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Chapter 16 Breakthrough

 In early December, the river was already completely frozen.

Outside Wuzhi County, the army completed its oath and headed east.

The dispatched troops came from three parts, with the core of 2,000 Chishui Army cavalry, the original Heyang surrender troops, the Baoyi Army's right wing cavalry, 600 people, and the Guanbei Ge Shu family, Qibi family, and Wang family Fan cavalry, 3,000 people as supplements.

, the whole army of 5,600 riders, carrying more than 8,000 horses, entered Weizhou on foot, got on their horses, passed between Xinxiang and Jixian, followed the thick Yellow River ice southward, and rushed towards Huazhou

within the territory.

Wei Bo's army had just suffered a defeat at the hands of Li Han, with thousands of casualties and casualties. Luo Hongxin was furious and mobilized soldiers and horses from the four states of Wei, Xiang, Wei, and Chan to attack.

Weibo is a rather special vassal town. There are 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers in 43 counties in six states, but only 8,000 government soldiers. The main force in foreign wars has always been local troops.

After Weizhou soldiers and horses marched north to Xiangzhou, the state was empty. Five thousand six hundred cavalrymen galloped past without stopping, and disappeared into the vast wilderness under the stunned eyes of the Wei people.

"The Liang people are going to have bad luck again..."

"Should we follow and grab a handful?"

"If you don't want to die, don't go. The Liang people can't cure the Xia thief, so they can't cure you?"

"Are you so afraid of the Liang people? I think back then, our Wei soldiers were very famous, and the court couldn't do anything to us."

"Look through the old almanac. How long has Henan been at war? How many years has Hebei been peaceful?"

The Weizhou garrisonmen were talking a lot, watching hundreds of cavalry marching south one after another. No one came out to stop them, and no one wanted to report the news to the Liang people.

Liang Hanyong was worried at first, worried that the guards would come out to stop them, and was ready to fight. But who would have thought, the guards completely stayed in the city and let them go with a tacit understanding, perhaps because Weizhou was transferred

Many soldiers and horses went to surround and suppress Li Hanzhi, perhaps because they were used to letting others pass by, so as long as you don't harm the place, you can go wherever you want.

After more than 5,000 horsemen entered Huazhou, they did not care about their horse power at all and rushed to Lingchang with lightning speed.

Lingchang County was caught off guard, and the city gates had no time to close and were suddenly entered.

At this point, Lingchang County created a record: it was captured twice by the Xia Army in one year. The last time was Qi Banzhang's Feilong Army, and more than half a year later, it was captured by Liang Hanyong's Chishui Army.

Awesome, awesome!

"Seal the whole city, enforce military discipline, and kill anyone who harms the people!"

"Seal up the treasury, take stock of the inventory, and if there are any suitable items, bring them all with you."

"Look for Roman draft animals such as mules and donkeys. The more pack animals the better."

After issuing a series of orders, Liang Hanyong asked people to select some horses that were in relatively good physical condition. There were more than 600 horses in total. They were divided into two groups and asked to take them out for patrols. They also collected horses, mules, grain and grass, and intercepted and killed them passing by the post road.

Liang Jun's messenger.

They are not afraid of being exposed at all. In fact, the bigger the noise, the better. They are not afraid of the Liang people coming, but they are afraid that you will not come.

On the fifth day of December, the army abandoned Lingchang County and marched south to Xucheng.

The Liang people were already prepared, and the cavalry lacked the ability to attack the city, so they bypassed it without attacking. However, they raided a land transportation team outside the city and obtained more than 10,000 hu of grain, as well as unlucky caravans, travelers, and businessmen.

The families of Liang officials and large sums of money who came and went all became their spoils of war.

Liang Hanyong thought for a while and sent out 600 cavalrymen to escort nearly 2,000 people with the grain, grass, money, gold and silverware and prisoners, and returned to Heyang via Weizhou.

Especially those grains are quite precious. Menghuai and Huaizhou collected a total of 400,000 grains and beans this year, but it is not enough to feed the local people, let alone the people who continue to move into Jingzhao Prefecture. There is really no food.

Not too much.

On the seventh day of December, five thousand horsemen officially entered the boundaries of Bianzhou, and the situation suddenly became tense.

In particular, thousands of soldiers and horses were dispatched in the direction of Huazhou. The governor Yuan Xiang personally led the troops and pursued them like crazy.

It seemed that they had indeed stirred up a hornet's nest along the way.

The lights in Yuhousi, the military capital of Bianzhou, are brightly lit.

It was not until 4 o'clock that Xiao Fu looked up from the money and food account book and went to the next hall to have dinner.

While eating, I vaguely heard the quarrel coming from next door. It was Li Zhen and Wei Zhao arguing over how to mobilize their troops.

Xiao Fu calculated that among the major capitals, Hu Zhen had more than 20,000 people, Ding Hui commanded more than 30,000 people, Shishu Cong had 20,000 people, Pang Shigu had 30,000 soldiers, and Caozhou Zhu Zhen had the largest number of soldiers, there should be four

It looks like there are more than 10,000 people. In addition, there are some soldiers and horses at key nodes in the interior hinterland, totaling 10,000 people.

Finally, there is Bianzhou. There are tens of thousands of elite Changzhi troops in the city, plus a few small elite troops, such as Luoyandu, which has less than a thousand people, and Tingzidu, which has more than 2,000 people.

Luoyandu, Tingzidu and the palace guards are all private soldiers of King Liang. They are not counted as government soldiers, nor are they state or county soldiers. It is difficult for outsiders to command them unless King Liang takes the initiative to send them out.

Such a military configuration is obviously abnormal at first glance. It is a typical situation where the outside is more important and the internal is less important. It should not be like this.

Before the war with the Shao thieves, most of the troops were stationed in the two states of Bian and Song, under the watchful eye of the Liang king. However, as the Liang-Xia war became protracted, heavy troops had to be deployed on the periphery, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of troops in the Bian and Song Dynasties.

.And as the Xia thieves captured Heyang, a large number of cavalry took advantage of the opportunity to break into the hinterland, stirring up huge waves, and the deployment of troops became even more extreme.

Seeing thousands of Xia thieves riding out of Huazhou and heading south, only the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Bianzhou City were available. It must be said that it was very helpless.

"We still have to mobilize troops from Caozhou. We don't need more, 20,000 are enough." This was Wei Zhao's voice, and his tone was very passionate: "Can the newly recruited troops from Bianzhou fight? No!"

There are some newly recruited troops in Bianzhou. Yesterday, King Liang ordered that 3,000 brave and capable people be selected from Junyi, Kaifeng, and Chen to leave various counties to set up a separate capital, named "Poxia Capital", with Kang Yanxiao as the capital commander.


To be fair, the quality of Poxia Capital's soldiers is quite good. It is not as good as Tingzidu who is proficient in various martial arts, but it is much better than the quality of ordinary soldiers. At least they are from good families. Many of them have horses at home, can ride and shoot, and even use weapons. You can prepare your own.

But that's not the key. The key is their lack of experience.

How can the newly-recruited people hold important positions if they have no military morale and low morale? Although some officers were transferred from the military mansion, Tingzidu, and Changzhi Army to supplement the ranks, such as Wang Yanzhang of Bianzhou Yayamen, the leader of the Tingzidu team. Du Yanqiu, Liu Qi, a disciple of Xuanwu General School, Zhao Lin, the son of Zhao Yan, the former Zhongwu Army Jiedushi, etc., but after all, the time was too short, and they still needed to go to the battlefield to practice and temper, so they would not be able to hold a big position in a short time.

"Caozhou cannot be moved." Li Zhen's voice also rang out. He did not get very good results on his mission to Weizhou, so he was a little angry and sneered: "The thief general Qi Banzhang has led his troops north to re-enter Xu. How can we move a single line?"

Qi Bizhang and Zhu Jin, with their tens of thousands of men, avoided the real situation and fled everywhere, just like the Nian Army's fighting style in the late Qing Dynasty. After more than half a year of fighting, Liang Jun was exhausted, and the results were very little - nine months During this period, a total of more than 3,000 Feilong Army soldiers were surrounded and annihilated. However, Qi Binzhang's men and horses swelled to more than 8,000, making it impossible to annihilate them all.

Most of these results were achieved after Zhu Zhen took office and used her absolute military superiority to pursue and intercept the enemy.

He found that in the long run, even if he had one man and two horses, the Feilong Army would not be able to march much faster than his infantry. Therefore, he recruited state and county soldiers and local peasants, and sent cavalry to delay, cut off bridges, dig trenches, and carry out small-scale operations. They strengthened the walls and cleared the country, used bait to lure the enemy and set up ambushes, and even sent people to pretend to surrender and join the group. They achieved some results. More than 3,000 people were captured and killed, and hundreds of Yan soldiers were killed.

But what surprised him was that the Feilong Army fought more and more, and people continued to join the group, including Liang Jun's defeated troops, Yun, Yan heroes, and even bandits and bandits. It was getting bigger and bigger, and King Liang was wondering if he was self-respecting by raising bandits. Otherwise, how could he explain that while he kept making gains, the Xia bandits were attacking more and more?

"If Cao's troops are not moving, how about sending Zheng's soldiers? Or Ruluo's sergeants?" Wei Zhao raised his voice and said: "Or simply don't move any soldiers and send Bian soldiers to fight? Are you going to ignore the safety of King Liang? "

Xiao Fu smiled bitterly after hearing this.

Wei Zhao is so boring. Normal military discussions are about discussing matters. Everyone checks for each other's omissions and fills in the gaps. You talk to me, and strategies are often perfected in this way. But it's better for you to directly raise the matter to the level of "the safety of the King of Liang" , how do you ask Li Zhen to answer? What else can he say?

Sure enough, Li Zhen snorted and walked away, ignoring him.

"It's useless no matter how much the people below are arguing about this matter. It still depends on King Liang. How will he decide? Also, Yuan Xiang rushed out with Huazhou soldiers in a hurry. What happened?" Xiao Fu thought quietly. .

Bian Song Dynasty is full of troubles!

On the ninth day of the twelfth month of the second year of Qianning, Fu Cunxun, the envoy of the returned troops to Germany, was reviewing the troops on the South Campus of Wude County.

The returned German army, which had replenished its organization and equipment, was in good condition. The eight thousand soldiers in the army were all determined to fight to the death.

The Guide Army was a unit that Fu Cunshen single-handedly led. It was formerly the five thousand Dangxiangshan people stationed in Hu Guo City, and was later supplemented by some soldiers who surrendered from Hezhong and strong Tibetan troops from the Qing and Tang Dynasties. During the reorganization of Hezhong, some sergeants were transferred and supplemented.

Some soldiers from Tielin, Wuwei, Zhenwu and other armies were recruited. After a long campaign, many suffered battle losses. The Lingzhou reserve army also continued to send new soldiers who had been trained for several years to supplement the shortage.

By now, many of the original five thousand old faces have disappeared forever. However, the entire army has become more and more integrated into a whole. The internal morale is good. They dare to fight and fight hard. They are a powerful force under Gao Renhou.

Fu Cunshen's prestige in the army was extremely high because he was strict in running the army but clearly distinguished rewards and punishments. He often ate and slept with the soldiers, which was a very orthodox style of ancient famous generals.

To be disrespectful, after excluding those officers and veterans from the old armies such as Tielin and Wuwei, among the remaining people, Fu Cunxen's prestige is definitely higher than that of King Xia.

Outside the school grounds, an unknown number of native Tuan villagers were gathered, from Heyang, Wude, and Hanoi, tens of thousands of them.

They drove an endless supply of baggage vehicles, donkeys, mules, horses and camels, loaded with all kinds of supplies and even tools for building a city, and were ready to set off.

But the day of departure is not today, they still need to wait, waiting for a signal.

This chapter has been completed!
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