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Chapter 48 Living in Bengbu

 Under Shengtang Mountain, screams kept coming and going.

Zhu Jing opened his bow from left to right and shot two arrows in a row. Then he turned around and jumped into the dense forest without looking at the result.

So exciting!

He didn't have the guts to fight Liang Ren head-on. Although his gang of heroic disciples all claimed to have "special skills", they were used to being lax. During the fight, they would either ignore orders and rush forward, or they would disperse in a rush. It was not like that at all.

Looks like something can be done.

Zhu Jing is self-aware. In a hundred-man level battle, relying on the terrain, he is confident of defeating the opponent.

When the number of people increased to 500, he lost confidence and would probably be defeated.

If it's a battle involving a thousand people, don't worry, you will definitely lose.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, both sides have one or two thousand people, but they do not fight head-on. Instead, they take advantage of Shouzhou's complex geographical conditions to launch cold arrows, small groups of night attacks, poisoning and traps, etc., to weaken the enemy's morale.

To the extreme, they were so frightened that they had to withdraw their troops, and then pursue them during the retreat, so that they could achieve a great victory.

Historically, Yang Xingmi took advantage of Zhu Quanzhong's attack on the two Zhus and had no time to spare. He took the opportunity to go north and captured Quanzhong's vassals Shou and Hao Erzhou. He then promoted local tycoon Zhu Jing and asked him to lead a team of young knights with special skills to assist the main force.

Troops guard.

Kou Yanqing led two thousand people south, and was attacked by Zhu Jing in areas with complex terrain such as Qiuxu and Linze. People were dying every day, but he couldn't catch the "guerrillas" who were hiding in the forests, swamps, and mountain ridges.

"Team", eventually their morale was greatly reduced and they retreated. During the retreat, they were pursued by Zhu Jing and his troops, and many more people were lost.

In the land of Shouzhou, these people are really the best.

After Zhu Jing returned to Shouzhou with the silk silk rewarded by Shao Shude, he immediately recruited troops and pulled up another group of people. Well, the level was slightly lower, not as good as the core old brothers, but they did not have no basic skills at all. They served as assistants

Soldier, it's okay to provide some logistical support.

Sneak attacks are carried out almost everywhere, starting from the moment of discovery.

Shi Shucong sent 3,000 men here, all of whom were good at fighting. They abandoned the main road, detoured from the south, crossed the mountain trails, and attacked the Xia army's rear.

But now it seems that the operation has failed. In three days, it has only traveled more than 20 miles, leaving more than 100 lives and 300 injured. Although the main force has not been injured, the morale is somewhat low. If

Regardless, if we continue to move forward, will we still suffer hundreds of casualties? If we stop and eliminate the hiding thieves, then the raid will basically be considered a failure, because their mission is not to hide and seek with these thieves.

What a dilemma!

After returning to the hidden stronghold, Zhu Jing originally wanted to sit down on the ground and have a good rest, but when he thought that he was the governor now, he could not be so imageless, so regardless of physical fatigue, he stood there with an air of dignity and asked:

"Count the number of people."

Everyone counted them separately and found that a few were missing, so they sent people out to look for them.

"Agui, will there be any results today?" Zhu Jing asked, "I should kill two thieves."

"Kill one." Agui said.

"Where is the vajra slave?" Zhu Jing asked again.

"It hasn't opened yet today." King Kong Nu replied, "I killed two people who went out to collect firewood yesterday. You know that, Dalang."

Zhu Jing coughed and said, "Call me Zhu Shijun."

King Kong Nu salivated and said: "Zhu Shijun, you have become the governor, brothers, are you..."

"I will never forget my brother." Zhu Jing said: "But we still follow the rules. Whoever fights well and kills the most people can choose the official position first. It seems that the jackal slave is very good. He

Nine thieves have been killed, and Thief Liang was driven out of camp to get water, so he had to send out his entire team."

"That jackal slave is bragging." Someone said dissatisfied: "He said he killed nine, where are the heads? I think a few of them were injured but not dead."

When the jackal slave heard this, he became furious and rebuked: "How can we get a head with such a sneak attack method? But, speaking of heads, hey, I have two of them, both of them are from the elite scouts of the Liang people. Do you have any?"


If others don't say anything, it's obvious that he can't produce the head. In addition, the jackal slaves ambushed and killed the Liang scouts, which is also an ironclad fact. The scouts are good at fighting and have outstanding skills, so they are not so easy to deal with.

The jackal slave looked at everyone with pride.

"The jackal slave can be the state's Sima." Zhu Jing made the final decision and said: "The Liang people probably don't want to go further, so keep an eye on me. If they take another detour, report them as soon as possible."

"I understand, Dalang."

"You know, Dalang, who among us has ever been afraid of death? We fought with Thief Liang to the end."

"Da Lang, if I kill more people than jackal slaves, can you give me the state Sima?"

"I just want to be a county magistrate, go back to the village, marry a flower girl, and make her parents look down on me."

"Da Lang, we all listen to you."

Zhu Jing's face darkened, it was still a mob! From now on, he will become the governor, and I am afraid he will have to straighten himself out, otherwise how will he survive in the midst of a pack of wolves?

Yes, even if you survive. Being annexed by Zhu Quanzhong is equivalent to death, being annexed by Yang Xingmi is also death, and being annexed by Shao Shude is also death.

A warrior who does not want to be a local emperor is not a good warrior. Unless there is no other way, who wants to be controlled by others?

"Shi Shucong doesn't have martial ethics!" Shao Shude commented on his opponent on the west bank of Feishui River.

They sent people across the river to conduct reconnaissance, and the information returned was that Liang Jun was slow to move, that the roads were muddy after the beginning of spring, and that all the armies had not gathered yet. Or maybe Uncle Cong was having a banquet in Shouzhou and playing tricks with the guests.

Waiting for tidbits of news.

What is this? False security!

In fact? In fact, there are already two groups of elites attacking in a detour, one on the north bank of the Huai River, and the other on the mountainous area in the south. The target is probably the Huoqiu area, that is, they will detour behind the Xia army and attack from both sides.

What next? He even showed up at the Yingshui camp in person to explore the depth of the Peishui River, as if he wanted to cross the Peishui River by force, further attracting your attention.

This man's fighting skills are in harmony with each other, which is very consistent with Marshal Shao's values ​​of military use, but it also makes him very angry and despicable, just like me... so what.

"Send orders to the Tianxiong Army to bring up five thousand people."

"Instruct Guangzhou Chen Su that there is nothing to defend in those ravines and ravines. Send three thousand men to the east."

"Send an order to Zang Dubao to take away the three thousand people outside Anzhou City and go north to Shenzhou."

"When Zan sends the order, speed up the march."

A series of orders were quickly written by Lu Siye, stamped by Du Guangyi, and then sent out.

The Tianxiong army originally had 3,000 stationed in Anzhou, but 7,000 went north to Caizhou and then returned to Shenzhou. Now that 5,000 men are being transferred to the east, Zang Dubao's 3,000 men must go north to fill their positions, and this is also

It means giving up surveillance of Anzhou.

This does not mean how much Wu Yu is trusted by Marshal Shao. It can only mean that he is one step closer to death because Shao Shude has given up trying to develop him into one of his own.

Chen Su's 5,000 men have been guarding and practicing in the Dabie Mountains. The transfer of 3,000 men to the east this time will undoubtedly reduce the defensive strength of Guangnan's five passes. If Yang Xingmi decides to go north, it will still be quite troublesome.

But now that we are short of troops, we have to do this.

Shao Shude wandered on the bank of Feishui, silently waiting for Liang Ren's next move.

Ten thousand new recruits are still training in batches unhurriedly.

They do not yet have the ability to fight a tough battle with the enemy, so they can only set up defenses along the river and keep an eye on the Liang people's Yingkou camp.

This road was actually what Shao Shude was most worried about, so he personally came to sit in and boost morale.

As for the Huaibei side, it's actually not that dangerous.

A small-scale exploratory siege has been launched in Baigou City. After discovering that the soldiers of the Hengshan capital of the Rebel Army were well-trained, the Liang people immediately retreated to the camp and began digging trenches, intending to trap Baigou City first.

This kind of offensive and defensive battle based on the city, when both the offensive and defensive sides are determined, is really protracted, and it is difficult to determine the winner in a short time.

But Shao Shude can wait, can Zhu Quanzhong wait?

Outside Baima County, Huazhou, a team gradually approached.

At the front were more than a hundred disgraced prisoners, tied upside down with ropes and strung together by their hands.

They stumbled while walking, and one person fell down, which often caused a chain reaction, followed by overwhelming whips, which made them cry and howl.

"Where is Yuan Xiangxian?"

"These are all slippery soldiers. Wouldn't the people of Huazhou rather not save them?"

Several loud-voiced military officers cautiously approached on horseback, pointed their whips at the group of prisoners behind them, and shouted repeatedly.

It was as if there was a formidable enemy on the tower, and some generals were pointing and pointing, not knowing what they were talking about.

Several people shouted until their throats were filled with smoke, but Yuan Xiang, the governor of Huazhou, did not come out to meet him first.

In fact, he probably wouldn't dare to come out.

Yuan Xiangxian, who had just resigned from the military and became the governor of Huazhou not long ago, was not outstanding in talent. He was able to become the governor because of his identity. Yuan Xiangxian was a native of Xiayi, Songzhou and the nephew of Zhu Quanzhong.

After Hu Zhen went to Luoyang to serve as the governor of the Youguo Army, the post of military governor of Xuanyi remained vacant. After Zhu Quanzhong took over the post of governor of Huazhou, the post of governor of Huazhou was given to one of his own, his nephew.

Huazhou's military strength is still relatively empty.

The old Huazhou soldiers were taken to Luoyang by Hu Zhen. The remaining soldiers fought in the south and north. Some were lost in Ruzhou and some were killed in Heyang. In the end, less than a thousand soldiers were left.

After Yuan Xiang first took office, he brought over a thousand Bian soldiers, and then recruited two thousand new soldiers. The Huazhou Army, which had once been quite powerful in the hands of Hu Zhen, regained some strength.

But these four thousand people can defend the city, but Yuan Xiang doesn't dare to go out to fight in the field. What if he returns after a big defeat and the Xia thieves take advantage of the situation and occupy Huazhou? He may have to die to apologize.

He didn't dare to take the risk, but he was also afraid of the Xia thieves' insults, so he simply didn't come out and kept out of sight.

Two Xia Jun primary schools shouted outside the city for a long time and then retreated when there was no movement.

Another officer stepped forward, brandished his horsewhip, and beat many prisoners. While beating him, he shouted: "Kneel down and cry for me!"

So a hundred people cried in unison, and the scene was quite spectacular.

"I am from Zhenhe City, and I was caught when I went out to collect firewood. I am miserable!"

"I'm from Baima County. I'm on duty at the ferry. My name is Hou Yuxian. Please tell me that my second husband can no longer support my old mother. I'm suffering!"

The prisoners burst into tears and cried bitterly. The scene was so heartbreaking for those who heard it, and made them cry.

Some Liang Jun soldiers were furious and wanted to leave the city to fight to the death, but Yuan Xiangxian refused, and he became even more despised.

"I heard that there are four thousand people in the city, but not one of them is a man!" Several more Xia Jun junior high schools came forward and said sarcastically.

"With such courage, you dared to cross the river and go north to cause trouble for us, but you were beaten up by the commander. Could it be that your courage has been beaten away?"

"Now I should only dare to show off my power on women."

"If you meet a Dangxiang woman, I'm afraid it won't be successful. Dangxiang strong women gather in groups, kill people and set fires, and take pleasure in revenge. Isn't it better than these cowering turtles?"

"How can a traitor like Yuan Xiangxian be regarded as Quanzhong's nephew? Why don't you let your mother remarry and become the son of King Xia?"

The two sang and sang in harmony, showing off their sarcasm and sarcasm. The officers and soldiers of the Feilong Army who were arraying in the rear laughed loudly and became more courageous.

But Liang Jun still made no move.

The two of them were discouraged, and then one of them said angrily: "Let's go to Xiayi and dig up Zhu Quanzhong's ancestral grave to see if they still behave like a coward."

"Robbing Quanzhong's ancestral grave!"

"Let's go, go quickly!"

The sergeants followed suit and shouted. The Liang people on the city wall turned pale after hearing this, and they didn't know what to do.

Qibizhang rode forward on his horse, looked at the trembling captives kneeling on the ground, sneered, and said: "You should be lucky that you don't have any blood debt on hand, otherwise your head would have fallen to the ground by now."

The prisoners stopped crying and looked over one after another.

"I've given you an advantage, go away! Remember, when you go back, you can tell others that Xia Wang Rende, as long as you abandon your weapons and kneel down, you can avoid death. If you encounter me in the battle in the future, you know what to do, right?" Qi Banzhang said


"Got it! Got it!" Everyone kowtowed as if they were pounding garlic.

"Let's go!" Qi Banzhang waved his horse's head and said, "Go and dig up Zhu Quanzhong's ancestral grave!"

"Reach the graves of Quan Zhong's ancestors!" The soldiers laughed loudly, took the reins handed over by the auxiliary soldiers, and got on their horses.

This chapter has been completed!
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