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Talk about the problem of Li Keyong's own son

"Pang Shigu was not fooled after all!" Shao Shude threw down a military newspaper with a little regret.

News came from the camp in Luoyang: Liang Rendan was reinforcing and repairing the city in Xuzhou, hoarding food and supplies. At the same time, he was vigorously reorganizing the army, strictly observing military discipline, eliminating those who were greedy for life and afraid of death, and severely rectifying the bad behaviors of the troops such as retreating without authorization and surrendering.

The two sides occasionally had small-scale conflicts on the banks of the Ying River. After the Xia army retreated, the Liang army did not pursue it and maintained considerable restraint.

At present, it can be basically judged that Liang Jun has no intention of attacking. Whether it is Zhu Quanzhong's order or practical considerations, they will never set foot in the death place of Ruzhou again, which is a pity.

Liang Jun's navy tried to attack Heyang Pass. Mengzhou soldiers were dispatched in large numbers. The two sides fought fiercely on the sandbank in the middle of the river with serious water accumulation, and finally forced the enemy to retreat.

Many of the Heyang pontoon bridges are damaged and are currently being repaired urgently. This means that the main logistics supply line of the Luoyang camp troops stationed in Ruzhou will be interrupted for a longer period of time. At present, they can only rely on the supplies rushed before the flood. At the same time, Shaanxi

The town's land transportation channel was reopened, and grain was transported via the Xiaohan Valley Road at a high cost.

In order to reduce the consumption of frontline troops, the Shunyi Army, which suffered heavy losses during the early siege, has withdrawn and headed to Shaanxi County for reinforcements.

The 7,000 soldiers led by Wang Yao, the military governor of the National Protectorate Army, also began to retreat. They were replaced by another 10,000 soldiers of the National Protector Army, commanded by Yuhou Fengzang, the Mabu capital in the river, who had just set off.

The family members of the Yumen Army have arrived in Heyang and have begun to allocate fields and build cottages. There are still more than 3,000 people in this army. Shao Shude is thinking about merging them with other troops, but has not yet made up his mind.

The Secretary of the Henan Prefecture recorded a "secret report" from Duan Ning, who joined the army. The state general Ma Sixun and the Jiedushi Gao Renhou were very close. Shao Shude laughed it off, but he also left an impression on Duan Ning and Ma Sixun. After thinking about it, he transferred Ma Sixun to Heilongjiang Province.

The army of Yi was appointed as the Marquis of Du Yu, and the commander of Tianxiong army, He Piao, was transferred to Dongdu Town and took charge of more than 4,000 state soldiers.

Duan Ning is a guy who reports on his colleagues in private. Shao Shude already knows something about his character, but this kind of person is really indispensable for a superior, so let's use it for the time being.

Song Le wrote a letter, saying that the summer harvest was about to begin in Heyang, and told a lot of happy things, which made Shao Shude smile. Finally, he asked for grain and livestock.

"Alas!" Shao Shude waved his hand to Shangfu Pei and asked her to help with some pressure to relieve fatigue.

Zhao Guangfeng went to Chang'an, and Shao Shude was forced to take over some government affairs, which was a big headache to deal with.

He didn't know how the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties could be so industrious, reviewing memorials until late at night every day. Yongzheng's level of industriousness was outrageous. He received a lot of "junk mail" every day, had time to reply to one after another, and only slept so much every day.


The emperors since the Northern Dynasties have had a great time! There is basically nothing to do, just hold on to the military power and let the prime minister handle it with peace of mind. If you are not satisfied with the prime minister, just replace him.

Of course, since the Northern Dynasties, the political situation has not been stable enough, and there have been too many palace coups. This may be a disadvantage.

After drinking a pot of tea, Shao Shude teased the slightly immature Webster and felt greatly relaxed.

Webster is a bedtimer and works conscientiously and responsibly. He often lays the curtains himself, holds candles late at night, and goes to bed very late. Sometimes he has to work overtime. For example, last night, when he wanted to retreat, Shao Shude took him directly to the bed. Today

She had already started walking with her legs crossed.

After leaving Qingliang Hall, we went directly to the martial arts field. Dalang Siwu, Erlang Chengjie, Sanlang Mianren, and Shilang Guancheng were practicing martial arts. The martial arts masters taught diligently, and the children also studied very seriously.

Shao Shude asked someone to bring a chair and sat there watching it for a while.

In fact, there are many generals and even veterans in the army who are not bad at it. These martial arts masters in the martial arts field may not necessarily win if they fight face to face.

But Shao Shude disliked that those in the army were all wild, their actions were not standardized, and some of them were even completely wrong.

Martial arts masters may not necessarily be able to defeat these veterans who have been tempered in blood and fire, but their understanding of techniques is master-level. A simple slashing and stabbing movement, how to use force in a more standardized way and attack the enemy more efficiently can all be explained.

They are clear-headed and qualified as instructors, although they may not necessarily become invincible generals on the battlefield.

Shao Shude waited for more than half an hour. When the lecture came to an end, the martial arts masters came over to salute one after another. Shao Shude stood up and returned the gift, asking Mr. Shang Gong Xiao to reward him with five pieces of silk. The martial arts masters thanked him one after another and retired to the side to rest.

Shao Shude sat back again, and his four sons came forward to salute one by one. After a while, the second daughter Shao Mu, who had finished class next door, also came over to salute.

Shao Shude is in a happy mood, surrounded by his children. His life is already perfect at this point.

"Dalang, you are thirteen years old this year. You are so tall and strong. Do you dare to fight with your father in battle?" Shao Shude asked.

Chong Niang sat on his right side, looking at her brothers covering their mouths and laughing, their eyes turning into crescent moons, a shadow of her mother's.

"The father has an order, and the son should obey it." Shao Siwu replied.

"Master, I heard that when Zhu Youyu was fourteen or fifteen years old, he shot and killed the thieves who insulted the officers and soldiers outside the city. I am also willing to fight in battle, but I must not be outcompeted." Shao Chengjie also stepped forward and said.

Mianren and Guancheng were still young, one was nine years old and the other was eight. When they saw their two brothers vying to fight in battle, they thought it was amusing and stepped forward to ask for help.

Chong Niang looked amused and patted Saburo and Shiro on the head with her fan, saying: "You two can't even dance, how dare you go into battle?"

Shao Shude stopped his daughter's laughter, looked at Dalang and Erlang, and said: "After the Double Ninth Festival, it's time for you to go out and practice."

The Shaw family has a small population. If his sons grow up quickly and have certain talents and can be used, he will not mind adding extra burdens to them.

Li Keyong proudly said that his family has been brothers and sisters for generations. This is not bragging, it is true, and this is enviable.

Everyone knows that it is risky to let relatives and sons divide power, or even go out of town. If a bad person is not good enough, father and son will kill each other, and brothers will become enemies. But why do they still do it? Because in this era where people are frustrated and have the greatest number of subordinates and superiors in history,

, relatives are always more reliable than outsiders.

If his biological son is a good man, how could Shao Shude be willing to give him a fake son in a good place like Puzhou or Yunzhou?

"The Lingzhou Black Army has been formed." Shao Shude suddenly said: "Fu Yanchao!"

"The general is here!" Fu Yanchao, who is only seventeen years old this year, immediately stepped forward and saluted.

"You should go back to Lingzhou after a while." Shao Shude said.

Fu Yanchao was shocked.

"Haha, I didn't make it clear." Shao Shude quickly noticed the young man's expression and explained with a smile: "Da Lang will go back with you and take five hundred people with him. In the second half of the year, I will set up a Yinshan camp to conquer the Tatars.

Uighur, Dalang will take a post in the camp and go out with him on the expedition. You can bring someone to protect you, so nothing happens."

"I will obey your orders," Fu Yanchao responded.

He is also a good boy who is proficient in bow and horse, and is very interested in killing enemies immediately. He has been the leader of the guard beside Shao Shude for a long time. Although he is close enough, he has no chance to fight. But this time he will not guard King Xia, but guard Xia Xia.

The eldest son Wang didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Grandpa, during this expedition, I will definitely study hard and ask for advice, so as not to lose the reputation of the Shao family." Shao Siwu also stepped forward and said with a calm expression.

"Okay!" Shao Shude nodded and said: "If jade cannot be cut into a weapon, don't blame your father for being cruel. We warriors, wealth comes from horses, this must be remembered firmly. Of course, we need to learn poems and writings, but we must be brave in martial arts.

You must not be left behind. In today's world, if you can't mount your horse to kill the enemy or dismount your horse to care for the people, you might as well be a farmer."

"I remember it," Shao Siwu responded.

"Li Zhong." Shao Shude shouted again.

The soldiers all commanded Li Zhong to step forward immediately.

"After the master of the Fu family leaves, I will order the three tribes of Yeli, Wuzang, and Weicai to donate a hundred warriors each, and the Tuoba tribe and Hongyuan Valley tribe of the bodyguards to select a hundred warriors each to join the army to complete the establishment.

As your deputy, I will send Ye Li Kecheng over, and you can take care of him more."

"As ordered." Li Zhong responded.

Li Zhong has also seen Ye Li Kecheng. He should be only sixteen years old this year, but he has been practicing martial arts since childhood and has a strong body. He can already wear armor, shoot arrows, and fight. Li Zhong thinks that if the two of them compete, they may not be able to fight.

I felt a little ashamed after passing that boy.

After hearing that the leader of the Yeli clan, Yeli Sussex, had been seriously ill, he had gone home to rest and no longer interfered with official affairs. The affairs of the tribe had been clearly inherited by the eldest son, Yeli Yulue, deputy envoy of the Tielin Army, and Yeli Kecheng

He is the eldest son of Nori Yusu, and he will definitely inherit the huge business of Yokoyama Nori clan in the future.

You can have more contact with this person. Li Zhong is just like his father and has already started making plans.

After Shao Shude finished speaking, he glanced at his second daughter without leaving any trace. Lady Chong looked away, not daring to look at him.

"Erlang, come here." Shao Shude said again.

"Father." Shao Chengjie strode forward.

"Although you are the eldest son, don't think you can escape from the war." Shao Shude joked.

"Grandpa." Shao Chengjie raised his head excitedly and said, "Let Ye Li Kecheng accompany me to the battle. I will shoot Zhu Youyu to death with one arrow and dedicate his head to Grandpa."

"Come on!" Shao Shude laughed and said, "Just stay with my father, learn more, see more, ask more questions, and come with me to Luoyang in a while."

"Yes." Shao Chengjie responded reluctantly.

After he stepped aside, he lowered his voice and said to Chongniang: "Old man, why don't I go into battle and play."

The insect girl burst out laughing.

"What are you mumbling about?" Shao Shude said dissatisfied: "Li Keyong's eldest son, Li Luoluo, joined the battle at the age of thirteen. His second son, Li Cunxu, is Xiaoyinlu, good at riding and shooting, and started drinking at the age of five. He is now twelve years old.

, I have already proposed a plan to break the single limit, Lu Wenjin. My son should encourage himself and learn from the strengths of others, and never be self-indulgent."

"I understand." Dalang and Erlang responded together.

Chong Niang sat on the bed, her calves dangling, and her skirt rising and falling. Shao Shude glared at her, and Chong Niang immediately returned to her ladylike demeanor, making it hard for anyone to fault her.

"Sanlang, Silang." Shao Shude said again.

Mian Ren and Guan Cheng stepped forward to salute.

"Continue to stay in Longchi Palace to study literature and martial arts. Master Mani has gone to Luoyang, so you can't relax in your homework." Shao Shude said.

Master Mani was a man of many talents. He was sent to Luoyang by Shao Shude to survey the foundation of the palace. He would come back after a while.

"I obey my father's orders." The two children responded at the same time.

Shao Shude nodded with satisfaction.

If the seven sons can all grow up and have talents, they can help the old father now. Unfortunately, they will have to wait.

The Shaw family has a small population, so he can only place his hopes on his sons. Until they grow up, their father must continue to support them.

This chapter has been completed!
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