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Chapter 27 I agree

"This city is well managed." Outside Shangzhou City, Shao Shude looked at the newly built city wall and said with a smile.

The original Shangzhou city wall was short, broken, and small. Now it has not only been repaired, but its area has also been expanded, and it now looks a little like a state city.

"The pier is not bad." It was the middle of winter, and the Danshui River was freezing. Many boats were dragged ashore and stored in straw sheds. Many new houses were built near the pier, and some of them could clearly be seen as shops or wine shops.

, it seems that this place was relatively prosperous when shipping was opened.

"It's a pity that the Pichi ditch is still under-repaired." Shao Shude shook his head, but he didn't mean to blame.

Shangzhou, as a logistics base to support the war, almost every spare resource was loaded on ships and flown down the river to Xiaojiangkou. It has now become a large cargo distribution center, where Shangzhou's materials are concentrated

, Jinzhou, Junzhou, and Fangzhou also shipped most of their goods here, and then mobilized Confucius to go north to transport Tang and Deng.

Water transportation was the lifeblood of the Zhaoxing Army in the four states, as well as the 20,000 victorious troops and thousands of defending rebels on the Tang and Deng front lines.

While Shao Shude was making comments, he asked Cheng Rui who was following closely behind him about the details of local government affairs.

Cheng Ru had done his homework and was very familiar with every plant and tree in Shangzhou. He answered all questions without hesitation, and his answers were well-founded and clear, which made Shao Shude very satisfied.

It is indeed the "North Korea and Nanguo" in history.

Han Jian also did well in Shanzhou.

He first made great efforts to consolidate the existing facilities and farmland left by the Tibetan people, and organized the Tibetan people who farmed the land into households. At the same time, he took away the land that originally belonged to the hostile monks and nobles, and distributed it to the poor Tibetan serfs, further deepening the reorganization of the Tibetan people.

Households and people.

In addition, many of the farming facilities of the Tang army before the Anshi Rebellion were restored, ditches were improved, acres of land were measured, and distributed to the newly moved inland people.

The land quality in Shanzhou is quite good, and it strictly implements the three-crop rotation system, a new mixed agriculture and animal husbandry management model. At the same time, the water source in the Huangshui Valley has been fully utilized, so the population has grown rapidly, with about 19,800 people.

With a population of more than 77,600, Qingtang City is becoming more and more famous in areas near and far.

Finally, he also organized manpower to dredge the Huangshui River and its tributaries during the dry season in winter, not only to avoid flooding during the flood season, but also to maintain the waterway to Lanzhou.

Shao Shude particularly praised this last point.

The Northern Song Dynasty used to cut trees and build ships in the Huangshui area, and used the Huangshui shipping to transport supplies and soldiers. The Tubo people did not pay attention to these things, how could the Tang people who came from Han not pay attention to them?

Although the means of transportation such as rafts, rafts, and boats are not very eye-catching, they are still much lower in cost than land-based carriages. And the cost of horse-drawn carriages is much lower than that of pack horses and manpower.

If you can transport it by water, you will definitely not transport it by land, because the cost will be ten times or even dozens of times higher.

Han Jian's painstaking efforts were crucial to Yang Yue and Zhe Siyu's "bandit suppression" operations in the Hehuang area.

According to the latest military reports, in the past few months, they have beheaded more than 3,000 people, captured more than 40,000 people, and hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep and miscellaneous animals. Shao Shude has ordered all these captives to be moved eastward. They were originally intended to be sent to Heyang, but now Let them arrive in Lantian County first and wait for the next order.

"Nanguo of North Korea" should now be called "Dongguo of Western Korea". In comparison, Han Jian's achievements are more dazzling. Cheng Rui is limited by the natural conditions of Shangzhou, so his achievements are not that remarkable, but overall Words still have merit.

At least, the bad habits of burning wasteland to open up fields and slash-and-burn farming that existed in Shangzhou in the past have been ended. The people's agricultural farming technology has improved, and with the development of commerce, many cheap Lingxia livestock have entered the Danshui Valley, further promoting progress in agricultural production.

These two people may be able to ascend to a higher stage and further demonstrate their abilities.

"Does Commander Guo know anything about Tang, Deng and Xiangzhou?" Shao Shude asked.

"In the past, when I was in Cai's army, I passed by it several times. It should be relatively deserted. The people fled and there was no one inhabited for hundreds of miles. Now that it has been stable for many years, some people should have returned. But in the Tang Dynasty, they were robbed many times by the Liang people, most of whom Not very good." Cheng Ru couldn't figure out what Shao Shude was thinking, so he could only answer cautiously: "Tangzhou has lost its commander-in-chief, and has repeatedly sent ultimatums to the four states of gold merchants, asking them to raise grain, grass, equipment, money and silk, which shows that it is quite tight."

Cheng Rui is telling the truth. Among the three states followed by Tang and Deng, the people of Tangzhou suffered the most, because there are no dangerous mountain and river barriers geographically. Suizhou has some barriers, but they cannot completely cover them. Dengzhou is relatively better, but the settlement is The military discipline of the Baoyi army there was very average. In addition, the raids in the direction of Tangzhou were more intense, and the local area was relatively depressed. The population could not grow, and was even declining.

The Four Prefectures of the Zhaoxin Army were basically the rear supply base of Tang Town, and it was also the place that the Bian Army desperately wanted to seize. However, they could not break through the defenses of the Tang and Deng Sui front lines and did not dare to go deep into the hinterland of Nanyang.

"How is Xiangyang?" Shao Shude asked again.

"It's not very good." Cheng Ru replied: "After Huang Chao, Qin Zongquan ravaged him twice, Zhe Linggong came to kill him again a few years ago, and recently he conquered Du Hong in the south. The fight was inextricable, and he also had to plunder some money and grain to go north. Supporting Tangzhou is not a good idea anyway."

Shao Shude nodded.

"What if we move households to the counties in northern Xiangzhou and reclaim wasteland?" Shao Shude made up his mind to provide some substantial support to Nanyang and Xiangyang, and before that, he wanted to touch Zhaoxin The bottom of the army.

Cheng Ru understood the implication and immediately said: "It depends on how many households the king has moved. Within 10,000 households, if you grit your teeth, you can still support it."

This "biting one's teeth" means imposing heavy taxes on the people.

In fact, their tax burden was not light in the first place, but now it has become heavier and heavier. It is a waste of one to two years to support the new households and support them through the most difficult period.

"Not even 20,000 households?"

"It's difficult." Cheng Ru said honestly.

Shao Shude suddenly wanted to suffer for the people in Guanzhong again...

There were 10,000 households in the five counties of Faqian Prefecture, plus more than 40,000 Tubo and Qiang people captured by the Qing and Tang Dynasties. They "borrowed" Gucheng in Xiangzhou to settle in the two counties, repair water conservancy, and reclaim wasteland. Two logistics supply bases.

To be honest, the level of development in the Jianghan area these days is very low.

There are crisscrossing water pools, dense river networks, endless swamps, dense woods, and villages dotted among them. It is divided into pieces by the primitive natural environment. There are frequent floods, mosquito breeding, and many diseases.

There is a price to pay for developing such a place.

In the southern region of China, if the Tang Dynasty focused on developing Jiangnan and Jiangxi, the Song Dynasty developed the two lakes into a mature area. These are places that can accommodate a large population.

However, the mortality rate in the early stage of this kind of development will not be too low. Shao Shude does not have much population to fill it, so we can only look for the relatively mature counties of Gucheng and Anyang near Nanyang. In addition, Xinye in Dengzhou, Zaoyang in Suizhou is also an alternative area.

After the population was relocated, of course they had to be staffed with officials. The original officials who could be retained were kept in office, and those who could not be left were left, which gave Zhao Kuangning a headache.

There is no doubt that these new officials will not listen to Zhao Kuangning, and they may not listen to Zhe Zongben. It is Shao Shude who mixed the sand in this area.

He didn't want to make too big a move, so he took his time, boiling a frog in warm water, and completed "peaceful evolution" step by step. Anyway, Zhao Kuangning is not the kind of martial artist who takes action on his own initiative. Shao Shude was so fed up with his character that he didn't dare to lift the table. Just play slowly.

Shao Shude stayed in Shangzhou for three days, waiting for the baggage supply team that fell behind.

The eldest son, Shao Chengjie, under the supervision of Du Honghui and Zhao Guanwen who came with the army, studied poetry, classics, and at the same time took arithmetic and geometry courses taught by Master Mani himself. This is not over yet, the Zhe family martial arts master is still waiting, and the martial arts Don’t fall behind even if you practice.

The courses are endless and frustrating.

As for his father, he took Chen to visit Xian'eyi in the west of the state.

Shao Chengjie saw with his own eyes last night that his father was secretly flipping through a collection of poems and reciting something like "Shangshan has countless peaks, and I love Xian'e the most." He probably wanted to show off in front of Mrs. Chen of Wei State today.

Ha, boring!

On November 25, Shao Shude returned with "Xian'e" and at the same time received a secret report from Zhao Kuanglin.

"I agree!" Shao Shude said in front of Chen Cheng who came from the rear: "Du Hong is still the military governor."

Du Hong's territory, the town name is "Eyue", and the military number is "Wuchang". There used to be seven prefectures, and after Mianzhou was abolished, there are still six prefectures of E, Yue, An, Huang, Qi and Shen.

It is worth mentioning that Eyue Town was later divided by various forces, among which Yuezhou was acquired by Mayin of Hunan. From then on, Yuezhou was destined to be destined to Hunan, and it became the territory of Hunan, which lasted until later generations.

"Commander, it is certainly a happy event that Du Hong has come to surrender. But if Yang Xingmi drives his troops westward and Du Hong asks for help, do you want to save him? How?" Chen Cheng raised a practical question.

Du Hong betrayed Zhu Quanzhong because he refused to save him and became discouraged. If you didn't save him, then why did he come to surrender? Isn't it good to continue to work under Zhu Quanzhong? Maybe someday reinforcements will come.

"Chen Changshi, what's a good plan?" Shao Shude patted Chen's buttocks, asked her to avoid it, and asked: "It is possible to reach Ezhou by going down the river from Xiangyang, but is the force sufficient? Does Zhao Kuangning have that strength?


"Commander, I have a plan!" Chen Cheng said confidently.

"Don't be too pretentious and tell me quickly."

"Commander, there are six counties in Anzhou (Anlu), with more than 100,000 household registrations. Nowadays, most of the soldiers from Ezhou are gathered in Ezhou to guard against Quzhang in Huangzhou. The land of Anzhou has been repeatedly looted by the Huai people, and the people are suffering.

It would be better to send an army to station there, in the name of aiding the war, but in reality it is embezzlement, in order to divert Du Hong's power." Chen Cheng said.

Shao Shude looked at the map.

Does Du Hong's power still need to be divided? He only has the territory of two states. If we divide it again, it will only be Ezhou. But it is indeed a good idea. Anzhou is connected to Suizhou, and there is the Tongbai Mountains in the north.

Blocking Shenzhou and Guangzhou, you can reach Huangzhou in the southeast. The location is quite important, being on the Great Post Road.

"Who will be sent to the camp?"

"Shi Zan!" Chen Cheng said: "Eyue is far away, and it is not worth investing the elite of our army. Shi Zan's Yushan City has ten thousand soldiers, with more than three thousand children of Xu Zhen General as the core. If we organize it well, we can eliminate it.

The weak and the strong are still capable of fighting. Since Shi Zan regarded his father as a commander-in-chief, he might as well accept him as his adopted son, let him guard Anzhou, and help Du Hong defend against the Huai people."

"Is this going to start a war?" Shao Shude said with a smile: "You are fighting endlessly with Zhu Quanzhong, and you want to offend Yang Xingmi?"

"Who asked Du Hong to take the initiative to invest?" Chen Cheng also said with a smile: "You can't push people away, right? Furthermore, you can also make peace with Yang Xingmi. The commander-in-chief intervened and asked Yang Xingmi to go to Qian Liu. Zhong Chuan

Even Zhu Quanzhong, with so many expansion directions, why bother focusing on Du Hong?"

"Shi Zan is the only bloodline left by the late Sikong Shipu. How can An Neng accept him as his adopted son? Isn't it right?" Shao Shude shook his head.

"What if Shi Zan is willing?" Chen Cheng said: "I heard that Shi Zan has four sons and two daughters. One can be adopted. If the second son goes to another branch, he will still have Shi as his surname. Shi Sikong will also be able to enjoy incense and sacrifice under Jiuquan.


"Anzhou..." Shao Shude didn't answer, just looked at the map, and after a long time said: "Going north from Anzhou, leaving Baiyan Pass to reach Shenzhou, it can be regarded as another route to attack Zhang Quanyi. Well, you can try it, you can get one first

Come up with a strategy, all parties must take into account Du Hong, Yang Xingmi, etc. Some places are very hot and may not be easy to get. But Anzhou is beneficial to the great cause of fighting Zhu Quanzhong and has many registered residences, so it is indeed very tempting."

"As ordered." Chen Cheng responded.

This chapter has been completed!
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