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Chapter 2 Domestication

 The rooster crows, and a new day begins again.

Someone is already watering the vegetable patch, which has been neatly combed.

There is a very strange vegetable planted in the field. Agricultural students brought it from Lingzhou. It looks like sativa, but it is a little different.

Wang Yong, who had just been promoted from the Prime Minister of Heqing County to the Magistrate of Wangwu County, personally sent the seeds. Qian Dingzhu and Wan told him that they were bought by the King of Xia from Hu merchants at a great expense, and he cultivated a batch of them for agricultural studies. Now they are distributed and expanded.

Planting area.

This dish was named "Sea Beet" by the King of Xia himself. It is said that it comes from the seaside of Daqin in the far west. It is really not easy to come here.

It is estimated that the Hu merchants who brought the seeds were also confused. How come there was a "monarch" in the Tang Dynasty who spent a lot of money to obtain horses, cattle, sheep and even vegetable and fruit seeds for more than ten years? What is the purpose?

Is there a big difference between Dashi Niu, Daqin Niu and Tang Niu? If you have different types of cattle in hand, is it possible that you want to take advantage of each and crossbreed them to create a brand new type of cattle?

Although Hu merchants do not know the concept of "gene" or the benefits of collecting multiple genes, they can vaguely deduce the general context.

But it doesn't matter, you are a fool if you don't make money. If someone wants it, just find a way to bring it there. That monarch is really generous in this regard, and has all kinds of exquisite brocades, as long as they can satisfy him.

Plant seeds were delivered in batches after batches because they were easy to carry.

Livestock is a bit difficult, especially horses, which have been robbed by the Uighurs several times. This is really difficult. Recently, the monarch has increased the reward, but I don’t know if anyone is willing to take the risk of carrying them.

Liu Jingxuan rode his horse from a distance, approached, and said to the young eunuch who greeted him: "Don't forget to send some fruits and vegetables to the pro-military people this afternoon."

"My father really thinks highly of those soldiers," the young eunuch said.

"Your skin is itchy, right?" Liu Jingxuan laughed and scolded: "Last year I was almost beaten as a confederate of Ximen Zhongsui, but I finally gained the trust of King Xia and asked for such a position. People who are in the military department are all servants of King Xia

Qu, you can’t be considered an outsider, so you can’t offend me.”

"I understand." The little eunuch smiled.

Liu Jingxuan, who was originally a eunuch in the Mesozoic era, was implicated in Ximen Zhongsui's resignation. In desperation, he begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother, but no one dared to save him. He was about to be sentenced to death by the saint, so he had an idea and begged Shuofang Junjinzou.

He finally established a relationship with Shao Shude and was able to serve as an envoy to Luoyuan.

In fact, Wang Yanfan, the envoy of the Sixteenth Prince, wanted to compete with him.

Nowadays, everyone in Chang'an knows that Li Sheng is not easy to talk to, and Shao Sheng is the one who has the final say. The Sixteenth King's House Envoy is responsible for taking care of the nearby kings of the royal family. It was originally called the Ten Kings' House Envoy, and later it was renamed the Fifteenth Prince's House.

Envoys, this would be called the Sixteenth Prince's House Envoys, but they all have the same meaning: to help the emperor take good care of his relatives.

The Luoyuan envoy is an official in the Northern Division and is responsible for Luoyang Linyuan. In fact, he serves the Wangwushan Golden Immortal Temple.

As soon as the news came out, the eunuchs in the inner court were gearing up. Wang Yanfan was not the only one who was interested in this position. The chicken envoy (who raised fighting cocks for the palace), the dog envoy, and the cattle and sheep envoy all jumped out, and the competition was fierce.

In the end, Shao Shude made the decision and let Liu Jingxuan, who was almost killed by the saint Han Quanhui, be appointed as the envoy of Luoyuan, and actually helped him control Jinxian Temple.

The vast mountain forests and river valleys near Jinxian Temple are now designated as Dongdu Forest Garden. They belong to the imperial court in name and are managed by eunuchs sent by the imperial court. There is no fault in it.

The Jinxian Temple, which has been expanded for a round, is the core building of this forest garden.

The mountains are cool in summer, and Shao Shude has been spending the summer here recently. In addition to the five hundred soldiers around him, there are only warriors selected from his private tribe, that is, two thousand bodyguards.

There is a lot of land attached to Jinxian Guan, and it is all good land in the river valley. Liu Jingxuan rented it to the Tuoba Party members who moved nearby for farming, and the pastures were also given to them for grazing, which was the biggest income of Jinxian Guan.

But these money and food belong to Jinxian Temple. Except for the temple owner, Xuan Cui Nu Guan Tuo Ba Pu, who can share the benefits, everyone else has to work, such as the Chu family, the Su family, the Xie family and the newly arrived Jiang family.

, Lu family, even Zhang Quanyi’s little daughter, who is still young, has to help collect firewood.

The people who are watering the sea beets are Xie and Jiang. One is Xie Bin's daughter, Zhang Quanyi's eldest daughter-in-law, and the other is Jiang Congxu's sister.

"Has Hua Niang ever done farm work before?" Xie asked after seeing her clumsiness.

"No." Jiang's eyes turned red when he heard this.

How could the daughter of the Shouzhou Tudi Emperor's family, who was loved by her father and brother, work in the fields? Not to mention her, her sister-in-law Lu came from a scholarly family, and it was even more impossible for her to work. But now she has to do laundry and cook, which is miserable.

"Then use more snacks." Xie said unceremoniously: "The king attaches great importance to sea beet, saying that it can produce sugar and benefit the people."

Sea beet (Betavulgaris) is native to the Mediterranean coast, and later spread eastward and entered Asia and Arabia. This is actually a relatively primitive wild beet, which may be a little different from the original version. It has experienced the initial development of humans.

Through domestication and cultivation, the sugar content in the rhizomes has increased. However, compared with the sugar content of sugar beets cultivated in later generations, there is still a big gap. It needs to be continuously purified, solidified with certain characteristics, and further bred.

The domestication and cultivation of plants have always been the focus of the work of agricultural students. For this reason, a large-scale botanical garden has been established in Lingzhou to specifically preserve the collected seeds and further optimize and breed them.

It is very likely that a second botanical garden will be built on the Wangwushan side. After all, the climate here is different from that of Lingzhou.

Breeding may have different results under different climates and soil environments, so this is very necessary.

"Yes." Jiang answered with his head lowered.

Seeing how pitiful she was, Mr. Xie also sighed and said, "Let's go and have a look at the carrot patch."

After that, the two of them arrived at another vegetable patch, one after the other.

Carrots are also bought from Hu merchants in the Western Regions.

This is actually an ancient "artificial" plant. Its ancestors originated from the "wild carrot" in Europe and the "giant carrot" in the Mediterranean region. After long-term cultivation and cultivation by humans, a new variety was born, which is today's "carrot".

It is widely cultivated in West Asia.

The carrots have actually just been planted. This plant likes cold weather, so it is usually planted in July and August and harvested in winter. It is not impossible to plant them in spring, but they will not grow well and the harvest will not be high.

Some people in Lingzhou have begun to grow carrots. This carrot is relatively resistant to drought and barrenness, and has a very high yield. It is easy to harvest several kilograms from one acre of land, and it still grows in winter, which is the best way to improve land utilization.

Yes, growing carrots does not require pest control. In an era without pesticides, this was an unparalleled and huge advantage.

Like beets, carrots are excellent livestock feed.

Shao Shude plans to gradually popularize these two crops in the Central Plains and benefit the world.

The common people are willing to call him "Shao Sheng" not only because he can win battles, but probably the most important reason is that Shao Sheng has really greatly improved people's lives. At least when it comes to eating, everyone respects Shao Sheng.

Food is the most important thing for the people. It can solve or partially solve the problem of eating. This contribution and reputation cannot be compared with anything else.

This is the "never disappear" thing that Shao Shude has been pursuing.

If you invent a steam engine, it will slowly disappear from people's sight like the waterwheel of the Sui Dynasty without the existence of soil.

But the highly efficient agricultural production method of three-crop rotation will not disappear because everyone can use it.

The seeds introduced and cultivated will not disappear because everyone loves to plant them.

It is difficult to disappear the excellent breeding animals that have been cultivated, because they are really good and everyone loves to raise them.

Students in the agricultural system also learned about the word "gene" from Shao Shude, and they now have some concepts. They know that the so-called genes correspond to traits, and their job is to arrange and combine genes to breed better livestock as much as possible.

and crop varieties.

Wang Yong has been writing a book recently, intending to refine this knowledge and elevate it to theory.

There is an essential gap between empirical technology and theoretical science.

Wang Yong's habit is very good. He has made a very good start, refining and sublimating his experience to provide theoretical guidance for future work. If other walks of life also have this kind of motivation, it will be completely new.

There is no need for you to invent anything yourself. This kind of atmosphere or atmosphere is the most precious thing. It is more than a hundred times more valuable than steam engines or iron and steel making.

The carrots in the vegetable patch have sprouted, and they look very pleasing to the eye.

Mr. Xie and Mr. Jiang walked around and found that there was no problem. They breathed a sigh of relief. After putting the tools back in the woodshed, they went to the back together.

Mrs. Chu was lying on the window lattice, looking through the window pane and falling in the courtyard without focus, as if she was carefully admiring the dust in the air.

Mr. Xie and Mrs. Jiang walked into the courtyard while talking. Mrs. Chu's eyes suddenly froze and she began to struggle quietly.

"Don't move." Shao Shude patted him and said, "Zhang Quanyi spent all his family wealth in Ruyang, rewarded the troops generously, encouraged the soldiers to defend the city, and killed my son. Hearing that his bride, Mrs. Jiang, also took out her dowry and sold it,

As a military reward."

"What a great job!" Shao Shude gasped.

Mrs. Chu turned her head, her messy hair covering half of her face, and begged in a low voice: "Don't let outsiders see."

The corner of Xie's eye seemed to turn this way, and Chu was so frightened that she almost squatted down, but she couldn't move at all.

Footsteps sounded outside and stopped at the door. Chu's heart that was about to jump out of her chest shrank back.

After a long time, someone opened the door and walked in.

"Who is looking for me?" Shao Shude sat on the bed, his face rosy.

Mrs. Chu hugged her skirt and hid behind the screen.

"Your Majesty, it's Heyang Song Situ who is here." Tuoba Pu threw himself directly into Shao Shude's arms and said in a disgusting voice.

Shao Shude felt guilty and said: "Could it be that Zhu Quanzhong sent an army of one hundred thousand to cross the river north and invade Heyang? It must be! Invite him to Linzhongyuan, I will go there in a moment."

Tuoba Pu reluctantly left Shao Shude's embrace and went to deliver the order. There were still few people in the temple, so she planned to select some maids from Tuoba's tribe, but Shao Shude did not respond.

It would be nice if there were more people, there are not many that can be used right now...

This chapter has been completed!
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