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Chapter 35 'Thieves'

 The snails and clams are starting to come out of the mud, and the reed buds are sprouting. The breath of spring is already very strong.

On the bank of the Huai River, six hundred cavalry belonging to the Zhongyi Army began to cross the river.

He Piao threw away the ax in his hand and cut down trees with the sergeants for a day. He was tired.

In the blink of an eye, the cavalry had flown into the distance like tired birds returning to their nests, and the ferry returned to calm.

He Piao leaned on the crudely built watchtower. In the quiet setting sun at this moment, the mountains and rivers shrouded in white clouds were like a fairyland far away from the world, and the leisurely evening meal floated.

It seemed that he was really tired and his eyes were dazzled! He Piao shook his head. He was obviously fighting, but he actually felt poetic.

After studying martial arts for five years, you won't become like those Mao Zhenzi? Hearing that some martial arts students who have studied martial arts for ten years also write poems in their spare time, He Piao shuddered and felt a little unreal.

"The Yi Congjun on the East Road has conquered Yincheng (near today's Shangcheng County)." Li Lin walked over, blowing the evening breeze, and looked at the sergeant who was happily cooking river mussels and said.

"Can grain and grass be seized?" He Piao asked.

"How do I know this?" Li Lin shook his head and said: "Ying, the direction of Shou is extremely empty. I don't know which direction they will rush in."

"Go wherever there is food." He Piao slashed down with his right hand and said viciously: "It will turn the world upside down."

"The main thing is to kill the enemy." Li Lin disagreed: "What's the use of occupying so many places? Can it be defended? It is true to destroy the rebel army. The more you kill, the weaker the rebel army will be. In the end, these places can

Collect it calmly."

"Yes." He Piao thought about the scene of the great Po Liang people, and the blood surged in his chest. He wished he could fly to the north bank of Huai River to fight. Unfortunately, the main force of the army was still in Shenzhou, more than thirty miles away, and they had to continue.

Guard the floating bridge.

The West Route Army was building a pontoon bridge, and the East Route Army was also building a pontoon bridge, and their actions were more radical. The rebel army envoy Wu Zangjieming led three thousand sergeants from Hengshan City to cross the river and go northward, entering Caizhou Baoxin County (today's Xinyang

Within the territory of Baoxin Town, Xixian County, City.

On the south bank of the Huai River, five thousand people from the Qing and Tang Dynasties were still on their way slowly with their baggage team.

Chen Suxi descended from the sky and was appointed as the governor of Guangzhou. However, he did not stay in the city. Instead, he collected grain and grass in the newly recovered Yincheng County, organized the surrendered troops, and prepared to go south.

It only took one day for the Xia army to capture Yincheng County. In fact, there was not much hard fighting. The defenders in the city surrendered after only a slight resistance. There were about 300 people in total, all of whom were integrated into Chen Su's team.

Lao Chen already regarded Guangzhou as his own territory, so he sent people to Gushi County (today's county) to persuade them to surrender, while he himself led a team that had grown to nearly 3,000 people and went south to garrison at Muling Pass.

Mulingguan is located on Muling Mountain (Tongbai Mountain and Dabie Mountain area) and is the main passage between Guang and Huang.

From the map, Shenzhou and Guangzhou are located to the south of the Huaihe River, to the north of Tongbai Mountain and Dabie Mountain, sandwiched between mountains and rivers, with flat terrain and numerous rivers.

An and Huangzhou are across the mountains from each other.

Shen and Anjian have Pingjingguan, Baiyanguan and Lishanguan as the main passages. Guang and Huangjian have five passages from west to east: Dashengguan (Dashengguan), Baishaguan, Mulingguan, Yinshanguan and Dingchengguan.

The main road is Mulinguan Pass, which can reach Macheng County, Huangzhou in the southeast and Huanggang County, Lisuo, Huangzhou in the southwest.

There were originally no soldiers in the Five Passes, but after Huangzhou was captured by Yang Xingmi, soldiers were stationed here, mainly the countrymen from the local regiments who were temporarily recruited. Now some of the group had dispersed, and there were still about 2,000 people. Chen Su knew how powerful it was.

, immediately brought the money and silk seized from Dingcheng, Yincheng and other places and distributed them to the defenders to recruit them to surrender.

In this way, his army expanded to 5,000 men. The rapid expansion of the army was simply unbelievable: when he first left Xiangyang, there were only 1,000 Chen clan troops. When he went to Anzhou, he recruited a thousand men. After entering Guangzhou, there were no hidden troops.

The Ming Dynasty handed him over a thousand captured state and county soldiers, and now he surrendered two thousand local warriors, which was like blowing up a balloon.

The number of troops has increased, but the composition of the troops is complex and people are suspicious of themselves, so they must be reorganized.

Chen Su organized 5,000 people into ten infantry battalions, six battalions of combat soldiers, and four battalions of auxiliary soldiers. The nephews and nephews of the Chen family were the main officers. The troops were also divided into various battalions to control the troops.

Then the troops were divided into Baisha Pass and Yinshan Pass, each with a thousand men stationed, and the main force of 3,000 men stationed at Muling Pass. While training, they stared at the south with wide eyes.

I don’t know how the imperial court did it. In terms of geography and folk customs, Shenzhou and Guangzhou have no boundaries with Huainan and Eyue. As a result, Shenzhou was assigned to Eyue Town, and Guangzhou was assigned to Huainan Town. It was simply a mess.

Huaixi Town, which had jurisdiction over the six prefectures of Shen, Guang, Cai, Shou, Tang, and An, was also a bit confusing. The geography and folk customs of the first five prefectures were similar, so it is understandable to group them together, but you are separated by Tongbai Mountain and the three passes of Pingjing.

It's a little strange that Anzhou in the south is also included.

However, Chen Su was too lazy to care. The people of Guangzhou were all Cai people, and they could not get together with the Huai people. Otherwise, they would not have separated themselves and established themselves. Now it is just a good idea to take advantage of this sentiment and drag the Xia King into trouble.

Twist the five thousand men under his command into a rope to prevent the Huai people from attacking.

Yes, Chen Su's mission is to defend his lair, and neither Niu Li nor Wu Zang Jie Ming expects his rabble to fight against the Liang people.

The main threats to Laochao come from two directions, one is Shouzhou in the east, Zhu Quanzhong's territory, and the other is Huangzhou in the south, Yang Xingmi's territory.

The threat from the east is not great. Shouzhou's military strength has been severely depleted in recent years, and it has experienced internal turmoil. The governor Jiang Congxu succeeded to the throne as a young man, and he was unable to fully control the Shouzhou army. Local government affairs were slowly taken over by Bianzhou.

It is difficult for the people sent to control it to make any substantial actions.

But the threat from the south is very real. Huai general Qu Zhang has more than ten thousand, and he has been engaged in a low-intensity war with Du Hong recently. If he can't keep it all, he will suddenly go north, break through the five passes, and enter the territory of Guangzhou. After all, Guangzhou is

It is only natural for Lao Yang to attack the prefecture under the jurisdiction of the Huainan Jiedu Envoy.

Huai thief, don't come here, I haven't sat on the throne of governor yet.

Cui Hong arrived at Xincai County feebly.

He has more than 4,000 soldiers under his command, and except for a few hundred who are his old subordinates, most of them are newly recruited.

Although Cai people are brave and brave, all the commanders have said that they are good at using them. But the newly recruited people are not even familiar with each other. Some people can't even read the golden drum flag. What can you expect?

After going to the city to collect grain, grass, and arrows, Cui Hong asked to camp in the city, but was directly refused.

The county magistrate belonged to Pei Di, and Pei Di was deeply appreciated and trusted by Zhu Quanzhong, and he was not afraid of a plucked phoenix like Cui Hong.

Cui Hong was shaking with anger, and the soldiers yelled and cursed outside the city. It had just rained, and the fields were wet. You let us live outside? Someone started making noises on the spot, but Cui Hong suppressed it.

He silently led his troops southward and arrived at the north bank of Ru River to set up defenses.

"Yang Shihou is here, these idiots are very arrogant."

"General Cui is too talkative. Why don't we rush into the city, kill the dog officer, and everyone will join the Huai people."

"Are you stupid? There are Huai people south of the Huai River? Most of them have been taken over by Xia thieves."

"It's not a good idea to talk about Xia traitors! If we can't vote for the Huai people, we can only vote for the Xia people. Keep your mouth shut."

"In the past few years, tell me, how did the Bian people bully us Cai people? Qin Zongquan died, Guo Fan died, and General Cui was dismissed. He became the defense envoy of Ruzhou. I'm afraid he can't even see the Yamen.

I couldn’t find it, which is really annoying.”

"It's okay to serve as a soldier and work hard for your life. But after fighting with the Xia people in succession, what kind of success did Ruzhou have? The countrymen from Tutuan were recruited one after another. After leaving for more than a year, the land at home was desolate.

, I went home and saw that my mother-in-law had a big belly.”

"Haha! Pei, the loyal wife of the country, had a dream in which she became pregnant. Did you, Huang Dalang, do the same thing? Did you dream about it?"

Yang Guozhong was on an envoy to Jiangsu and Zhejiang. His wife missed him deeply, and she soon became ill. Suddenly, she had a dream with Guozhong and she became pregnant. When the envoy of Guozhong returned, his wife recounted what happened in the dream. Guozhong said: "This is the cover.

Husband and wife miss each other, and their emotions lead to each other." The name of the male descendant.

Colleagues have only one comment on Yang Guozhong: Green! "Everyone should laugh at him."

Cui Hong coughed loudly, and the sergeants stopped talking and looked at him.

Looking at the eyes of the sergeants, Cui Hong's heart skipped a beat and he felt something was not good.

Cai Ren has a rough character and loves to fight fiercely. If he has been trained in the army for several years and knows the rules, he will be relatively obedient. However, most of the people in front of him are new recruits and may not necessarily be obedient.

Damn it, let alone the sergeants these days who are dishonest and often kill generals for rebellion, the people are also dishonest!

At this point, Henan and Hebei are particularly outstanding.

Many people say that they recruit honest farm laborers from the fields to serve as soldiers, and they are obedient and easy to do. But the question is, are they really honest? I dare not say that in other places, and Cui Hong has never been there, but as far as the Huaixi area is concerned

, so dishonest!

"Ahem... I will reward you with wine and meat today." Cui Hong swallowed back what he originally wanted to say and ordered the grain officer to take out the only wine and meat and divide it up.

This was originally used to boost morale before the battle, but now it seems that it must be used first, otherwise it may not be able to appease these killers.

After returning to the camp with sweat soaked through his clothes, the general quietly followed him in and reported: "General, Cui Xiu is here again."

"Young man, are you really not afraid of death?" Cui Hong felt a bit toothache. Cui Xiu came last time and had nothing else to do but persuade him to surrender.

Cui Hong was a little tempted, but felt that the time was not yet ripe, so he refused.

Zhu Quanzhong's shadow loomed above his head like a mountain.

So many soldiers and horses of Qin Zongquan were wiped out. How could they dare to resist before they were forced into a desperate situation with their thin arms and legs?

"Send him away, he's gone!" Cui Hong waved his hand and said irritably.

The general stood still and reminded: "General, Cui Xiu knows some people in the army and is drinking and chatting with them."

Cui Hong was furious when he heard this: "Are you dead? Why didn't you stop me?"

Cui Xiu was originally from Caizhou. He was a "thief handsome" and had a wide network of contacts in Caizhou.

As for why a "handsome thief" has such a large social network, it is because there are many handsome thieves in Caizhou, and there are also many thieves.

Cui Xiu, the former governor of Shenzhou (self-proclaimed), Feng Jingzhang, the governor of Qizhou (self-proclaimed), Sun Ru, the envoy of Huainan Jiedu (self-proclaimed for a time), Liu Jianfeng (self-proclaimed) after the military festival in Wu'an, Xu Cun, Jiangling Yamen, Qianzhong Yamen

General Wang Jianzhao, Qianshan Nandong Road Jiedushi Zhao Deqian, etc., are all from Caizhou, and they are all traitors and commanders!

The people of Caizhou have great ambitions. They can either serve as soldiers to feed themselves, or as thieves and rebels. Farming and herding are only a temporary means of making a living, not a long-term solution. Cui Xiu, as a prestigious elder brother among the "thieves", knows

Are many people surprised?

"Call Cui Xiu over." Cui Hong said helplessly.

He had a vague feeling that his sergeant might be unsafe. At this time, delaying it any longer was not an option. It was better to face it proactively, so as not to be killed in confusion.

To blame, I can only blame the King of Liang for being too cruel to the Cai people. He drafted troops every three days. It would not matter if you incorporated all the people into the Yamen Army. As soldiers, you will eat food and work hard. The Cai people still understand this simple truth.

I won't say anything. I have to risk my life to gain glory and wealth. If I die, I won't blame others.

But when you're done, you send people away without giving much reward, which makes everyone very unhappy.

Historically, Zhu Quanzhong also continued to consume the Cai people, and he might not be at ease with this "den of thieves." In the second year of Guanghua (899), Liu Rengong led his army to attack Weibo, and Jiedushi Luo Shaowei asked for help. Zhu Quanzhong sent troops to conquer the Cai people, and Cui Hong's younger brother Cui Xian

He led three thousand soldiers from Caizhou to the north, but a military rebellion broke out. Cui Xian died. The rebel army took Cui Hong and defected to Yang Xingmi. Zhu Quanzhong had to send his eldest son Zhu Youyu to suppress Caizhou and vigorously rectify it.

In this time and space, Cai people were also repeatedly expropriated, and they were very resentful.

Cui Hong smelled this smell keenly, and he was worried and uneasy. In addition, he also had resentment in his heart, so he was willing to listen to the price offered by Cui Xiu.

At worst, it's just a rebellion, it's a trivial matter!

This chapter has been completed!
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