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Chapter 19 Comprehension and farewell

 On the messy battlefield, broken limbs and broken arms were everywhere.

The Yinshan Tibetan herdsmen who accompanied the attack honestly acted as auxiliary soldiers, cleaning up the battlefield.

The corpses were gathered together. It was too troublesome to dig a hole to bury people in this weather. They divided some people to go to the nearby woods to pick up dead branches and cut down dead wood, intending to burn all the corpses.

The injured Tatars who were not dead cried and begged for mercy. However, most of the attackers were party members who could not understand Turkic language, so they just went up to kill them, which was quite satisfying.

The injured and dead horses were slaughtered on the spot, and the leather was roughly processed and put away. This was military material and had to be turned over. The meat could be eaten. Someone was already burying the pot. The auxiliary soldiers went to the nearby river.

Chill out ice to get water and prepare to stew horse meat.

Shao Siwu was surrounded by stars like a moon, with a smile on his face.

Even Xia Sanmu and other generals came over to praise him. They are all veterans on the battlefield, so why don't they know what's going on?

The prince shot the man first and the horse, and the thieves fell off the horse. Logically speaking, he might have fallen to death. But did you see the thick snow on the ground? Hey, see through but don't tell. Anyway, Dalang Shao's performance today is not bad.

Okay, this is the first time for a thirteen-year-old boy to fight with real swords and guns. Why should he be too harsh?

"How many prisoners were killed today?" Shao Siwu asked after the excitement cooled down.

Fu Yanchao went to several people and asked about them. When he came back, he said: "More than 3,000 people were beheaded, tens of thousands were captured, and no less than 200,000 cattle, sheep, horses and other miscellaneous animals were captured."

"Didn't you catch them all?"

"Of course you have to take several routes to escape. You can't all run in one direction. Xia Dutou has sent people to search and pursue them. There may be some gains."

"Is the Yinshan Tatar race finished?"

"It should be over." Fu Yanchao said: "The main force collapsed in the Yinshan area. The Nuozhen water and the area under our feet, except for a few strong and strong ones who stayed behind, are all old, weak and remnant soldiers. This trick played by Albus is a mess."

"Who is that over there?" Shao Siwu suddenly pointed at a group of women and children being put on a carriage and asked.

"According to the rules of the prairie, Absi's Ketun, Yan and their daughters are all the female slaves of the king, and they can do whatever the king wants."

Shao Siwu nodded. Just like Juan Niang, Li Renmei's daughter, in theory, she was also her father's female slave trophy, but she was adopted as an adopted daughter and raised by Wang Pei.

"This battle is considered a great victory, right?" Shao Siwu still couldn't believe it. It was so easy to fight?

"It should be a great victory." Fu Yanchao said with a smile: "I heard people say that the war on the grassland is like this, as fast as lightning. They rarely build cities. Once someone breaks through the tent, the tribal leaders scattered around will not be able to make it in time.

reaction, the war is over. If no one stands up to collect the embers, then the tribe will perish, and the leaders will choose a new master, and the tribes, cattle and sheep will also belong to the new conqueror. This is the rule, everyone agrees

, it has been like this for thousands of years, which is very different from the Central Plains."

"The customs of foreign lands are different." Shao Siwu sighed: "My father has been fighting for many years and has achieved such great achievements. It is really remarkable."

"Who says otherwise?" Fu Yanchao said: "My father also often said that the king was willing to spend hundreds of horses to redeem Li Hanzhi's people, and then sold them to the king as soon as he got up. Now it seems that he didn't follow

Wrong person, the king is showing signs of taking over the world."

Shao Siwu was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "I can see clearly that Fu Dalang killed two thieves today. My father likes warriors the most, and he also likes to reward the underachievers. I will tell my father, and I will not ignore your achievements.


Fu Yanchao was not sure what Shao Siwu meant when he said this, but he reacted quickly and said happily: "Thank you, Prince."

Shao Siwu nodded and stopped talking.

When he went to the battlefield for the first time, he felt that there were still many shortcomings. He could have killed the man with less effort. With the archery skills he had practiced hard for many years, there was no problem at all. But when the matter came to pass, he hesitated and lost confidence.


Moreover, it seems that my physical strength has not been allocated well. My mood fluctuates greatly, and I have consumed too much energy in unimportant places, and now I am starting to feel tired.

He suddenly thought, if a new soldier goes into battle for the first time, without so much experience in battle, and is protected by experienced warriors, will he die the first time?

Thinking back to my father's early days fighting as the leader of the team, I suddenly felt that it was not easy.

It is difficult to start a business and it is also difficult to keep a business. The son is incompetent and can only make the father sigh.

My father once said that when he picked him up from his mother-in-law for the first time, he was so excited that he could hardly speak.

Don’t let your father down! There are some things that you just can’t understand sitting at home. Only by experiencing them yourself can you have a deeper understanding.

Warn it! Encourage it!

The horse meat was cooked quickly. Fu Yanchao brought a bowl of meat and two pancakes.

Shao Siwu was not polite, reached out to take it, and started eating like the other soldiers.

In the battle formation, no one is nobler than anyone else. If you have no eyesight for swords and guns, if you still show off your fine clothes and food, and make the soldiers unhappy, who will save you at the critical moment?

The wind has picked up again and the weather is very cold. After the soldiers have finished eating and drinking, they will continue to pursue and suppress the remaining enemies. Even if the pursuit lasts for several days and nights, they will never give up.

On the vast snowfield, Shao Shude was seeing Xu Hao off.

"Yang Yue, this old guy, is extremely courageous!" Shao Shude cursed, but with a smile on his face.

At the critical moment of the attack on Tuoba Sigong, Yang Yue took a stand and led the five thousand elite soldiers stationed in Yuduole City to defect to him, completely cutting off the last possibility of Tuoba Sigong's comeback.

Shao Shude is a nostalgic person, and he remembers this kindness.

In the attack on Weizhou, Yang Yue marched as fast as lightning, and succeeded in two battles. Later, he insisted on continuing to attack Minzhou, and risked crossing the mountain road to attack the city in a surprise attack, cutting off the retreat of the frontline rebels, and finally won a great victory.

During the western expedition to Liangzhou, he unexpectedly won a series of battles, killing the thieves and making them frightened.

Later, he continued to conquer the Tibetan bandits and suppress the rebellion. He experienced many wars and made many achievements.

How could he really blame such a passionate veteran?

Even if he is not loyal to anyone and is only loyal to the lights of thousands of families in Xiazhou, it doesn't matter. I will win the person if he uses his talents to the best of his ability!

"Commander, just send it here, the boys can't wait any longer." Xu Hao said with a smile.

Three thousand fine cavalry came from the left wing of the Tielin Army. An additional 6,000 horses were allocated to them from the Yongqingzha Pasture, and 2,000 Fan cavalry were recruited to accompany the army, serving as auxiliaries to serve the army's cavalry. Generally speaking, how many cavalry are there?

The number of soldiers is very different from the cavalry and silver spear armies, because they are usually served by auxiliary troops from each army.

"Fight this battle with confidence. It's good to have results, but if there are no results, it's also good as long as you can come back safely." Shao Shude said: "Three groups of soldiers and horses should keep in good contact with each other."

"As ordered." Xu Hao responded loudly.

Yang Yue brought a thousand cavalrymen of the Xinquan Army, 3,000 bodyguards, and 800 Yinanzhi troops to Yuequan. For this reason, they almost collected all the redundant horses of the Zhuang Lang Department and loaded a lot of them.

Supplies include enough food for fifteen days, arrows needed for combat, replacement knives and guns, etc.

The snow was falling heavily, and it was difficult to find dry grass on the grassland. Logistics supply was key during this battle. However, with the help of the Tatar leading party, we might be able to resupply some hay, cattle and sheep along the way, which was critical.

When raiding Wang Ting Ya's tent on the grassland, the most fearful thing is getting lost, not being able to find the enemy, and not being able to find food and water sources. This is the most fatal. If you can solve these problems, then half the battle is won.

Considering that after the Tatars moved westward, they lived in the Uighur Court for many years, and also left the palace to go south to Shaqi and plunder the Yinshan Mountains. They are still very familiar with the route. This time they are aiming for revenge, so they should not

As for what tricks to play.

One thousand Xinquan Army cavalry, three thousand Tielin Army cavalry, three thousand bodyguards, eight hundred silver saddles, a total of more than seven thousand soldiers. In addition, two thousand Tibetan cavalry auxiliaries provided by the Zangcai clan, and Zhuang Lang clan

Two thousand people will also be sent as auxiliary troops, which is more than 10,000 cavalry. The whole army is divided into three parts. The main force is led by Yang Yue himself, the partial force is led by the bodyguard Qianhu Murongfu, and the partial force is led by Zhang Huaiding.

With the help of some White Tatar cavalry, even if the enemy has some preparations, it is still possible for most of them to withdraw if the battle goes wrong.

To put it another way, what if he loses? Fighting on the grassland, Marshal Shao can afford to lose. With his current prestige and strength, he will no longer be in a situation where he will be in ruins after losing one or two games.

The general trend has been achieved, nothing better than this.

After seeing off Tielin Jun Erlang, Shao Shude stayed at Nuozhenshui for another two days, mainly to deal with the issue of prisoners.

In the early years, the subordinates of Yulin Palace were composed of people from all the tribes during the first Xuanhongchi Alliance. There were 3,000 households from each tribe of Tatar, Uighur, and Tuyuhun. It was the first year of Dashun (890).

Also in that year, after the Xuanhongchi alliance, Shao Shude led an army of 130,000 to conquer the grasslands and captured the Uighurs. The Tatar tribe had more than 30,000 people and organized them into the Yanchi tribe as another slave tribe of his. Later, he established Wo

The Yanggong and Yanchi tribes were renamed as the Woyanggong tribe. There were more than 6,000 households grazing in the Yanchi area.

In the third year of Dashun (892), Yulin Palace had grown to more than 3,800 households by absorbing scattered herders and confiscating small households. It was also in this year that Shao Shude ordered the selection of elites from the prisoners of the Bian Army in Henan. One thousand were selected from the troops surrendered by Fangzhou and Xiangyang, and were incorporated into the bodyguard army. Most of them were registered in Yulin Palace.

In the third year of Dashun, Yang Yao asked to build Hongyuan Palace, which was located in the old Tubo land of Liugu, Liangzhou, and housed three thousand households of Dangxiang, Tubo and Uighur slave tribes.

Today, in the third year of Qianning, there are more than 5,300 households in Yulin Palace, about 28,000 people; there are more than 7,200 households in Woyang Palace, nearly 40,000 people; there are more than 3,400 households in Hongyuan Palace, about 18,000 people. .

Unknowingly, the Shaw family already had more than 80,000 private slaves, and the number of guards and soldiers was also expanded to 10,000.

The development results are very gratifying, but there are also shortcomings.

Shao Shude often hunted with the subordinates of the Second Palace in Yulin and Woyang to enhance their relationship, but he was often alienated from the Hongyuan Palace in Liangzhou and did not do well.

This time, they defeated all the Tatar tribes and captured many people. In addition to the Yinshan tribes who shared some of the benefits and gave them to the troops, Shao Shude planned to use some of his own people to expand the number of Hongyuan Palace subordinates to 5,000 households.

In addition, it is best to go to Hongyuan Palace, take a walk and take a look, and enhance your relationship.

Of course, we have to wait for Yang Yue to finish the fight first.

On October 20th, Shao Shude ordered the army to leave Woyang Palace, and he rushed to Fengzhou with his own soldiers, waiting for the large army to come and join together.

This chapter has been completed!
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