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Chapter 15 Hao Ma Lai on Fufangyi Road (Additional update with tears for the leader of the Tsing Yi Panda League)

"Li Yanling!" Shao Shude shouted loudly outside Yanchuan County.

"The end is here!"

"It's New Year's Eve. Rewards are given to the sergeants. They give two strings of money and three bolts of silk, and then they kill the sheep and buy wine." After saying that, Shao Shude looked at Li Yanling up and down and said: "Deputy Ambassador Li, I think you are getting more and more serious.

You are so rich. I heard that after you brought your family from Fengzhou, you took a concubine in Suizhou. This book is nothing, but when is it now? How can you fight with so much fat in your belly? "

"Military envoy, this general is filled with daring loyalty." Li Yanling said with a smile: "I will definitely not make any mistakes, military envoy, don't worry."

The Tielin Army's current campsite is on a grassy area close to the city wall. The cold wind is blowing, which is really unbearable.

Yanchuan County did not dare to let them enter the city for fear of being plundered. After hearing this, the Tielin Army was furious and wanted to attack the city. Fortunately, Shao Shude calmed them down. Now the rewards are being distributed, just in time for everyone to go to the fire, and they are happy.


Sure enough, as the money and silk were handed out, the sergeants were beaming with joy.

Li Yanling also advocated for Shao Shude: "From Hedong to Suizhou, and then to today's Yanzhou, the military envoys never received rewards, and they were all distributed to my brothers. If the military envoys were like this, the soldiers would not dare to think


"I didn't tell you, Commander Renyi, I'm not with the wrong person."

"The military envoy should stay behind - ah!"

Before this man could finish his words, he was kicked by Li Yanling. Zhuge Shuang is in the camp, can you tell the occasion?

"Follow the military envoy to fight to Chang'an and steal his mother's property!"

"If the military envoys give away all their belongings to the brothers, we must not lose our conscience. Every time we defeat the enemy in battle, the thieves will sacrifice their wives and daughters to the military envoys!"

Damn it, why did the whole army know about it! Shao Shude's face was a little dark and a little embarrassed. No matter, military morale can be used, military morale can be used, let's continue to study the map.

Go southwest from Yanchuan County, along the river valleys and mountain valleys, and walk for more than 140 miles to Fenglin County. There is a post station nearby called Weizi Post Station, which is an important post station under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, but it should

It is impossible to supply the army. More than thirty miles to the southwest from Fenglin County is Yanzhou Lisuofushi County (today's Yan'an East). There should be a lot of money and food stored there. According to the rules of the court, supplies can be obtained. But others

Whether you give or not, and how much you give, all depends on your mood.

When the soldiers from Xuzhou went out to search for Huangchao and camped in Xuchang, they arranged for you to stay in the camp and give you some food. This kind of thing may not be impossible in Yifang Town. At least judging from the reception in Yanchuan County, it is very poor.

When you enter the city, the food provided is not very sufficient, which makes you a little annoyed.

This 170-mile journey is not easy to walk. The Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi is full of ravines, and the few guides recruited in Suide County may not be able to cover it. It is best to spend more money in Yanchuan County tomorrow.

Please, please, don't let the army get lost in the mountains.

After studying the map for more than an hour, and then spending time studying the military strategy, and seeing that it was almost time, Shao Shude fell asleep in the quilt. There was a strong cold wind outside and a small cold wind blowing inside the tent. Yanchuan County was indeed


On the second day, after leading a team to inspect the camp, they went to Zhuge Shuang's tent to ask for instructions.

"Shude is here." Zhuge Shuang was warming wine in the tent. When he saw Shao Shude coming, he immediately greeted him.

"Commander, do you want to enter the city today?" Shao Shude sat down and asked.

"I won't go. Li Xiaochang is in Yanzhou. What should I do if I go to see the county magistrate?" Zhuge Shuang sneered and said, "Li Xiaochang is not a loyal minister either. Our Xia Sui army has moved, but he is still waiting and watching.


"The commander-in-chief is so loyal and courageous that he cannot compare to the likes of Li Xiaochang." Shao Shude first poured a glass of wine for Zhuge Shuang, then poured a glass for himself, and said with a smile.

Zhuge Shuang sighed when he heard this and did not answer.

"Does Shude think Huang Chao can succeed?" Zhuge Shuang suddenly asked after having a drink.

"It's almost impossible." Shao Shude knew the outcome of Huang Chao in later generations. At this time, he also tried to explain it from the perspective of his own understanding: "A year ago, Huang Chao was confined to Lingnan, and three or four out of ten soldiers died of illness.

They were about to be destroyed soon. Then they went north, and except for a few battles with Gao Pian, there were basically no major battles. After entering Henan, each town was even more self-defeating. Have they ever fought to the death with Huang Chao? Now Huang Chao has entered the pass.

In the middle, the number is 600,000, but in reality there are more than 100,000, at most 200,000. However, there are nearly 200,000 soldiers and horses in the eight towns northwest of Beijing. How many states and counties can Huang Chao occupy? There is no stable foundation in Guandong, and the fighting is endless in Guanzhong.

, what do the Chao people do for a living? I'm afraid that if they are not attacked by a group of towns, they will end up being destroyed. Commander, it is difficult for this generation of rogue bandits to achieve great things!"

"Shu De actually thinks this way?" Zhuge Shuang was a little surprised. After thinking for a moment, he added, "What if Huang Chao proclaims himself emperor and establishes a country, leaving all towns in the world as before?"

"The Tang Dynasty is not dead, but the people's hearts are not there." Shao Shude replied concisely and concisely.

Zhuge Shuang nodded subconsciously. People's hearts are indeed something that can affect many things. The imperial court is like this, but if the army suppresses rebellion, it can still raise troops to fight against it. It shows that people's hearts are still there. Don't talk about anything else, except for a few

Except for the proud vassal and the rebellious vassal, in most vassals and towns in the world, their commanders can be replaced by the imperial decree. The difference lies in whether you can really control the situation, but on the whole there is no problem.

"It doesn't matter who becomes the emperor, we just want wealth and honor." Zhuge Shuang glanced at Shao Shude and said with a smile.

Shao Shude said nothing and only poured wine for Zhuge Shuang.

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, the army continued to set off. On the ninth day of the lunar month, it arrived at Fenglin County, and on the 11th day, it arrived at Yanzhou. Fortunately, Fufang Town was generous and allowed the army to enter the city. They also provided food and grass supplies, but they did not prepare troops and horses.

, guard against the Tielin Army like thieves.

Yanzhou is a large county and governs ten counties, which is larger than Suizhou. Shao Shude estimates that the whole state has a population of about 80,000 to 90,000, but based on the household registration, it may only be 60,000 to 70,000. It is a traditional operation, which is normal.


The main body of Yanzhou has two cities, east and west, standing across the river. One is Fushi County and the other is the prefecture city. Du Fu once wrote a poem when he passed by: "The bells of the pagoda are heard in three rivers, and the cockcrow of Fushi is echoed in five cities." The five here.

The city refers to the fact that in addition to the two large cities in Yanzhou, there are also three fort-like acropolises, which are stationed with soldiers and horses, making them easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Shao Shude took Chen Cheng to carefully inspect the mountains and terrain around the five cities of Yanzhou, and kept simulating how to attack in his mind. Suizhou is not far from Yanzhou, only two to three hundred miles away, and it is still a large county. If it can be captured

It couldn't be better. But it would probably cost a lot of soldiers and horses. A strong attack would be too disadvantageous. It's best to think of other ways.

On the twelfth day of the first lunar month, the army passed through Yezhu Ridge. This place is extremely dangerous. In the early days of the Chinese Dynasty, Liang's capital was Kou Yanzhou, and troops were stationed here. However, Yifang Town did not set up a military stronghold here, maybe it was not during war. Go south for four miles from Yezhu Ridge.

More than ten miles away is Ganquan County of Yanzhou, located on the west bank of Luoshui River. Forty miles further to the south is Luojiao County, the administrative seat of Yanzhou.

Yanzhou is the main road connecting Chang'an to the north and outside the Great Wall. It has always been an important military town. During the Zhenguan period, the governor's office of Yanzhou was established. Many supplies of Xia Sui, Zhenwu Army, and Tiande Army were transported through Yanzhou, and local commodities were transported through Yanzhou.

It was also transported to Chang'an via Yanzhou. Therefore, it is said that this is a post road leading from Chang'an to Shuosai area. Bai Juyi once wrote in "Cheng Yanzhou": "The post road in Yanzhou is good for horses, and the medicine shops in Chang'an are

Huang Yin is cheap", this is evidence.

"'Who calls this river Acacia? There are many vehicles and horses passing through the fortress. Since ancient times, people's tears should be sprinkled on the empty island to make blue waves.' Military envoy Linghu Sikong (Linghu Chu) wrote "Acacia River", said

After all the brutal battles in Yanzhou in the past and present, the Luo River intersects here, and it should be the main road out of the fortress. The weight of Yanzhou can be a barrier to the northeast of Chang'an." As he approached Yifang Lisuo, Chen Cheng also became inspired by poetry and said with a smile.

"Judge Chen, didn't you hear that 'the poor bones by the Wuding River are like those in a spring boudoir's dream?'" Shao Shude also laughed and said: "Xia Sui's campaign was twice as brutal as that of Yanzhou. The Yifang Army has not been famous since the dynasty.

Can you stop my Xia Sui’s 20,000 elite troops?”

"Haha, the military envoy is so heroic that I can't match him." Chen Cheng laughed: "But if the military envoy can really conquer the four states of Yifang, he will be respected by the heroes of the world."

"It would be inappropriate to go south to seize Yifang." Shao Shude turned around and saw that Zhuge Shuang was still far behind at the Chinese Army's headquarters, so he said with relief: "It is my wish to capture Lingzhou in the west. I won't take Yifang.

, to avoid being the target of public criticism.”

"What does the military envoy think of Li Xiaochang?"

"I don't know." Shao Shude shook his head and said: "He has 20,000 soldiers and horses, and the imperial court has issued an edict, but he is unwilling to patrol and watch the fall of Chang'an. This man must be ambitious, and he will see it today. Judge Chen might as well pay more attention to it."

"Yes." Chen Cheng responded. Helping the lord analyze potential opponents was originally part of his job. Yifang is a neighboring town in Xia Sui, so of course the commander must carefully observe it.

At Shenshi, the Tielin Army arrived outside Yanzhou City. After hearing the news, Commander Li Xiaochang personally led more than a thousand troops out of the city to greet them. Shao Shude looked at the top of Yanzhou City from a distance, well, the sergeants have all gone to the city to prepare for it.

Very interesting. Alas, where has the trust between people gone?

"I've always heard that Xia Sui sent out elite troops, but Li didn't believe it at first. But when I saw it today, it turned out to be a well-deserved reputation." After seeing Zhuge Shuang riding his horse over, Li Xiaochang, the commander of the Yanzhou Festival, laughed and said, pretending to be heroic.

"Yufang is the barrier to the northeast of Chang'an, and Commander Li oversees it, which shows the trust of the court." Zhuge Shuang also smiled and said: "There are more than 15,000 elite soldiers in Yofang, why doesn't Commander Li send troops? You and I will join forces to fight against the thieves.

, it’s good to have someone to take care of you.”

Li Xiaochang subconsciously glanced at the Tielin Army, which was lined up solemnly in the cold wind without making any noise, and said with a forced smile: "Dangxiang in Hengshan is in rebellion, and they are attacking the northern border of Yanzhou. A certain man is preparing to prepare his troops and go north. I'm afraid he won't be able to fight with them.

Marshal Zhuge is traveling with us. After this matter is taken care of, we will send our troops south to conquer the Chao people."

This statement did not surprise anyone present, because everyone saw along the way that there was no sign of mobilization in Yanzhou and Yanzhou. Li Xiaochang had a wait-and-see idea, and Zhuge Shuang just mentioned it.

Since he refused, there was nothing more to say and he would just go south alone.

"The army is traveling and lacks food and grass. I wonder if Commander Li can help with some?" Zhuge Shuang asked again.

Li Xiaochang now just wanted to send Xia Suijun who was passing through the border away quickly, so he said: "The treasury in Yifang is not rich, but this is a big deal. So he ordered 50,000 dendrobiums of grain and beans and 100,000 bundles of firewood to be delivered to the commander's army.


Grain, beans, and firewood are the most consumed materials by the army every day. Yifang is much richer than Xia Sui. Although there is a lot of these things, it is not difficult for them to raise them.

"Commander Li is a great righteous man, I will keep this in mind." Zhuge Shuang saluted with his fists clasped.

This chapter has been completed!
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