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Chapter 68 Hearts and Backs

 The summer harvest has begun in various counties in Shanxi and Jiangxi.

With the continuous migration of military families, the two prefectures of Shanxi and Jiangxi, which had lost more than half of their population due to Li Han's scourge, slowly regained their vitality. The urban and rural areas were densely populated, the sown area of ​​farmland increased greatly, various commodities continued to flow in, and commerce was extremely prosperous.

, even surpassing Hezhong Mansion next door, becoming the most prosperous area nearby.

What is a little discouraging is that the families of soldiers mostly choose to live near the city wall. Even if they are given land, there will still be very little they are willing to farm, unless there are many children in the family and they have grown up.

Anyi County is the resettlement place for the families of Tianxiong Army. Almost all of the more than 10,000 households have settled near the county seat and Longchi Palace, forming a large residential area and commercial area.

As for the land in the countryside, few people farm it themselves. If you can rent it to others, rent it to others. If you can't, just plant some high-yield pasture and raise livestock. It is a small amount of income. After all, it would be a pity to be completely abandoned.

The house where the sergeant's family lives is not too elaborate and does not cost much. It seems that they are ready to move again.

A widely circulated rumor is that sooner or later the Xia king will depose the emperor and establish himself, and he will have to move when the time comes. There is no need to make things too easy.

After moving to a new home, the land in Anyi was sold. If the house could be sold, it was sold, and if it was not, it was thrown away. At that time, King Xia would redistribute the land to everyone, which was another source of income.

Zhao Cheng's caravan returned from Heyang, bringing with it some locally made iron tools.

The mines and workshops in Xiuwu County continue to operate stably. The better quality iron is used to make weapons, armor, and almost farm tools.

Agricultural tools are purchased by the Heyang shogunate and then rented to the people, just like livestock. The money for the purchase comes from the Jiangzhou Qianjian, which allocates thousands of new minted copper coins every year to purchase 100,000 various farm tools.

Whether it is a government-run workshop or a private workshop, they all make a lot of money.

Zhao Chengneng brought many iron farm tools from Xiuwu not only because of his connections. In fact, he had already invested in a small workshop in Xiuwu County to specialize in making farm tools.

Of course, the Heyang shogunate did not want to see iron farm tools flowing out of the local area, but it was not easy for them to stop a well-established businessman like Zhao Cheng. In addition, Zhao's trading company was also trafficking livestock from other places to Heyang, and it was not easy for them to fall out.

In the end, I had no choice but to give up and let him go to Jin Jiang.

"How come iron weapons for martial arts are so cheap?"

"I heard that coal is used to make iron."

"The King of Xia doesn't call coal, he calls it coal."

"What do you care what I say? Isn't the iron made from charcoal thin and brittle and easy to break? This iron is not bad."

"Xiu Wu Mei must have some skills, it's different."

"Whatever, I bought them all."

In just one afternoon, the ironware that Zhao Cheng brought over was sold out in Anyifang City. He went to the clearing house to exchange a few silver dollar bills, and then left.

When the lanterns first came on, the streets and alleys near Longchi Palace were already extremely lively.

Because there is no city wall, there is naturally no curfew. The people who live here are either the royal family, the shogunate officials, or the families of soldiers. They have enough money to spend. Even after dark, places like wine shops are still full of customers.

The inn was also a very lively place. Zhao Chengxian was extremely bored and drank tea in the courtyard with the businessmen who lived here.

At first, everyone was talking about this year's rain and harvest, but then they turned to business. They talked about how every time King Xia visited a place, the number of local livestock would definitely increase year by year. In the end, raising livestock actually became the same as growing millet.

There are agricultural activities in Maiping, so the livestock trading is becoming more and more popular year by year.

Someone listened for a long time, but couldn't bear it anymore, and interrupted: "Do you know that Dong Chang of Yuezhou has proclaimed himself emperor?"

There was silence in the field.

Zhao Cheng took a glance and found that he was a young scholar who was studying abroad. His accent sounded like he was from Guanzhong. He was quite friendly, and he immediately knew what he was talking about.

"Dong Chang is a clown who doesn't know how to live or die, what's there to say?" Someone sneered: "How big is his territory and how many soldiers does he have?"

"Indeed." The young scholar nodded and said, "But now that he has his own territory, and his troops are far superior to Dong Chang's, will he proclaim himself emperor?"

No one said anything in the courtyard. Is this guy angry, or is he drunk from tea?

Zhao Cheng coughed and said: "Today, the world is in chaos. How many years have the gold merchants been stable in Helong, Guanzhong, and Guanbei? The emperor of the Li family cannot be considerate of the good people, how can he still stop others from protecting the people? Many of you are here

There are merchants and merchants, and the business has been very good these years, right?"

"It's really good. After being locked up in the market for a few days, everyone will finish the business and go home. King Xia got some silver coins and asked me to tell him that we merchants should build a shrine for him." Someone said.


Well, the words are a bit disgusting, but everyone understands the meaning and deeply understands it.

During the Expo, transactions were concentrated behind closed doors and accounted for using virtual standard silver dollars. This made it convenient for them to trade and for the government to collect taxes, saving everyone a lot of trouble.

Many businesses that were not done before are now done, and everyone’s business scale has generally expanded.

Not to mention, it also opened up the Silk Road trade with the Western Regions, benefiting many people.

"It should be a shrine for the King of Xia." Jia Ke, who spoke with a strong Sichuan accent and looked like a Hu merchant, said: "Last year I sold a batch of fragrant medicine in Anyifang Market, and I had a few silver coins left, so I took the ticket and left. This year I hold the ticket.

It can still be used in the market, but the reputation of King Xia is unparalleled."

"If King Xia becomes emperor, I support it." Someone put down the tea bowl and said without hesitation.

"I also support it. It's time for the world to change." Someone else said.

The young scholar was stunned.

He started the conversation just to complain and win the approval and support of others. But the development of the matter was beyond his expectation. How could the merchants be so shameless and actually support the change of dynasty? And also build a shrine for the king of Xia? Treat it like you

One of the founders of the merchant is worshiped, right?

"You...you..." the young scholar stammered and said, "The Tang Dynasty has been in Zuo for more than two hundred years, and people's hearts are what they want."

As soon as he said this, the businessmen all laughed.

They traveled all over the country and were well-informed. Many of them were armed merchants and dared to fight. They had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the world's situation. In today's Tang Dynasty, either the Xia King was proclaimed a saint, or the Liang King was proclaimed emperor, or many more

There will be no other outcome if each emperor is on his side and is called a loner.

Of course, people in the Tang Dynasty still have people's hearts, but it's just a habit. For example, people are used to going to Chang'an to take exams, they are used to sending important files to the Chang'an Criminal Department, they are used to sending music craftsmen to Beijing for duty, they are used to paying tribute...

But these things are slowly changing.

The world is very different from what it was more than ten years ago. More than ten years from now, it will definitely be very different from today. There is no doubt about it.

Zhao Cheng did not laugh, but observed closely and thought silently.

If King Xia proclaims himself emperor, there should be no opposition from the merchant class in Kansai. They have money, connections, knowledge, and private soldiers, and their power should not be underestimated.

After running Kansai for so many years, the merchants have benefited greatly. King Xia has finally been rewarded, which is gratifying.

On the second day, Zhao Cheng was summoned to Longchi Palace.

The female historian Zhao Shu led him in and then withdrew.

Zhao Cheng bowed politely and said goodbye.

Zhao Shu is the granddaughter of Zhao Jian. She used to be a maid in the county prince's palace, but now she is the palace maid of Longchi, working under Aunt Feng of Shang Palace. Strictly speaking, Zhao Jian and the Zhao family in Qinzhou can only be said to have a connection.

Not even relatives.

But as the saying goes, wealth lies deep in the mountains and people know it. When the Zhao family in Tianshui became prosperous, branches of the Zhao family from all over the country came to join them. This is a normal thing.

Zhao Guangfeng's family has been in Jingzhao Mansion for several generations, and has basically lost contact with the Zhao family in Qinzhou. When he came to power, it was not because of the support of "Zhao Guifei". Let's talk about our seniority. We are all relatives. How are you and me?

Hello everyone.

"Are you here?" The meeting place was a martial arts arena. Shao Shude was shirtless and had just finished practicing his martial arts. When he saw Zhao Cheng coming in, he was not in a hurry to change his clothes and asked casually.

This means that he regards you as one of his own. Of course Zhao Cheng understands this and quickly steps forward to salute.

"Sit down." Shao Shude said.

Mrs. Shangfu Pei carefully wiped Shao Shude's sweat, while the female historian stood aside, not daring to help.

"Chen Xu Zhao, can we become relatives with them?" Shao Shude asked.

Mrs. Pei is a very understanding and skilled woman. When she works, she often exposes her fair and deep chest, panting slightly, and her technique is more like flirting than wiping.

This woman! She has only served for a few years and has already given birth to two children. At this rate, the third one is not far away.

"Your Majesty, Chen Xu, the Zhao family ran away when Qinzhou fell to Tibet. After regaining Qinzhou during the Dazhong period, Zhao Ji's father, Zhao Shuwen, once sent people back to Qinzhou to talk about the friendship between the clans, and then broke off contact.

." Zhao Cheng replied: "The Chen Xu Zhao family made a fortune with military merit. Zhao Bin, the great ancestor of Zhao Ji, became a general of the Zhongwu Army. His three brothers, Zhao Yingqi, grandson Zhao Shuwen and great grandson Zhao Ji, were known as General Chen Xu. Someone checked Tianshui

The family tree of the old house does not include the Chen Xu Zhao family, and I don’t know what happened more than a hundred years ago."

"You have a lot of heart." Shao Shude praised.

It is normal that the Chenxu Zhao family, the Jingzhao Zhao family, and the Pizhou Zhao family are not listed. They have all been separated, and no one knows anyone. If he did not care about his ancestors, Zhao Ji's father, Zhao Shuwen, might not even go back to Qinzhou to visit.

"Secretly send people to Xuzhou to build connections." Shao Shude said: "There are two Zhaos in one sentence. They are both descendants of the ancestors of Tianshui. It has only been more than a hundred years since we separated. Let's talk about the friendship.

Make a family tree, they are all one family. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Zhao Cheng bowed and responded.

"If Zhao Jui can vote for me, Zhao will still serve as the governor of the Zhongwu Army in Xuzhou." Shao Shude promised: "Keep your word."

"The loyal warriors have fought against the Cai thieves for many years and are famous all over the world. If you can help me attack Quanzhong, you will have greater wealth." Shao Shude added: "The matter should be kept confidential. I guess it is difficult to enter Xuzhou now.

, you think of a way, I will ask Zhao Guangfeng to assist you."

"Follow your orders." Zhao Cheng responded: "Quanzhong digs a river, just like digging a grave. People with knowledge all scold and ridicule. Even those who love Quanzhong sigh with regret, which leads to a mistake. With such people's support, Zhao Jue

You should make your own choice.”

Shao Shude smiled and said: "People's support is indeed useful. However, if the soldiers did not fight bravely and beat Liang Jun to pieces, the people's hearts would be the same. Do it well, the wealth of the Zhao family is indispensable.


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