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Chapter 13 Ready

 After entering October, the Xiaohan Valley Road suddenly became busy with traffic.

Military mobilization is an unavoidable topic and is very popular among officials and scholars.

As far as ordinary people are concerned, they can only sigh. Every time the king of Xia went east to fight, the people of Shaanxi, Guo, Hua and the four states suffered the most. Most of the transporters and laborers came from them.

Recently, people from various counties in Shaozhou have been added. They used to be a fighting force, mainly Tibetan people. Because they fought too hard, too many men died. Now they no longer draw local villagers from them, but a few.

Strong men and women took advantage of the slack season after autumn sowing to help transport supplies.

The three major transportation arteries, the Weihan Valley Road, the Yellow River, and the Wangwuzhiguan Road, transport land and water at the same time, and try their best to transfer materials.

Before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first, that’s true!

Shao Shude has arrived in Mianchi County and is staying at Zigui Palace in the west of the city.

This palace was built in the second year of Yifeng, Emperor Gaozong. It was abandoned six years later in the first year of Hongdao and was converted into a Taoist temple. After the Huangchao Rebellion, the Taoist priests were scattered and many temples and houses were damaged... After learning that Shao Shude was going to inspect Shaanxi Town,

Li Tangbin used thousands of captured Liang people to repair the palace, and finally completed it before Shao Shude arrived.

This is a flattering shot!

The captured Liang people did not surrender, but fled. They dragged their families with them, climbed over the mountains and ridges, and took small roads to escape to the west, just to avoid heavy taxes, heavy military service and corvee labor, because they really could not survive anymore.

The people in Luoyang were probably the worst under Zhu Quanzhong, even worse than Xuzhou. More than 30,000 households had to serve 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers. Even though most of the money and food were transported by water from outside, the burden still weighed them down.

Out of breath.

After Li Tangbin sent people to gather them, he used work as relief to build a palace, and then planned to hand it over to Shaanxi Town. After thinking about it, Shao Shude directly asked them to cross the river to Heyang, disperse them and resettle them in Meng and Huaizhou, and assign them land and households.

It's a relief.

Under Marshal Shao's rule, military service and corvée were unavoidable, but at least the taxes were not so heavy and one could still survive.

"For Luoyang and the soldiers and civilians of Ruzhou, we can step up efforts to persuade them to surrender." In the Zigui Palace, Shao Shude said to Li Tangbin who came to see him: "Come and take them one by one. I have a lot of free land here, and I can always accommodate it."

"I will obey the king's order." Li Tangbin stood up and responded.

"Sit down and talk." Shao Shude smiled and said, "I have been operating in Heluo for several years, and I am fully aware of your contribution."

Li Tangbin grew a thick beard and his demeanor became more serious. This was the temperament of a superior person brought about by commanding an army on expeditions for several years.

My temper seems to be less violent than before, which is good.

Shao Shude vaguely remembered that Li Tangbin was originally a warrior with an impatient personality, unable to hide things, and could not stand being provoked.

Historically, Zhu Zhen and Li Tangbin were at odds because Zhu Quanzhong secretly asked Li Tangbin to spy on Zhu Zhen. Later, the two quarreled, and Zhu Zhen stood up with a sword drawn. Li Tangbin untied his clothes and said, stab me to death if you have the ability. Zhu Zhen stabbed me.

Go down, Li Tang Binzu.

Now it seems that his temper has become much calmer, which may be related to the fact that his life experience has been greatly changed.

"Dingyuan, Tianzhu, and Jingluo armies have arrived at Heluo. There are more than 20,000 people. The 4,000 people in the left wing of the Baoyi army are also under your control." Shao Shude continued: "On this road, we only need to stabilize the existing battle line.

, just keep the pressure.”

"Yes." Li Tangbin was slightly disappointed.

However, he really has nothing to say about this journey. Xin'an County cannot be conquered. If you take a detour south and pass through mountain trails, people will not be able to pass through it. You can't even carry much supplies. You really can't fight a war.

Of course, the situation on other battlefields has now undergone profound changes. Li Tangbin vaguely felt that the Liang people's Heluo defense line was on the verge of collapse, and maybe one day the opportunity would come.

He has been studying Shao Shude's military strategy for many years, and can almost guess what he will do next with his eyes closed. Because Shao Shuade's moves are almost always clear, and he rarely uses conspiracy, so it is easy to guess.

"Hu Zhen's soldiers are not many, and the morale of Luoyang's soldiers and civilians is not necessarily very high. But the thieves have a long army of ten thousand people, and they are often called elites, so they must be carefully guarded." Shao Shude warned again.

In his vision, there were basically enough soldiers and horses along this route. There were 26,000 to 7,000 regular troops, plus Shaanxi and Shaozhou state soldiers, which already exceeded 30,000. Although it is difficult to advance, it is easy to defend.

In fact, he has been deploying troops recently.

The Leopard Cavalry were originally staying in Lingxia, and they had received orders last month to arrive in Shaanzhou as soon as possible. As for which battlefield to join later, let's talk about it later.

It is worth mentioning that the Leopard Cavalry has expanded to more than 1,400 people.

The selection of armored cavalry personnel is actually very strict. They must be warriors who are good at mounted combat. At present, they are basically Guanbei warriors from the four prefectures of Ling, Feng, Sheng, and Lin. The newly conquered Shaqi tribes are also

I have contributed some Beiwei, about a hundred people, and they have all joined in.

Some of the armor is from stock, and some of it was made this year. Shao Shude's ultimate goal is to expand to 2,000 cavalry. The financial pressure is indeed not small, but it is completely worth it.

By the way, there are not many tall horses, but we still try our best to add hundreds of them to the Leopard Riding City. Their shoulder height is similar to the twenty or so horses sent to Shao Shude a while ago, between 138-142 centimeters, which is ten

About four palms.

This unit must take action at critical moments to leave a deep impression on Liang people.

I tell you all to use light cavalry, and I tell you to make light cavalry popular. Have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by armored cavalry in the Southern and Northern Dynasties?

Obviously, the Leopard Cavalry has appeared in the Central Plains more than once, but Shao Shude has not yet observed who has formed an organized armored cavalry unit.

There are medium-sized cavalry with men wearing iron armor, and there are also heavy cavalry with heavy armor, but there are no armored cavalry with both men and horses wearing heavy armor.

"Do it well and be steady. Quanzhong is in a difficult situation now. Let's give him a push this year." Shao Shude encouraged: "I want to share wealth and honor with you, and everything is in one fell swoop."

On the bank of the Valley River, the military training activities continued until the evening.

The Tielin Army has 13,000 cavalry on each side. Some of the personnel were exchanged a few months ago. They have been practicing recently to get familiar with each other.

This unit has a large number of people, strong combat effectiveness, and sufficient loyalty. It has become a decisive force in Shao Shude's hands. It can change the strategic situation no matter which battlefield it is put into.

On the other side of the water, the Tutuan folk from Mianchi County have just finished their training.

Under the stars above their heads, they ate pickles and steamed biscuits, their faces full of joy.

If Shao Shude were asked to evaluate which state under his rule had the best warriors, he would definitely choose Shaozhou.

In the fierce tug-of-war in Heluo, countless men died, and almost none of them had never been in battle. In addition to luck, strong fighting ability was necessary to survive.

Moreover, many local defenses are now guarded by local regiments. For example, Huguo City is defended by the Dangxiang Mountain people from Xiaoshan and the Qingtang Tubo from Mianchi. To this day, the Liang people have not been able to break through the pass.

"Commander, is this a strong army?" Wang Yu, who came to Zigui Palace to pay a visit, asked with a smile.

Shao Shude looked at his sallow face and remained silent for a long time.

Many years ago, Wang Yu stood there like an unsheathed sword, full of sharpness, but now he looked like a different person, completely looking like a dying veteran.

"Wang Dalang, why bother? Why don't you stay in Zigui Palace for the time being? I have asked Han Quanjie to invite people from the Imperial Medical Office to come over." Shao Shude said.

"Commander, do you still remember the old story of the attack on Huang Ye's camp?" Wang Yu raised his head and looked at the dazzling starry sky, his voice a little erratic.

"You said that there are wolves everywhere in this world, and even warriors are afraid of them." Shao Shude said.

"The commander actually remembers..." Wang Yu turned his head, with some joy in his eyes, and then sighed and said: "Actually, Zhu Quanzhong did a pretty good job. He destroyed Huang Chao, Qin Zongquan, and relieved thousands of people.

It is not without reason that the people of Henan built a shrine for him, and all the generals worshiped him. The so-called heroes rise up when the time comes, kill the ugly people, and bring order to the chaos. Zhu Quanzhong accomplished this, and surpassed many people who are just trying to do this.

. It may be said that Quan Zhongxiong was suspicious and treacherous, but it is also true that the people in the Bian, Song, Bo, Ying, Chen, Xu, and Cai states relied on him for their lives."

"At the time of neutralization and enlightenment, the commander-in-chief also rose up at the right time. In the old land of Helong, Tibet and Tibet were trapped for two seasons. Many heroes in the Central Plains attacked and killed each other, and no one cared about them. The commander-in-chief raised a three-foot green sword and fought bravely.

Master, he traveled thousands of miles and swept away barbarians with lightning. No matter what happens in the future, when future generations compile history, this achievement will be indelible." Wang Yu smiled and said.

"Quan Zhong Gong? Sin? It doesn't matter anymore. If there is no outcome between him and the commander, the people of this world will still suffer."

"I have fought too many stupid battles in my life. I don't know why others want to kill me, and I don't know why I want to kill others. Zhu Quanzhong can't succeed, so I will help the commander fight to the end."

Shao Shude was silent.

Among his generals, some are fighting for their personal future, some are fighting for their family's wealth, some are trying to realize their own values, and some just like to "play".

But Lu Huaizhong, Wang Yu, and Yang Yue should be different. Although wealth is important to them, it is not everything.

The reason why the three of them are still willing to fight for Shao Shude is not that the situation has been achieved. It may have a lot to do with the fact that he has made Guanbei prosperous and the people live a comfortable life.

People are indeed different.

October 20, the second year of Qianning.

On the Weihan Valley Road, a horse team carrying armor has arrived in Shaanzhou.

Between the prince's house in Zhiguan, large and small cars were rushing continuously.

Within the Heqing Pier, under the sound of the midnight bell, one grain ship after another quietly docked.

The Tutuan peasants have been trained so much that when they go to bed at night, they dream of being in formation.

The state and county soldiers looked calm, but they checked the equipment over and over again, not daring to be careless at all.

The Yamen masters practiced martial arts calmly and made vulgar jokes to each other.

It was also on this day that the north wall of Zhongli City in Heyang let out a painful wail and was overwhelmed by a large piece of it.

On the wide South Floating Bridge, the fire was blazing, seeming to herald the coming of war.

This chapter has been completed!
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