thousand troops, and he can hold Mengzhou firmly in his hands. Let's cut off the gates and lock them up, sealing the four gates. The group of Bian Song warriors in Zhongli City are afraid that they can't do anything to us. Then we will send envoys to Heqing and surrender the city, which will be a big help. Of course, if General Jie If we can capture the city of Zhongli and sacrifice it together, the merit will be even greater."

Xie Bin said nothing because he felt a little sorry for Zhang Quanyi.

"General Xie is worried about being embarrassed to meet Zhang Shuai?" Su Junqing smiled and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter. We can send people to Heqing first, meet with Shao Shude in private, and ask for surrender in the name of Zhang Shuai. After everything is settled, we will If we support Zhang Shuai out of the city, Zhang Shuai will naturally understand our painstaking efforts."

Xie Bin suddenly felt that Su Junqing was scary.

He betrayed Li Hanzhi once, and now wants to betray Zhang Quanyi. He is all planning for himself, but he is still talking about the general trend of the world, as if he is trying to glorify himself. In the final analysis, is it not a rebellion or a mutiny?

When warriors say mutiny, they mutiny. They never talk nonsense about the general trend of the times. They are very above board.

"General Xie didn't say anything, so I'll take it as your acquiescence." Su Junqing waited for a long time and asked tentatively: "Maybe you can secretly send an envoy to meet Shude?"

Xie Bin suddenly laughed and said: "Finally you still have some conscience. If you just said that you would kidnap Zhang Shuai to present the city, I would have killed him with one blow. In that case, you and I will each send an envoy to go with you?"

"It should be so." Su Junqing forced a smile.

"Did Qibi Zhang not obey the order?" In Baiyacang City, Shao Shude was holding the military report in his hand, feeling a little unhappy.

Part of the Feilong Army crossed the river and marched eastward, and pursued tentatively, but were defeated by the Bian Army.

The tiger's skin has been pierced. Are the retreating Bian troops still afraid of you?


The pursuit of 30,000 to 40,000 people by 10,000 or 20,000 people originally relied on momentum. Now that you have lost your psychological advantage, you will definitely be at your wits end later and you will not be able to pursue them all the way.

In the territory east of Qinshui, we still have to send troops from the Heqing side and attack from the north and the south in order to drive away the Bian army, although they are now crossing the river to Zhengzhou.

As for when the main force on the south route will be dispatched, it is actually very soon.

There are fewer and fewer troops left in Pang Shigu's camp. Jianrui troops, native Tuan peasants, and various cavalry troops continue one after another, either walking on the Heyang pontoon bridge or by boat, and are now scattered in Heyin, Sishui, and Luo. In the vast area of ​​​​Kou, Biankou, Heyang Zhongli City, and Nancheng.

The number of the Xiongwei Army has not been seen for two days, but it seems that they have not withdrawn yet, and may be making preparations to cross the river and leave.

The main forces of the Xia army attacked the stronghold continuously, and obtained a lot of baggage, food and grass abandoned by the Bian army, which made a small fortune.

However, starting from June 11, the offensive was suspended.

After all, the Tutuan villagers in Shaozhou counties are not leeks that grow in the ground. They have been fighting frequently in the past year or two and have suffered heavy casualties. It is really not appropriate to continue fighting.

Shao Shude learned that he ordered to recruit one Ding from each household in Wangwu County, and a total of 10,000 Ding was recruited. However, in fact, the 10,000 households in Wangwu County only existed based on household registration, and there were not so many. Many had only one person.

All the households had died and became extinct. However, Wangwu County still sent 10,000 people. You can imagine how it was done. Anyway, there were many white-haired Tibetan people on the battlefield.

The exhausted Wuwei Army has withdrawn to rest and will no longer participate in subsequent battles.

At present, the Tielin Army and the Tiande Army still have some remaining strength, but the Bian Army, which is attacking deep ditches and high fortresses, seems to be unable to do so.

The Bian army left a lot of food and grass in some abandoned camps, and the Xia army collected it, and then began a sit-in war, which reflected a silent tacit understanding.

This war will eventually end.

"Commander, Xiuwu, Huojia, Wude, Wuzhi, Heyang, and Wen counties have to gather the army and march eastward before they can collect them one by one." Chen Cheng handed a plan to Shao Shude.


Shao Shude looked at it briefly and then asked: "Will the Bian army build a Qinshui defense line and refuse to leave?"

"It's unlikely." Chen Cheng said: "After autumn, the Qinshui River is shallow and it is very easy to ford it, and it is impossible to transport food by boat. The Bian army said that our cavalry army is large and it is easy to cut off its food route. If we send a large army to escort

Food and grass can be guaranteed, but it is not worthwhile to spend too much force just for a few pieces of uninhabited land. The Bian army may retain some strongholds, such as the ferry in the south of Wuzhi County and the north city of Heyang.

There are some thoughts of going north to regain the lost territory in the future, but most of them are of no use."

"You are still so mean when you speak." Shao Shude laughed and said: "Zhu Quanzhong probably regretted it. This battle was not worth fighting. If he had known better, he would have just guarded those ferries. The main force continued to attack Zhu Xuan and Zhu Jin. Maybe they would have taken the

We have visited some prefectures and counties. In fact, I am very curious, how will Zhu Quanzhong respond next?"

"Leave troops to garrison in the fortified city on the north bank, and send scouts out continuously to collect intelligence on our army. At the same time, leave fast-moving troops on the south bank of the river, such as the mule army, to provide support at any time. Even if our army sneaks across and goes south, we can still go around to provide relief."

Chen Cheng replied, obviously thinking about it for a long time.

"What if we send the cavalry south when the river freezes in winter?"

"In the past, when the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties were fighting, the Western Wei Dynasty was weak, so they sent people to chip away at the thick ice, making it impossible for the Eastern Wei army to pass through the ice. When Zhou and Qi were fighting, it was the Qi people's turn to chip away at the ice."

Shao Shude laughed and said, "You can always find a place to cross the river."

"It is still necessary to obtain a stronghold on the south bank." Chen Cheng said seriously: "Otherwise, it will be a small fight. On the river, the ice is not very thick everywhere, and it will be quite troublesome for the Bian army to form a stronghold and defend it."

Shao Shude nodded.

Now it is the confrontation between Liang and Jin on both sides of the Yellow River during the later generations' struggle for hegemony. The two sides fought back and forth here for 15 years. But Shao Shude's situation was better than that of Li Cunxu. After all, the latter was not strong enough and had to rely on clever tricks and normal hard-fought.

He will be wasted to death by those who have a strong family background.

Shao Shude's advantage mainly lies in the existence of Tang and Deng Suizhe Zongben, which prevents the Bian army from deploying its full defense.

But compared to Li Cunxu, he also had a disadvantage, that is, the combat effectiveness of the Bian army at this time was far inferior to that of Shi Shucong, Zhu Yougong, Wang Zhongshi, Fan Jushi and other generals. Ding Hui, Liu Zhijun and other generals defected to the enemy, and the Bian army launched a general purge.

What can be compared after people's hearts are in turmoil. In his later years, Zhu Quanzhong's move to cut down vassals and kill generals directly ruined the back Liang Dynasty.

But it doesn't matter, I have patience, and I will wear you to death.


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