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Chapter 1 Fundamentals

 The autumn evening is a little noisy.

Xiao Die had someone bring a chair, sat on it, and waited quietly.

He was born in Nanliangfang of the Xiao family, the son of Xiao, and is currently the magistrate of Fuhan County in Hezhou.

As the seat of the Longyou Jiedu Envoy, the post of Yuhanling had never been given to outsiders. It was either a descendant of the Xiao family or an old official who was a disciple of the Xiao family.

In the third year of Dashun, Xiao Die took office, and it has been two years now.

Panhan County is still accepting immigrants, mainly Guanzhong households. Actually, there are not many, only twenty or thirty households a year.

There was a group of newly arrived people in front of them, from Wugong County, Jingzhao Prefecture, and miscellaneous officials were registering them.

"What's your name?" the envoy asked...

"Niu Dalang."

"No name?"

"That's Cow Dalang."

The envoy was stunned for a moment, but he still finished copying it seriously.

"How old are you?"


"When Jingzhao Mansion sent it, it said you were forty years old, why are you thirty again?"

"That's forty, I can't remember clearly."

The envoy raised his head, looked at him carefully for a long time, and finally wrote "thirty-five" to him.

This kind of situation is so common that he has long been used to it.

The Han people are pretty good, but many Tibetan people have no concept of age at all and are very ignorant.

Last time he registered one and asked him how old he was, the Qiang man said he might be thirty or fifty, which left him at a loss and had to rely on visual inspection, but the error was often very large.

"Don't run away. If you are caught, the fields will be confiscated and distributed to the mines." The messenger warned and went to the next household.

Immigrants who were resettled into households often fled, mostly Tibetan people.

People of the same tribe obviously support each other, form cliques, live together, and run away together. If you want to get information about someone whose whereabouts are unknown, his fellow villagers or people from the same tribe can definitely

Provide the most detailed information.

The main reason why the Tibetan people fled was because they refused to perform military service.

For example, a few months ago Xiao Yu, the military governor of Longyou, ordered 5,000 Tutuan villagers from He, Wei, Lin, Min, and Lan prefectures to march to Qingtang City to cooperate with the cavalry army, Xinquan army, Zhenguo army, and

The Luo, Liang, and Yang tribes suppressed the rebellious Tibetans.

The journey is long and blocked by mountains and rivers. You may die if you go there. The key is that there is no benefit.

But those who run are mainly singles, and those with families and jobs have a harder time.

The second biggest reason for running away is that they don't want to be disciplined, or they are not used to life, and there are many of them.

"What's your name?"

"Lu Rong, eight out of twenty." This is an exiled prisoner from Weizhou.

"Why didn't the family come?"

"I was taken back by my parents' family and I don't want to come."

The envoy noticed that this man was once a soldier, and couldn't help but take a second look. Uncle Wei Bowufu, it's incredible, if he hadn't offended someone, he would still be a popular drinker in his hometown.

"Don't run away, I'll catch you"

"I know." Lu Rong replied impatiently.

The envoy glared at him. It seemed that this guy didn't understand his situation. He was used to being a government soldier, right?

But he had a good heart. Although Lu Rong was ungrateful and looked like he was giving up on himself, he still said seriously: "Just settle down and live in peace. There is no shortage of women here. The forty-year-old widower has several children after he came.


Lu Rong was stunned for a moment and curled his lips, but finally said thank you.

"What's your name?" This is a Tibetan man, and he is still wearing shackles, which is relatively rare.

I don’t know what language the other party spoke, and the little messenger didn’t understand.

A driving officer came forward, talked to the man in native language, and then said: "The native regiment soldiers from Fengxiang Town went to Xingzhou to fight against grass thieves. Someone told him on the way that the first group of soldiers who went there died.

When he was naked, he ran away. Later, he planned to be sent to Tangzhou as a surprise general, but it happened that the commander-in-chief issued an order prohibiting criminals from joining the army, so he was sent here."

The envoy then understood and said: "I have worked hard in the forest farm for ten years, and I still owe fifty lashes. After the beating, I will send him to the forest farm."

Soon, several state soldiers who looked like wolves and tigers came forward and began to execute him in front of everyone.

The screams of agony shook the sky and the earth, and it was not until fifty lashes were given that he was dragged away and placed in a safe place.

Xiao Die watched for a long time, and when he saw that the time was almost up, he got up and left.

Receiving immigrants is a routine task for the Hewei states. The household registration register must be re-edited almost every few years, which is a huge workload.

The return journey is not very far and the scenery is very pleasant.

Xiao Die is a very "enthusiastic" pastoral poet. Although his poetry writing skills are average, he just likes to appreciate the countryside scenery, especially the slightly wild and unrestrained countryside like Hewei Countryside.

The flat valleys on both sides of the Daxia River are densely covered with farmland.

There is no trace of the old battlefield ten years ago. The common people are scattered among them, using their hard-working hands to strictly implement the new agricultural farming methods. In the past ten years, the livestock excrement, burning plant ashes and repeated planting of leguminous crops have extremely

The soil has been greatly improved, and there is almost no so-called barren land left. During Shao Shude's expedition to Lanzhou, he sent troops to secretly cross the Daxia River, defeat Tubo, and behead more than 2,000 people. This was the most critical battle to pacify Hezhou.

Hezhou governs the three counties of Panghan, Fenglin, and Daxia. In the fourth year of Dashun, the number of households was very close to 10,000, with more than 52,000 people, exceeding the household registration in Tianbao.

It’s just that the culture and education are not as strong as that! Xiao Die sighed. There are too many Qiang and Hu species among the more than 50,000 people now, and it can even be said to exceed the number of Han people. After nearly ten years of education, the results can only be said to be passable.

keep it up.

A melodious bell rang in the distance.

Xiao Die, who was riding on horseback, was looking for a place to look. Amidst the lush greenery, a Buddhist temple built against the mountain was vaguely visible.

The name of this temple is "Kaiyuan", which is the Kaiyuan Dynasty in the Xuanzong Dynasty that ordered all states in the world to build Kaiyuan Temple. After Hezhou fell to Tibet, the Tubo people did not think much of this temple because they were also fanatical about Buddha, but

The Kaiyuan Temple in Hezhou gradually fell into disrepair. The main reason was that a large number of people died or fled, making it difficult to maintain the temple.

After Xiao Yu left the town of Hezhou, he allocated funds to rebuild the temple, invited masters from Chang'an, opened a forum to teach the Dharma, and recruited many disciples.

It has to be said that Kaiyuan Temple still plays a considerable role in this area of ​​Pohan County. Both Tibetan and Han people like to go to this temple to pray for blessings. During important festivals, a market will be formed here.

There are many monk fields in Kaiyuan Temple, which are leased to the relocated Qiang people for farming.

The Qiang people are half-farmers and half-grazers, and their farming techniques are very crude.

Xiao Die once heard from his uncle Xiao Tao that when they left the town of Longyou at the end of the third year of Guangqi (887), the Tibetan people just stared at a piece of land and worked hard to plant barley or wheat, year after year, until the land was completely exhausted.

Then the land was abandoned and left uncultivated for five or six years, slowly growing overgrown with weeds, and the cycle started over and over again.

What is this called? This is called nomadic farming, which is different from nomadic herding, but not that big.

In fact, although Han people do not cultivate farmland, they still focus on planting a piece of land. Although there are some measures to fertilize the land, it is still not very effective. The yield per mu has never been increased. The largest number of middle fields has always hovered around the line of one dendrobium per mu.

After Longyou Town implemented the three-crop rotation system, the situation has greatly improved, and it is different here from Lingzhou. One acre of land over there is planted with alfalfa fertilizer this year, soybean fertilizer the second year, and wheat here.

It was alfalfa for two consecutive years, soybeans for two consecutive years, and wheat for two consecutive years. It was more worry-free and the yield was about the same. When Xia Wang first proposed this farming system, he probably didn't expect that the people would improve it themselves.

But it can only be planted for two consecutive years. Continuously planting millet and wheat will make the ground overgrown with weeds. If you don't spend effort to pull out the weeds, then the millet and wheat will not grow at all, which will undoubtedly cost a lot of manpower.

If you have little land at home, pulling weeds can be tolerated. For example, in the Jiangnan area, the average household has only a few acres to more than ten acres. The people have invested a lot of energy in intensive cultivation and carefully cared for the farmland, and they have achieved relatively high yields.

However, the land owned by a household in the Helong area is basically about 60 acres, and they have to take care of livestock, making it impossible to cultivate intensively, so crop rotation is very important.

Another variation is within four years: a rotation of spring wheat-winter turnip-spring soybeans-short-growing period cereals (such as mung beans)-Dawan alfalfa-winter wheat-coarse cereals. This efficiency seems to be higher.

There are so many tricks created by the common people, which are amazing. You just need to tell them the secrets of fertile fields of alfalfa and soybeans, and then use a large amount of livestock manure, and they will naturally know how to arrange the planting of crops.

The green and black city walls of Panhan County are clearly visible, and the nearby villages and people are gradually becoming denser.

Farmers and peasant women were in the fields, cutting down the neat wheat and placing it on the ridges, while the children were responsible for binding it.

In the alfalfa field separated by a ridge, the sheep grew fat and strong, almost as much as the smaller dolphins and pigs.

Xiao Die stopped and took a look.

Part of this year's autumn tax will be offset by sheep. According to the order of the Longyou shogunate, 40,000 sheep will be selected from Pohan County and sent to Huizhou.

Of course, it’s not Huizhou that needs sheep. In fact, Meng and Huaizhou need sheep. Huizhou itself is a large pasture. After the local sheep are sent to Heyang via Guanzhong, they supplement the sheep sent from Longyou Town to maintain the number of sheep.


It is the eighth consecutive year of peace, and it seems that there are still many more eight years to go. Nearly half a million people in 32 counties in ten prefectures in Longyou have actually lived a peaceful life for eight years in this troubled world, and have accumulated a lot of wealth.


During the prosperous age of Kaiyuan, people could have enough grain to sustain their lives for one year after farming for three consecutive years. How many years of grain surplus are there in the warehouses in the Hewei states now?

Such a solid foundation was the main reason why King Xia dared to act more and more fiercely in Qingtang.

The Longyou prefectures can still afford the five thousand combat soldiers, five thousand auxiliary troops, and more than 20,000 horses of the cavalry army. Even if they go out to pull out valleys during the battle in the future, and go to Gansu and Gansu in Hexi, they can completely support it.


The clan uncle Xiao Yu is about to go to Xia King's side to serve as a consultant to join the army, but most of the Xiao family's descendants will stay in Longyou, and Xiao Die still wants to continue to look at the future of this land.

I just don’t know who the new Longyou Jiedushi is. Could it be Du Rangneng from Liangzhou?

After breakfast, Du Rangneng, accompanied by his entourage, wandered around Bieye.

This is a place with beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains, rivers and forest waves.

It is actually not easy to have a dense forest in Liangzhou, so it has been favored by many wealthy people who built villas in this enclosure.

The scenery in Liangzhou is very different from that in the mainland.

During the Tianbao period, there were more than 20,000 households and a population of more than 100,000. It was perhaps the richest and most prosperous state and county in the Helong area.

Of course, judging from the works of some poets who served in the Hexi shogunate, the household registration here may be much more than what is shown in the account books. Although it may not be as exaggerated as "one hundred thousand households in seven miles of Liangzhou", the registers

The more than 20,000 listed above are definitely seriously underrepresented.

This is a prosperous trade node, an important animal husbandry town of the imperial dynasty, and the military and political center of Hexi. It is natural that it has a prosperous scene.

It’s the annual grape picking season again.

This year is already the sixth year since Liangzhou was recovered and production resumed in the second year of Wende (889), and it is also the third year that Du Rangneng served as the governor of Hexi Province.

Thanks to God's blessing, the summer in Dashun in the past three years was relatively warm, and many new buds sprouted from the grapes. The autumn that year was relatively cool, and the new buds grew well. The frosts in winter and spring were not serious, and this summer and early autumn were very warm. It was perfect.

Meets the conditions required for grape growth.

Du Genneng's villa was bought from others.

After serving as prime minister for several years, his eunuch's purse was still very rich, and he had more than enough money to buy this garden with vineyards, fields, woods, and ponds located on the outskirts of Guzang County.

Some Tibetan people are employed in the vineyard to pick grapes. As for brewing, Jingzhao Dushi has its own professionals. God is willing to thank you. Not only can you brew more grape wine this year, but the taste will also be very good.

The only regret is that his two eldest sons and his most beloved daughter are not around.

One is an official in Dangxia Prince's Mansion, the other is an official in Shaozhou, and the daughter is in Alas. When mentioning this talented daughter, Du Renneng wants to cover his face. His position as a military governor...

"Brother, the method taught by King Xia is indeed effective." After returning to the mansion, the fourth brother Du Yongli hurried in and said.

After Du Rangneng came out to control Liangzhou, like Xiao Tao from Hezhou, he brought many relatives to take office. His fourth brother Du Yongli, who was originally a scholar in the court, came over and became the judge of the shogunate camp for two years.

too much.

"How?" Du Rangneng asked, sniffing the wine in front of him.

"A cow produces three times as much milk in one day as before." Du Yongli said excitedly.

"This..." Du Rangneng sat up straight, his eyes wandering, not knowing what he was thinking.

In fact, this incident originated from a casual chat.

Du Renneng and Shao Shude were eating beef and chatting about milk. Then Shao Shude seemed to suddenly think of something and told Du Renneng a way to try it in Liangzhou. At the same time, Shao Shude also found

People from Lingzhou Agricultural Science came and asked them to select some cows for experiments.

As for what Shao Shude suddenly thought of, it was actually an anecdote that he had learned about later in life. He had forgotten it before, but suddenly he remembered it.

In the early 17th century, brandy, a highly distilled wine, became popular in Europe. During the production of brandy, a residual waste was produced. At that time, many cattle were generally raised in urban areas of major European cities, such as Copenhagen, Denmark.

Urban cattle farmers first mixed this residue into feed such as hay and wheat straw and fed it to their cattle, and then something magical happened.

Cows that eat this kind of feed produce 20 liters of milk every day, while cows in rural areas that only eat hay and wheat straw produce less than 6 liters of milk in the same period. The gap is huge. Of course, compared with the output of later milk-producing countries, it is much weaker.

The average cow in the United States produces 58 liters of milk per day.

The secret of the Danes could not be hidden soon, and was spread to England, the United Provinces, France, and the German region. Brandy residue was fed among different breeds of cattle, and the milk production was greatly improved, so that this kind of cow was imaged

Known as "Brandy Cow".

Why Brandy Cows produce so much milk may be because brandy residues belong to the dregs type feed. According to later generations, dregs type feeds have high water content, more energy and protein, large volume, good palatability, and are used to regulate the appetite of cattle.

Good feed and proper feeding can increase milk production, improve cow body condition and reduce compound feed consumption.

At the time, Europeans didn't quite understand the reason, but they inadvertently increased milk production several times, which was a huge improvement for food production.

"The scenery in Hexi, Shuofang, and Longyou is very different from that in the Central Plains. Many people eat milk. If this method is effective, it should be vigorously promoted." Du Renneng said: "Ask Lingzhou Agricultural Science, how did they do?


"Okay." Du Yongli nodded.

He is the judge of the camp, and all agricultural affairs in the town are under his control. If the milk production increases significantly, it will be a great political achievement for him, although this method was proposed by Shao Shude.

In the Han Dynasty and Han Dynasty, not many people ate milk, usually only wealthy people. For example, Bai Juyi liked, "melt the snow and fry the fragrant tea, mix the crispy and boil the chylo." Both custard and chylo are dairy products.

But in the northwest, where Hu and Han people live together, foods such as milk porridge, cheese, physalis, cakes, and milk wine have long been popular among the people. On the grasslands, milk is the main food source for most herdsmen.

If you can't afford meat, and you don't dare to kill livestock for meat, the only chance to get some meat may be hunting, but this kind of thing is not very reliable, and the source is extremely unstable.

"Also, keep it secret first." Du Rangneng pulled Du Yongli and said seriously.

Du Yongli was stunned and nodded silently.

Although based on the three-crop rotation system implemented by Lingxia, twenty acres of alfalfa fields can raise twenty cows. How can the grassland free-range farming model be better than theirs? But it would be good to keep the secret for a while longer.

"Actually, I value this product more than milk." Du Rangneng poured himself a glass of distilled wine and sighed: "This wine tastes great. There must be a great demand in this bitter cold land."

"Brother, you mean to sell this wine to the grasslands? What will the barbarians give in exchange? Livestock? We are not in short supply." Du Yongli asked.

"There is always a way." Du Rangneng smiled and said: "If you want to drink, then you have to sell everything that can be sold? Even your life!"

Du Yongli laughed, and then said with emotion: "When I arrived in Liangzhou, I realized that the world is so vast and full of wonders. Just staying in the Central Plains, I would never have imagined that there are so many people in the world living a different kind of life. They all have their merits.

, learn from each other’s strong points and make up for their shortcomings, if we are walking together, we must have one as our teacher.”

"This statement captures the essence of the sage." Du Ronneng smiled and said: "I didn't have much idea about the management of Liangzhou at first. I could only develop water conservancy and encourage farmers to teach mulberry farming. Now it seems that there may be another way.


"Hu merchants from the Western Regions are one of them." Du Ranneng continued: "Liangzhou Fang City has a considerable scale and can continue to trade."

"Cows, horses and livestock are the second one. After the king of Xia acquired Shaqiu, he built Heishui City, set up pastures, and raised cattle, sheep, and horses. This was a major event."

"This milk and wine are the third one." Du Rangneng stood up, as if thinking: "Other states and counties can also follow the example of milk. I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it to them. We, the three states in Hexi, can only play for ourselves. But this

The wine can be sold nearby to the Tatars, Uighurs, Tibetans, and Dangxiang tribes, and even attract their tribes to weaken the power of the grassland leaders."

"Brother, King Xia has ambitions in the Central Plains. He has frequent campaigns and needs money for many things. I'm afraid he wants to find a way to get money for wine. This way..."

"Let's come by ourselves first, and all the wealth, sheep and horses we get will be put into the Liangzhou treasury. The King of Xia has newly acquired Heyang and needs a lot of livestock. He will be happy to send a batch to him at that time." Du Rangneng said confidently.

Du Yongli looked at his elder brother carefully. This attitude was a bit flattering! He was so focused on making meritorious deeds, where was his indifferent demeanor in the past? Are you really anxious to become a powerful person in the new dynasty?

"So many peasant households have been moved away from Liangzhou, and all the tribesmen are wailing. Now it is time to attract more people. Otherwise, this household registration will be very empty." Du Rangneng said: "Dingkou on the grassland

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