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Chapter 35 Preparation and Winning

There are still some common people in Luoyang, but in terms of distribution, they are not Henan and Luoyang counties in the narrow sense. In fact, Yanshi, Fengshi, and Gong have more counties in the Yiluo Basin, accounting for almost the original area.

Half of the more than 30,000 households.

In addition, Changshui, Yongning, Fuchang, Shou'an in the Luoshui Valley, the Lu family belonging to Guozhou, Yiyang, Luhun, and Yique in the Yishui Basin also had some common people, all of whom were Zhang Quanyi. During the Hu Zhen era, there were successive

Collected and placed.

But in general, the area around Luoyang is the highlight, and there are very few others. The counties outside the three passes in Luonan can basically be said to be sparsely populated and very poor.

Gao Renhou held Luo and governed no more than ten counties (including Heqing). He ignored government affairs and focused on waging war. All local affairs were handled by the civil service system led by Feng Wei.

This is a high gesture and a kind of political wisdom, which shows that Lao Gao does not understand everything.

After Shao Shude inquired with someone, he learned that Gao Renhou's eldest son had passed away, so he appointed his eldest grandson Gao Mian as the order of the Lu family in Guozhou. Gao Mian was only seventeen years old this year. He went to Chang'an to take the Jinshi exam once, and his level was average. He failed to pass the exam.

Being Lu's order is indeed taken care of. Moreover, in the future, as long as you don't make big mistakes in government affairs and appoint talented subordinates, there is still a great possibility of promotion.

"Commander, do you need to reconsider the abolition of Shaozhou?" Feng Wei, deputy envoy of Luo Town Jiedu, who followed Shao Shude on inspection in the Luoshui River Valley, asked: "Where are the five counties, a lot of officials have been transferred."

"It doesn't matter. The establishment of Shaozhou was originally designed to serve the war. Now that the war in Heluo and Heyang is coming to an end, there is no need." Shao Shude said.

He had just given the order to abolish Shaozhou. The counties under his jurisdiction were also readjusted.

Among them, the two counties of Yuan and Xiaoshi belong to Shaanxi Prefecture, the two counties of Wei County and Mianchi belong to Mianchi, and the two counties of Wangwu and Mianchi belong to Henan Prefecture. In this way, the actual jurisdiction of Luo Town will increase to twelve counties with more than 50,000 households.

There are about 200,000 common people, which is quite impressive, although it is only a fraction of the household registration during the heyday of the dynasty.

Some Shaozhou officials go to other places to serve, and some are transferred to Henan Prefecture. Shaozhou is a lower state, while Jingzhao, Henan, and Taiyuan are prefectures. If they are transferred here, their grades will not be lost.

For example, Liang Zhixia, the governor of Shaozhou, will be transferred to Shengzhou in northern Guanzhou as governor. Shengzhou is now Zhongzhou, so his official position has changed from the lower rank of the fourth rank to the upper rank of the fourth rank.

Sima Ye, who did not drive, was promoted to Shaoyin of Henan Prefecture, from the fifth rank to the fourth rank.

Wang Yong, who was admired by Shao Shude, was transferred to Henan County as the county magistrate. He was promoted from the eighth-ranked Ji County Magistrate to the fifth-ranked Jingxian County Magistrate. It was a meteoric rise to the top. He was the one with the longest face in the agricultural system and set an example.

It is very obvious - the six counties of Chang'an, Wannian, Taiyuan, Jinyang, Henan, and Luoyang are called Jingxian, and the official rank is generally high.

"Since the king has this intention, I am naturally happy." Feng Wei said with a smile.

He understood that the counties that Shao Shude allocated to him were all fertile counties that had been vigorously developed in recent years and had many Tibetan households registered. It is true that compared with the Tianbao period, these counties were inferior in terms of population and economy.

But the advantage is that it develops quickly. If you give them another ten years, they may reach the level of prosperity during the Tianbao period. After all, so many people have immigrated, and they have also implemented a land equalization system and promoted both agriculture and animal husbandry. In fact, the benefits are huge.

"There are now 200,000 people in Henan Prefecture. Do a good job." Shao Shude said: "Look at these places, they are all panicking. It is a pity."

The location of their meeting is Shouan County (today's west of Yiyang County), on the south bank of Luoshui River. Bai Juyi once had two popular poems "Shou'an Resting Horses".

"As long as there are people and livestock, they should be well taken care of and maintained." Feng Wei said with a smile.

Where the Xia army will attack next is still a secret. Shao Shude has not said it, and everyone can only guess. But the news about the formation of the Luoyang camp is genuine, and everyone knows that it will definitely be fought sooner or later.

Feng Wei planned to seize the last window of time before the start of the war and ask for various materials and talents, especially the latter. Officials should arrive as soon as possible to replace the old officials from the Zhu Quanzhong era - in fact, many of them had already resigned or fled.

Once war breaks out, Henan Prefecture will definitely assume the obligation to provide services, and it will be difficult to do anything by then.

"Hurry up and do the work." As if he guessed Feng Wei's thoughts, Shao Shude said: "The troops have not been assembled yet, there is still time."

The Shunyi Army is still west of Xin'an, the National Guard Army is still resting in Heyang, the Wuwei Army is also serving as a reserve force in Heyang, the Chishui Army is guarding Gongxian and the Yazigu area, waiting to replenish the battle losses, and the Tianxiong Army is in Yique

They have set up camp outside the pass and are also waiting to replenish the battle losses. The troop gathering has not yet been completed and there is still time.

"Henan Prefecture's young men should also be screened more carefully." Shao Shude added another reminder and said: "In a few days, I will release at least 40,000 Tutuan villagers back to Heyang. After they finish their spring sowing, we still don't know.

How many people can be recruited? In the next stage of the battle, Henan Prefecture will send out at least 30,000 Tuan Tuan villagers, and they will be intensively trained after the spring sowing."

"As ordered." Feng Wei responded.

The people of Henan Prefecture are really suffering! Under Zhu Liang's rule, they had to serve in the war, and the same was true under Shao Xia's rule. They could not escape military service no matter what.

In Bianzhou, Zhu Mansion, a banquet where guests and host enjoyed themselves has just ended.

Yan Keqiu was left behind, and Jingxiang stayed with him to talk things over with Zhu Quanzhong. Gu Yun

"Over at Huainan, can you work harder?" Zhu Quanzhong was sitting at the top, looking a little tired, but overall he looked good, and he didn't seem to be worried about the loss of troops and generals in the battle of Luoyang.

This was not the first time Yan Keqiu came to Bianzhou, nor was it the first time he had contact with Zhu Quanzhong. The last time he came here was to sell tea, salt, and silk, and to have casual contacts - in fact, the latter was the main thing.

This time I came back, also under the guise of selling salt. It seemed to be no different from last time, but everyone knew that it was really different.

"The King of Liang is unaware that Dong Chang of Yuezhou is surrounded by a group of sycophants. This thief already wants to become emperor." Yan Keqiu did not answer directly. Instead, he talked about another matter. He only heard him say:

"The King of Wu sent an envoy to persuade him, but he couldn't get the slightest answer. Hangzhou Qian Liu was very ambitious and secretly contacted several governors under Dong Chang. The situation in Zhejiang and Zhejiang was treacherous. The King of Wu was very concerned about it, and he was afraid that he would not be able to exert force in the west.


Zhu Quanzhong sighed after hearing this: "This thief Dong Chang is really unreasonable."

"Yes, he is just a clown." Yan Keqiu agreed: "However, if the states in eastern Zhejiang were annexed by Qian Liu, it would not be what King Wu wanted."

Zhu Quanzhong secretly stepped on Jingxiang's foot.

Jingxiang understood and said: "Judge Yan, the king of Wu has tens of thousands of powerful soldiers, but Qian Liu is weak. He can deal with it by sending only a partial army. This is not a problem. We are all officials of the Tang Dynasty. Dong Chang is a clown, so it is not a pity to die.

However, this thief, Shao Shude, is a heinous evildoer. He is the only one who usurped the Tang Dynasty. We should punish him together."

Yan Keqiu gently twirled his beard and said: "Thieve Shao deceived the saint, insulted the imperial concubines, colluded with Nei Shu, and brought trouble to the imperial court. He is indeed a traitor and a traitor. How can we punish him?"

"The king of Qingzhou, Shifan, is a loyal minister; the king of Weizhou, Luo Hongxin, is a talented minister; the king of Zhenzhou, Rong, is a trustworthy minister; the king of Jingzhou, Li Kan, is a virtuous minister; the king of Wu is also a loyal minister." Jingxiang said: "These five

Town, unite the troops, and it will be easy to destroy the Shao thieves. In this way, the ambitious people in the world can be restrained, punish the evil and encourage the good, stir up the turmoil and promote the pure, make the loyal ministers and righteous men know how to persuade, and the rebellious ministers and traitors know to fear, isn't it beautiful?"

Yan Keqiu smiled and said nothing.

If these vassal towns can jointly send troops, then there will be ghosts. Even if they join forces, hundreds of thousands of troops will be sent out. After the Shao thieves are eliminated, who will own the territory? Isn’t it you, Zhu Quanzhong, who took the biggest advantage? Others

What he got was probably just a little verbal gratitude from Zhu Quanzhong.

Even this possibility is not possible. It will most likely lead to Quanzhong's kindness and revenge. Brothers Zhu Xuan and Zhu Jin know this all too well.

But then again, the Shao thief marched south and destroyed tens of thousands of Zhu Quanzhong's troops in ten days, including the elite Changzhi Army. This kind of combat power also made the princes of the world feel uneasy. Even if they did not send troops to support the Liang people, they should not

If you are holding back, those who are more discerning may even support you with some wealth to encourage Liang people to continue persevering.

"After the envoy returns, he can tell the truth to the King of Wu." Zhu Quanzhong said: "We can't let the Shao thieves continue to cause harm. I received the great kindness of the late emperor and went out to town to Xuanwu. I don't think about serving the country every day. I have nothing else to ask for now.

I only hope that there will be no traitors or traitors in the country, and that the Tang Dynasty will be peaceful and peaceful, that will be enough."

Yan Keqiu was in awe after hearing this and said: "If all the vassal commanders in the world were like King Liang, then there is hope for ZTE."

Zhu Quanzhong smiled and said nothing.

Of course he could hear the hint of sarcasm in Yan Keqiu's words, but he didn't care, save face, it was nothing!

Although I have always been unwilling to admit it, now that things have happened, there is no point in lying to myself. It is indeed difficult to contain the Xia thieves' offensive with Xuanwu Town alone, and it is necessary to find help.

In fact, Zhu Quanzhong's most promising assistant was Li Keyong.

Really, what he likes most is that Li Keyong can join forces with him, even if it is only temporary.

Even if you didn't understand Li Keyong before, you should have seen it now. He actually doesn't have much ambition, and he seems to have some sense of belonging and affection for the Li Tang royal family. Now that the news of Shao thief usurping the throne is rampant, Li Ke

You should be a little touched, right? If he is willing to take action, the offensive and defensive momentum will be easy.

The only disadvantage is probably that Li Keyong is preparing for war against Ying and Mozhou and will not be able to get away in the short term, but Shao Thief will never wait any longer. This is the most disadvantageous thing.

As for Yang Xingmi, alas, it is just a secondary choice.

Last year, Zhu Yanshou was defeated so badly that he was almost discouraged. This year he attacked Anzhou again, seemingly winning consecutive battles, but he could not be defeated. Recently, Hao and Sizhou were attacked by the Xia Feilong Army, which shows that their strength is also very limited.

But there is no way, every bit of strength is precious now. If Yang Xingmi is willing to dispatch tens of thousands of troops to march westward and storm Huaixi Town, it will be a great thing. It is a pity that he is half-hearted and can't do anything.

Li Keyong, Yang Xingmi, and Luo Hongxin are the most important people to win over in the near future. We must bring them to our side, help each other, and advance and retreat together. Only in this way can we have hope of defeating the Shao thieves.

If it fails, everything is over.

This chapter has been completed!
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