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Chapter 20 Mangshan

 New Year's Day of the third year of Qianning (896) came soon.

Outside Baisima Ban, countless rangers were moving around, covering an area of ​​dozens of miles.

On top of Bai Sima Ban, a wooden camp has been erected, and Yang Sheng, the deputy envoy of the Tiande Army, entered the camp with 2,500 infantry.

Next to the camp, the Tutuan peasants were doing the final work: digging trenches, reinforcing trench walls, laying out horse traps, and installing defensive weapons such as antler guns and iron caltrops.

It's obvious that they intend to stick to this place.

At noon, Tiande Army envoy Cai Songyang personally went to the fortress named Baima Village to inspect.

Bai Sima Ban, also known as Bai Ma Slope, is thirty miles southwest of Luoyang. When the army broke into this place, it was a great psychological shock to Liang Jun.

In fact, Liang Jun also had a chance. If Luoyang sent elite troops to the north, Zhengzhou sent a large army to the west, and the defenders of Heyang Nancheng sent out to harass the Xia army's retreat, they would have a chance to annihilate the Xia army crossing the river on the south bank of the river.

But the army in the direction of Zhengzhou was gone, and only garrison troops and horses were left in the area. It was too late to protect ourselves, and it was impossible to go west for reinforcements.

This time, it depends on who moves faster.

After a careful inspection, Cai Songyang explained some details to Yang Sheng, and then roared away with his soldiers, heading straight for Pingluo Village, which is more than ten miles east.

This village is located at the exit of a relatively low and flat passage at the northern foot of Mang Mountain. The post road leads out of it and goes north to Heyang.

If you go south, you can reach Jirunyi in the east of Luoyang through Mang Mountain.

This place is actually the ancient city of Luoyang during the Han and Wei dynasties. Jirunyi is located outside the upper east gate of the ancient city. There is Caoqu Pier and Shiliang Dock nearby. There is a stone bridge on the river and opposite is the Shiqiao Store. It is about thirty miles west of Luoyang. .

The village has also been completed, but the work of the Tutuan villagers has not ended. In fact, they have already begun building a city at the northern foot of Mang Mountain in the north of the village.

Three thousand infantry of the Tiande army stationed in the village and were on full alert.

"The two northbound post roads in Luoyang are blocked. I want to see if Hu is really in a hurry." Cai Songyang laughed, standing on the mountains where the north wind was whistling, looking down at the ruined city of Luoyang. laughing out loud.

His laughter seemed to travel through time and space and landed in Luoyang City dozens of miles away.

Hu Zhen immediately went to see the Changzhi Army envoy Kou Yanqing, but he was not there. After asking again, he went to Yanshi.

Although Hu Zhen was angry that he did not know that he would act without permission, there was nothing wrong with going to Yanshi. Seventy miles northeast of Yanshi was Gong County and Xingluocang (Luokou Cang). It was said that a large number of thieves were already stationed there. , felling trees and building strongholds, and continuously attacking Luokou Cang and Gong County, the situation was already in danger.

"Commander, General Kou has left for Yanshi. You should have a worry-free journey." The staff advised him one after another.

Hu Zhen just smiled.

He has been fighting for many years. What kind of enemies have he not encountered? What kind of battles have he not fought? He has rich experience.

Now this situation seems a bit dangerous to him. He also understands Xia Thief's intention. He is coming for Luoyang, not Bianzhou or Huazhou at all.

"Commander, my subordinates are asking for reinforcements at Luonan Pass." Amidst the commotion, a loud voice suddenly sounded.

Hu Zhen took a closer look and saw that it was Duan Ning, the inspector of the shogunate, a talented man who had just reached the age of weak crown.

"Aren't there troops at the three passes of Luonan? The Changzhi Army has assigned a thousand men, and the Youguo Army also has an infantry force. Two thousand men are not enough?"

"I'll pick you up at the Three Passes in Luonan. Xu, what should I be guarded against?"

"Inspector Duan, what do you mean? Tell me clearly!"

"Duan Ning wants to run away!"

"Shut up!" Hu Zhen's face fell, he stopped everyone, and asked: "Inspector Duan, we are going to reinforce the three passes of Luonan. What is the meaning of this?"

"Hu Shuai." Duan Ning bowed and saluted, and said: "The Xia thieves suddenly moved southward and moved quickly. Watching their movements, they should be stationing troops at Sima Ban and Luokou to cut off the channel between Luoyang and Zhengzhou and Bian."

The main channel connecting Luoyang to Zhengbian is north of Mang Mountain and south of the Yellow River.

The terrain along the river at the northern foot of Mang Mountain is very flat. Passing Sishui County to the east, you can reach Zhengzhou. The famous Sishui Pass and Hulao Pass are located in this area.

"It's fine if we can defeat the Xia thieves, but if we can't defeat them repeatedly, won't we be trapped in Luoyang?" Duan Ning said again.

Hu Zhen was thoughtful. Although others were not convinced, they had to seriously consider this possibility.

It’s not clear how many soldiers the Xia thieves came, but they definitely didn’t leave after looting. This can be judged from many details. And since they didn’t leave, the purpose is obvious. They want to take Luoyang!

This is one of the bad aspects of Luoyang's terrain.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, there are many dangerous passes around it, which seems to be very conducive to defense. But don’t forget that the Yiluo Basin is too small, with only a few counties. Once trapped in it, I am afraid that it will not be able to support itself, let alone others?

Guanzhong is the real four-fortress country. It has the Guanzhong Plain, which is dozens of times the size of the Yiluo Basin, as its foundation. It is not afraid of being besieged. Luoyang is just a miniature version, and its self-sustainability is very poor.

"For this reason, I would like to ask my subordinates to send more soldiers and horses to Yique and other places." Duan Ning finally said.

The Youguo Army originally numbered 30,000 people. After Hu Zhen took control of Luoyang, he integrated the original garrison and reinforcements from all walks of life.

At that time, King Liang also agreed, otherwise the command system would be too complicated and there would be many orders, which would not be conducive to combat.

The 30,000 Youguo army was divided into left and right wings, each with fifteen capitals, each with a thousand men. As a result, half of them were transferred away by King Liang last year, leaving only fifteen capitals.

It is very difficult to defend Luoyang with the strength of the fifteen capitals. Although the Changzhi Army has tens of thousands of people to help, it is still not enough. We can only recruit troops from the more than 30,000 households in Luoyang. Currently, a total of 10,000 Tu Tuan soldiers have been recruited.

The countrymen served in turns, and with the troops sent from other states to garrison from time to time, the stall could barely be supported.

Hu Zhen was silent after hearing this.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he agreed with Duan Ning's words. But if he did so directly, it would be too eye-catching!

You haven't even fought yet, so you first think about protecting your retreat. Isn't that a little too much?

Moreover, this matter is not that simple. It is not just a matter in Luoyang, but also involves the Dinghui headquarters in Ruzhou. Once you run away and leave the 36,000 people in Dinghui open, what can he do?

They could only be forced to retreat and rebuild their defense line in Xuzhou.

If things really develop to this point, Hu Zhen can't imagine what he will face. Perhaps surrender is the only way out.

But how could he surrender unless he had to? After so many years with King Liang, even though he was under suspicion, he was not lacking in wealth and honor. It’s not like that, it’s not like that!

"That's all. How can we draw three thousand men and horses now?" Hu Zhen smiled bitterly and said: "Most of the troops are used to guard against the traitor Li Tangbin. There are only Wudu soldiers in Luoyang City. The two thousand men left by Kou Yanqing are here.

I can't move the command. As for the Changzhi Army, Prince Liang personally serves as the military envoy, who can move it?"

After all, there was some dissatisfaction in his tone, and everyone just pretended not to hear it.

Duan Ning wanted to say something else, but Hu Zhen waved his hand and said: "No more words. I have received great kindness from King Liang and I must repay it. Send an order to recruit 10,000 troops from the counties of Henan, Luoyang and Yanshi. The sooner the better

, I want to go north to attack the Xia bandits and re-open the connection with Heyang. The troops of General Huo and his son are still trapped in Nancheng. Maybe we can cooperate with them from inside and outside to defeat the bandit army."

Pang Shigu's Yellow River defense line was cut into several sections on the spot after the Xia army moved south.

Heyang Nancheng and its affiliated Cangcheng are the largest group of soldiers and horses, and are personally controlled by Huo Cun, the envoy of the Victory Army.

In Gong County and Luokou Cang, there are also soldiers and horses guarding Biankou and Xuanmen Pass, with more than 12,000 people. They cannot look at each other, and the communication is interrupted.

If there is still a heavy troop group deployed on the second line, it will actually be fine. It can completely cooperate with the isolated strongholds on the first line to attack the enemy from inside and outside. But now there is no more, and this is a problem.

"Recruit troops immediately without any delay." Hu Zhen made the final decision.

Some Xia Army cavalry have already appeared in the area of ​​Shiqiaodian.

They came from the Guanbei tribe and were led by Wang He, the son of Wang Xie, the patrol envoy of Mulashan, with a total of thousands of horses.

Because there were almost no enemy troops in this area, they led their horses on foot easily, passed through the rugged Mang Mountain Post Road, and entered the flat Yiluo Valley.

In normal times, of course they would not have dared to do this. Due to the unstable back road, they could easily be locked up, beaten, and buried in Luoyang. But it is different now. Bai Sima Ban has set up a stronghold, and trenches have been dug in Heyang Nancheng.

, restricting the defenders from leaving the city, so they have no worries about their retreat and can easily break into the Yiluo Basin.

The whistling light cavalry passed by the Shiqiao shop, spraying a rain of arrows. More than a hundred soldiers and tax collectors of the Liang Army who were guarding the stone bridge dispersed in a hurry, allowing them to cross the stone bridge and arrive at the ancient city of Luoyang.

There was a warehouse near Shiliangwu, which was guarded by dozens of defenders. It was rushed by the cavalry and suffered numerous casualties.

There were thousands of grains, beans and many cloths and equipment in the warehouse. Wang He thought that he could not take them away, so he simply asked people to bring firewood and lit a fire.

Thick black smoke pillars shot straight into the sky, visible from far and near.

Duan Ning, who had just gotten out of the mountain, saw him, his face changed drastically, and he immediately ran home, planning to let his family leave the city quietly, take a detour to the south, and return to Bianzhou.

At this moment, neat footsteps sounded on the street.

Duan Ning went out and saw that it was the Changzhi Army. The large group of troops left the city and headed east, apparently heading to Jirunyi and Shiqiao Store.

Well, actually it doesn’t count as leaving the city. Because Luoyang is very small, the Changzhi Army was stationed in a military camp that was collected from the rubble outside the city. Many Luoyang officials also lived outside the city.

"I'm worried that the Xia thieves will cut off Kou Yanqing's retreat and food routes!" Duan Ning sighed and turned around to see that everyone in his parents' family was worried. Only the five-year-old girl didn't know why, and her smart eyes were filled with confusion.

Turn around and look curiously at everything outside.

This battle is difficult to win!

This is not Duan Ning’s opinion alone, it may have become the consensus of everyone in Luoyang. There are only five soldiers and horses in the city. Even if 10,000 native Tuan peasants are recruited, can they really win the battle just like this? What’s more, now

It seems that the recruitment of troops has also encountered difficulties. Luoyang County is in chaos and the people are panicked. Where can they find people?

"Brother, there is also smoke in the north." My younger sister, Duan, pointed to the northern sky with her little hand and said happily.

Duan Ning's face darkened. Was it another Xia cavalry?

This chapter has been completed!
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