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Chapter 10 Authority

 The governor of Shaanxi Province was Ren Yuji, who was also an old man from Shao Shu De Yuan Cong.

This kind of core old subordinates are either in charge of the army or serve as local officials.

Ren Yuji's military ability is average and he does not seem to have the qualifications to be a famous general. However, he is good at observing people's emotions, has insight into people's hearts, and has good tactics. Therefore, there is another place where he can be of great use, and that is to control the place for Shao Shude and stabilize people's hearts.

Li Fan had already entered the court, and Shao Shude rewarded him with an additional hundred horses, three thousand coins of money, and ten thousand pieces of cloth. He also gave him a separate courtyard in Lingzhou, and a court each. He also appointed two of his sons as officials, and they were appointed to record affairs in Youzhou and Yanzhou.

Sima, you can be regarded as a good person on the surface.

There are also two deputy envoys in Shaanxi Town, namely Sun Ba, the governor of Huazhou, and Huang Tao, the governor of Guozhou.

Sun Jinde, the eldest son of Sun Ba, was originally a regimental envoy in Shanzhou, but now he has been appointed as the governor of Kuozhou, and one of his sons has been appointed as the magistrate of Longzhi County in Shanzhou.

Those who have been kind to me will definitely repay it.

Those who fight for me will be rich and noble.

Shao Shude has never forgotten his old brothers, which is also necessary to maintain team cohesion.

Ren Yuji had long known that Shao Shude intended to patrol several subordinate vassal towns under his jurisdiction to demonstrate his power, so that the soldiers and people in the towns would only know the Jiedushi and not the King of Xia. After all, the King of Xia was the Jiedushi, and he was also the Jiedushi. In theory,

They are on the same level. Therefore, the first thing he did after taking office was to renovate the palace, and he worked very hard.

There was originally Shaanxi City Palace in Shaanzhou City, which was the Hongnong Palace built at the beginning of the Sui Dynasty. It was somewhat dilapidated and was originally intended to be repaired. However, Ren Yuji knew that Shao Shude did not like living in the city, so he spent several months renovating another one.


Xiuling Palace is located on Xiuling Slope in Xisanli, Xiashi County. It was built in the third year of Xianqing Dynasty and has a royal soup.

The Weihan Valley Road passes through the foot of the mountain. To the north of the palace is Datong Temple, which was built during the reign of Empress Wu. Xuanzong stopped here during his eastward tour. He was overjoyed because his young daughter could speak due to yin, so he expanded it and gave Datong Temple an imperial edict.


The decoration inside and outside Xiuling Palace has already begun.

Shangyi Du added six more female historians, bringing the total number to ten.

The sources of female history include the legitimate daughters donated by the chiefs of various Tibetan tribes, and women from Guanbei wealthy families such as the Zhe, Yang, Wang, and Han families. In addition, the Qiu and Song families who are close friends with Shao Shude

, Li (Li Shao), Pei (Pei Tong), and the daughters of the Sun family also selected a group.

Shao Shude felt uneasy because she was not a woman from the Kansai base.

Mrs. Du is the fifth-rank Shangyi, and directly supervises ten female historians. In the future, she will also promote the sixth-rank officials to the positions of Si Ji, Dian Ji, Zhang Ji, Si Yue, Dian Yue, Zhang Yu, etc. There will also be several female historians under each of these positions. Of course, this

It's for the long term, it's not necessary in the near future.

Shao Shude had not yet proclaimed himself emperor, but various institutions had begun to slowly break away from the shackles of the vassal town and transform into a central government.

Each official in the Xia Prince's Mansion will gradually evolve into a court official in the future.

Female officials such as Du Shi will gradually evolve into palace officials in the future.

Some eunuchs also came to seek refuge, such as Liu Jingxuan, etc., who would later evolve into chamberlains.

As for the princess, the concubine, and the concubine, they are naturally the internal officials.

Zhu Quanzhong was still playing with the "vassal town for the country" system. Shao Shude's system was essentially the same as his, but it was more formal, more dignified, and looked more bluffing.

This is also a kind of soft power. Others are just grassroots and are still trying to figure it out. Your family seems to be the most formal and quite capable. People who are interested in getting rich will naturally take a second look. Well, the premise is

He didn't have much loyalty to the court.

Li Zhong led his own soldiers to defend inside and outside the palace.

He originally had 500 people under his command. A while ago, Shao Shude ordered Tielin, Wuwei, Tiande and the bodyguards to select 500 loyal and brave men and add them to the army capital, thus once again expanding the number to 1,000 people.

The outer mountains were garrisoned by the guards' troops and the infantry on the right side of the Tielin Army. The left side of the Tielin Army and the cavalry were stationed opposite the Xiaohan Valley Road.

In the hot spring, Shao Shude got up after soaking enough and sat on the bed.

"Have all the officials in Shaanzhou arrived?" Shao Shude waved, and Du and Wei came closer and knelt down.

"The Baoyi Army is resting and recuperating in Xiao County. The military envoy Wang Jianji has been ordered to come at starry night." Chen reported.

"Zhen Xu, the envoy of the Zhenguo Army, is on his way."

"The governors of the four prefectures of Shaanxi, Guohan, Huashao and Shaanxi have been informed that the end is coming soon. The chief officials of the prefectures and counties and the second assistant officials will also go together."

"Big families, wealthy businessmen, and celebrities from all counties will also come to pay their respects."

"Okay, we have to let them know who is the owner of this land." Shao Shude pinched Webster's face and said with satisfaction.

He remembered something that happened before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China in later generations, which left a deep impression on him.

At that time, local staff mobilized the masses to eliminate illiteracy. The first thing they did was to teach the people that they were Chinese.

It sounds incredible, but people with low education levels really don’t know.

They don't know what the world is like, who rules everything, and they don't even know who the county magistrate or township magistrate is.

At this time, it will only be worse than in the late Republic of China.

Before the An-Shi Rebellion, the people in Hebei only knew the two saints of An-Shi and did not know the saints of Chang-an. This is also true.

Shaanxi Town has just been purged, and a lot of officials have been changed. It is urgent to consolidate the people's hearts. We must not only know that there are military governors and governors, but not the king of Xia.

"Your Majesty, there is another matter. Dong Chang in eastern Zhejiang has built several temples, and there are rumors among the people that he wants to proclaim himself emperor." Chen continued to report.

"Don't worry about him." Shao Shude's heart moved slightly. This is not a bad thing.

There are always some stupid people in the world who think they are very powerful and are surrounded by a circle of people with ulterior motives who sing praises all day long. In fact, they are in an information cocoon and lack a clear understanding of the real world situation.

If Dong Chang proclaims himself emperor, it will definitely be a good thing for Shao Shude.

At that time, he will seize the title of Dong Chang through the imperial court, deprive him of all his posts, and appoint Qian Liu as the governor of the two towns in eastern Zhejiang and western Zhejiang.

Under the general trend, most of Dong Chang's strength collapsed quickly. After Qian Liu annexed the two Zhejiang provinces, his strength greatly increased and he could better contain Yang Xingmi.

This is an upright conspiracy, without any ulterior motives, just waiting for Dong Chang to jump out and commit suicide.

"Okay." Shao Shude pinched Webster's face again.

Mrs. Pei brought the robe, Mrs. Du and Mrs. Wei stood up and put on their skirts. The three of them worked together to put on the prince's robe for Shao Shude.

Ren Yuji is waiting in the front hall.

"Commander." Ren Yuji stood up and saluted.

"When we leave the town of Shaanzhou, are there any changes in the local area?" Shao Shude asked.

"There were occasional small disturbances, but they have been put down." Ren Yuji replied: "The thief Wang Yin sent people to sneak back to Shaanxi Province to win over Wang's old friends, but they were all killed. Now the place is stable, as stable as Mount Tai."

Wang Yin is Jiang Yin. After his mother was taken into the house by Wang Chongying, she changed her name to Wang Yin. When Shao Shude attacked Hezhong, Wang Yin fled to Bianzhou and took refuge with Zhu Quanzhong. Zhu Quanzhong regarded Wang Chongrong as his uncle, and he was very fond of Wang's descendants.

After being hired, Wang Yin also got a secret post and helped Zhu Quanzhong run around.

"What information can be obtained from the torture? Has anyone contacted Wang Yao?" Shao Shude asked.

Shao Shude knew that the hearts of the people in Shaanxi, Guo, and Hezhong might not be on his side. Even Huazhou might not be stable.

In previous wars, these places were repeatedly levied and heavily taxed, and the Tutuan peasants also went into battle several times, with considerable losses. They only had problems with themselves, and this was one of the reasons for this patrol.

"No." Ren Yuji replied: "I'm afraid Wang Yin doesn't have the courage to contact Wang Yao, and Wang Yao doesn't dare to make a mistake."

"That's good." Shao Shude nodded and said: "After the autumn sowing, the four states will send one hundred thousand people to transport grain, grass and equipment. This year I will solve Luoyang in one fell swoop."

Seeing that Ren Yuji didn't believe it, Shao Shude smiled and said: "Bazhu City has been captured by our army. Gao Renhou moved to Mengzhou and attacked Heyang Pass. When these strongholds are removed one by one, the situation in Luoyang will be clear."

In fact, Mengzhou has been making equipment for a long time and is ready to attack Heyang Pass.

The Heyang Bridge is very wide, and the Liang people are still reluctant to burn it. However, if the war is urgent, they will still burn it if they should.

Of course, Shao Shude doesn't particularly care whether he can capture Zhongli City.

The key to his solution to the Luoyang war situation is not here.

On September 26th, autumn sowing has begun one after another.

Shao Shude left Xiuling Palace and arrived at Zhaogong Plain.

More than 20,000 Tielin troops on the left and right lined up here, and officials, generals, scholars, and merchants from the four states of Shaanxi gathered here to pay homage one by one.

Four thousand people from the left wing of the Baoyi Army also rushed back.

"Wonderful victory! Wonderful victory!"

Shouts came and went, and wherever the big red figure went, the atmosphere became heated.

Wang Jiao also shouted a few times, looking excited.

He was already a lieutenant general. Thanks to Li Fan's defeat, his troops were divided. One thousand men were used to supplement the battle losses of the Heyang armies, one thousand men were used to supplement the battle losses of the Chishui, Wuxing, and Guzhen armies.

More than a thousand people were annexed by the Jiebin tribe, and a thousand people were dispersed and incorporated into the left wing of the Baoyi army.

One thousand people can form a combat barracks and an auxiliary barracks.

Wang Jiao was skilled in martial arts and dared to fight, and made some achievements in Heluo. The military envoy Wang Jianji joked with him that if he became his adopted son, he would be promoted to deputy general. Wang Jiao naturally refused, but in the end, Wang Jianji still

He was promoted to deputy general, in charge of a battalion of 500 soldiers.

On the high platform in front, there are many flags and banners, and the canopy is like clouds.

Wang Jiao had good eyesight and could clearly see the big red figure returning.

The joking military envoy Wang Jianji stood aside with a serious and respectful expression.

Huang Tao, the deputy envoy of Jiedu and the governor of Guozhou, who he had met once before, was also present. He was talking about something, but he couldn't really hear it from a distance.

"That's what a real man should be like!" Wang Jiao was very envious.

The King of Xia and his concubine were sitting on top, with female officials surrounding them. Civil and military generals were arranged on the left and right. Below the stage were officials, wealthy families, scholars, and wealthy businessmen from various counties. The King of Xia and his wife said something, and everyone bowed down.


How majestic and powerful this is!

Gao Youqing stood behind Wang Jiao, quietly stood on tiptoes, reached up to his head and looked forward.

He is a young man from Huazhou City whom Wang Jiao met when he escorted Huang Tao to Guozhou. He is from Heweifan and claims to be a descendant of Gao Xianzhi.

When I first joined the army, I stupidly took a saddle I got from nowhere, and when I saw a horse, I followed it quietly, wanting to saddle it up and ride it.

Now I'm not so stupid, I know I still have to fight on the battlefield and make meritorious deeds.

At a young age, he has already achieved the level of beheading.

When attacking Xin'an County, the bandits came out of the city to harass, but Gao Youqing refused to ride on foot. In a one-on-one battle, he actually stabbed a Liang Army cavalryman off his horse and killed him. He was also a god.

The sound of horse hoofbeats started, and a horse rushed to the front of their formation and shouted: "The King of Xia has an order. The whole army will camp for three days, and they will be given two pieces of silk."

Like a flood erupting, cheers spread from one battalion to another, and the sergeants struck the ground with their poles, looking delighted.

"It's better to support the King of Xia as the emperor. We have strong soldiers and horses, so we are afraid." Gao Youqing muttered in a low voice: "As long as the King of Xia rewards me with a horse."

"The present situation of the King of Xia is not much different from that of the Emperor." Wang Jiao sighed.

A civil servant next to him also had the same feeling. He shook his head and chanted: "If you don't see the emperor's residence strong, you will know that the emperor is respected. The emperor's residence is in Xiaohan Valley, and in the quail field of Longshan Hou Dian. The Gui Palace is facing the jade tower, and the pepper house is connected to the golden house.


If Wang Jiao has some enlightenment, the king of Xia will cheer in front and back, and the guests from all over the country will obey him. When he goes out, he will fight with gold and iron horses, kill the generals and seize the city.

It's only one step away.

It's time to seize the opportunity. Defeat Zhu Liang and seal his wife as his wife. Let's fight here.

This chapter has been completed!
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