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Chapter 19: Go South with all your strength

"Boom!" The arrow flew out and hit the target hard.

"First ring!" Someone quickly reported.

Shao Chengjie put down the small bow in his hand with some satisfaction and shot five arrows. Only one arrow missed, one arrow had three rings, and the other three arrows all had one or two rings. For him who was only twelve years old after the New Year

That said, this is a good result.

Shao Siwu's results were also good, with only one arrow missing the target and the other four hitting the target.

Sanlang Mianren and Shiro Guancheng looked at their two brothers with envy. They were still young and were currently only undergoing basic training and had not yet touched the equipment.

Shao Shude's six sons all want to practice martial arts and ride horses. This is what their father requires of them.

In this era, those in power are not qualified to practice martial arts, otherwise they will always be unsafe.

"Very——" Shao Shude was about to say something when he was stopped by the princess.

"It's okay..." Zhe Fang Ai said calmly.

Concubine Ji, the female officials all looked serious and did not show any expression.

Shao Shude sat back again, smiling and saying nothing.

As the sons of King Xia, they were taught literature by top scholars and great Confucians, and martial arts were taught by experienced and skilled martial artists. In addition, there were top teachers who taught mathematics, people control, management, and miscellaneous studies.

Tiantuan, with such high-quality learning resources, coupled with the princess's strict supervision, Shao Shude has never worried about the education of his children.

The cuckoo girl nestled in Mrs. Pei's arms, her big black eyes moving back and forth between the two of them.

Li Renyu left forever, her father died again, and Juan Niang lost her family. However, she is now the adopted daughter of the Pei family and the adopted daughter of Shao Shude. With this status, no one dares to bully her.

Zhu Shuzong's daughter Zhu and Zhang Huaishen's daughter Zhang also came from Lingzhou. The New Year is approaching, are they coming to "visit relatives"? Shao Shude is not sure, but the princess likes them very much and often gives them gifts.

Ms. Zhu and Ms. Zhang are tall and slim, in their teens, they are actually not that old, but they have a standard ladylike demeanor.

Shao Shude was also under a lot of pressure to choose them as his daughter-in-law, because too many people were eyeing their sons.

But the political marriage was like this. The 50,000-strong reserve army was handed over to Zhu Shuzong, and a large number of recruits who had undergone rigorous training were sent every year. They were qualified in archery, spear and sword skills, and one or two special weapons, such as Chang Ke.

Axes, swords, heavy swords, hooks and sickles, maces, maces, etc. are an important part of the continuous operation of the Kansai military machine - always annexing other people's soldiers, if there are too many, it will be a problem in the long run.

There are hidden dangers.

Zhang Huaishen is already sixty-five years old. It is conceivable that his life span will not be long and he will face sensitive power transfer issues at any time.

Shao Shude didn't want chaos in this place, so he just helped him maintain it first, and then find a way to take care of it later. The marriage with the Zhang family would help deter the ghosts and snake spirits within the Guiyi Army.

The king's thunderous wrath?

Fortunately, with the support of Shao Shude in recent years, Zhang Huaishen has accelerated the cleanup of internal forces. Now his rule is much more stable and the transfer of power is not a big problem.

"Gentlemen, all of you will be rewarded for your hard work." Shao Shude signaled to Shanggong Xiao, who immediately responded.

After the martial arts performance was over, Shao Shude called Dalang and Erlang to his side and asked: "I just received the military report that 5,000 Feilong Army soldiers crossed south via Weizhou, then broke through Lingchang County, and defeated Huazhou near Xucheng.

The army captured and killed more than 2,000 people. Tell me, what will Liang Jun do next?"

The Feilong Army moved south in a large scale on December 21st. The first stop was Lingchang County, which they captured for the third time this year.

Subsequently, the army gathered food and grass everywhere, but found little, so they had to go south to eat. As a result, between Xucheng and Lingchang, they encountered Huazhou soldiers who were being ordered to return to Baima.

After a surprise attack, the Huazhou soldiers were defeated, with hundreds of casualties and nearly a thousand prisoners taken, and the rest dispersed.

Subsequently, the Feilong Army headed straight for Baima County, but failed to attack the city. Instead, they plundered the countryside and collected grain and grass, finally temporarily solving the precarious logistics supply problem.

The investment of their troops was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Liang people.

Does the strategic plan need to be readjusted? The ball is in Zhu Quanzhong's side, let's see how he chooses.

"Master, the Liang thieves will mobilize their troops to surround the Feilong Army." Erlang Shao Chengjie replied.

"Master, I feel that if Lingzhou is so poisoned by thieves, they will run horses all over the place. Even if they fight for other places, they must be annihilated first." Dalang Shao Siwu replied: "If ten thousand people are not enough, just send two

Ten thousand people, if twenty thousand are not enough, then thirty thousand, until it is completely pacified."

"My son all knows, what exactly is Zhu Quanzhong insisting on?" Shao Shude sighed.

If you don't move, I will continue to humiliate you. Let's see how long you can endure it!

On December 26, the second year of Qianning, Shao Shude left Cuiweigong in Chang'an County and returned eastward to the river, ending this year's tour of the two towns.

I believe that after this month, this year’s battle with Zhu Quanzhong will also enter the mid-game decisive stage.

There are signs that something is wrong in Bianzhou recently.

In the streets, the talk was no longer about the grain harvest and business transactions, but about the sensational things about Xia thieves plundering, attacking and killing people outside the city.

For the first time in a decade, concerns about safety overshadowed the trivial matters in life.

Various news came and went, gradually becoming outrageous.

"Did you hear that Pengcheng County's wife was kidnapped by Shao?"

"I heard about it. The Shao thief directly rewarded two Jiedu envoys, three governors went out, and the few warriors who captured Pengcheng County's wife became rich."

"I also heard that Han Quanhui, the envoy of the Tenth Army, and Liu Jishu, the lieutenant of the Shence Right Army, were on the left and right, pressing the hands of Pengcheng County's wife. She looked south to Bianzhou, howling for blood, and was raped by the Shao thief."

"Alas!" A drinker sat over and sighed heavily, saying: "You are so free, yet you still care about the life and death of a woman. Yuan Xiang was imprisoned by the King of Liang first, and my family's business was cut off. There will be no more business in the future."

Know what to do."

"The end of the business is actually not a big deal." Someone also sighed: "But I can't. All the millet and wheat in the village outside the city were robbed by Xia thieves, and the horses and mules were also wiped out. If you can't drive away the Xia thieves,

, how can we spend this day?"

"Your horses and mules were robbed. What a coincidence, Prince Liang's horses and mules were also robbed. Pu Guanze raised a lot of horses. They were either sent to the army or kept in the sheep and horse wall a few days ago.

There were only a few hundred horses left, but they were all wiped out by the summer thieves."

"What's the point of grabbing a few horses? Wei's order led hundreds of righteous soldiers to aid Bianzhou. When they reached the sand sea, they were attacked by Xia thieves and the entire army was wiped out."

"Can't we kill all the Xia thieves?"

"We have no soldiers, what else can we do? I travel to the six counties of Bianzhou quite often. How many soldiers have you seen?"

"I'm afraid we have to lose a few more counties before King Liang is willing to send his troops back."

The rapid sound of horse hooves sounded on the street, and then passed by in a flash.

The messenger walked through the streets and alleys, dismounted from his horse before and after the door of Duyuhou, and after verifying his identity, he hurried in.

"Kuangwei, Feilong's Second Army is dispatched." Xiao Fu got the news immediately.

The Kuangwei Army is stationed in Zhengzhou and the Feilong Army is stationed in Xingyang, both of which are Pang Shigu's troops. If these two armies are transferred eastward to Bian, then the strength of the troops in the west will be greatly reduced, and the remaining troops will basically be stationed in Biankou, Luokou and Heyang.

There are more than 10,000 troops in Nancheng.

To be more precise, they were the 10,000-strong Victory Army led by Huo Cun and the 2,000-strong Heyang Yamen Army that had been rebuilt. They were originally deployed on the front line and held their positions firmly when the Xia Army moved south, and then cooperated with

The Feilong Army and Kuangwei Army deployed on the second line blocked the Xia Army's return route and annihilated them all on the south bank.

Now that the second-line main force has been transferred, what will they do?

"This strategy is a bit risky." Xiao Fu didn't even need to look at the map, the changes in the deployment of each army were automatically shown in his mind.

The plan was to mobilize Pang Shigu to go eastward, and cooperate with Deng Jijun and Bianzhou soldiers and horses, a total of 50,000 to 60,000 elite Yamen troops, to annihilate the intruding Xia army as soon as possible, and then return to their respective stations.

As for why they did not continue to draw troops from Zhu Zhen in Caozhou, one reason was that they had nothing to draw, so they had to give Zhu Zhen troops, right? Another reason may be related to the fact that Qibizhang's tribe was heading north again and could not leave.

Xiao Fu had a hunch that this year's war might be about to end.

Xia Jun's cavalry, which was "actively active" on the south bank of the river, quickly detected Liang Jun's mobilization.

The question before Gao Renhou now is: Is Liang Jun's transfer real? Is it a false shot, but actually waiting for him to move south in a big way, and then swarm them to eliminate them?

Regarding this question raised by his staff, Gao Renhou had only one sentence: "If you are afraid of this or that, why fight?"

No longer hesitating at the moment, he immediately strengthened the newly transferred Tiande army to Fu Cunshen, and assigned 2,000 Guanbei Fan cavalry, a total of more than 20,000 Yamen troops, plus the three troops from Heyang, Wude, and Wuzhi who had been ready to go.

The county's 40,000 local peasants drove their carts and carts, carrying countless supplies, and marched southward.

On the 28th, the army arrived outside the south city of Heyang. The Yamen prepared the defenders in the city to attack. Some of the Tutuan villagers set up camp and some dug trenches.

In the city, Liang Jun counted 3,000 soldiers to ensure victory, 1,000 troops from Heyang Yamen, 300 cavalry, and 3,000 newly recruited local men from Tu Tuan.

The victorious army commander Huo Cun weighed the strength at hand, hesitated a little, and did not leave the city to fight yet.

Gao Renhou also sent a second group of troops.

With Fan He, envoy of the Chishui Army, as the commander, he led 6,000 infantry of the Chishui Army, 10,000 soldiers of the Hezhong Army, 5,000 infantry and cavalry of the Yumen Army, and 1,000 cavalry of the Fan tribe, a total of 22,000 troops, plus those from Heqing and Wangwu.

There are more than 30,000 Tutuan villagers from Jiyuan and Xiuwu counties, and they are directly in Luokou and Gongxian areas.

There were two thousand victorious troops and one thousand Heyang Yamen troops in the Luokou warehouse, who were besieged. In fact, there was not much food in the warehouse, most of which was shipped to Luoyang, but the defenders still did not dare to abandon the city and flee.

Gongxian County is located northwest of Luokou Cang, forming an angle with each other. It has two thousand troops to ensure victory and two thousand native Tutuan soldiers to garrison it.

Fan He did not hesitate, and in accordance with the plan made before the war, he sent people to build a city and set up a stronghold in the Poppy Valley, twenty miles east of Gong County, while digging trenches to isolate Luokoucang and Gong County.

Tianxiong's army of ten thousand people served as a reserve force to escort grain and grass slowly southward.

The two armies totaled more than 120,000 people. They were so majestic and powerful that when the people of Liang heard about it, they changed their minds for a moment.

At this point, Xia Jun's battle plan, through the two directions in which they moved forward, had been completely and undoubtedly exposed to Liang Jun.

But it doesn't matter. If the army doesn't move, it will be fine. If it moves, it will race against time and go all out with the spirit of a lion fighting a rabbit.

This chapter has been completed!
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