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Chapter 59 Fighting in the Wild

On April 25, the second year of Qianning, Shao Shude led his army to Anfeng County.

They all arrived, including food, grass, and baggage. The hundreds of thieves who followed along were left alone.

The baggage had already entered the city, and Shao Shude was in no hurry to enter the city.

He led five thousand soldiers in formation outside the city.

Soon, the Tianxiong Army's 2,500 soldiers also left the city, and the 1,500 cavalry from ancient times were roaming outside.

Nine thousand horsemen lined up in the wilderness, Shao Shude rode his horse to inspect and inspect, and the atmosphere was warm.

When he arrived in front of the Tianxiong Army formation, Shao Shude deliberately dismounted and walked past the first row of sergeants.

Wherever I looked, everyone stood with their heads held high and their bodies upright.

Shao Shude stopped in front of a person, looked at the scar on his face, and praised: "He is a brave man after facing the sword. But was he injured in Heluo?"

The sergeant was a little embarrassed when he heard this and said: "Back to your Majesty, I was killed by Tielin's army in the Fen River. I surrendered my troops in the river."

After hearing this, the people around them tried hard to control the expressions on their faces and prevent themselves from laughing...

"That's a strong man, too." Shao Shude's expression remained unchanged and he said, "Those killers in Dingnandu don't have many lives under their command. You can survive a face-to-face fight. That's good."

This person was about to say that the sole of my foot slipped at that time, and I happened to escape the fatal blow, otherwise I would have died long ago. But after all, his emotional intelligence was not that low, so he murmured twice and then shut up.

Came in front of another person.

Shao Shude looked at him, took his hand, and said with a smile: "Have you been practicing archery for a long time?"

"You can't be a handsome and sharpshooter."

"Have you seen it?" Shao Shude asked. Except for two operations in Heqing and Shouzhou, he has become more and more low-key in recent years, almost becoming a pure commander in charge of the rear area like Zhu Quanzhong and Yang Xingmi, and even the commander Maybe it doesn't count, because the specific formation of troops is completed by others.

As for Li Keyong, he is still active on the front line of the battlefield. His sworn brother is also very old. I wonder how he is doing these days. He looted in Weibo. He was so majestic. He should be heading to Youzhou now, right?

"After the general marched westward to Lanzhou, I saw him hunting with other generals from a distance."

"He actually participated in the Battle of Lanzhou. He is a veteran. In addition to the walking bow, long spear, and horizontal knife, what other weapons are there?"

"If you can wield a long sword, you can also throw a spear."

"In the past, there was a famous Zhang Shenjian in Huainan. He was good at using heavy swords and had many disciples. If you encounter Huai thieves in the future, will you dare to fight them?"

Zhang Shenjian could not bring a thousand people to surrender to Yang Xingmi. Yang Xingmi was worried that he could not control it, so he killed him, and all his tribesmen were also slaughtered.

It's actually a pity. Epee warriors are generally elite.

In the Tang Dynasty, even though Mo Dao and epee were very popular, there were still not many people who used them well. By the Song Dynasty, it was even more difficult to find an organized epee/Mo Dao unit. Maybe this kind of exchanging injuries for injuries, Fighting for one's life is not in line with the values ​​of the people of the time.

"Why don't you dare?" the man said angrily.

"Okay!" Shao Shude liked these brave men who were not afraid of anything. He laughed and encouraged.

Alas, we should have brought our son here, so that he can see the brave warriors in the army, instead of studying literature, poetry and books with Du Honghui and Zhao Guan all day long to become a scholar.

"Are you - He Piao?" Shao Shude walked up to an officer, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "A student of Xiazhou Martial Arts."

"The general office still remembers me?" He Piao asked in surprise.

"Of course my disciples will remember it." Shao Shude smiled and said, "The Tea Mountain Sword on your waist was awarded to you by me. Kill the enemy well and bring peace to the world."

"I will obey the instructions of the General Office!" He Piao responded loudly.

Shao Shude left with a smile, turned around again, looked at the majestic military appearance, and felt reassured.

Officers with traditional general background laugh at martial arts students as being stubborn, but Shao Shude needs such stubborn officers.

And he does not rely on any talent training model.

Talents from traditional generals are needed! Martial arts students are needed! Guardsmen types are needed!

Every type of person has its uses and can be used. The sea is open to all rivers.

Riding his horse back to the front of the 10,000 new soldiers, Shao Shude stopped for a long time and said: "If we achieve great success this time, we will form the right wing of the Tielin Army."

In the Xia army system, currently divided into left and right wings, there is only one Yi Congjun, with three thousand people in the left wing, five thousand people in the right wing, and war soldiers.

Auxiliary soldiers half and half.

The Tielin Army currently has 13,000 infantry and cavalry. If an additional 10,000 people are recruited and cavalry is allocated to it, it will be the largest army in terms of strength and may reach more than 25,000.

The Tielin Army is now the well-deserved first army. Although some troops are not convinced and think that their combat effectiveness is better than theirs, qualifications are qualifications. This is the army that Shao Shude started, and it is difficult for others to compare.

These ten thousand Cai people also knew what the Tielin Army meant. After the soldiers spread the news, everyone worked bravely and their morale was high.

The goal was achieved! Shao Shude laughed: "With such a brave man, if the thieves fight with me, they will be defeated. Now I can prepare more long ropes.

It may be of great use in the future.”

"What's the use?" Zheng Yong asked jokingly.

"Bind the thieves!" Shao Shude replied.

The crowd laughed and were full of fighting spirit.

On April 27, scouts came to report that the Huai bandits had crossed the river for two days in a row, and there were more than 5,000 people on foot and cavalry in the Feixi camp.

Shao Shude continued to send people to invite battle, and the sergeants who were easy to talk took turns to come forward and insult him, provoking the thieves to leave the camp.

Zhu Yanshou overturned the case with one kick.

Xu Wen sat aside and said nothing. He had already tried to persuade him. He was not a general, and it would be useless to talk more.

Xia Thief's insults and taunts were hard to hear.

Why did Zhu Yanshou rely on his sister, Mrs. Zhu, to rise to power? His abilities were limited and he was unable to hold such a big responsibility.

What firewood Zaiyong is like a lost dog, defeated repeatedly in battles and so on.

Why did Xu Wen suddenly rise to a high position without even making any achievements, and he was deliberately back-testing?

The three of them were all a little annoyed. But Xu Wen could keep his temper, Chai Zaiyong could not, and Zhu Yanshou was furious.

The method of provoking generals is actually very low-level. Basically, normal people can see through it at a glance, but why do some people fall for it so many times?

Because he points directly at the human heart and targets the weaknesses in your heart.

Zhu Yanshou couldn't help it anymore and said: "Shao thief invited me to fight. So what if I'm so arrogant and want to fight with him? I want to cross the river with my troops and attack Shao thief."

"No!" Xu Wen said hurriedly.

Zhu Yanshou drew out the knife directly and sneered: "Isn't Marquis Xu Du Yu afraid of death?"

There was a slight sweat on Xu Wen's back, but he still said: "We need to leave troops to guard the east bank. If the Xia thieves cross the river in a roundabout way and take our baggage, the army will be confused and will be defeated."

Zhu Yanshou was stunned. He thought he was trying to persuade him not to fight, but he didn't expect that he was considering guarding the camp on the east bank. This did make sense, so he said: "Then we will leave three thousand soldiers to guard the camp, and General Xu will supervise it. I will

Cross the river with troops and fight the Shao thieves."

Xu Wen nodded silently and said: "Don't worry, everyone, I will guard the camp."

Zhu Yanshou nodded and immediately ordered: "Order your troops and follow me across the river!"

After giving the order, the entire army immediately took action.

Zhu Yanshou had been running the army for many years, but he still had some rules and regulations. At least he was able to enforce orders and prohibitions.

Chai Zaiyong led Heiyundu's 500 horsemen to cross the river first.

Xu Wen led 300 Luzhou cavalry, 1,000 Heiyundu long swordsmen, and 2,000 Luzhou soldiers to guard the camp.

Zhu Yanshou led three thousand elite troops and walked at the end.

Now that the matter has come to an end, there is nothing more to talk about. The two sides are fighting in an array, fighting each other.

Shao Shude, as the overlord of one party, dares to fight with you in the field. What are you afraid of? If you can kill him in formation, it will be a miracle.

On April 28th, the sun was shining brightly, the breeze was gentle, and it was a good weather for fighting in Duandi.

Starting early in the morning, drums were beating continuously in the camps of Xia and Wu, which could be heard even from more than ten miles away.

Shao Shude, surrounded by his own soldiers, ignored Chen Cheng's persuasion and left the county directly.

After the watchtower truck was completed, we climbed aboard and overlooked the entire battlefield.

The soldiers and horses who went out to fight were basically the same members of the original squad who reviewed that day.

Originally, he wanted to form a Yanyue Formation that was both offensive and defensive, but after all, Shao Shude was uneasy about the Cai people's recruits and worried that they would not be able to withstand the Huai people's fierce offensive, so he ordered a wild goose formation.

General Zhu Yanshou set the flag on a gentle slope and had a panoramic view of the entire battlefield.

He directly came to the Yanyue Formation, with 5,000 Luzhou elite soldiers as the center, 3,000 as the right wing, and more than 2,000 as the left wing. The whole army was tens of thousands, and the troops were relatively neat.

The cavalry of both sides are in the rear, ready to fight at any time.

It's a very traditional Tang Dynasty army field battle scene, nine thousand versus eleven thousand, which is not too small in terms of scale.

The wind gradually became stronger.

Li Lin and He Piao were neatly dressed, smiled at each other, and turned to look behind them.

A whole battalion of 500 soldiers has been lined up and ready to attack at any time.

Dozens of people from both sides were already fighting in the middle. This was intended to disrupt the enemy's formation. However, after a brief contact, they dispersed, as if they knew they could not shake the enemy's tight formation.

If you get too close, shoot them in the face? With dozens of people? Even if you shoot them with a powerful crossbow, they won't move. Don't waste your efforts.

"Everyone!" Li Lin turned around and looked at the hundreds of warriors acting as arrows, and said loudly: "We are all veterans of fighting, w. Actually, there is nothing to say, only one point."

"The two armies are fighting. When they fight, the front does not listen to the rear, the rear does not listen to the front, the left does not listen to the right, and the right does not listen to the left." Li Lin said: "The bandit army set up a crescent moon formation, and there are three thousand people who want to flank our army. If Hearing that the Chinese army was defeated, the King of Xia did not know the fate, or that everyone was uneasy and had no fighting spirit. This would definitely defeat the army's plan. Even if it were true, Lin would repay the king's kindness with death. If there is a loyal and brave person who can, Those who are of the same mind as me can fight against thieves together."

"General, what do you want to do?" Someone laughed and said, "Tianxiong Jun's son is valued by the king. He is comforted and rewarded generously.

Is there anyone who is unwilling to die?"

"What Zhang Sanlang said is absolutely true. We are all old people from Tielin, Wuwei, and Tianzhu. It is our duty to receive the king's generous salary and face the enemy's sword. How dare we avoid it?"

"I'm thirty-seven this year." Another person said: "My eldest son, like the general, entered Lingzhou martial arts school. Erlang is in the river,

I got married last year, and the king was touring the counties to congratulate her personally. The scene was, haha, everyone envied her."

After saying that, he touched his neck and said: "I will fight to the death for the king today, so what if I get stabbed here?"

He spoke so boldly that everyone became more courageous and almost overflowed with murderous intent.

He Piao arranged his steps and bow and said only one sentence: "Today, there is only death!"

"It's just death!" Everyone shouted in unison, shouting three times in a row, and even the Huai Army formation heard it.

As soon as the voice fell, the drums suddenly sounded.

Five hundred soldiers armed with heavy swords and Mo Dao rushed forward and killed them.


This chapter has been completed!
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