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Chapter 63 Doing hard work?

Dark night, misty rain, gentle wind.

On the post road between Wansheng Town and Heyin County, a silent army was passing by.

There was no noise or complaint, the torch ran like a long dragon into the distance.

"When Da Lang travels far, he can drink this cup to his full capacity." In Wansheng Town, Zhu Quanzhong held up his wine bottle and looked in high spirits.

Zhu Zhen picked up the wine bottle and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking the wine, the two laughed together, as if they had cleared up their past feud.

"Are you sure of going here?" Zhu Quanzhong looked at Zhu Zhen with burning eyes and asked.

"Not sure." Zhu Zhen replied.

"You still have such a bad temper!" Zhu Quanzhong laughed and scolded: "Whenever you use soldiers, you think of the thieves as wise and powerful, and you restrain yourself."

"If you suffer a loss, you will naturally have a long memory." Zhu Zhen said with a wry smile...

Zhu Quanzhong's eyes narrowed, and he secretly wondered if Zhu Zhen's words had any other meaning. Was he referring to the fact that he had believed the Yun people's false surrender and entered the city hastily, resulting in the annihilation of all the soldiers who entered the city, or was he talking about being left idle by himself? Dispersed?

However, he soon realized that now was not the time to say this, and said with a smile: "It's better to be cautious. I'll leave the defense of Dahe to you."

"Do your best." Zhu Zhen doesn't promise anything, that's what he says, always leaving room for himself.

"I believe you." Zhu Quanzhong stood up in person, poured another glass of wine for Zhu Zhen, and said, "Do you still remember the time you and I faced off against Shao in the Tongzhou War?"

"Is it Zhuge Shuang's time?"

"Yes." Zhu Quanzhong sat down and said: "Zhuge Shuang is in command, with Zhu Mei, Yi Zhao and Shao Shude as generals. The whole army must have twenty or thirty thousand people, right? I only have more than ten thousand soldiers and horses, arrayed outside the city. Defeat Yizhao and fail to attack the Shao thieves' main formation, so retreat."

"Many old brothers died that time." Zhu Zhen was a little sad.

"Even if he doesn't die, he will be taken away by Wang Chongrong." Zhu Quanzhong sighed.

He had few soldiers at that time, but Meng Kai was jealous of him and withheld all his letters asking for help. As a result, Huang Chao and Shang Rang did not know about Tonghua's situation at all, and they surrendered to the court in anger.

After the surrender, the only 10,000 soldiers were annexed by Wang Chongrong. However, Wang showed some conscience and finally allowed Zhu Quanzhong to pick a battalion of 500 men and take them away, leaving the town to proclaim Wu as commander.

"Wang Chongrong didn't end well either." Zhu Zhen said with a smile: "It's a pity that those ten thousand old brothers were annexed by Wang Chongrong and incorporated into the Hezhong Army. Last year, the Shao bandits attacked Hezhong, and I don't know how many people died in the battle."

"Let's not talk about them. Now our foundation is in Bianzhou. After you go to Zhengzhou this time, I will also run around. This foundation needs you and me to work together to maintain it. From now on, we will be rich and powerful together. Enjoy." Zhu Quanzhong raised the wine bottle again and said.

Zhu Zhen raised her glasses to each other.

Of course, he would only listen to half of what King Liang said. After going through this period of idleness, he wanted to understand many things. Once a person is rich, it is easy to forget and doubt his old brothers.

When the incident first broke out, King Liang was so wise and heroic, and he showed his sincerity to his old brothers. He shared blessings and hardships together, which is very convincing.

Zhu Zhen was also devoted to Zhu Quanzhong at that time, worked hard and accomplished many extraordinary achievements——

Training sergeants, recruiting new soldiers, fighting on the battlefield, etc., his achievements are outstanding and no one can compare with him.

Guo Yan made trouble by recruiting new soldiers in the same way, but Zhu Zhen was able to defeat the thieves with 10,000 new soldiers and return smoothly with more than a thousand horses.

At the critical moment of the battle for Yicheng Town, Zhu Zhen entered Huazhou at night and captured An Shiru.

Qin Zongquan was defeated outside Bianzhou City, curbing Cai's arrogance.

The Battle of Wukang Town severely damaged Shi Pu's main force and laid the foundation for victory.

Defeat the famous Wei Bo army several times and annihilate its elite leopard capital.

They attacked Caozhou and Puzhou, and when they attacked Yunzhou, they forced the thieves to surrender and were defeated.

Heyang defeated Li Keyong with great majesty.

It can be said that in the early days of Zhu Quanzhong's rise to power, Zhu Zhen's role was irreplaceable, and his military exploits far exceeded those of the other generals. He was the well-deserved number one general of the Bian Army.

In particular, he single-handedly brought out many new recruits, including Yang Yanhong, Li Sian, He Delun and other troops from Xuanwu's old army. He also selected and trained the Cai thieves he recruited.

He recommended dozens of generals to Zhu Quanzhong successively, and many of them were promoted by Zhu Zhen, and everyone was grateful for his kindness.

A person who has prestige, knows how to fight, always wins battles, has extremely deep connections in the military, and has trusted followers all over the states. Such a person will certainly not be tolerated by Zhu Quanzhong.

It's a good idea to invest in idle powder. If it had been Zhu Quanzhong's later years, his bones would have rotted away.

But at this difficult moment, Zhu Quanzhong also put aside his dignity and had a long talk with Zhu Zhen. His words were full of annoyance and destructiveness, and he reactivated this general and used him to stabilize the Yellow River defense line.

Zhu Zhen was a little moved, but more emotional.

If you weren't forced into this by Shao Shude, you wouldn't think of me, would you?

But no matter what, he still has feelings for Zhu Quanzhong and will not betray him. Even if he wants to, he probably won't be able to. The Bian Army, like the Xia Army, is a team led by the coach, and the number two is the number two.

Before the coach died, it was difficult to have a chance.

As for the son of the coach, of course it won't work. If Zhu Quanzhong conquers the world and dies before Zhu Zhen, then the first person he wants to kill before his death is Zhu Zhen, and there is no doubt that veterans like Hu Zhen will.

Zhu Zhen's family had already gone to Zhengzhou in advance, and this time it was Zhu Quanzhong who took the initiative.

At that time, Zhu Quanzhong was suspicious and lost his trust, and the trigger was Zhu Zhen bringing his family with him. Times have changed, and unexpectedly, Zhu Quanzhong offered to let Zhu Zhen take his family with him this time. It was like a completely different person.

After drinking the last glass of wine with Zhu Quanzhong, Zhu Zhen bowed and left in stride.

Zhu Quanzhong looked outside the inn for a long time, then got on his horse and walked back to Bianzhou at night.

The atmosphere in Bianzhou City is not as good as before.

Many soldiers who went on the expedition failed to return, and even their corpses were not known where they were buried, which made people extremely sad.

But as Wufu's family, they have long been accustomed to all this.

Since the difficult times, most wars have occurred in Henan Province. The distant ones include the Anshi Rebellion and its subsequent separatist rule in the three towns of Heshuo. The more recent ones include the Huaixi Rebellion and the Xuzhou Pangxun Rebellion. The most recent ones are the Huangchao and Qin Zongquan Rebellions, which are plagued by many disasters.

The difficult current situation has also tempered the strong will of the people of Henan, and this is also the main reason why Henan soldiers spread across the east and west and oppress the towns: the current situation dictates.

In the north, the best quality of troops is from Henan, followed by Hedong, then Hebei, and the Guanzhong troops should be of the worst quality, because they have been in peace for a long time.

Shao Shude refused to recruit soldiers from Guanzhong nearby. His first choice was soldiers from Henan, followed by soldiers from Guanbei and Helong. The soldiers who surrendered in Guanzhong only needed to be strong and strong. The peaceful life in Guanzhong made the people dare not fight desperately. In history, Fengxiang Li Maozhen's 60,000-strong army was defeated by Bian's army of five

Thousands of people were beaten to a pulp. Such soldiers are really frowned upon. Not to mention, Li Keyong can also abuse the princes in the pass at will. Although there is the factor of general ability, it is also a fact that he cannot defeat him in a frontal field battle.

This is actually a paradox. I fought hard to win a peaceful and prosperous life for the next generation. I can laugh at those places where fighting, killing and turmoil are still going on. But my next generation is actually not as ruthless as the people in those places.

They are more afraid of death and cannot defeat them, which makes people speechless.

Liu Zhijun came to Bianzhou under such circumstances.

The reforming army has been destroyed, and now the soldiers of Xu Town have to find another way out. King Liang seems to be beyond comparison with Shi Pu. Judging from his actions of relieving the people, repairing ditches, and encouraging production, it is clear that he is the master, and he is indeed more worthy of trust.


The prosperity of Bianzhou made him very emotional and thoughtful at the same time.

Living in such a place, if the old people of this generation can still fight, will the newcomers of the next generation still dare to risk their lives? Is it necessary to continuously recruit elite soldiers from other states to enrich the Bian Army? In this way, the children of Xu Zhen Military Academy may have a way out.

Liu Zhijun was quickly led into the Zhu Mansion. At this time, many people had come, but he didn't recognize most of them. He could only stand in the corner like a slave, listening silently.

"I am also responsible for the defeat of Heyang." Zhu Quanzhong sat at the top and said in a loud voice: "This battle was fought too hastily, and perhaps it should not have been launched. However, the two thieves Yan reappeared and harassed Caozhou, causing me to focus on one thing and not the other.

It’s all my fault.”

Everyone's expressions softened slightly after hearing this.

After Liang Wang was promoted to the title, he became more humble and took the responsibility for this battle on himself. Pang Shigu and Zhang Shensi came back from the defeat and did not blame him. Pang Shigu even continued to lead the army. Zhang Shensi will probably have a chance in the future, but he is currently in cold storage.

a period of time.

This has some effect on uniting people's hearts.

"Everyone has seen the strength of Xia Thief, and he is still very capable of fighting. Shao Shude has been in business for many years, and I heard that he has done a good job in Lingzhou. He can also gather people and fight, so he is a powerful enemy." Zhu Quanzhong continued: "From now on.

From now on, you can no longer be arrogant. The destruction of Huang Chao, Qin Zongquan, and Shi Pu are nothing, they are all gone. Now you have to start from scratch. Stabilize the situation first, and the chance of winning will be great. Where is Ru Cai?

News came that Ding Hui once again invaded Suizhou, plundered and returned, and returned to Shiguangzhou, which was occupied by thieves. He wiped it out and took over the five counties. This is a great victory."

Today's Bianzhou really needs some news of victory.

The Xia rebels were weak on the southern route. Ding Hui, Ge Congzhou and Yang Shihou were all talented generals. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses overwhelmed them and regained Shenzhou, which was captured by the Xia rebels. They then invaded the Tang Dynasty twice, followed the two states, and returned to the army again.

Gaining Guangzhou is the so-called loss of land and making up for it in the south. Although Shenzhou and Guangzhou are both vassal territory of Du Hong - they only belong to Du Hong in name.

Speaking of Eyue Town, the situation has been relatively stable recently.

Zhao Kuangning of Xiangyang has already withdrawn his troops and returned to his division. He may attack Duhong next, but it will not happen overnight.

After Wu, a local tycoon in Huangzhou, attacked Juzhou and surrendered to Yang Xingmi, Du Hong sent troops to attack. Yang Xingmi ordered Zhu Yanshou to lead the army to rescue him.

Feng Jingzhang, the governor of Qizhou, fought with the Huai army and won a small victory. However, he retreated to Qizhou with a large number of secret troops. The Huai soldiers surrounded Qizhou and could not attack it for a long time. They lost their troops and generals. Qi general Jia Gongduo led his troops from other counties to come for reinforcements and defeated the army.

The tribesmen who surrounded the city closely came to help the city.

Feng Jingzhang and Jia Gongduo were both thief commanders from Caizhou. They were brave and good at fighting, but they could not defeat the secrets, so they withdrew their troops.

However, Wu Tuo, the governor of Huangzhou, was intimidated by Du Hong, and Feng Jingzhang was so powerful that he thought he was invincible, so he presented his seal to Yang Xingmi. Xingmi officially took control of Huangzhou and is currently preparing for the second conquest of Eyue.

"Commander, it is indeed gratifying that General Ding defeated the thieves and controlled Guangzhou. However, Guangzhou is a state of Huainan Town. Although Jianghuai is full of troubles, it is difficult to take care of the beginning and end of the secret operation, and it is difficult to control for a while. However, this move may be harmful to the friendship between Bian and Yang.

, I hope the commander will be careful." Jingxiang said suddenly.

When Huainan Town was first established (756), it led Yang, Chu, Shu, He, Chu, Lu, Shou, Guang, and Su Jiuzhou, with a troop strength of 35,000. A year later, it deposed Suzhou and added An and Qi.

, Shen, Mian, An, and Huang were five prefectures. In that year, they also took over Guangzhou and had twelve prefectures under their jurisdiction.

Two years later, Mianzhou entered Eyue Town, and Shouzhou entered Huaixi Town. In the first year of Yongtai (765), Qi and Huang returned to Eyue. In the second year of Jianzhong (781), Sizhou was added; in the first year of Xingyuan

(784), stop receiving longevity, Hao, Lu...

The jurisdiction of this town has been changed frequently. Generally speaking, Yang, Chu, Shu, He, Lu, Shou and Chuqizhou are its traditional territories and have been under its jurisdiction for the longest time. The locals also consider themselves to belong to Huainan Town.

The three prefectures of Hao, Si, and Guang are often led by Huainan Town. They think they are Huainan people, Xuzhou people, or Cai people. It is hard to say and they are wavering.

But no matter what, according to the latest zoning, Hao and Si do not belong to Huainan Town, but Guangzhou belongs to Huainan Town.

Yang Xingmi's acquisition of Sizhou was "illegal", and Zhu Quanzhong's acquisition of Guang, Chu and Shou states was also "illegal".

Zhu Quanzhong had just appointed Zhang Tingfan, the governor of Songzhou, as the governor of the reforming army. There were actually five states including Xu, Su, Hao, Shou, and Chu. Although he was angry about Yang Xingmi's acquisition of Sizhou, he acquiesced to it, obviously not wanting to worsen the relationship.

Although Guangzhou is actually in a state of separatism, just like the three states of Lu, He, and Xuan that rebelled before, is it appropriate for Dante to attack it without authorization? Jingxiang believes that there should be no extraneous matters at this time.

"You can send an envoy to Yangzhou to find out what's going on." Zhu Quanzhong said: "Yang Xingmi is attacking Du Hong, how can I take care of my face? Qian Liu is close to attacking Runchang, and Yang Xingmi has a lot of things to do."

Run, Chang Erzhou, belongs to the town of Western Zhejiang, and is Qian Liu's territory. Runzhou is the administrative seat of Western Zhejiang and is occupied by Yang Xingmi. Qian Liu can only live in Hangzhou. How can he not be angry? War is inevitable.

Yang Xingmi is also a man who fights on two sides and is very courageous. I heard that he is still coveting Jiangxi recently and actually wants to fight on three sides. If he and Xuanwu are at odds again, might he want to fight on all sides? He doesn't have the ability yet.

Jingxiang agreed: "It's also good to have a talk. The commander-in-chief needs to pay more attention to the states along the Huaihe River."

"This is natural." Zhu Quanzhong nodded.

Yesterday he had just beheaded the general Zhang Conghui. Zhu Quanzhong sent him to Shouzhou to appease him, but he turned out to be domineering and insulted Jiang Yanwen, the governor of Shouzhou. At the same time, he drank with the Shouzhou generals at night. Jiang felt that Zhu Quanzhong was going to deal with him, so he killed Zhang Conghui who was dating him.

Shouzhou Military Academy, and then committed suicide by leaving a suicide note to Zhu Quanzhong.

Zhu Quanzhong was furious and killed Zhang Conghui, and appointed Jiang Yanwen's son Jiang Congxu as the governor of Shouzhou to appease him. The governor of Sizhou, Zhang Jian, defected to Yang Xingmi instead of Zhu Quanzhong because of the insult from the Bianzhou envoy.

He is now trying to slowly gain direct control over the states that have taken refuge there, but the rise of Yang Xingmi in Huainan has complicated things and cannot be messed with.

Jingxiang gave the idea, first focus on wealth, which Pei Di was already doing. Then send his troops to go out to fight. This time, some people died in Heyang, and their strength was somewhat depleted.

If nothing else, Shouzhou should be the first to be actually controlled. Jiang Yanwen killed so many Shouzhou Military Academy. Although the military still recognized his son Jiang Congxu, his status was completely unstable and he was basically controlled by Bianzhou.

In comparison, Chuzhou is a bit dangerous.

But no matter how difficult it is, we must do it! Zhu Quanzhong discussed with Jingxiang and other staff until midnight last night. He did not talk about the defeat of the Heyang Army, but only talked about the internal affairs of the Xuanwu Army. His intention to sort out the internal affairs and strengthen control was very obvious, so as to do his best to cooperate with Shao Shude


Jingxiang was somewhat pleased with this.

He used to think that the Xuanwu Army conquered the east and west and won consecutive battles, so that everyone in Bianzhou became very proud and looked down on others. This was very dangerous.

What happened in Shouzhou and Sizhou should be taken as a warning. An envoy can be arrogant, belittle and insult others, and think of himself as a winner. Isn't this a loss of consciousness?

If the commander can sober up, the people below him will also be able to restrain themselves. The current situation really can no longer be "floating".

Work hard, be humble and treat others, and fight to the death against the Xia thieves. Only in this way can you have a chance of victory. Jingxiang noticed that his wife, Mrs. Liu, had not been in the house for a long time. He knew that the marshal really felt the crisis, so he began to try his best to cheer up, and began to slowly

Retrieve the situation as it was when the uprising occurred.

"Liu Kaidao is here too!" Zhu Quanzhong turned his eyes, saw Liu Zhijun, and laughed.

"See you, Your Majesty." Liu Zhijun immediately stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"No need to be polite." Zhu Quanzhong stood up in person, took Liu Zhijun's hand, acted like a courteous corporal, and said with a smile: "Wearing armor, riding a horse, wielding a sword to kill the enemy, bravely defeating the army, Liu Kaidao's name is resounding throughout Xuzhou.

Now that you have a tiger general, you must have a banquet."

Liu Zhijun was a little moved and said: "How dare you not die for your Majesty!"

"You have your chance." Zhu Quanzhong laughed boldly: "The bandits have resurrected and are invading Caozhou. They need strong generals to guard them before they can feel at ease. If Liu Kaidao doesn't leave, when will Caozhou be safe?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked. After the news reached Caozhou, Wang Zhongshi and He Delun probably felt more pressure and could not kill Zhu Xuan desperately?

Liu Zhijun also feels a lot of pressure, but he is confident. Isn't it just fighting to kill the enemy? Even if you risk your life, you have to make meritorious deeds.

Zhang Quanyi stood in the hall and watched silently.

He felt that King Liang seemed to be a completely different person, a bit like he was when he led his army to defeat Qin Zongquan. In recent years, with the defeat of the Cai thieves, Er Zhu, and Shi Pu were defeated, Luo Hongxin, Du Hong and others became vassals and paid tribute.

, Hao, Shou, Chu, Cao and other states came to surrender one after another. King Liang was inevitably a little complacent. It was not until he was slapped hard by Shao that he sobered up.

When news of the military rebellion in the north city of Heyang and the killing of all the Bian soldiers in the city reached Nancheng, Zhang Quanyi was still in Zhu Yougong's army and was controlled on the spot.

When the King of Liang heard the news, he did not blame him. He specially summoned him to Bianzhou, gave him a mansion, rewarded the two beauties, and remarried him to his wife and concubines. This move made people feel at ease.

But Zhang Quanyi was uneasy.

He could see that the King of Liang was still the same King of Liang, and he was still very suspicious. It was just that Heyang was newly defeated and needed to gather people's hearts and put on a show.

He didn’t know how King Liang would arrange for him. Will he ask me to return to Luoyang?

If you really let me go back, I will be very impressed. If you don't, I will still be the same person as before, but my suspicion will be hidden deeper.

Liu Zhijun was highly praised, but he was transferred out of Xuzhou and went to Caozhou to fight for his life. Is this a good thing? Maybe it is, maybe not.

If you lose your foundation, you will be like a lost dog. Alas! How many people are selling me face in Luoyang now? After a while, Pei Di is afraid that he will go there to deploy people to clean up his property, land, and military power.

Seize, what is left?

This time he became a real subordinate!

"Today's banquet, you all will stay, and we'll stop after you've finished your fun!" After encouraging Liu Zhijun, Zhu Quanzhong loudly announced: "Shao Thief, it's just a small victory. When I regain my strength, I will naturally capture and kill him.


Everyone naturally echoed loudly, and the atmosphere was quite lively for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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