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Chapter 10 The Capital (1)

 On the eighth day of the eleventh month of the first year of Guangming, Huang Chao fell into Ruzhou. Seeing that the towns in Henan were not doing anything, the situation was a bit wrong, and the princes of the court finally decided to grant Huang the title of military governor of the Tianping Army that he had sought last year. However, Is it ever too late?

After Feng Yin went straight, he went directly to the city to buy some wine and meat, then hurried home, asked his wife to tidy up, and started drinking. Life in the capital is indeed not as pleasant as in Hedong, where food is given every month. Two stones, plus a little silk, money and food, were just enough for the whole family to eat. Don't even think about socializing in the army, and you were short of money.

Fengyin sometimes wonders if he is still a descendant of the Feng family. Why is it that his two younger sisters have no worries about food and clothing and live a prosperous life, but he has to work hard in the army and live in embarrassment? They are both descendants of the Feng family in Hezhong, alas!

"Lang Jun, my sister-in-law is here again today, but she is crying." After bringing out the food and drinks, Ms. Liu sighed and said.

"What did my sister-in-law do? But because of Wei Nui?" Feng Yin put down his wine glass irritably and asked.

"Wei Kui spent the whole day seeking office, running around, and even though she was running out of money, she still refused to give up. She secretly sold her sister-in-law's dowry so that she could make a fortune." Mrs. Liu spent the afternoon comforting her husband's concubine, who was naturally prone to feelings.

"The Wei family is the head of Julu County, and my sister-in-law also has a lot of wealth, but she has spent all of it?" Feng Yin was a little surprised.

"That should be it." Mrs. Liu was not sure, but judging from her sister-in-law's appearance, she must be right.

Fengyin felt like he was silently asking the sky. When he was in Hedong, he worked hard and was seriously injured before he could get some wealth. Wei Kui and his sister-in-law came to Beijing from Julu, bringing so many things with them. I have so much wealth, but I have spent it all. I really don’t know what to say.

"Have you ever sought an official position?"

"No. Tian Lingzi is a hypocrite who is greedy and has a lot of money to live in. How can he grant it lightly?"

"The Wei family is a wealthy family after all, so they can't go back to Xingzhou? You can also be a county captain!" Feng Yin was angry at him for not arguing, and said, "Isn't my cousin also serving as a Chang'an captain?"

Mrs. Liu sighed but was speechless.

"The official is obsessed with his mind, and the Imperial Academy read it for nothing!" Feng Yin took a big sip of wine and said angrily.

I worked my butt off and made false sacrifices with a group of Shence camp officers who did nothing but eat, drink, whore, and gamble, just to support my family. As a result, these two relatives of my own, alas. Wei Kui, who claims to be a celebrity, did something so ridiculous. My sister-in-law's grandmother is Fan Yang's Lu family, and her biological mother is Xingyang Zheng family. She has been educated and educated since she was a child, so it is really humiliating to marry this guy.

"Stop talking." Feng Yin was very irritated and kept drinking.

"Mr. Lang, I heard that the Shence Battalion is about to go on an expedition. Is this true?" Mrs. Liu sat down and asked worriedly.

"Really." Fengyin raised his head, looked at the darkening night outside the hall, and said after a long time: "The saint wants to send all the troops in the pass and the soldiers of the Shence Camp to guard Tongguan. There are rumors in the army that there were only 50,000 soldiers in Anlu Mountain in the past. , Ge Shuhan's 150,000 troops cannot defend it, but now there are 600,000 troops in Huangchao, how can we defend it? I'm afraid they will all go and die."

Hearing what Fengyin said, Mrs. Liu almost cried. Even though she was a woman, she also knew that the soldiers of the Shence Army were not used to fighting and would be embarrassed. If Huang Chao leads his army to the west, who can stop him?

"Today the saint inspected the soldiers of the Shence Camp. Tian Lingzi recommended Zhang Chengfan, the general of the left army and horse army, as the vanguard. He sent 2,800 crossbowmen to Tongguan. In a few days, there will be follow-up troops dispatched..."

Mrs. Liu was stunned and speechless. She also came from a military school family, so she naturally knew the dangers of war. From the perspective of a woman like her, the soldiers and generals of the Shence Army could only scare people, and they would be exposed as soon as they went into battle. This time

How to live the next days?

The next day, because there was no need to go to bed, Feng Yin slept until three o'clock in the morning before waking up because of the noisy children at home. He got up out of desperation, ate some soup cakes, and then walked around on the street.

In today's Chang'an, disturbing messages are being conveyed everywhere. When passing by the door of a house, Fengyin heard crying and looked around, but it was an old acquaintance, Cui Quan, a crossbowman from the right army of the Shence Battalion. Cui Quan and his son

People hugged each other and cried at home, as if there was no one around, which made Feng Yin even more irritable.

The father and son were both listed in the military register, but they had not spent a day in the camp. They paid money to hire beggars from the temple ward to join the army on their behalf, but the saint's generous rewards were all withheld. On weekdays, they were wearing bright clothes and angry horses, and they were full of momentum.

Bu Fan, now he was about to go into battle, and the beggar couldn't even stand firmly. Zhang Chengfan couldn't be fooled, and he probably thought he would die, so he cried bitterly at home.

Feng Yin angrily kicked away a broken tile in front of him. Even his wife knew that the imperial army was unable to fight. What were the princes in the court thinking?

Walking aimlessly on the street, everything he saw and heard made Feng Yin's heart fall to the bottom. Some soldiers of the Forbidden Army were recruiting poor people to go out on their behalf, some were so drunk that they lived in a dream, and some were packing up their belongings and preparing to go to Ji County.

After taking temporary refuge, no one was willing to go to Tongguan to resist the enemy.

Unknowingly, we walked near the military camp. Our colleagues were startled when they saw it, but they didn’t say much. They just nodded and left. There was a commotion in the military camp because it was rumored that the saint could no longer pay out rewards, so many people looted the military camp.

The stolen property was scattered in all directions. Some people even stripped off their clothes and armor, exchanged bows and knives for money and fled. I don’t know what the people who bought these artifacts wanted to do. Most of them were not to resist the nest, but to rob the market.


Sighing all the way back home, Feng Yin sat calmly for a long time, and then said: "Madam, pack up your belongings in the next few days and take the children to the river."

"Hezhong Mansion?" Mrs. Liu said in surprise: "Wang Chongrong just made trouble, I'm afraid it's not very peaceful."

Fengyin stretched out his hand to gently hold his forehead and said, "Someone made a mistake."

"Lang Jun also thinks that Chang'an can't be stayed?" Ms. Liu asked. Weng Po was in the river. It was originally a good place to go, but Wang Chongrong made a rebellion a while ago, and the commander-in-chief Li couldn't control it. The rebels were looting everywhere, but now they don't dare to go.


"If the Chao people come, Chang'an will be destroyed. We can't stay here." Feng Yin said firmly: "Let's find a Ji County to avoid it. The sooner the better. My uncle and my aunt also told me that they can walk as soon as possible.

Let's go, don't hesitate. Sergeant of the Shence Battalion, madam, you also know that it's good to have one out of ten who can fight, but it's impossible to count on them."

"I heard that Huang Chao has great ambitions, maybe he won't do anything wrong in the autumn?" Ms. Liu was still a little hesitant. Her family has been in the army for generations, and her father and brother are both in the Shence Military Dental School. They have always lived in Chang'an City. Where can they go now?

"Confused!" Feng Yin scolded: "The more restrained the Chao army is in Henan, the more unbridled they will be after entering Chang'an. Don't even think about it. Qiu Wuwu is guilty. It is very possible to rob property and fight for women. There is no need to do this.

Duoyan, you will go back home tomorrow. You don’t need to take many things with you. You have packed up your belongings. Take your bow, armor, and sword with you. Go to Ji County for a while. Then go north."

For some reason, Fengyin subconsciously wanted to run to the north. Maybe in his subconscious mind, that place was safer.

After saying this, Fengyin let go of one thing on his mind. In troubled times, it was a blessing to be able to save the lives of the whole family. In this world, what does it matter who is the emperor? I just want the whole family to be safe.

No other thoughts.

In the afternoon, the Cui family father and son passed by the door in a hurry, but they also packed up their belongings and ran away. Feng Yin smiled bitterly, wondering whether General Zhang could gather enough soldiers to guard Tongguan. Most of them could not do it by recruiting the citizens of Fafang. These things in Chang'an

People, who have already collapsed, are not as reliable as the citizens of Jinyangfang. At least they can unite to kill the marauding Zhaoyi Army soldiers. What can the citizens of Chang'anfang do?

After drinking some more wine, he slept drowsily for half a day. In the evening, there was another cry in the outer hall. After listening carefully, he found that it was his younger sister. Feng Yin had no choice but to get dressed and came out and said

: "I have advised you to wait until you return to Julu, but now you are crying and crying. What's the use? The city of Chang'an will be destroyed sooner or later. If you stay here, I'm afraid you will be robbed by the Chao army and become the family of thieves."

"Mr. Lang, please don't scare me." Mrs. Liu glared at her husband, but her heart also trembled. Lang Jun, the younger sister, was born in a noble family, was pretty, and was proficient in writing, although she was not as good as the other girl who married into a Jinshi family.

The younger sister can give advice on articles and poems for the bachelor's degree examination, but they are also very good. If Chao Jun comes, both sisters are very likely to be robbed. Alas, in this world, women are just a thing, nothing like cattle and sheep.

Strange, they were kidnapped here and there. So what if they were noble ladies? I’m afraid they were concubines of saints and the jade leaves of the clan could not be saved.

"What did Wei Nu do again?" Feng Yin sat down and asked.

Congmei cried but did not answer. Mrs. Liu had no choice but to sigh and said: "My brother-in-law heard the news from somewhere. He said that Tian Lingzi, the commander of the army, said that all the commanders and ministers in Sanchuan were his confidants. He advised the saint to be lucky to Shu. If you go with him,

If you go, you will definitely become a successful person. However, you are short of money and have no way out. Tian Lingzi’s fake son Xue saw his sister-in-law’s appearance and wanted to lure her to sacrifice his wife.”

"Nonsense!" Feng Yin said angrily: "I will pack up my belongings tomorrow and go back to Xingzhou."

"Chao's army of 600,000 people is plundering land in Guandong. Where can they go now? Why don't we ask my sister-in-law to follow us to Ji County to take shelter." Liu said.

"That's all we can do." Feng Yin waved his hand, not wanting to get involved in these nonsense anymore, and then added: "I'm going to see Dr. Li tomorrow. Since I came back from Jinyang, I have been depressed all day long, but now the matter is urgent, maybe

There is still a chance to re-activate it. It would be great if we could send out troops to control the troops. The eight towns in the northwest of Beijing, with nearly 200,000 troops, are better than the Shence Camp."

"This matter is important, and you should take it seriously." Liu came from a family of warriors and was very sensitive to such matters, so he said immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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