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Chapter 54 The Sludge Pond

 Gaicheng is not far from Mi County, only dozens of miles, about two or three days' journey.

However, it is raining continuously now, so it is impossible to complete the walk in two days.

The horses in the hall are more than a thousand heavy cavalry with war horses and pack animals going first. From a distance, if their identities are not revealed, they are almost exactly the same as Qi Banzhang's flying dragon army. One war horse rides to fight, and the other pack animals

Load armor and some dry food.

Of course, there are still differences. Firstly, the armor is different. Secondly, the Feilong Army often has two horses. Although they sometimes like to use mules as pack animals, the only choice for horses in the hall is mules.

The more than a thousand men of Tingzi's infantry were divided into two groups and took turns covering the retreat.

They took out their iconic weapon, the Twelve Repeater Crossbow. They were wearing iron armor, with iron swords hanging on their waists, and spears stuck on their backs. Under the pouring rain, their expressions did not change at all. After walking for a long time, the troops were still in order. They were all arrogant.

There is a huge difference between the wealthy families in the Song Dynasty and the children of the wealthy families in Tingzidu, and the children of the wealthy families in the Po Xia Army.

Hundreds of cavalrymen from the Dingyuan Army led their horses and did not dare to get too close, otherwise they would be charged by the infantry in the hall and suffer heavy losses. In the end, they simply withdrew and returned to Dengfeng instead of finishing, because they went

There was nothing to eat even after the success.

The more than 2,000 cavalrymen in Gaocheng County won a resounding victory, beheading 1,400 people, capturing 2,000 people, and capturing countless baggage items. But the problem was that there was not enough food, and they were already planning to withdraw from Dengfeng.

With the current bad road conditions, it is hard to say whether the food can be transported in time.

However, after the news came back, Wang Yu, the commander along the way, refused directly and asked them to continue. Luoyang would find a way to transfer a batch, which might take some time.

Wei Boqiu was not optimistic that it would be transported in time. He knew very well the way out of Shenyuan Pass. How efficient would it be to transport food on a winding mountain road of 28 miles in heavy rain? But he did not dare to disobey the military order, so he could only send

Hundreds of people escorted two thousand prisoners back, first handing over these two thousand mouths to eat.

Most of Wang Yu's more than 20,000 men were still trudging along the nine and eighteen turns. The 2,000 men from the Pioneer Division arrived in the deserted Dengfeng County on the eighth day of April.

At this time, Zhu Hanbin had received the news and was hesitating whether to leave Yingyang County under the pretext of summoning Zhang Guihou.

The hall has been walking eastward for more than a day.

Zhao Lin, Wang Yanzhang, Du Yanqiu and others took the remaining defeated soldiers and rushed to Yangdi in panic.

Pang Shigu left the remnants of the Victory Army, the remnants of the Heyang Yamen Army, the prefecture and county soldiers, and Tu Tuan villagers to guard Xuanmen Pass and the line of Sishui. He led the Kuangwei of his own accord, and nearly 30,000 Feilong Army and Tu Tuan soldiers.

Heading south, we were blocked by heavy rain when we reached Xingyang.

More than 20,000 Jian Rui troops and Tu Tuan peasants marched to Xingze, but they were also blocked by heavy rain. Pang Shigu requested that the Jian Rui troops be transferred to the south together, but Zhu Quanzhong did not reply yet.

Zhu Zhen of Caozhou was ordered to mobilize 20,000 long sword troops and 20,000 horse troops to go west. After gathering in Bianzhou, they collected supplies and rewards, and then assigned some miscellaneous soldiers to go west together.

On the left and right, the Desheng Army, the Personal Cavalry Army, the Zhuosheng Army, and the Tabai Army, all of which were organized cavalry units, remained in Caozhou and were commanded by Zhang Cunjing.

The main infantry forces, composed of the left and right Tu generals, the left and right internal government troops, and the former Xuzhou surrender troops, were all led by Deng Jiyun.

Zhang and Deng were recruited by the camp and ordered Zhu Zhen to control them.

There are no changes to the Suzhou camp for the time being. The left and right Xiongwei troops, the left and right Feisheng troops, and Shi Shucong's pro-army control crane are all still staying there, cooperating with the Caozhou camp to encircle and suppress Liang Hanyong's troops.

It can be seen that Zhu Quanzhong still made some changes, strategically weakening the troops on the eastern front, completely giving up on the northern front defense, relying on the navy, and striving to achieve a relatively ideal situation on the western front.

However, most military deployments have been hampered by this year's unusual rainy weather.

In fact, not only them, Xia Jun also encountered great difficulties.

Shao Shude personally led the Tielin Army to outside Taigu Pass, but the siege was suspended due to heavy rain.

"With this weather this year, will the Yellow River flood?" Shao Shude asked inside the camp.

"Your Majesty, are you worried about Zhongli City?" Chen Cheng asked.

"The water has risen so much that the Mengzhou soldiers in Heyang Pass should be ready to evacuate at any time. There is nothing to worry about in other places." Shao Shude said: "Even if there is a flood, not many places will be flooded."

Zhongli City was indeed destroyed by the flood of the Yellow River in history. Mengzhou City seemed to have been destroyed once, but the northern and southern cities generally had higher terrain and were much safer than Zhongli City.

It seems that Xuanmenguan has not been flooded, and there is no big problem in Luokou. Let's take a closer look.

"There will be a flood this year, but there will be no drought next year!" Shao Shude sighed.

He is now a little afraid of this kind of Little Ice Age. It is still in the prelude period and has not officially entered yet. There are so many extreme climates, which is a headache.

He had a hunch that if extreme weather occurred once every five years more than ten years ago, then this cycle should gradually shorten now, maybe once every two or three years, and become more and more frequent until it becomes completely cold and dry.

Damn it! The barbarians on the grassland will be forced to make a living and invade the south more and more frequently.

Chen Cheng was also a little worried after hearing this. If there is a severe drought, Heyang and other places will not worry about it. After all, there are rivers crisscrossing it, but many places in Helong will be in trouble.

Wei Zhaodu, the governor of Longyou, just recently sent a "good news", saying that after many years of mutual trade, many Qiang chiefs in Taozhou have taken the initiative to surrender. In a few days, it is expected that officials will be sent to Taozhou, and the troops will be killed.

Take this place.

This is of course a good thing and worthy of celebration. But if disasters occur frequently in Longyou and the livelihood of the Tibetan people is difficult, some people will come out to rob if they are not safe.

If it really doesn't work, the only option is to use the method of the King of Xia. If any tribe can't survive, directly recruit the best of them to continue the army training, and the ordinary people will move to Baidi, Henan to establish households and settle down. This should be able to eliminate some disasters.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Shao Shude changed the topic and said: "What adjustments should be made to the war in Ruzhou now? Should the Feilong Army withdraw from the left wing?"

"With the continuous rain, the Feilong Army has lost its greatest advantage. It is better to have it retreat to Yangzhai. If something goes wrong, retreat until the victory is over." Chen Cheng suggested.

Why do the Feilong Army dare to go deep behind enemy lines? Because of their excellent mobility, this makes it possible for them to jump out of the encirclement before the enemy group encircles them and avoid being annihilated. But in this situation, the mounted infantry has become pure infantry and has lost its mobility.

Advantage, then it is more dangerous and must be moved.

Chen Cheng didn't know how long this rainy weather would last. If it lasted until June, the war scene would be more comical: both sides were wallowing in muddy ponds.

"Retreat to Yangzhai first. The weather is not conducive to attack but conducive to defense." Shao Shude said: "First think of a way to kill the bandit army in Taigu Pass. It is a pity that the battle of Ruzhou has started so well."

He also wanted to observe and see what Liang Jun would do in response.

You formulate a strategy and use various tactics, and if the other party does not make various responses or even counterattack, disrupt your plan and make your strategy distorted, then it is not Zhu Quanzhong, but an AI computer playing games.

If Liang Jun stands still, or even sends a large army for reinforcements, trying to defend Ruzhou, then he will advance steadily.

If Liang Jun abandons the dead ground of Ruzhou and retreats on his own initiative, then pursue him. Although in today's weather, it will be very painful for both parties pursuing and fleeing. There will be many troops that will disrupt the organization, many troops will be left behind, and there will be many sergeants.

Hungry, sick, lost and other shitty things happen, but so what?

The weather is fair to both parties. The worst is to crawl in the mud and fight with you, fighting for consumption.

"Check where the Tibetan soldiers are." Shao Shude suddenly asked.

Chen Cheng asked his staff to take out a pile of ultimatums from the cabinet, flipped through them, and said: "Two days ago, the Ganzhou Ganquan Order reported that more than 10,000 tents of the Ganzhou Fan tribe had left the county and were heading towards Luojiao County. Three days ago

I went forward to report from the Imperial Academy that more than 10,000 tents of Tibetan people from the Qing and Tang Dynasties had arrived in Chang'an County. Two days ago, I came from Shaanxi Town to report that 10,000 tents of Qiang people from Tao, Min and other prefectures have passed Tongguan and are heading towards Guozhou."

"The fastest ones are Tao and Min Qiang. Tell Wei Zhaodu and he can also send people to Die and Dangzhou to make friends with the local Qiang chiefs and try to recruit troops." Shao Shude nodded and knew it.

"As ordered." Chen Cheng responded.

He knew that King Xia had used his trick again. Most of Henan Prefecture and Ruzhou were deserted and full of weeds. The wilderness was even unsafe for pedestrians because wild beasts such as tigers and leopards had become increasingly popular over the years.


Another trick of risking your life for land!

The fastest ten thousand troops will reach Luoyang in about half a month. After a little training and without too much preparation of weapons, they can be driven south to join the Liang people in the mud.

Rolling in it.

The power of the Supreme Khan is not just about ostentation. It can win over people at critical moments. This is the real energy.

But then again, I haven’t been to Helong in some years, is it time to go and show off my face? Places with high mountains and far away from the emperor tend to breed ignorant and brutal careerists. A visit by the Khan can calm them down.

After many years, this deal was still a good deal.

"How's Li Keyong doing over there?" Shao Shude became concerned about his elder brother's current situation again.

"We defeated Lu Wenjin in Mozhou, Shan Kechi, and heard that more than 10,000 prisoners were killed. We are currently surrounding Mozhou, urging all troops to attack day and night." Chen Cheng replied.

"I'm afraid if we don't call for reinforcements at the encirclement point, we can lead the rescuers." Shao Shude said.

At the same time, I also sighed, how much these thieves in Youzhou hate outsiders, and they won't surrender at this time.

Yanzhen's Twelve Prefectures consumed a lot of Lao Li's energy and time. Wouldn't it have been better if he had attacked Chengde first?

Well, I guess it’s not very good, there won’t be any essential difference. Yan Town has a population of 1.5 million households, plus hundreds of thousands of internal Tibetan people. I don’t know how many are left today.

"Time waits for no one." Shao Shude stood up, looked at the map on the wall, and said: "Send orders to Feng Wei, Song Le, and Ren Yuji to increase the transportation of grain and grass. If necessary, recruit another hundred thousand masters, and others

I don't care about the place. First, Dengfeng and the first line of defense will be sent to the rescue. No matter the cost, no matter how much the knife falls from the sky, no matter how many animals are killed or how many people are killed or injured, they will be transported to me. Then send an order to Wang Yu. I want to be in Taipei

There will be wine and banquets at Gugu Pass, the sooner the better."


This chapter has been completed!
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