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Chapter 4 Foundation

 There are more than 1,100 families with an area of ​​less than 20 acres.

There are more than 5,700 households with an area of ​​20 to 40 acres.

There are more than 2,000 households with an area of ​​40 to 60 acres.

Shao Shude put down the yellow household register of Wangwu County. It was newly compiled not long ago, so the data should still be accurate.

Moreover, his Kansai military and political clique is on the rise, and officials are working relatively hard, so the data is more credible.

If there is peace for a hundred years, even if the system is more complete and sophisticated than it is now, the household registration and farmland data that will be calculated by then will probably not be credible.

It was quiet outside the window, and the bright moon hung high.

The moonlight covered the earth, and the flowers in the courtyard became more and more delicate. Take a breath and smell it, and there is still a faint fragrance.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, and Shao Shude was not sleepy at all. He grabbed the sword on the wall and went to the courtyard to practice swordsmanship.

He is good at using horizontal swords, mo swords, spears, foot bows, and cavalry bows. He has only practiced swordsmanship for a few years and is not very proficient.

Zhang Xiong was known as "Zhang Shenjian" in Huainan because of his outstanding swordsmanship and unrivaled bravery in battle. Shao Shude felt that he would never be called "Shao Shenjian" in this life, but there would be no harm in practicing more.

After Shao Shude left the study, Xie stood up from the bed and put on his clothes.

He ran all the way back to the courtyard where he lived, carefully opened the door, and quietly entered his room.

Just as Chu was about to go out, she saw her daughter-in-law running back in disheveled clothes, and quietly disappeared into the darkness to avoid Xie's embarrassment.

A fire has been lit in the kitchen, and Madam Chu and Madam Su began to prepare breakfast.

A low-level middle-ranking official stood nearby. He was the food supervisor.

There was also a female official who heard that she was a palace maid and was a food-loving person, "Everything she eats must be tasted first."

What a grand pomp! The Chu family didn't come from a small family, so they knew that this was definitely over the limit. How could a prince with a different surname have such a pomp? But no one cared.

Su Shi is making donkey-hide gelatin powder and beeswax.

Mrs. Chu secretly glanced at her niece-in-law. There were some things that everyone tacitly agreed not to ask about, pretending that nothing happened until they couldn't hide it anymore, just like Mr. Jiang.

When breakfast was almost done, voices came from the courtyard.

"Commander, there are still many livestock but not enough. The people of Heyang look forward to the livestock as they look to the sun and the moon."

"Aren't we already doing a lot about livestock? Well, I know it's not enough. Last month, an order was sent to Heishui City. The Shaqi tribes paid tribute of 300,000 miscellaneous animals. Later, they will rush to Lingzhou first to fatten them up.

Rush to Xiazhou and fatten up again. I will definitely come before the end of the year, don’t worry."

The conversation stopped for a while, and the footsteps gradually approached.

"Commander, if the more than 100,000 people in Heyang want to be successful and have some savings to supply the army, it is best not to provoke Li Keyong and Luo Hongxin this year and next."

"For Luo Hongxin, the main thing is to win over him for the time being. Li Keyong, he is still on the way to Youzhou, so I'm afraid he won't be able to trouble me."

"Heyang has been stable for a year. It has improved a little. I would like to ask the commander-in-chief to move. There are more than 30,000 households of common people, which are the foundation of the king. It is time to go and see."

"I moved them here by force. Don't you hate me? Some of the Qiang and Hu people are still prisoners."

"The Qiang and Hu people were mostly servants of the chiefs in the past. Now they are granted land. It's too late to shed tears of gratitude. How can they blame the king? The people in Guanzhong are poor and have no place to stand. They were really unwilling to leave their homes before, but after settling down, they were given the land.

I was so happy, but a little bit unhappy, I have long forgotten about it.”

This is "really fragrant"!

We gave you fields and relief rations to help you survive the most difficult first two years of land reclamation, and only started collecting taxes in the third year. We even rented livestock. With so many benefits, it is normal to praise them.

"That's alright. I'll go see my people in a few days."

In fact, the counties in Shaozhou are dominated by the Qiang race, and they are very grateful to Shao Shude. They broke away from the slave society, became commoners with households, and had their own industries. Although they were all earned by fighting in battle,

Most people in the world can only fight endlessly and cannot exchange for land, which is enough to make them grateful.

In a word, the mass base is very good, and they all support Shao Shengren. Even ambitious people cannot attract people, so they can only run away in despair.

The visitor sat down in front of the stone table in the courtyard.

Mrs. Chu took the signal and brought the breakfast over.

Sitting there were King Xia and Chen Cheng, the chief minister of the palace, and they were chatting happily. From what Chen Changshi said, he should be persuading King Xia to take a trip to Heyang.

Heyang! Chu's mood was very complicated. She had just arranged a new home there, but Xia Jun came and called. Xie Bin and Su Junqing were both white-eyed wolves, and they surrendered to the city, putting themselves in such a situation.

"One more thing, your Majesty, please send more manpower. Mining in Xiuwu County requires a large number of manpower to make bricks." Chen Cheng added: "Building a city to resist the enemy, if there are bricks and stones, it will be as solid as gold."

"Are you not Song Situ's lobbyist? Everything mentioned today is related to Heyang." Shao Shude laughed, but he still agreed, saying: "After Ximen Zhongsui became an official, he implicated a large number of people in prison or exile.

I will bring them all over and send them to Heyang."

Ximen Chongsui's downfall was certainly not limited to him alone. Such a behemoth had many intertwined powers. Han Quanhui's strategy was to bribe some, marginalize some, and then severely attack some.

Those who are attacked are usually accused of various crimes. Among them are eunuchs, children of aristocratic families, Shence Army generals, and even palace officials.

After breakfast, Shao Shude went to Wangwu County.

On the seventh day of August, the Tielin Army's left and right carriages escorting the brigade of vehicles arrived somewhere on the outskirts of Wangwu County.

"Madam." Shao Shude took Zhe Fangmai's hand and got out of the carriage.

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty." The princess's face was calm and there was no sign of happiness or anger.

"Father." Several sons also followed.

The eldest man, Shao Siwu, and the second man, Shao Chengjie, are in front. They are the oldest, twelve and eleven years old respectively.

Shao Mianren, the third son, is the son of Da Feng, eight years old this year. Shao Guancheng, the fourth son, whose biological mother is Zhuge, is seven years old and also came here.

Behind them were a large group of servants, guards, and palace officials.

Shao Shu took Zhe Fangxiao's hand and laughed softly: "Does this scene feel like the Second Saints patrolling Shaozhou? We should let the painter paint."

"Your Majesty, don't talk nonsense." Zhe Fangmai grasped Shao Shude's hand tightly and said: "The world is uncertain and must not be like this. My husband has been a little complacent these days. I am not a jealous person, I just think about my husband's great cause.


Shao Shude was horrified when he heard this. Thinking about it carefully, since he went south to the Huaizhou states and established the town of Huaixi, and the Feilong Army broke into Henan and put the Xuanwu Army into disgrace, he was indeed a little complacent and felt that Zhu Quanzhong was nothing more than this.

, soldiers entered Bianliang sooner or later and killed the thief.

Even last night, after venting his anger on Xie Shi, he proudly recalled Genghis Khan's famous saying: "The greatest joy in life is to defeat the enemy, drive the enemy away, seize everything he has, and see those closest to him shed tears.

His horse is worth his wife and daughter."

This is so damn domineering! It may not be in line with the views of scholars in the Song Dynasty and later, but for the warriors walking around at this time, it really speaks to their hearts. This is the highest achievement.

Conquer, the spiritual level of satisfaction is very strong.

There is no way, Hu Feng has been so strong since the Northern Dynasties.

"What Madam said is true." Shao Shu tightened the princess's hand, stepped forward, and said: "This world must be fought step by step. We cannot slack off, let alone underestimate the world's heroes."

Of course, that's what I say, but Jinxian Temple will still go there often...

Wangwu County has been developing for several years, and the countryside scenery is refreshing and refreshing.

The fields are well-proportioned, and the golden wheat has begun to be harvested.

The brewery that Shao Shude regards as a symbol of rural economic recovery has appeared, with wine flags flying in the wind, and it looks pleasing to the eye.

Some forests were cut down, a legacy of previous wars.

The farmers transformed it and reclaimed it into farmland. There are still low bushes between the fields, which look very neat and leafy. There is no doubt that these are the so-called "hedges" repaired by the farmers.

, used to distinguish the farmland and pasture of two adjacent households.

Some cattle pens were built nearby the hedge, and the beef cattle wandered among them, chewing slowly.

There was a peasant woman milking cows, and children were running around, carrying a bucket of milk home from time to time.

Someone was threshing the grains in the field, and the plump wheat grains gradually fell off with a crisp flapping sound. After a while, the grain barrel was filled with wheat grains.

Farther away on the wheat field, someone was threshing grains with a flail-style threshing rod.

Shao Shude watched it with gusto. He had used this kind of threshing stick before time travel to help his family thresh rapeseed. It felt like he had traveled back in time: it was a classic farm tool that had been used for more than a thousand years.

In some fields with early harvest, people have already started planting winter wheat.

Soybeans have just been harvested in these fields. According to the principle of rotation, winter wheat will be planted this fall and harvested in May of the following year.

Some people are also planting turnips, which can still grow in the winter. After harvesting, they can directly plant spring wheat in the spring.

"Madam, let's see how I'm doing?" The high-quality male syndrome broke out. Shao Shude held Zhe Fangxiao's hand and stood by the ditch at the edge of the field.

When farmers from far and near saw the large group of people coming, they all knelt down.

"My husband is very talented and wise." Zhe Fangxiao smiled lightly and said, "My husband's world is also well managed."

"This is our world." Shao Shude laughed.

A legacy of the Northern Dynasties, men went out to fight, while housewives took care of the house and controlled the general direction of the territory's internal affairs.

Sometimes, the emperor and empress listened to the government together and were called the two saints.

These customs will gradually disappear in the future. After the rise of Neo-Confucianism, the imperial power was strengthened. Not only did the prime minister become the emperor's laborer and no longer a national shareholder, the queen also lost her power and became a mascot.

Zhe Fangmai held Shao Shude's hand tightly, her eyes full of smiles. She rarely interfered in the affairs of the palace, although she had the power.

Her mother's family is already so powerful. If she makes any further moves, her husband will inevitably become suspicious, which is not worth it.

What she does most now is to carry out wife diplomacy to help her husband win people's hearts. At the same time, she is also a good person, connecting the two families and maintaining the relationship.

The only thing she cares about is her son.

Shao Shude also knew this very well. So he had no idea of ​​touching the heir, even if someone blew the wind in his ear. He was worried that if he did, the princess would turn black.

Chen Cheng was half a step behind and introduced Shao Chengjie to the counties in Shaozhou.

"Your Majesty, please see that all the people in the king's house have returned home." Chen Cheng said: "The three states of Shao, Meng and Huai are the places that support the king the most besides Guanbei."

Shao Chengjie nodded pretending to be mature: "This is also due to Chen Changshi."

Chen Cheng was a little surprised and said with a smile: "I don't dare to take credit."

Suddenly there was a burst of warm cheers from the front. Shao Chengjie and Chen Cheng looked at them at the same time, only to see a group of herdsmen coming over. They all fell to the ground and said, "Meet the Supreme Khan, Ke Dun."

These Uighurs! Chen Cheng was speechless.

But it’s not a bad thing, the fundamentals are indeed correct.

It is really not easy for generals these days to have a basic base that everyone can rely on.

The three states of Shao, Meng, and Huai are the northern barrier of Luoyang. With this basic base blocking it, it is impossible for the enemy in the north to break through easily.

In a few more years, the foundation will be so deep that no one can break it.

This chapter has been completed!
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