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Chapter 45: Luonan

How many battlefields were there where Xia and Liang fought? In fact, there were quite a few.

The front line of Xuanmen Pass and Dagong Mountain is a battlefield. At present, more than 20,000 people have gathered from the Feilong Army, Kuangwei Army and the Baosheng Army. Ten thousand Tutuan countrymen have also been recruited, so there are 30,000 people.

After a period of pause, the Jianrui Army finally began to leave Huazhou and assemble in Mengzhou. They may continue to recruit fellow Tutuan folk in the future, but I don't know how many there are.

It can also be seen from here that the troops that Liang Jun can use are really running out, at least the mobile troops have been greatly reduced. It will be difficult to organize the scale of more than 100,000 people in the Heqing Battle again, unless Zhu Quanzhong ignores it

, all his efforts were accomplished in one battle, and this is something that Marshal Shao has always tried his best to avoid.

The second battlefield is in the eastern states of Xu, Su, Cao, Dan, Song, and Hua. The strength of the Feilong Army on the right wing is not as strong as that of Qibi Zhang in the later period, but it still attracted tens of thousands of Yamen troops from Shi Shucong, Zhu Zhen, and others.

There are almost the same number of Tu Tuan Xiang Yong.

By the way, Zhu Jin has stopped fighting. He may have felt that he has robbed enough or revenged himself enough. This makes Liang Hanyong quite regretful.

The third battlefield is actually relatively small. It is mainly located in the southeast of Henan Prefecture and the south of Zhengzhou. There are not many soldiers, and there is a mix of old and new soldiers. There are a thousand people in Luoyandu, more than 2,000 cavalry in the hall, 6,000 Poxia troops and Changzhi.

The remaining troops in the right wing of the army are composed of nearly 2,000 people, with a total of more than 10,000 people. The main general is Zhang Guihou, the commander of the hall. In theory, they are under the command of Pang Shigu, but in fact they have strong autonomy.

Currently, the ministry is also recruiting Tu Tuan villagers, which is estimated to be no less than 10,000 people.

As for you, Cai Zhanzhan, forget about it. Zhe Zongben, Zhe Silun and his son have been relatively silent this year due to financial reasons, but they may not let Ding Hui's 30,000 "Xinyou National Army" leave.

Small-scale battles have never stopped, unless Ding will come up with some strange plan to deceive Zhe Zongben and be able to mobilize troops out of Yique Pass and go north. But this strategy is destined to be short-term.

After being discovered, the Weisheng Army and the Huaining Army fought hard to control the people and fled to other places. They also wanted to go north in large numbers to give him a good look.

In the same way, it is difficult for Yang Shihou to remove the Zhongwu army stationed in Caizhou. At most, he can send a small number of people northward in a short period of time. Or he can run back to Chenzhou and ask Jiedushi Zhao Jue to give him additional troops, but

How difficult this is.

The Zhongwu Army has also consumed a lot in these years, and most of the goods are used to support the army in Bianzhou. The thousands of people Chen and Xu have to guard their hometowns, how can they all be given to Yang Shihou? Who is the military envoy?

Zhang Guihou knows the current situation very clearly. Although Bianzhou is recruiting new soldiers and forming new troops, how can it be possible to form an army in a short time? It will not be useful this year, and it will be difficult next year. He has more than 10,000 people

Troops, that is, all the troops in the next long period of time, cannot be more, can only be less - all the halls and all the geese have been sent to you, what else do you want?

"It's relatively peaceful over at Shenyuan Pass. The Xia thieves are very cautious and don't send any rangers. Even the firewood harvesters are dispatched in large groups. Almost no one leaves alone, giving us no chance to capture prisoners." In Dengfeng County,

Zhao Lin, the envoy of the Poxia Army, said confidently: "Based on this, the general judged that the thieves had few soldiers and did not want to see the truth for me, so he was careful and hid."

Zhu Hanbin, the commander of Luoyan Capital, also agreed with his view and said: "The Fuyuan pass is dangerous and difficult to attack. It is better to provoke the thieves, provoke them to fight, and then wipe them out in one fell swoop."

Wang Yanzhang, Liu Qi, Du Yanqiu and other middle-level generals frowned after hearing this.

Nothing is clear about this, and they are just guessing, but they are still confident. They all suspected that it was the Xia people who suffered losses in the north of Bianzhou City, rather than their defeat of the Xia army.

Zhang Guihou sat there and listened quietly without saying a word.

He was calculating the number of troops at hand. To attack the city, he would definitely not let his elite field troops come. In the end, he would have to go to the countrymen of Shangtu Tuan. These people would have to be mobilized from the densely populated Bian, Song, Bo and other prefectures, which would take a long time.

Slow down.

And before that, is it necessary to take the initiative to attack? If so, in which direction? This is a question.

"Let's first find out the strength of the Xia thieves in Luoyang." Zhang Guihou patted the table, stopped everyone talking, and said: "The scouts and rangers sent over did not get any really valuable information.

What to do? Also, the casualties among the scouts are so high, I really can’t figure it out. Did Shao Thief send out all the martial arts masters from the palace?"

Zhao Lin, Zhu Hanbin and others all shut up.

In fact, they were also afraid that these 10,000 people would encounter the main force of the Xia thieves, and they would confess all at once. The reason why they spoke like this was because they did not want to be underestimated by others.

"Poxia Army, give me a good practice first." Zhang Guihou glanced at Zhao Lin, then turned his attention to Wang Yanzhang and said: "General Wang's troops are well trained and the most disciplined."

After saying that, he looked at Du Yanqiu and said, "General Du did a good job. The sergeant gave strict orders."

"The Poxia Army has six thousand soldiers, accounting for almost half of our army. When the army was formed, many elite old men were recruited from various departments. They have experience. Now we have to pass on this experience. The six thousand soldiers are all very skilled.

, I dare say they are no worse than the Xia bandits. But in a fight, can you beat others?" Zhang Guihou finally said: "Practice your troops well."

"As ordered." Everyone responded in unison.

Zhang Guihou took another look at the map spread out on the table. The name of Luoyang was extremely conspicuous. It would be terrible to lose this place! It would be even more difficult to take it back now because we still don't know the inside story of the thief.

But no matter how difficult it is, it must be done. Although they are a partial force, cooperating with Pang Shigu's main force on the flanks, Zhang Guihou does not want to do nothing. If he can attract the main force of Xia thieves at Pangdutou, his surprise troops can break into Luoyang and attack from the flank.

Then launch an attack, maybe it can play a decisive role.

There was a lot of rain this spring, so much that it was scary.

In the west of Luoyang City, the newly renovated military camp was extremely humid. It was raining heavily outside and light rain inside. The soldiers yelled and cursed, saying that someone must have been greedy for money and food, otherwise how could they not even be able to repair the house?

Li Tangbin had just gone to the Tianxiong Army's camp in the south and inspected it for several days before returning.

I received a large pile of ultimatums on the way, most of which were from Luoyang camp, and there were also official letters copied from the royal palace and Shuofang shogunate - in fact, it can be regarded as a summary of important information, specially for senior officers, so that they can understand it in time.

Dynamics of all parties.

What attracted his attention most was that Xia Sanmu, the Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Tielin Army, and Ding Wei, the Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Administrative Army, both returned to Lingzhou to serve as the chief and deputy commanders of the newly formed army.

He also understood the reasons for the formation of this army. The Tatars, Uyghurs, Dangxiang and even Yigasi tribes on the grassland, whether due to disasters or some other reason, have gone south to plunder more and more frequently in the past two years.

The scale also gradually increased, so the King of Xia ordered the troops remaining in Guanbei to be on strict guard, and at the same time ordered the formation of a new army to strengthen the strength of Guanbei.

After the order was sent to Lingzhou after a 500-mile rush, Coach Du made the Yamen immediately take action, formulated a preliminary plan, and sent it to Mengzhou in a 500-mile rush: to organize 10,000 horse-mounted infantry as an important force to fight against the grassland bandits.

"Xia and Ding have also come forward." Li Tangbin put away the ultimatum and thought secretly.

Among the two, Ding Wei is one of the old men of fifty yuan, and Xia Sanmu is the general who was accepted by King Xia after he arrived in Suizhou. His military nickname is "Monk General". He is brave and good at fighting and has made many military exploits. This time he can

Being a military envoy can be regarded as a successful cultivation.

The reorganization and formation of these 10,000 mounted infantrymen was also a sign of the continuous expansion of the Xia army.

There are almost 250,000 horsemen, which is consistent with the current territory, population, and wealth. The burden is a bit heavy, but it is completely bearable.

As long as this force does not make big mistakes, is not defeated miserably in decisive battles, and does not cause civil strife, it will be a matter of time before it unifies the world.

"It's time to step up and give Zhu Quanzhong a heavy blow this year." Li Tangbin thought of Gao Renhou. He was lucky enough to dominate the Heyang Group and took the lead in going south. He was awarded the title of Jiedushi of Dongdu Jiru. If he could again

After annihilating the Ruzhou Dinghui Group, is there an opportunity to go out of town and become the leader?

Mei Ji, the mansion, and the wealth no longer interest him. He now wants to be a military governor, even if he is a military governor with limited power like Gao Renhou. This time he may be a good one.


After returning to Luoyang, Qi Banzhang, the envoy of the Feilong Army, came to see him.

Li Tangbin breathed a sigh of relief. The tens of thousands of people under Bi Zhang were definitely the most important among all the troops in the Luoyang camp.

"General Qibi's reputation spreads far and wide throughout the Xuanwu Prefectures, and I long for him." Li Tangbin is a serious person and is not very good at saying compliments. In fact, he doesn't need to compliment others. To say this now is already a big deal for him.

Words of praise.

"Li Dutou was so complimentary." Qibizhang said with a smile: "Your Majesty has a great strategy and uses his troops like a god. I am just following orders to fight. Fortunately, the officers and soldiers used their lives and made some achievements by chance, which are not worth mentioning.

Not worth mentioning."

Li Tangbin was expressionless and noncommittal, and then asked: "The army went to Heyang?"

"Exactly." Qi Banzhang replied.

Of course when 10,000 people came back, they had to be reorganized, otherwise who would the troops listen to in the future? Qi Binzhang had already been psychologically prepared for this, and this time he only brought a few followers with him and went south alone, first going to Luoyang to meet with the coach Li Tangbin.

"I received a military report this morning that the Liang navy entered the three cities of Boheyang for the second time and was repulsed." Li Tangbin said: "If we can conquer the southern city of Heyang, it will be much easier to fight."

Qi Banzhang listened patiently to what he said. But he didn't expect that Li Tangbin had nothing to say, and he felt a little embarrassed for a while.

After a long time, Li Tangbin suddenly asked: "How confident are you that if your 10,000 men leave Zhiyuan Pass and go straight to Xuzhou?"

Qi Bizhang's expression changed. This is not a small feat, and there are many directions for attack. To the west, they can outflank the retreat of Ding Hui's army, to the east, they can enter Chenzhou, and to the north, they can enter Zheng and Bian, and intercept Pang Shigu's retreat.

If the infantry is used instead, the speed will be too slow and it will be easy for the enemy to defeat them. If the cavalry is used, it will be difficult to attack obstacles when encountering obstacles on the road, which will also be a problem.

When Qibizhang met with Shao Shude, he was not informed of the next stage of the battle plan. He only asked him to go south to Luoyang first and obey Li Tangbin's dispatch. When he heard this plan, he suddenly felt that it was similar to the Luoyang battle that had just ended.

——The 30,000 households in Luoyang cannot support an army of 30,000 or 40,000, and the more than 10,000 households in Ruzhou cannot support the same number of soldiers and horses.

This strategy probably came from the King of Xia.

There were 70,000 people marching in Luoyang. Tang and Deng had more than 20,000 victorious troops accompanying them. They were probably going to participate, right? On the way here, he saw countrymen from various local groups escorting grain and grass to Luoyang in the rain.

There is no doubt that this is another battle involving more than 100,000 people.

In the Battle of Luoyang, a force of 120,000 troops captured the Hu Zhen Group.

In the battle of Ruzhou, more than 100,000 soldiers and horses were forced to kill Ding Hui's 30,000 soldiers.

The king's use of troops is really in line with the secrets of the art of war. In one word, stable!

"I dare to ask Dutou, if we go to Xuzhou, can we raise enough food and grass?" Qibizhang asked the question he was most concerned about.

"The nine counties of Xuzhou had a population of 500,000 during Tianbao's reign, not including hermit households. After Zhu Quanzhong destroyed the Qin clan, they recovered quickly, and many people who fled came back. From the time of Zhao Ji, the household registration yellow list was revised every few years. Although

I don’t know their number, but I estimate that there are still 300,000 people. If we let go of the looting, won’t we be able to feed the Feilong Army’s 10,000 people?” Li Tangbin asked rhetorically.

"That being the case, the general has nothing to hesitate about. We will defeat the rebel army this time." Qi Banzhang said with emotion, "I wonder when we will send out troops?"

"Don't worry, I'll attack Taigu Pass first." Li Tangbin glanced at him and said.

Qi Bizhang was stunned.

The three passes of Luonan are: Yique leads to Ru, Deng, and Sheyuan leads to Xu, Cai, and Taigu. There is a post road connecting these two roads. What's the point of not going directly out of Sheyuan into Xuzhou, but instead attacking Taigu?


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