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Chapter 43: Riding the Wall

On March 12th, the third year of Qianning, outside Liaowu, ships were entering and leaving the port very frequently.

As soon as the river thawed, warehouses were opened in Lingzhou, all kinds of materials were piled on the dock, and shipments began to be shipped out one after another.

Well, the "police ship" cleared the way. After years of development, Marshal Shao's navy has grown from one warship to two. Later, he sent people to the Han River to recruit sailors and professional officers and trained them rigorously. Now he has eight ships. Battleships are so powerful that they can detect smuggling more efficiently.

The ships were loaded with food, wheat, highland barley, corn, soybeans, mung beans, milk powder, dried meat, wine and even hay. They were relayed in sections and transported over long distances. After sinking a few ships, they were all delivered to the Weikou warehouse.

The development of the Yellow River water transport is the key to the fact that Marshal Shao can mobilize troops and horses in the Central Plains from 40,000 to 50,000 a few years ago to more than 100,000 today. Otherwise, no matter how well the construction of Guanbei is, it will only make the local area The people are happy, but they cannot help the war. In fact, the people of Lingxia really hope that the Yellow River water transportation will be cut off, so that they can keep their tax revenue locally.

The burden on the people in the river has not been relieved.

Using troops in the Central Plains, no matter how low the cost of shipping, is still costly. Transporting grain from Lingzhou is such a long distance, the hydrological and climatic conditions are so complex, and considering the losses along the way, how can it compare to transporting grain from the river?

Wang Yao's Yamen army has been fluctuating around 20,000 in recent years, and its scale has never been able to expand. In addition to Shao Shude's intervention, too many supplies are also an important factor.

Therefore, the construction of Heyang is of great significance. The closer the logistics supply base is to the front line, the lower the cost and the more abundant the supply. This is an unbreakable truth even in the 21st century, and it is also the first choice. Ahem, supply through Baimao Country Of course, the front line is not as efficient as directly supplying the front line from the Great Mao Kingdom.

Liang Jun's navy gradually appeared east of the pontoon, but the scale was not large, with only a dozen reconnaissance ships. After approaching Zhongli City, they were driven away by strong crossbows. The trebuchets had too short a range to hit these long-range ships. Target.

Shao Shude watched the exploratory fire reconnaissance of Liang Jun Navy at the top of Mengzhou City.

"Li Hui is also a member of the Quanzhong Yuan Dynasty. Can I win over him?" Shao Shude asked Hu Zhen and Xu Huaiyu who were standing beside him.

"Your Majesty, Li Hui is in charge of the navy in Bianzhou and has a high position. Quanzhong also trusts him and rewards him constantly. Li Hui himself even owns a mansion, has a fortune of tens of millions, and has concubines and prostitutes in his house. , so extravagant, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to let go of these things." Hu Zhen said.

Only "traitors" like him know these things best. How can outsiders understand them in such detail?

"It's a pity. The navy that the imperial court spent huge sums of money and spent many years building fell into the hands of Quanzhong. It's a pity." Shao Shude sighed: "Is Huo Cun still unwilling to surrender?"

"Yes." Hu Zhen personally went out to persuade Huo Cun to surrender, but he was almost shot to death by an arrow and fled back in embarrassment.

"Your Majesty, in the fourth year of Zhonghe, Huo Cun, Ge Congzhou, Li Chan, Li Chongyin, Zhang Guiba, Zhang Guihou and others surrendered to Quanzhong. These people are still in the old army and are not the same as us. It is useless to persuade them. ." Xu Huaiyu, who rarely spoke, suddenly reported: "Huo Cun still has hope and is waiting hard for the navy to rescue him. If the Liang Army warships can be isolated, the defenders will naturally give up and have no fighting spirit."

"Hmph! Huo Cun is so stubborn. I think he doesn't want to do it anymore." Shao Shude glanced at the half-built pontoon bridge and sneered: "Two iron ropes block the river. I want to see how Li Hui can do it."

Can’t break through.”

He really wanted to capture Heyang Nancheng as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be too inconvenient to cross the river and it would take a long detour. When the military situation was urgent, it would be easy to delay things. The Wuwei Army had already moved south to Luoyang, so they took a detour.

Opposite Liaowu Pier, there are steep mountains as far as the eye can see, sparsely populated. There is indeed a small pier with fast currents in the gap of the mountains. It is not impossible to risk docking, but how can I say that merchants doing small business can

They can go over the Yangchang Mountain Road, but it cannot be used for military purposes at all, because it cannot pass horse-drawn carriages. A road that cannot pass horse-drawn carriages has almost no value from a military point of view.

After returning to the city, Shao Shude quickly approved the official letter sent by the royal palace and the shogunate.

The Xinquan Army had completed its two-year garrison period in Qingtang City and returned to Lingzhou to rest and recuperate. They were replaced by a 10,000-person unit of the Zhenguo Army.

The 30,000 Zhenguo Army were originally Tongguan garrison troops. They have been transferred here and there over the years and are used entirely as foreign garrison troops. At present, except for the 30,000 troops that were just sent to Shanzhou to deter the Qingtang Tubo

, 10,000 people were in Jiedan, and another 10,000 people had just completed their two-year garrison period at Jishi Military City in Kuozhou and returned to Huazhou. They were replaced by 8,000 people from the Yi Congjun Fu Zang Jie Ming Department.

The sergeant's moving work continues.

Originally, this year we planned to move the Iron Cavalry Army's Zhejiyu Division and the Zhenwu Army's Zhang Yanqiu Division. However, considering that there were too few left-behind troops in Lingxia, we slowed down and only moved 10,000 people from the Iron Cavalry Army (five thousand soldiers).

) came over and settled in Xia County.

In order to make up for the losses caused by the outflow of people from Guanbei, 10,000 households from Huazhou were forced to be resettled in Lingzhou. This was already the fourth batch of people from Huazhou to move out, with a total of more than 40,000 households. However, the local population was still large.

More than 300,000 yuan is really too much...

Twenty thousand households from Huazhou, 10,000 households from Tongzhou, and more than 10,000 households from Hezhong were sent to Guanbei. The local population composition also changed dramatically. The number of Han people increased greatly, and Hu people (mostly families of soldiers and sergeants)

) moved out in large numbers, and the social atmosphere changed.

Yang Yao reported that the Guanbei tribe had been repeatedly invaded by Tatars and suffered heavy losses. Please call on Lingxia's powerful troops to help drive away the thieves.

It’s here, it’s finally here! Shao Shude sighed.

After enjoying the dividends of the Tibetan generals and Hu Bing for many years, it was finally time to shoulder the burden for them.

In recent years, the five tribes of Yinshan have lived a good life! The profits from the Silk Road have accounted for a lot of money, especially the Xiangzhuanglang clan, the party behind the mountain in Yuanyuquan, who have built cities on the grassland to collect taxes. In addition,

With frequent trade exchanges with Guanbei, Helong and even Guanzhong, Shao Shude even suspected that they had fallen.

During the Manchu Qing Dynasty in later generations, neither Mongolian Horqin nor the Khalkha, Tuxietu and Chechen tribes in Mobei could defeat the Mongolian Junggar, Torgut, Gilbert, Ulianghai and other tribes in Mobei.

, Qinghai's Heshuote Mongolia couldn't defeat them. Although this was because the Mongolians in the desert were exposed to more advanced weapons and military ideas, it was also true that their lives were harder and battles were more frequent.

Damn it, I was spoiled!

What should we do? We don't have enough troops. The cavalry has already set off. It's not appropriate to let them go back. Besides, this army is also needed on the front line.

Shao Shude calculated the remaining troops in the north of Xiaguan, including 8,000 infantry and cavalry of the Zhenwu Army, 5,500 infantry and cavalry of the Xinquan Army, and 10,000 silver spears (5,000 soldiers). Not many people could be drawn out.

No, there are actually more than that many troops! In fact, there are still 50,000 reserve troops in training.

Originally there were less than 50,000 people, because many new soldiers were sent to the front line to replenish the battle losses, but recently more than 15,000 Liang soldiers were captured, together with more than 10,000 Liang people and Huai people captured last year, Shao Shude ordered them to

The best ones were selected and sent to Lingzhou, where they were handed over to Zhu Shuzong's coach at the Yamen for transformation and training. After the transformation was completed, they were sent back to the front line as new recruits to replenish battle losses.

These people are all experienced in combat. If we add some recruits with excellent training performance, they can almost form a cannon fodder unit. After spending a few months to let them learn to ride horses, they can still be very effective when fighting the Tatars.

Great effect.

Thinking of this, I immediately wrote my opinion and sent it to Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng for processing.

After finishing all this, Shao Shude breathed a sigh of relief.

As a "quasi-monarch", he was much more relaxed than those monarchs in the Ming and Qing Dynasties who stayed up all night to approve memorials. After all, the prime minister had great power, and each department operated by itself. Many minor matters were not sent to him at all, and were directly handled by him.

Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng have taken care of it. It would be nice to give you a briefing afterwards.

In fact, not only was he relaxed, the prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty were also more relaxed than the ministers of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Because the local authorities also had great power, many things were handled by themselves and would not be reported.

The degree of centralization is still very low, and the Northern Dynasties are old and traditional.

In Weizhou City, Luo Hongxin and his son had just seen off the visitors from Bianzhou.

The father and son were already aware of the news Yang Li brought back from Heyang.

It's too obvious! Thief Shao's methods are too low-level! This strategy is too superficial! It's so straightforward that it makes people laugh!

But the father and son laughed at each other, and they were very honest. They sent two more Yamen generals to the front line without any emotion, and divided Shi Renyu's military power.

"My son, from your point of view, what should we do in this situation?" Luo Hongxin, who was sitting in the yard with a full head of hair, asked, enjoying the warm spring sunshine.

"Grandpa, the sergeants are short-sighted and cannot see Shao Shude's ambition to devour the towns. We can't do this." Luo Shaowei said seriously: "We still have to strongly support the Xuanwu Army."

Luo Hongxin was noncommittal. In fact, it doesn't matter what kind of choice you make. What matters is what you do after you choose a side. The secret of the Weibo Military Group's survival to this day is to never completely fall to any side, to play both sides, and to ride on the wall repeatedly.

But sitting on the wall is also a craft job, and you also need to have your own attitude.

The demands of Wei Bo's soldiers were very simple. According to Yang Li's reward, Shao Shude also agreed to this and promised to let Luo Jiashi control Weizhou without touching the interests of Wei Bo's soldiers.

It can be said that as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no fundamental irreconcilable conflict between Wei Bo and Shuofang.

But this was the view of middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers. Luo Hongxin and his son took a longer view. They subconsciously felt that Xuanwu Town could not be destroyed, as it would not be good for them.

"In the past, when Liu Zhen of Zhaoyi rebelled, the imperial court ordered our town to send troops, but Commander-in-Chief He Hongjing relied on Liu Zhen to talk to him, but he had no intention of going deeper." Luo Hongxin said.

"It should be so." Luo Shaowei nodded.

"However, the imperial court gathered heavy troops, and the Zhongwu Army Jiedushi Wang Zai led his troops through Weibo to attack Cizhou. He Hongjing immediately sent troops to attack the Lu people." Luo Hongxin said again.

Luo Shaowei was speechless.

Luo Hongxin took a deep look at his son and sighed: "What I want to tell you as a father is that you can't do things alone. You must assess the situation and change the family immediately if something goes wrong. After the situation improves, you can change back again without any problems.


Luo Shaowei did not master the unique skills of Weibo soldiers like his father, and his wall-riding skills were not good enough, so he was stunned for a while.

"Now that Quanzhong is weak, my father is still making offerings to Bianzhou. Why?" Luo Hongxin asked.

"Help Quanzhong and prevent his defeat." Luo Shaowei replied.

"That's right." Luo Hongxin said: "Shu De is powerful and Quanzhong is weak. If Quanzhong is defeated, Wei Bo will face a disaster, so we help him. Now Shu De is willing to win over me, and I will be crowned king.

It is good that Luo Shi Yongzhen Weizhou is good, but we must not commit ourselves to it. It is unnecessary and very dangerous. People like Shi Renyu are not stupid, and they will not make mistakes in such a big matter.

, but you also need to be on guard.”

Luo Shaowei nodded repeatedly after hearing this. However, he also murmured in his heart, was his father really not worried about Shi Renyu? Not necessarily.

"Quanzhong refused to invite me to send troops, but he needed good words to comfort me. Shude took advantage of Liyang's affairs, but he refused. If the Xia people forcefully come, I will fight them. After the summer harvest, I will send five more grains to Bianzhou.

"One hundred thousand dendrobium" Luo Hongxin said: "Xia and Liang's armies of more than one hundred thousand are about to break out in the Mangshan area. Let's first see how the battle goes before we make any calculations."

"Father is still thoughtful." Luo Shaowei marveled.

This chapter has been completed!
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