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Chapter 56 Irritability

 Ge Congzhou's troops are currently in good momentum. They besieged Sishui with superior troops and gained the upper hand.

In fact, it may not be accurate to say this, because Heyang Xiangyong is still constantly harassing the Ge tribe's rear. They learned well after suffering losses at the hands of the Desheng Army, and they spread out even more, often with more than a hundred riding in one group, riding around everywhere

activities, forcing Ge Congzhou to deploy a large number of troops for logistics channel maintenance.

So you can see that Ge Chong has been attacking Sishui for some time, but he can't take it because there are not enough troops to attack the city, and it can't even be surrounded. Outside the city, materials for repairing the city wall can be transported into the city, and troops can also be sent.

Rush in, you're going to fight until the end of the year?

Li Zhen proposed to transfer Ge back from the Zhou Dynasty because he worked in vain and could not win Sishui County, let alone the revolving door.

"Inappropriate." Zhu Quanzhong rejected Li Zhen's suggestion and said: "The rebel army has recently increased its troops. More than 10,000 people from the rebel army Wang Jianji and the rebel Ma Sixun arrived at Xuanmen Pass, which means they have a lot of troops."

At this point, Zhu Quanzhong suddenly felt angry and could hardly suppress the anger in his heart. He wanted to lead the Eighth Tianwu Army and nearly 100,000 people from the Ge Congzhou Group to press forward and solve the trouble in one direction first.

At the same time, he had a strong impulse to order Pang Shigu to ignore the flanks and grain roads, directly cross the Ying River and march westward, storming the Xia people's fortresses and temporary earthen cities.

But reason prevented him from doing so. Zhu Quanzhong took a deep breath and suppressed the unknown fire.

In fact, he doesn't know where this unknown fire started. It may be that Xia Zei's long-term actions have disturbed his position little by little, and unknowingly corroded his inner will. He wants to survive in death and win the battle.

Just in case chance.

Jingxiang glanced at Zhu Quanzhong, and it was obvious that he noticed that his lord lost control of his emotions in an instant.

"No problem." Zhu Quanzhong smiled at Jingxiang.

However, the inner demons are not so easy to resolve. The counselors are discussing how to break the situation, but Zhu Quanzhong is thinking about the Tianwu Eighth Army training for another period of time, which will be two years. Can they be taken out to fight in the field?

We gathered an army of hundreds of thousands and smashed the Xia people's turtle shells on the west bank of Yingshui River with overwhelming momentum. We asked you to avoid fighting! We asked you to stand in confrontation! We asked you to sneak in and harass! I will defeat you, a hundred thousand people.

Okay, let’s see how you continue to play!

Zhu Quanzhong took another deep breath to calm down.

I don’t know what happened recently, I often can’t control my emotions. Today I heard that Qi Binzhang became a bandit in Bozhou, and I felt very uncomfortable. Yes, I still have a smile on my face, but I feel violent inside.

It kept surging, and then the staff could not come up with a perfect solution, and the string almost broke on the spot. Zhu Quanzhong really seemed to hear the sound of the string in his mind being continuously pulled and disintegrating.

"Your Majesty, there is no other way to deal with Bozhou. It is not advisable for Ge Congzhou to go south, or Tiao's uncle Cong can go eastward to attack Qibi Zhang." Jingxiang suggested.

In fact, it was to give up the siege of Yingzhou and instead stabilize the rear area first.

This time, Qi Banzhang did not follow the common rules. Instead of fighting and leaving, he stayed and gave orders to the three counties in a grand manner. The impact was too bad. If he was not stopped, he could swallow up the entire Bozhou.

What next? There are still no soldiers to stop him, let him continue to conquer Suzhou or Songzhou?

"Can Pang Shigu hold on?" Zhu Quanzhong asked. He smiled after asking. Who can answer this?

"Your Majesty, please ask Tiao's uncle Cong to march eastward to Bozhou and be the first to catch up with Bi Zhang." Jingxiang insisted: "Either, we can complete our efforts in one battle and cross the river with the entire army. No matter how difficult it is to attack the stronghold, we must remove the main force of Li Tangbin's tribe."

Zhu Quanzhong was a little moved, but he also knew very well that this was usually the favorite thing for gamblers who had lost too much. Success in one battle seemed very tempting, but it was also possible to lose all the final capital and make it possible to survive.

The situation of several years accelerated instantly and collapsed on the spot.

"Wait a minute." Zhu Quanzhong said: "Yang Xingmi led his elite troops to the west, intending to completely conquer Anzhou. Luo Hongxin's attitude has also softened, and he will see if he can get Wei Bo to send troops. As long as these two families send troops, Shao Thief will

Life will be difficult.”

Jingxiang was a little disappointed, but he couldn't accuse his lord of being wrong. It would indeed be safer if the three families joined forces. But as the old saying goes? With many people, there are many things to do. It may seem good for the three parties to attack together, but in practice there are often too many problems.


"Starting from tomorrow, I will personally go down to the camp to train troops. The Tianwu Eighth Army is my final reserve team. It must be trained and put to great use." Zhu Quanzhong said: "Everything in the military government is entrusted to you."

Zhu Quanzhong was not very interested in the Tianwu Eighth Army before, and had always left it to Zhang Guibian, who was responsible for recruiting and training. After the Zhang brothers were suspected, Zhang Guibian resigned and handed it over to his new favorite Ge Congzhou.

His son Xie Yanzhang came to take control.

Of course Xie Yanzhang's ability is good, and he has been trained well. He has almost purchased bows, crossbows, swords, guns, armor and other equipment. The sergeants have become very familiar with them in the past year or two, and can be said to have a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

Can be used as a second line garrison.

But Zhu Quanzhong looked down upon these people at all, and felt that the 10,000 Changzhi Army could defeat the 50,000 Tianwu Eighth Army. But there was no way, what time was it now? I couldn't help but pick and choose, and it would be good to have something useful.

In addition, after experiencing the surrender of Hu Zhen, Xu Huaiyu, Zhang Guiba and others, he is now more suspicious and distrustful of veteran generals. Among the Tianwu Eighth Army, there are a large number of young and cutting-edge officers from Xuanwu and Xuanyi towns.

, there are not many children of old man Yuan Cong, which shows Zhu Quanzhong's tendency.

He planned to capture this unit personally, use the best weapons and equipment, give them full rewards, train them with great effort, and then take them out into battle at the critical moment to determine the outcome in one fell swoop.

Hope it's too late.


Outside Yingzhou City, the enemy's offensive was getting stronger and stronger.

Wei Shoujie waved his rifle and swiped it hard, sweeping down two Liang soldiers who rushed to the top of the city. Then he strode forward and stabbed with his rifle, and a Liang military officer fell to the top of the city with a scream.

The sergeants were inspired by this, their courage doubled, and they fought endlessly, finally repelling the enemy's offensive.

Wei Shoujie secretly breathed a sigh of relief and began to inspect the city.

In fact, many Liang soldiers' corpses were left on the city. Judging from their attire, it seemed that they were not Feisheng and majestic soldiers, but local men from Tutuan.

Sure enough, neither the Xia army nor the Liang army were willing to part with their precious field elites when attacking the city. Anyway, there is no difference between a skilled warrior and an undertrained newcomer in front of the hot golden juice, both of them will die.

"Use your troops to attack the city as much as possible. This uncle Cong doesn't take human life seriously." Wei Shoujie kicked the corpses on the ground and found that they were all local warriors wearing various clothes, and he immediately cursed.

Using local warriors to attack a city is no different from the king of Xia sending Tibetan soldiers and miscellaneous troops to attack the city.

"General, the thieves have retreated." A military academy man leaned on the battlement, took a look, and reported.

"I have eyes, I can see." Wei Shoujie glared at him.

These guys are soldiers from Shenzhou, not Wei Shoujie's own troops.

Half of his five thousand soldiers were defeated by Shi Shucong in the field battle. In the past few days of guarding the city, another thousand people were killed and wounded. Now there are more than a thousand soldiers left. I don't know what kind of anger he will face when he returns.


Huaixi's household registration is not abundant, but its population is precious!

Cui Hong, the envoy of Yingzhou Town who restrained his troops, came to the top of the city. When Wei Shoujie saw this, he immediately stepped forward to salute.

"General Wei has been fighting for days, thank you for your hard work." Cui Hong said: "The traitors have also killed many people in the past few days, right?"

"No less than five thousand, I'd rather be a native Tutuan countryman." Wei Shoujie said.

"When the bandit army first attacked, I really had no idea." Cui Hong said: "There were many soldiers and horses in the city, more than 16,000, but it was a pity that there were only 7,000 serious sergeants. It was really difficult.

I was afraid of being overrun in one fell swoop, but luckily I survived."

Of course, Cui Hong also knew that Shi Shucong was not willing to send the main field force into battle from the beginning. Instead, he used his country warriors to attack the city wave after wave and win the victory. The two powerful armies were only dispatched at critical moments.

This gave Cui Hong time to boost morale and reorganize his troops. Except for the rush on the first day, the rear was very stable. As of today, the Liang people have no way to deal with them.

Digging trenches, burrowing, crashing into the city, creating smoke, almost all tactics were used. However, after paying a lot of casualties, the defenders still stood firmly at the top of the city. The more they fought, the more stable they became, and the more they fought, the more confident they became.

Now Cui Hong can say with certainty that Ping's uncle Cong's 50,000-odd men cannot capture Yingzhou City. If he goes back and recruits another 30,000 local warriors, and spends two months attacking without regard to casualties, he might still have a chance.

"Envoy, since the rebel army cannot break the city, maybe they will leave?" Wei Shoujie asked.

"I sent an envoy to Caizhou yesterday. Commander Zhe must have known that there is no need to worry about the east side, and he may have been trying to clean up the enemy camps near Yancheng." Cui Hong said: "Let's hold Yingzhou and try our best to

We have already achieved merit by restraining the Liang thieves, so we don’t need to think too much. When Commander Zhe defeats Ding Hui’s Youguo army and captures Yan City, the outcome of this battle is basically decided. After defeating Pang Shigu, we can still receive a reward.

.This battle was fought easily and comfortably, not bad."

Cui Hong actually likes field battles, but Yingzhou is too important. Wei Shoujie was defeated again in Yingshang, losing troops and generals, which affected the morale of his brothers' troops. Therefore, he did not dare to enlarge the army and focused on defense. Anyway, in the city

There was so much food that we had no fear of being surrounded.

This is the huge role that expectations bring. I expected that we would win the entire battle, so we would not panic at all when we were besieged. We were even proud of it because we had contained so many enemy troops.

On the contrary, if the expectations are pessimistic, then it is difficult to predict the outcome, and internal military chaos is possible, because the soldiers do not believe that they can win, and will only feel that they have been sent to die by their superiors.

The King of Xia won consecutive battles, and unexpectedly, it also brought an extra morale bonus to his own soldiers defending the city, allowing them to endure a long and hard battle and not surrender easily.

The advantages are really accumulated little by little.

Cui Hong also walked to the female wall and saw Liang Jun outside the city returning to camp. After a while, he heard a creak and the east gate of Yingzhou was opened. Chen Su, the governor of Shenzhou, led two thousand sergeants and shouted

He went out and chased Liang Bing from behind, slashing and killing him.

The Liang people dug many trenches, but there were not many trench bridges. They were already in a panic when they retreated. Suddenly they saw the soldiers coming out of the city. They were a little panicked and wanted to run back quickly. As a result, people were pushing and shoving on the trench bridges, and people fell from time to time.

Cui Hong laughed when he fell down.

"Liang Thief only has this ability. Pang Shigu's army of one hundred thousand, Li Zhe and the two generals will definitely be defeated." Cui Hong smiled coldly and said: "I'm not in a hurry, I dare to celebrate the Cold Food Festival here.

Can Shishu Cong still stay? I just don’t know where General Qibi is. If we can capture Xu and Suzhou and capture the thieves’ families, the Liang army will be defeated.”

This chapter has been completed!
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