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Chapter 33 Turmoil

 Under the sky, the surrounding fields are vast. A small river like a jade belt divides the earth into two halves.

On the left bank of the river, more than a hundred Tibetan cavalry were urging their horses frantically, widening the distance from the enemy, and then turned back to shoot.

Several Bian Army cavalrymen fell off their horses, and screams occurred one after another.

The remaining people yelled and cursed, dispersed their formation, and chased and intercepted them from multiple directions. They only needed to catch up with these hateful Tibetan people, and then they could knock them off their horses with their thick horse poles.

But the place was too empty, and there was a lot of room for detours. It took a long time to intercept more than ten Tibetan people. Then there was a one-sided massacre, and the gap between amateur archers and professional shock cavalry was clearly displayed.


However, after careful calculation, it seems that I still lost money.

He was shot to death and injured more than 20 people before and after, and finally more than ten people were beheaded. It was a barbarian recruited by the Xia thieves from who knows where, so he suffered a huge loss.

On the right bank of the river, hundreds of Bian Army cavalry were stationary.

Xia Thief Monkey is a good monkey, and he knows that there are woods, swamps, and rivers on the right bank. The terrain is cut into pieces, and the space for twisting and turning is very small. I am afraid that I will not be able to defeat these spear knights. After all, the speed of both sides has no essence.

The difference is that after being divided into several teams and surrounding them, they probably won't be able to escape, so they simply don't come.

A cavalry pursuit is actually the same as a person's pursuit. It forces the opponent to keep turning and cannot walk in a straight line. However, if you chase in a straight line, you can always catch up if the speed is about the same.

Once they get close, the Xia thieves who are good at riding and shooting can only wait for death. On the contrary, they, the cavalry who are good at fighting, will be killed with bows and arrows from a medium distance.

This is a game for the brave, and the challenge is to be bold and careful.

"Humph!" Zhu Quanzhong snorted coldly with a livid face, flicked his whip and left.

When I visited the counties in Zhengzhou, I didn't expect to encounter a fight between the two sides. This is really a great irony.

Jingxiang followed him thoughtfully.

Li Zhen and Wei Zhao looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

The Xia thief cavalry are becoming more and more rampant. They often use more than a hundred cavalry as a group to harass the Bian Army's transportation team. Although they do not cause much damage, they greatly damage morale and occupy manpower.

After all, anyone who suddenly encounters harassment from enemy cavalry in a hinterland that they think is very safe will always panic.

In the past, the grain and grass that could be transported by the master alone must now be equipped with a guard team. If the Xia thieves come with a hundred cavalry, you must have at least sixty or seventy infantry to repel them, right? If you can't send regular troops

If the infantry is replaced by state and county soldiers or local peasants, the number will increase. This is actually a very luxurious behavior. Even during the war, it is impossible to equip every transport team with escorts.

At the same time, due to mental stress and increased physical exertion, the transportation team must increase their rest time, which reduces the efficiency and cost of transportation.

[To tell you the truth, I have been using it recently to change sources, switch sources, and have many reading sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple.]

As time goes by, the extra cost will be terrible.

Of course, the above is not terrible. In a place with dense towns like Henan, a simple cavalry team cannot cause huge damage unless they massacre people. But after more than a hundred years of chaos, few people have done so.


What really scares people is actually a group of Xia thieves named "Flying Dragon Army". They have the ability to dismount and fight on foot, and they often gather together to fight. They are mostly heavy-armored warriors. After selecting their targets, they must attack every battle.

Ke, so far four villages have been captured, causing the Bian army to lose more than a thousand sergeants, more than 100,000 grains and beans, and tens of thousands of bales of hay.

Having the powerful combat capabilities of infantry and the mobility of cavalry may be the future development direction.

After Zhu Quanzhong returned to Zhengzhou, his mood had calmed down somewhat.

"There is news from the south that Shenzhou has been lost. Guang and Cai sent troops to rescue and were defeated by thieves. What is going on? Why did Zhe Zongben suddenly become active again?" Zhu Quanzhong put his hands behind his back and looked at it intently.

Looking out the window.

His feet were still stained with mud and water, traces left over from just going down to inspect the farmland.

His face was full of exhaustion and his eyes were slightly swollen. It was obvious that he had not had a good sleep for a long time.

Yes, anyone who faces such a difficult situation will feel powerless.

Jingxiang secretly sighed, his lord is obviously a heroic master, good at running the army, good at fighting, gentle to the people, and not cruel at all. Since leaving Bianzhou, he has overcome obstacles and worked hard day and night, but he has fallen into this situation.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the Shao thieves have increased their troops on the southern front." Jingxiang said.

"Can you afford it?" Zhu Quanzhong turned around, glared at him, and asked: "Ding Hui played a decisive victory in three days and captured countless people. On his watch, almost all the people in the three states of Tang, Deng, and Deng were captured.

It seemed that he died overnight. The people lost their crops and the army had no food. I believed him. I praised him many times, gave him mansions, beauties, treasures, and handed over 30,000 troops to his hands. However, he was beaten.

Shenzhou is here. One of him or Zhang Quanyi must be lying, who do you think it is?"

Jingxiang ignored the useless rebuke and resentment in Zhu Quanzhong's words, and calmly analyzed the possibility. He only heard him say: "Your Majesty, it must be Shao Thief who ordered the transportation of grain and grass from Guanzhong to Nanyang. But the mountain road is winding and dangerous, and the Danshui

There are no ships at this time, and this kind of transshipment will not be able to support consumption. Some people think that the summer thieves should rely on the accumulated food and equipment in previous years to fight, but in fact it is difficult to support the summer food harvest."

"Furthermore, Shenzhou has changed hands three times in the past few years. The fields have become barren and the people have dispersed. It is difficult to raise enough food and grass. Guangzhou is not very wealthy, and the Xia thieves have nothing to plunder. They will naturally have to retreat after the food is exhausted.


"In the direction of Caizhou, the offensive of Zhe Zong's 20,000-strong army has been thwarted by General Ding. Now it seems that this was a move to support the advance of troops in the direction of Shen Guang. The rebel army was not determined to fight and did not want to fight to the death, so it was quickly defeated.


"Your Majesty, in fact, the situation is not so critical that it is out of control." Jingxiang finally concluded: "General Ding can still handle the situation here. If you are still worried, you can bring back the troops stationed in Xu and Su to reinforce Caizhou.

One line.”

After hearing Jingxiang's analysis, Zhu Quanzhong's anger was relieved.

In fact, he has been fighting for most of his life, so how come he doesn't know the actual situation on the southern front? The main reason is that a series of recent events have made him very angry, so he is just using the topic to his advantage.

"Draw Xu, Su Zhibing, does Yang Xingmi have any ideas?" Zhu Quanzhong suddenly asked.

"I was about to say this." Jingxiang said seriously and sincerely: "I would like to ask the king to leave Chuzhou and befriend Yang Xingmi. Now, we can no longer be distracted by other battlefields."

Li Zhen glanced at Jing Xiang in surprise.

Is this guy out of his mind and crazy? Or is he really loyal? He even dares to make such suggestions without fear of being liquidated in the future?

"However, the envoy found nothing in Yangzhou."

"Your Majesty, Yang Xingmi also has some abilities. Shao Shude is very aggressive, and his momentum has been growing day by day in the past few years. Whenever Yang Xingmi has a shred of vision, he knows the importance of establishing a good relationship with Bianzhou." Jingxiang said: "Three towns in Hebei are east of Hedong.

As a screen, Huainan, two Zhejiang, and Jiangxi use Xuanwu as a screen. How can Yang Xingmi not be afraid of the Shao bandits? At this time, he still has the direction of expansion. He has fought with Du Hong several times and has no direct conflict with the king. A certain person since

Please send us as an envoy to Yangzhou and ensure that we keep it secret so that we will not become a border threat."

"Will Du Hong defect to Shao?" Zhu Quanzhong suddenly asked.

"There is a high possibility that he will vote." Jingxiang said without hesitation: "These kind of wallflowers have always relied on whoever is stronger, and self-preservation is their first priority. Xingmi was repeatedly attacked, and Du Hong was in panic

, it is not impossible to surrender to Shao Thief."

Zhu Quanzhong sighed.

If the Shao bandits don't go east to embarrass him and destroy Erzhu, after Wang Shifan, he will go south to attack Huainan.

Huainan's military strength is weak. Since the difficult times, no matter who goes south, they can easily capture and capture it. Even if Yang Xingmi recruits the remnants of Sun Ru, Zhu Quanzhong is confident that he can win: Qin Zongquan, the main force of the Cai thieves, has been destroyed by him. Is it possible?

Are you still afraid that Sun Ru, a traitor to Cai, will be a partial master?

It's a pity that Shao Thief was determined to go east to confront him, so he actually nailed him to the Central Plains, unable to mobilize enough troops to expand outward. Seeing that others were attacking neighboring towns and expanding their power, he couldn't move.

, how not to make people feel frustrated?

"If Chuzhou gave Yang Xingmi, what would he do?" Zhu Quanzhong asked again.

"Most of them appointed Zhu Yanshou, Tian Kai, An Renyi and other close associates as governors."

Zhu Quanzhong nodded again, that should be it.

Places bordering other towns, especially enemy towns, are generally "enfeoffed". Because if you don't do this, you probably won't be able to defend it, and even if you can defend it, the cost will be too high.

During the Tianbao period, Xuanzong set up ten festivals in the border areas. Why did he do this? Because of his strong combat effectiveness and high efficiency, without all kinds of internal friction, military and political affairs were grasped, and he made decisions very quickly. He could respond to changes in the situation as quickly as possible and grasp the situation.

Seize the fleeting opportunity and gain victory.

In today's era of separatist vassals and towns, in two neighboring states and counties, one side has military and political control and makes its own decisions, while the other side has separate military, political and financial affairs, and no one is in charge of the overall situation. When the strength is equal, the side with military and political control will definitely win.


Zhu Quanzhong asked himself that if he defeated the Shao bandits and occupied Lingxia, he would not be able to rule directly. He would definitely appoint a Shuofang Jiedu envoy to efficiently deal with threats from Hexi, Yinshan and even Hedong.

This kind of Jiedushi, unlike Xuanyi, who is close in name only, must have both military and political power, otherwise problems are likely to arise at critical moments.

Of course, high efficiency also brings with it a high risk of rebellion.

Especially when the appointed governor or Jiedushi is getting further and further away from your ruling center, the complex and dangerous situation allows him to obtain full military and political power, and his constant battles have accumulated his prestige. At this time, if you are a little ambitious, or

If you think you have been treated unfairly, rebellion is just a matter of words.

But nothing is perfect in the world, it all depends on how you choose.

Chuzhou should be handed over to Zhu Yanshou, a person like An Renyi. Zhu Quanzhong turned his attention to Li Zhen and asked: "Is there any news from Li Keyong?"

"Back to your Majesty, I went to Weizhou and met with Li Keyong. Although the generals in Jinyang looked coldly at each other, I could see that they were also very afraid of Shao Thief. In the future, even if they will not join forces with our army

, there should still be some tacit understanding." Li Zhen replied.

Zhu Quanzhong laughed when he heard this and said: "These fake brothers! To be honest, Shu De is sorry for Ke Yong, Ke Yong is a real person. But Ke Yong is not stupid, he just can't save face. In the second year of Dashun, Shu De was just broken

Hao Zhenwei from Tongzhou defeated all the heroes in Guanzhong and then went east. That should be the last time that these fake brothers joined forces. After more than three years, Keyong gradually stopped troubling me. Everyone said that Li Keyong was stupid, was he really stupid?

?I don’t look stupid, and I understand very well. Shao Thief made a big mistake by taking the river. But even if he didn’t take the river, Li Keyong is not a fool, and he will not trouble me again. He will only focus on taking the river.

Hebei. Even if Shao Thief lives to be eighty years old, he still won't be able to unify the world. I can't bear the temptation of changing places."

Li Keyong is currently leading his army to attack Weizhou. To be honest, it is not going well. The disparity in military strength is too great, and he has begun to think about retreating.

In the latest battle, Ge Congzhou led 3,000 Rucai infantry and defeated the Jin Tielin army's 3,000 heavy cavalry. Li Keyong's eldest son, Li Luoluo, only escaped with his life.

The infantry, which did not have an advantage in numbers, defeated the oncoming armored cavalry with very few casualties. Ge Congzhou indeed fought well in this battle.

After this battle, Li Keyong knew that Wei Bo was not easy to fight and would probably retreat after plundering him.

"We still need to do more activities in Jinyang." Zhu Quanzhong said: "Li Keyong doesn't like to hear it, but his subordinates will listen. If Kang Junli and others talk about it a lot, Li Keyong will understand it in his heart.

If there is a thorn, it will not be far from their brothers turning against each other. "

"Yes." Li Zhen responded. He likes to play these secret activities and thinks they are much more interesting than the so-called temple.

"Looking at it this way, the situation is not that bad." Zhu Quanzhong stopped standing and sat down, saying: "There is still a chance."

At this moment, a civil servant from Yuhousi, the capital of the shogunate, came in and handed a copy of the ultimatum to Zhu Quanzhong.

Zhu Quanzhong took it with a smile and took a look. He stood up suddenly, making a loud noise even on the bed.

"The Xia thieves conquered three cities in five days, including Xianju and Dingcheng. Guangshan was lost. Our defeated troops routed all the way across Huishui, Yincheng, and Gushi counties. People were in turmoil and were in panic all day long. It was only a matter of time before they were captured.

"Zhu Quanzhong crumpled the ultimatum into a ball and said expressionlessly.

Jingxiang, Li Zhen, and Wei Zhao looked at each other in confusion.

Since Shenzhou was lost, it should be known that Guangzhou was difficult to protect. This was all expected.

But that being said, no one is stupid and will not add fuel to the fire at this time.

"Your Majesty, Shen and Guang have fallen, and Caizhou is facing the frontline of the bandit army. Now we must control the news to avoid unrest in people's hearts." Wei Zhao, who had been silent for the whole time, suggested.

He didn't say anything else. The Xia cavalry crossed the ice and went south, harassing people everywhere. It had already made people panic. If bad news comes from the south again, it might not be good.

"Yes, I lost my composure." Zhu Quanzhong composed himself, sat back on the bed, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Ge Congzhou defeated the Jin thieves, and Ding Huiyong defeated Zongben. I want a heavy reward. You can handle this matter.

Make a big splash and let everyone know.”

"As ordered." Wei Zhao responded.

"Call my uncle Cong again," Zhu Quanzhong said again. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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