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Chapter 44 Match Point

 The pursuit and escape battle on the second day of the first lunar month of the fourth year of Qianning was an unforgettable experience for Yang Shihou.

More than 6,000 infantry and cavalry were defeated all the way to Pingyu County. After gathering the remaining troops and defeating the generals, there were only two to three thousand infantry and several hundred cavalry.

He did not dare to stay here. After resting for half a night, he collected some grain, grass and draft animals, and then fled eastward again.

The next few days were simply a miniature version of the chaos.

The main force of the Weisheng Army was worried about changes in Caizhou and stopped pursuing it. They only sent a small number of infantry troops to give a symbolic pursuit, picking up the baggage, stomachs, and draft animals abandoned by the Zhongwu Army, and taking hundreds of prisoners back with them.

The real pursuit was carried out by a thousand cavalrymen from the ancient tribe.

The cavalry lacks the ability to attack difficult positions, and they cannot defeat the determined infantry when faced head-on. But isn't the Zhongwu Army losing its fighting spirit? This is the stage for them to perform.

Yang Shihou forcibly recruited more than a thousand men to join the army in Pingyu County. He was indeed a subordinate of Li Hanzhi. His recruitment methods were so skillful.

However, the newcomers did not have much fighting ability and were easily confused. When being chased by the cavalry, they became extremely nervous, and people kept deserting on the road.

Seeing that this was not the way to go, Yang Shihou had no choice but to personally lead the troops and cut off the rear. Cavalry general Zhang You and his remaining few hundred cavalry fought hard and repeatedly drove away the approaching Xia army cavalry. In the end, many horses were overwhelmed and died. It's hard to describe the feeling of becoming an infantryman.

On the evening of the fifth day of the first lunar month, Yang Shihou arrived at Shenqiu County, Yingzhou with more than 2,000 cavalry. He personally led the troops and dispersed 300 local warriors in one battle, giving him a chance to enter the city to take a breather.

Using the old method, he recruited more than 2,000 soldiers in the city, but only the equipment, armor and stomach were very expensive and gave him a headache.

Early on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the defeated army crossed Ru River, fled northeast, and returned to Yingyang County, Yang Shihou's hometown, in one breath.

During the Wude and Zhenguan years of the Guo Dynasty, the five counties of Yong'an, Gaotang, Yongle, Qingqiu, and Yingyang were all merged into Ruyin, so Ruyin was a large county. In the south of the city, there are Jiaopi Pond irrigation, Ying, Run, etc. There are large and small rivers, dense water networks, developed agriculture, and a large population.

Yang Shihou calmed down here and then raised a banner. He used his reputation in his hometown to recruit talented and brave people from the countryside and even bandits and rangers into the army. He recruited more than 3,000 people, and the entire army swelled to nearly 9,000 infantry and cavalry. , but the combat effectiveness is not the same as before.

The battle to aid Caizhou was a heavy loss. Sixty to seventy percent of the capital accumulated over the years was lost, and I didn't know what to do next.

Well, maybe it was a stroke of luck. Yang Shihou unexpectedly met Liang Jun's cavalry here. After the contact, he learned that more than 5,000 troops from Zhao Lin's tribe of Poxia Army and Zhu Hanbin's tribe from Luoyandu had passed through Chenzhou and had just entered the territory of Yingzhou.

Yang Shihou thought for a while and felt that he was not sure about annexing Zhao Lin and Zhu Hanbin's troops, so he changed his attitude and asked for equipment and horses as a loyal military soldier.

He just wanted to replenish supplies for his new troops. As for what Zhao Lin and Zhu Hanbin wanted to do, they were not interested at all.

Attack Yingzhou? You might have dared to try it before, but now we urgently need to reorganize the troops, unite people's hearts, and slowly restore combat effectiveness. If you go to fight, I will leave at any time if I don't accompany you.

The Liangzhou states are like candles in the wind, and will be taken away by the Xia people at any time. Yang Shihou is a smart man, and he will never die for it. He only loves himself.


The two victories at Shangcai and Ruyang greatly changed the pattern of the southern front, clearing up the originally slightly chaotic situation.

After defeating the Zhongwu Army Yang Shihou's troops, he took advantage of the victory to attack Caizhou's middle city and south city.

Brothers Zhang Quanyi and Zhang Quanen opened the state and county treasury, dispersed their family wealth at the same time, and rewarded the troops generously to boost morale.

Dai Siyuan knew that he had to show off, so he wore heavy armor and fought on the city wall, working very hard.

Zhe Zongben attacked for three days and suffered heavy casualties, so he dug trenches and besieged the city.

In a siege battle, if the defender is not too bad, the casualties of the attacker are usually staggering. A casualty ratio of ten to one is not uncommon, even with various equipment such as ladder trucks, trench-filling trucks, smoke trucks, and walking girls.

There are complete walls, catapults, etc., all kinds of tricks are used, caves, water irrigation, etc., and the casualties are generally not less than three to one.

Because this is a war model that greatly weakens the difference in the quality of the soldiers between the two sides. A boy in his early ten years has the record of killing famous warriors in the army at the top of the city. There are too few people in Tang Town, and Zhe Zong cannot do it.

I wish I had driven them to death in vain, so I changed it to a siege.

At the same time, he asked the Tibetan people who had arrived at Langshan to march eastward to assist in the siege. This was also a traditional skill of the Xia army. It started from the tug-of-war on the Xiaohan Valley Road. Three Tibetan people exchanged the lives of one defender.

It's not a bad deal. What's more, sometimes when the defenders feel hopeless and don't want to fight, they surrender. There are still a lot of people who insist on fighting in the field, so it's more relaxed and enjoyable.

Zhao Kuanglin led the Suizhou soldiers to attack for a while, then retreated and went to Zhe Zongben to "please apologize".

"It doesn't matter." Zhe Zongben consoled him: "Zhu Quanzhong captured Caizhou in the past, but it was also because of Cai's thieves' internal strife. This is a strong city, so there is no need to force it."

The Suizhou soldiers did not belong to the Weisheng army, and Zhao Kuanglin's position as governor could not be moved, not to mention that Zhe Zong did not want to move, lest his son-in-law think too much.

Zhao Kuanglin should also know his position very well. If Wei Sheng's army is recruited, then he will lead the army to follow the expedition. King Xia agrees on this point. If it is other matters, Zhao Kuanglin can make his own judgment, and generally speaking, the matter will not be serious.

This point.

"Commander, it is actually not necessary to capture Caizhou." Zhao Kuanglin suggested: "Just leave one unit to monitor. The main force can move north to Yancheng in batches to threaten Pang Shigu's flanks."

If the Caizhou defenders are tenacious, brave and good at fighting, then they must really capture them, or beat them until they lose the ability to fight in the field, then dig trenches and surround them, and send some people to monitor them. This can ensure the safety of the logistics transportation line and prevent them from being attacked by the defenders.

After rushing out of the city, they intercepted. Now the Liang people were low in morale and had no desire or ability to go out to fight in the field. Although there were 6,000 soldiers and horses in the city, there was no need to worry too much. This was Zhao Kuanglin's idea.

"Zhao Shijun's idea is not wrong." Zhe Zongben said: "But I am afraid that the Liang people will jump over the wall and really rush out to cut off our army's food route. According to the prisoners who were tortured, they learned that the Liang thieves' camp in Suzhou was commanding Shi's uncle.

Cong has led 20,000 yamen soldiers to the west. After recruiting Tutuan villagers along the way, the force will be even larger. Zhang Quanyi and Dai Siyuan know that reinforcements will be coming, so they will not surrender easily. If they reorganize their troops, they will be improved.

Morale may be a big problem. Once the main force goes north, there will be no soldiers left in the rear. I want to attack again and pull out this nail. Even if it can't be pulled out, leaving Caizhou has other uses."

If Zhao Kuanglin had some enlightenment, could he have gone for Uncle Cong?


Changes in the war situation on the southern front were quickly conveyed to Huaiyuan County, Lingzhou, by Wubaili express courier through the post system.

Shao Shude clapped his hands, and the dancer stopped and stepped aside.

The dancer was born in the Tartar clan, one of the Arbus clans. She was tall, beautiful and docile.

Tatar pulls Li's family, but non-party Xiang Yeli's family.

In the past, there was a Tartarized party named Xiangyeli prince clan in Lingzhou, and Rali is the transliteration of "country" in the Uighur language. The former was a yellow race, but the Abu Slan family in front of him had obvious white characteristics, maybe he was Uighur.

, a Tatar mixed race, they usually speak Turkic language, which shows that they are not the same thing.

The Tatars dragged the Li clan, and part of them went south to the Yinshan Mountains, and some stayed in the north of Qi. The part that stayed in the north of Qi merged with other tribes, and it is likely that in later generations it evolved into the tribe with the three surnames M'erqi Temujin hated the most because of the robbery.

Killed his wife.

The status of the Talli clan among the Yinshan Tatars is not high, otherwise they would not be just a Yan clan and not the Ketun of Yuyue Absi.

Absi is a typical Turkic name. Its tribe believes in Nestorianism and is mostly white. In fact, it is very different from the real Tatars with thirty surnames and nine Tatars.

But then again, talking about blood on the grassland is just asking for trouble, because they can't figure it out themselves. Tribes annexed and annexed each other. The Turkic-speaking people were once extremely powerful and ruled the entire grassland. They were defeated by the Tang Dynasty.

Later, other tribes began to emerge, and the Mongolian-speaking Khitans became increasingly powerful. The Mongols continued their efforts, and eventually the Turkic-speaking tribe almost disappeared in the northern grasslands, and the Mongolian-speaking tribe dominated the world.

The world is constantly changing. The prosperity and decline of countries and nations, viewed from the perspective of thousands of years, is very exciting.

"Is there a match point between me and Zhu Quanzhong?" Shao Shude put down the military report and tapped his fingers on the table habitually.

Du Shi's eyes were full of big question marks, what is the "match point"?

"Qi Bizhang fought very well. He attacked Cai on a snowy night and defeated Feilong's army. Zhe Zong was alert enough and seized the opportunity to severely injure Yang Shihou." Shao Shude said: "If I solve the southern front, I will mobilize a large number of troops to go north and march all the way north.

Move to Yancheng, turn to Linying and Changshe, and attack Chenzhou all the way to Yanling, Xuchang, and can Pang Shigu still be secure?"

"Pang Shigu can retreat to Zhengzhou on the northern line, or defend the Zhongwu Army and wait for the opportunity." Du Shi said, blinking his eyes.

"Actually, there is another way." Shao Shude waved, dragged Li Shi over, and gently sat into his arms.

Shao Shude's right hand suddenly became fuller and no longer empty, with nothing to grab.

Du Shi was a little unhappy.

After being PUA, this woman's personality has changed a lot. She is very dignified in front of others, but behind her back, Shao Shude is a little worried that she will turn into a black man. Has he gone too far in teasing her?

"Haha." Shao Shude stroked Du's fair and pretty face with his left hand and said with a smile: "If Pang Shigu doesn't obey Zhu Quan's advice and dares to make a decision on his own, then he will build a large pontoon bridge, forcefully cross the Yingshui River, and attack our army camp. It will be death.

It's life, in one fell swoop, I'll fight to the death."

"One victory solves all sorrows, my beauty." Shao Shude took Du's head over.

Du Shi rolled her eyes at him and did not resist.

"Actually, this is exactly what I want Pang Shigu to do." Shao Shude took a deep breath and said: "Pang...Pang Shigu's entire army crossed the Ying River. It was a quick decision and was not conducive to a long battle. Once the fortress cannot be attacked,

Then there is the worry of the whole army being destroyed. Does he dare to play like this? Does he have the bloody spirit?"

Du Shi had no time to answer. Yan Shihu's blue eyes were full of confusion and she couldn't understand.

"The turnaround on the southern route has arrived, and the war situation is about to become clear." Shao Shude added: "In a few days, I will also rush west and go north. There are a lot of things to do."

After saying that, he looked at the Yan family of Absi, and regardless of whether she understood or not, he said to himself: "This year, I will go north to Dujin Mountain and order the Tatars to build a palace for me. I will go to Dujin Mountain.

I built my own tent west of the Holy Peak of the mountain, and engraved my eternal edict on the stone tablet. I am the supreme Khan blessed by God, and I use the earth to raise the people of Tatar, Ogus and Beyegu.

, I want to punish the tribe for not surrendering to me, make them cry and plead, and offer the most beautiful girls and warriors of the tribe."

"According to the Turks' saying, those who are blessed can govern the people, while those who are not blessed are as powerful as running water. I am a blessed one. God proved it to me twenty years ago." Shao Shude suddenly laughed and said: "

Study Mandarin well, I'm already learning Turkic."

This chapter has been completed!
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