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Chapter 38 Strategic Deception

 Liaowu Pier is undergoing renovation and expansion.

Baiya Cangcheng has also begun a new round of expansion in order to be able to store 400,000 dendrobium grains and beans. There is no doubt that this is a super large warehouse. Although it is not as good as the million dendrobium granary in Shaanxian County, it is enough for 100,000 steps.

The army's food consumption for more than four months has been very good.

Of course, if there are more grains stored, security and guarding work must be strengthened. It is certain to recruit local tribesmen from various counties for garrison all year round, and the number cannot be small. One or two thousand people are necessary.

During the Yuanhe period, Li Shidao, the governor of Ziqing, sent bandits to burn down Baiyacang to prevent the imperial court from attacking the rebel vassal in Huaixi. This was outrageous. Of course, Li Shidao did not end well. He was defeated and died. His wife Wei was first killed by the general.

Liu Wu played with him and was then taken into Xianzong's harem as a maid.

Shao Shude returned to Heyang.

After walking around Luoyang, he found that the land was desolate, with rubble everywhere, and large groups of animals in the wild. They seemed not to be afraid of people, and he gained a new understanding of the harmful power of Qin Zongquan and Sun Ru.

Of course, this may be because he has not seen with his own eyes the chaotic situation in the last years of other dynasties. In the early years of the dynasty, the population was less than ten million. This is a national figure, which makes people speechless.

But even after more than a hundred years of separatist rule, five generations of constant fighting, and even Khitan killings and plundering, by the end of the second century, the population of the north alone was 12 million, which was more than 9 million in the early years of the country.

There will be a lot more, not to mention there are still 20 million in the south.

Were the warriors of the Tang Dynasty cruel? Of course. But were they really more cruel than the various princes in the last years of other dynasties? In fact, no. The existence of vassal towns actually artificially created chaotic isolation zones to ensure that out-of-order situations would not spread without limit.

Caused too many population losses.

Weibo is actually an artificial isolation zone. During the war between Henan and Heyang, many people either fled to Shaanxi, Guanzhong, or Xuanwu and Weibo. Especially many people in Heyang fled to Weibo. This is also

This has created Weibo's economic prosperity - food, cloth, and livestock are wealth, and so are people, because people can create wealth.

Song Le, the governor of Heyang, recently wrote to Weizhou, asking him to investigate the "clients" in the town and release them.

The so-called "customers" are a characteristic of the separatist regimes of the feudal dynasties. That is, after the refugees arrived in a certain place, because they did not exist in the local household register, they chose to rely on the local "main household" and become "customers" to make a living.

It is conceivable that the official letter sent by Song Le fell into the sea without any response. No matter how stupid the vassal commander these days is, he knows that the people are the source of wealth, the source of soldiers, and the cornerstone of maintaining his wealth. How could he receive an email from you?

Are you scared by the official letter?

"Is there any movement in Wei Bo recently?" Shao Shude asked in Mengzhou City.

"Yes, the prime minister has gathered a large number of troops and horses to defend the two states. I don't know what he wants to do." Song Le said: "The king should appoint a general as soon as possible to coordinate the troops and horses in Heyang. We have spent a lot of money in Heyang, and we have not yet

Don’t let anything happen when it’s time to harvest.”

Song Le just visited various counties.

Luoyang camp sent back 40,000 native Tuan villagers, of whom more than 30,000 were from Meng and Huai counties, and less than 10,000 were from the original Shaozhou, now a county under Henan Prefecture. After Shaozhou was abolished, Hunan

The place that has been called "South Shaozhou" for several years can finally regain its original name.

"Luo Hongxin, please cause me trouble." Shao Shude was a little angry.

Wei Bo's obstruction was predictable, but when it actually happened, it was still very depressing.

In fact, Shao Shude was in a good mood. A few days ago, Liu Jingxuan sent someone to report that Jiang, a layman of Jinxian Temple, had given birth to a son. Shao Shude was overjoyed and ordered everyone in Jinxian Temple, from the master of the temple to the layman to the lower-level maids, to

If you are a middle-ranking official, everyone will be rewarded.

This morning, Zhao Ye of the Qianhu family of the guards came to report. The princess sent several healthy women and wet nurses to take the child away. Shao Shude was furious and immediately dismissed Zhao Ye's Qianhu family and allowed him to stay on temporarily to see the consequences.

He had lost trust in Liu Jingxuan, so he would send him away after a few days and replace him with Wang Yanfan, the envoy to the Sixteenth Prince's House.

I was not in a good mood, and when I encountered Wei Bo's petty tricks, it suddenly worsened. I wanted to teach Wei Bo a lesson.

"A general cannot raise an army in anger." After taking a deep breath, Shao Shude thought carefully.

The Six Prefectures of Weibo are in a very critical position. They control multiple crossings of the Yellow River and the three towns of Tongbian, Yun, and Qing. Among them, Weizhou is the most important to the Xia people. The crossings of Xinxiang and Ji County were repeatedly occupied by them, and then they crossed the river and headed south.

.It’s just like a public toilet, you can come and leave whenever you want.

It is understandable that the Wei people were embarrassed and unwilling to use the road to pass troops.

"Sir, in the name of the shogunate, you can move the ultimatum to Weizhou and please open the Liyang Ferry. After the river thaws, I want to take advantage of this to attack Huazhou." Shao Shude suddenly said.

Song Le understood immediately and said with a smile: "Is this a plan to attack the east and attack the west?"

Shao Shude smiled and said: "I never use any tricks. If the thief thinks too much, I will make the fake one real. Send a letter first, Zhu Quanzhong will know about it."

"Yes." Song Le cupped his hands and said, "It's just that Heyang has to appoint a general to coordinate military affairs."

"I will personally take charge of Heyang." Shao Shude said: "After a few days, I will let the Tielin Army come back. The most important thing now is spring plowing."

Song music is indispensable.

It rained heavily, which is rare in spring.

In the ruins of Heyang Palace, Shao Shude is taking shelter from the rain. Gu Hemorrhoids

This palace was built by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty and was abandoned in the early years of the dynasty. After two hundred years, it is now more dilapidated than Luoyang City.

However, the base site is still there, and it seems that the regulations are very strict and the foundation is very solid. Yang Guang will still enjoy it!

"The weather has been changeable in the past two years, sometimes dry, sometimes rainy, and the winter is very cold and longer than before. If local officials don't care about people's livelihood and the water conservancy is in disrepair, the people will suffer a lot." Shao Shude sighed.

An important prelude to large-cycle climate changes is the frequent occurrence of rain, snow, drought and other disasters.

He remembered that when Huang Chao entered Guanzhong, it snowed heavily in July and August one year. Although the temperature quickly rose after the snow, this extreme weather change already explained a lot of things.

Although Shao Shude has been beating Zhu Quanzhong, he actually admires Zhu because they are both doing the right thing.

Zhu Quanzhong's "tax reduction" policy lasted for many years, and he also tried every means to rent cattle to the people at low prices, and the local people's livelihood recovered very quickly. At the same time, he vigorously built water conservancy facilities, dredged Henan's waterway system that extended in all directions, and rewarded the people for farming and sericulture, and developed and

Businesses in Hebei and Jianghuai took advantage of the commercial center of Bianzhou to collect commercial taxes and became rich.

He even formed an army that was extremely good at fighting and annihilated Huang Chao. Qin Zongquan, a traitor who harmed the people, had the people of Henan build a shrine for him. This was truly from the bottom of their hearts.

These methods of Zhu Quanzhong were extremely advanced even in the last years of the ancient dynasty.

Everyone knows that we need to restore order, stabilize production, and develop commerce, but whether we can do it is another matter. Easier said than done, but this is always the easiest thing to do.

Zhu Quanzhong killed everyone in the land of four battles, but also allowed the people to live with relative dignity, and the population and economy increased significantly. If he had another good son, two generations would take over and unify the world in the late Tang Dynasty, an era that was shattered into pieces.

, it’s not impossible.

Unfortunately, he met a Kansai warrior who was determined to bite him, and his great career was on the verge of collapse.

"Zhu Quanzhong was still in Bian during his free time while Xu Xing was building the Pi Pond. I must not be any worse than him. After finishing the spring sowing, Zhu Quanzhong continued to go up the river. The river was cut and straightened, the waterway was dredged and widened, and the Pi Po Pond was dredged.

Repairs, digging and dredging of irrigation canals all require people." Shao Shude turned to look at Zhao Guangfeng, who was following him on the tour, and said: "From Zhao Sima's perspective, how many years do we still have to build in Heyang?"

"Two years at most." Zhao Guangfeng said without hesitation: "The Jin troops have gone south, together with the troops from Youzhou and the grassland Tibetan people, there are hundreds of thousands of them. I heard that Dingren also sent troops to assist. Wang Gao will have 20,000 troops.

, joined forces with Li Cunxin as a partial force. Lu Wenjin, a single person, may be difficult to resist. Wang Rong was panicked and sent people to ask the king to send troops to attack the party. It can be seen that the situation in Hebei is critical and may not be able to help us.

How long has it been?"

"Is there any connection between Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong?" Shao Shude asked.

"There is no collusion, but there may be a tacit understanding." Zhao Guangfeng replied.

Shao Shude nodded.

He has ordered the Wuwei Army to go eastward and station in the southern border of Huojia County. The Tielin Army participated in the two Heyang Nancheng offensives and has also withdrawn, and is heading to Huojia. If you include the National Protectorate Army who is resting there.

With more than 7,000 soldiers, the Xia army gathered on the border of Weizhou has exceeded 40,000 and can invade Weibo territory at any time.

In addition, the Heyuan Army and the Baoyi Army who escorted the prisoners to Heyang can also be dispatched. This is another 10,000 to 20,000 Yamen troops. Will Luo Hongxin ask Zhu Quanzhong for help?

"I want to reset the Huaizhou camp." Shao Shude blinked and said, "Zhao Sima should know what I mean."

"Do you want to make a big splash?" Zhao Guangfeng asked.

"The bigger, the better."

Zhao Guangfeng should hand it over. As a core staff member, of course he knew that King Xia's first goal was always Ruzhou. To be more precise, to annihilate the 30,000 people under Ding Hui's command who had just assumed the post of military envoy of the Youguo Army. If he could sweep them away by the way,

It would be even better if the six or seven thousand soldiers and horses of the Zhongwu Army commanded by Yang Shihou were eliminated.

In order to avoid interference, you may be able to move in other directions to attract Liang Ren's attention.

My army is approaching and I'm forcing Wei Bo to use the road. Will you help me? If you don't, it's hard to say what will happen with the virtue of Wei Bo's army.

I sent people to storm some of the Xuanmen Pass in an attempt to open up the thoroughfare to Zhengzhou. Do you want more troops?

Thousands of horses are galloping in the direction of Puzhou, rushing into the hinterland and ruining your farmland for spring plowing. Do you want to fight?

Zhu Yanshou of Huainan is as honest as a quail now. I ordered Zhu Jing of Shouzhou to send a small group of troops to cross the river and go north to plunder the prefectures and counties. Will you fight?

There is no solution to your passive situation. If you take the risk of gathering a large army, take the initiative to attack, and use brute force to break through this big net, then I will give you this opportunity. The battlefield will be Heyang, Weibo.

, will you come?

"I will be in charge of the situation here in Heyang. Li Tangbin is in charge of the Luoyang war. I will also allocate the Jinglue army to Luoyang camp. To the west of Xin'an, he has the Jinglue, Tianzhu, and Shunyi armies. To the east of Xin'an, he has Dingyuan.

The army has surrendered troops to Luoyang, how long does it take for him to take Xin'an? Send someone to urge him. Finish the fight as soon as possible and spread out the troops as soon as possible." Shao Shude ordered.

"As ordered." Zhao Guangfeng responded.

At the end, he added: "Pei Jijiu has received news that Bianzhou may send Pang Shigu to take charge of the situation in Meng and Zhengzhou. Later, he may give him reinforcements to cooperate with the Wei people and attack Heyang. The king cannot

Don’t guard against it.”

"Let him come and attract as many soldiers to the river as possible," Shao Shude said.

This chapter has been completed!
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