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Chapter 4 Both hands must be hard

 On July 11th of the third year of Qianning, Shao Shude returned to Longchi Palace in Anyi.

Tielin's army had just returned from Ruzhou and arrived at Anyi. With an order, they broke camp and set off, guarding Shao Shude and his wife, concubines and children. The officials of the shogunate and the palace went west and arrived at Hezhong Mansion within a few days.

Before leaving, he appointed the Tiande Army envoy Cai Songyang to stay in Anyi, the Wuxing Army envoy Feng Yin, and the Guzhen Army envoy Wei Dingli to assist him. There were more than 20,000 people guarding Jin Jiang, as well as state and county soldiers and Tu Tuan Township soldiers. I can recruit him, but as long as Li Ke doesn't use his entire army to kill him, it won't be a big problem.

There were still tens of thousands of Wang Yao's men in Hezhong Mansion. After he returned, he recruited three thousand more troops to make up for the battle losses.

The Hezhong Yamen Army was maintained at the size of 20,000 infantry and cavalry, which was tacitly approved by Shao Shude. Wang Yao was quite honest, and the number always seemed to be in the early 20,000.

The interior of the Hezhong Yamen Army is actually very complicated.

Wang Yao brought thousands of soldiers from other towns, prefectures and counties, and local men from Jiangzhou, and then used these people as the core to control the Hezhong Yamen Army. During the great purge that year, a large number of officers representing the local interests of Hezhong Prefecture were killed. The rebels and their families were exiled. Wang Yao himself continued to cultivate party members and sent assassins to fight during the war. For this reason, he did not hesitate to break out riots and asked Xia Bing to help suppress them.

Over the past few years, the Hezhong Yamen Army's pot of raw rice has been well organized. The dissatisfaction of the sergeants is still there, but it has been transferred to the repeated expeditions. But the dissatisfaction is still within a safe range. Wang Yao has since Thinking can still be suppressed.

The only regret is probably the rise of Yuhou Fengzangzhi in Mabudu in Hezhong.

This man was originally just a middle-level military academy, but he quickly made a fortune with Shao Shude's back. He had thousands of sergeants who followed his orders, and he was already the second or third person in the Hezhong Yamen Army.

But this man couldn't move, so Wang Yao could only hold her nose and acquiesce to his presence, feeling helpless.

"My nephew has suffered a lot these past few years." Shao Shude said to Wang Yao who came to see Wang Yao in Xinyi Store, more than 30 miles north of Hedong County: "The situation in Hezhong Mansion is complicated. If you can stabilize the situation, you still have the talent. I'm very pleased."

"My uncle has won consecutive battles and has the potential to engulf the world. My nephew is happy and is only willing to continue fighting for his uncle. When the world is at peace, he can enjoy wealth and wealth." Wang Yao said with a smile on his face.

"Why should my nephew be like this?" Shao Shude laughed and said, "Uncle, can you still forget your merits? Guard the river well. If the local officials have ulterior motives, don't suspect them. Uncle will support you."

"With uncle's words, my nephew will feel relieved." Wang Yao said.

There are indeed many dissatisfied people in Hezhong Prefecture, Ci and Xizhou. The main reason is that they repeatedly fought with the Liang people on Wangwu Zhiguan Road, Menghuai and Xiaohangu Road. They were also repeatedly requisitioned, and the money and grain from the state and county treasury were scattered like running water, which led to Shao Shude's series of victories in Heyang and Weihan. The price was that the people in one prefecture and two states in the river became poor at a speed visible to the naked eye. and huge human casualties.

As a commander-in-chief, Wang Yao failed to protect the interests of the local military and civilians well, so he must be unpopular. He can still hold his position now mainly because he has won over the old man of Jiangzhou, and he is also pulling the tiger's skin of Xia Jun. No one dares to rebel.

He knows his situation very well, and Shao Shude also knows his position. This is the basis of trust between the two parties.

Inside Xinyi Store, officials went step by step, allocated buildings and tents, and started working.

More tents have been set up on the grass outside the store.

The princess took a group of concubines and children for an outing, and the female officials accompanied them. It was another "emperor's patrol".

Since the Northern Dynasties, emperors have often gone out and wandered around with their concubines, children, civil and military officials, and everyone has long been used to it.

Wang Yao was invited to stay for dinner. The next day, according to Shao Shude's request, his son Wang Xi rushed over and served as the Tongzan officer.

The position of Tongzan official is not a palace official, but a foreign official. It can be understood as an official who conducts roll calls and presides over ceremonies. It is usually set up by the emperor. But what is outrageous is that this position exists in Bianzhou, and Kou Yanqing took it.

Exactly. You said that you are the governor of a feudal town, and other people either ask aides to do things like general communications, or you are the leader of personal soldiers. What do you want to do when you become a Tongzan officer? Zhu Quanzhong has long been disobedient.

That’s it!

After leaving Xinyidian, we headed north, crossed the Fen River on July 21, and arrived in Longmen County, Jiangzhou.

Shao Shude stood on the bank of Fen River and recalled the battlefield a few years ago.

Entering Hezhong was an important step for him to gain a strategic advantage over Zhu Quanzhong. Based on Hezhong, he continued to move eastwards and repeatedly saw the blood of the Tibetan people. The blood of the Tibetan people almost stained Wangwu Mountain red. Finally, he broke into Heyang and defended and counterattacked in the Battle of Heqing.

Defeated Pang Shigu and covered most of the two states of Meng and Huai.

Every step you take is not easy. Starting a business is difficult and difficult!

But it's all worth it.

Look at the tigers and wolves who listen to his orders, look at the picturesque beautiful country, look at the lovely wives and beautiful families around him, everything is so worth it.

The army stayed in Longmen County for several days. Shao Shude invited Ci, and officials from Xi's two prefectures went to Fulongyuan to hunt and deepen their relationship.

This was also the main reason why he did not cross the river from the Pujin Pass Floating Bridge, but instead went north to detour to Ci and Xi.

If Li Keyong falls out with him, Ci, the road conditions in Xishan District are complex, narrow, and rugged. When a large group of people passes through, the team will be stretched out, the passing efficiency is very low, and it is easy to be ambushed and cut into several sections. Therefore, these two

Zhou must be held in hand to block a direction that may be attacked and squeeze all the enemy's offensive to the Zelu area.

Fulong was originally the place where Emperor Gaozu would hunt, and there had always been a royal garden. The imperial sages often came here to hunt, visit the local people, and declare their rights.

The longer Shao Shude lived in the Tang Dynasty, the more he felt that it was very different from the customs of the Song Dynasty and the previous dynasties after the Song Dynasty. Emperor Guang traveled far from time to time, hunting everywhere, and inspecting places, and this frequency was very high. It seems that not many officials stood up and said this

It costs too much and everyone seems to be used to it.

The officials of Ci and Xizhou also knew very well who the actual ruler of Hezhong was, and they were quite enthusiastic.

Shao Shude cooked the hunted wild boar with them, and selected more than ten sons of Xi officials and eunuchs. The brave ones joined the Tielin Army, and the ones with average martial arts were promoted to official posts. Everyone was happy.

In fact, this may be the purpose of patrolling around. Let everyone know who is the real boss, deepen their impression, and absorb some fresh blood to form a closer alliance of interests.

The emperor cannot eat all the benefits of the world by himself. He must know how to share them at the right time, so that everyone can carry them in a sedan chair.

After the hunting session, the army marched northward into Xizhou, with a mighty journey that stretched for ten miles. People from near and far heard about it and asked about it. For a time, King Xia's reputation spread far and wide to all counties in Xizhou.

On the 28th, they crossed the river in batches in the west of Yonghe County and arrived at Yanchuan County, Yanzhou.

In Yulin County, Shengzhou, a large group of soldiers were also crossing the river.

After leaving the ferry with flags flying high and solemn expressions, the soldiers spread out in formation to help the following groups cross the river.

Even when marching on the inside, everything was still orderly, busy but not chaotic.

New soldiers cannot do this. These sergeants are obviously not new soldiers.

Across the river, outside the Yulin Palace, Shao Siwu was stopped by someone.

He Lianjun, a member of the bodyguard Qianhu, had a serious face and could not get in. No matter what Shao Siwu said, he would not let him enter Yulin Palace to rest.

Fu Yanchao gently tugged on his sleeves, and Shao Siwu came to his senses. He immediately saluted and apologized: "Thousands of families in Helian are loyal to their duties. I admire you so much. I am rude today. I still hope Haihan."

Helianjun returned the gift and said firmly: "It's your duty."

Shao Siwu smiled and left.

He has tried it out. In the past, he could live in Yulin Palace because his father brought a large family in, so there was no problem. But now that he is alone, it is obviously not possible.

There are Yulin and Woyang Palace in Shengzhou, which are both grazing lands for the father's personal tribe. They work when they are busy, train when they are free, and go to war when they are in war. Each of their families has a large amount of land, cattle and sheep, and there are many rewards.

The armor and equipment were prepared, and the equipment was not inferior to that of the regular Yamen army.

Of course these are nothing.

The most special thing is that they only obey the orders of their father. They don't even sell their sons' accounts, and they can't make friends with state and county officials without reason. Those who can't do this have probably been dealt with. It's conceivable.


It is said that the person who had the most contact with them was Yang Yao, who seemed to be his father's trusted confidant.

Shao Siwu, escorted by five hundred soldiers, quickly crossed the Yellow River.

The Heijian army is a mounted infantry force with a total army of ten thousand people and more than 20,000 horses. They are good at using long spears and foot bows. They look extremely capable and quite resistant to fighting.

Shao Siwu knew that almost all the more than 3,000 prisoners of the Zhizhi Army had been recruited. In addition, there were also capable people selected from the nearly 20,000 prisoners of the Liang and Huai people, as well as the brave men of Guanbei and those with outstanding training results from the Lingzhou Academy.

Good recruits.

Such a unit, after several months of training, not only learned to ride horses, but more importantly, it was roughly kneaded into shape. Over time, their combat effectiveness will improve little by little until they become a powerful force. To be honest, if not

The Heigui Army has only been in existence for a short period of time, and has been broken up and reorganized. If you are not particularly familiar with them, they are already a strong army.

Shao Siwu recalled what his father had done, and subconsciously wanted to do something, but finally gave up.

He didn't know if his father encouraged him to do this. Although he was only thirteen years old, he also knew that it was wrong to invite military recruits privately. He was challenging his father's authority. He didn't want to disappoint his father, as that would do no good.

"Let's go to Yunzhong County." Shao Siwu pinched the horse's belly, and the maroon horse went straight forward as fast as lightning.

The soldiers followed with a rumble.

Fu Yanchao looked left and right, savoring the grand scenery of the grassland.

He actually spent half of his childhood in Lingzhou. He had long been accustomed to the sunset over the long river, the lonely smoke in the desert, and the pleasure of galloping horses on the endless grassland. In the Central Plains, horses are always galloping.

Not far away, there is either a small river, woods, or fields, which is very uncomfortable for the cavalry and greatly limits their mobility.

It's like this in Henan. When we get to Huainan and Jiangnan, wouldn't it mean that even horses can't run?

The grassland is still a joy, and you can gallop all the way with your eyes closed, without worrying about any obstacles at all.

The city gate of Yunzhong County (formerly Dongshoujiang City) has come into view.

The general flag of Xia Sanmu, the commander of the Black Army, was raised at the top of the city. He had already arrived in advance with his troops.

After everyone was informed and checked, he was quickly let in.

According to the order, they will practice here, stock up on supplies, and wait for King Xia to join them.

This chapter has been completed!
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