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Chapter 66 Li Wei

On the day Marshal Shao arrived in Yuanzhou, Zhu Quanzhong summoned the generals to discuss matters in Qiao County.

Although the current situation is very dangerous, it can actually be sustained.

Even if the soldiers and horses on the Yingdong front line were defeated, they might not be completely wiped out. In Yancheng and Xuzhou front lines, a certain number of troops were still deployed. To put it harshly, Yingdong people were used as scapegoats, and they successfully escaped.

The possibility is still very high that the Youguo Army may have some difficulties.

In addition, there are more than 15,000 Zhao Juizhi's loyal military forces in Xuzhou, which have not moved much. A while ago, thousands of them were sent to Chenzhou to organize local state and county soldiers and native soldiers to defend the city.

The troops deployed in echelons are not so easy to be wiped out.

Zhu Jin had already sworn in from Yanzhou, raised 20,000 yamen troops and 30,000 local warriors to attack Yunzhou. Zhu Wei, the governor of Qizhou, also restrained He Gui from the flanks. In addition, Zhu Jin used his prestige in rescuing the Tianping army for many years, and

As Zhu Xuan's cousin, he lured Yun Bing, and the situation looked pretty good.

Ge Congzhou has more than 15,000 Longwu troops under his command, and more than 2,000 men in the hall, including a thousand heavy cavalry. Recently, he has strengthened his personal cavalry, and the second army of Zhuosheng went over, and together with the left and right Desheng troops

Under the command of Zhang Cunjing, they hunted and killed the Xiangyong of the Xia people and almost made them disappear.

In terms of cavalry, Zhu Quanzhong is still very grateful to Luo Hongxin. Last year he gave away hundreds of horses, and this year he donated two thousand horses. There is no shortage of warriors in Bianzhou who can fight on horseback. After all, many powerful men have been practicing riding, archery, and horse fighting since they were young.

, but the shortage of horses is real, and this solves an urgent need.

Shishu Cong and Zhu Zhen still have more than 40,000 elite soldiers who can attack at critical moments.

Zhu Quanzhong did not think that he would be defeated soon, and I am afraid that Shao Shude did not dare to think so. Judging from the way the Xia thieves acted, they were still focusing on attacking the war potential of the Xuanwu Army, that is, they went deep into the hinterland of Bianliang to harass them and let them slowly


The disastrous defeat of Dai Siyuan and Zhang Quanyi in Caizhou a while ago was a relatively dangerous thing, and it almost shook the overall situation, but now it has stabilized again. Shao Thief must be very disappointed.

Zhu Quanzhong was thinking wildly while watching the generals enter the meeting hall.

"See you, Your Majesty." The civil and military generals all saluted.

Zhu Quanzhong returned the greeting, then sat down, glanced around, and his eyes fell on one person.

Jingxiang took a quick look and breathed a sigh of relief, but then frowned again.

Zhu Hanbin, the adopted son of King Liang, was the commander of Luoyan Capital.

Zhu Hanbin's father, Zhu Yuanli, followed Pang Shigu to attack Huainan and was lost in the battle. Zhu Quanzhong adopted Hanbin as his adopted son to show his favor. Of course, he was said to be an adopted son, but he was not recorded in the genealogy like Zhu Youwen. The difference is still very big.


"Cai, Ying, Bozhou, I don't know what you are fighting for!" Zhu Quanzhong did not suppress his anger and started shouting: "Who are the Weisheng Army and the Huaining Army? Why is it so difficult to fight?"

The Weisheng Army has been despised by Liang Jun for many years because of its performance on the battlefield. Ding Hui often defeated them and did not think its combat effectiveness was very strong. But there is a saying that Zhu Quanzhong is looking at people with old eyes, and people will

Growing and progressing, the Weisheng Army has been abused for so many years without a devastating defeat. The main force is still there. This is enough to ensure that they will pass on the combat experience they have gained to newcomers and steadily improve their strength. Not to mention that they have swallowed so many

Liang Jun surrendered, and his strength was no longer what it used to be.

Even if you take Yang Xingmi's Huai army as an example, you can't judge his combat effectiveness during the period when he was running around. At that time, Sun Ru went to Yangzhou and recruited Huai people into the army. He was "infected" by Cai Bing.

The combat effectiveness is also increasing gradually, nothing remains static.

"Zhe Zongben is attacking Yancheng, and Ding Hui can cause a small setback. Zhang Quanyi, Dai Siyuan can't do it? You can't do it? I think there are still people who avoid fighting, are afraid of fighting, and are cautious, wanting to preserve their strength.

." Zhu Quanzhong snorted coldly and said.

This statement made everyone feel uncomfortable.

In this day and age, isn’t it normal to have small thoughts? If people don’t do it for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy them. Seeing that the building is about to collapse, it is understandable that a gentleman will not stand under the dangerous wall. Everyone may not have any objections. They are all the fault of human beings.

It's just common sense.

But there is no way to refute this. Everyone knows that the current situation is abnormal. From the perspective of the coach, it must be rectified. Otherwise, the general will become arrogant and the more he fights, the more likely he is to avoid the situation.

The more people fight, the more the whole situation will collapse.

Others are fighting hard, fighting bloody battles, and suffering heavy casualties. As a result, you are avoiding the battle to preserve your strength. What do you want them to think? Their morale will definitely be affected.

"Broken Xia Army!" Zhu Quanzhong raised his voice.

Zhao Yan looked stern and turned pale.

"The battle of Luoyang was a huge defeat, with more than half of the losses. Now there is no success..." Zhu Quanzhong looked at Zhao Yan with dangerous eyes.

"Your Majesty." Zhao Yan said anxiously: "To recapture Chengfu County, our Poxia Army was the first to enter the city. In Yongcheng County, the Poxia Army cooperated with Yang Shihou to capture the city. Your Majesty, the Poxia Army has made meritorious service."

"How can a small achievement atone for your sins?" Zhu Quanzhong said angrily: "I want to remove you from your post as the envoy of the Po Xia Army. Can you accept it?"

Zhao Yan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said: "The general will finally realize his guilt and be convinced."

"Get out!" Zhu Quanzhong waved his hand, not wanting to look at him again.

Uncle Cong watched silently from the side, and the King of Liang still had a sense of proportion. Zhao Yan was the son of Zhao Yan, and Zhao Yan had great achievements. Moreover, Zhao Yan's uncle Zhao Jue was also the military commander of the Zhongwu Army. He had soldiers on hand and was quite popular in Chen Xuzhou.

Have prestige.

Zhao Yan, it's best not to move lightly.

After Zhao Yan left in despair, Zhu Quanzhong targeted Zhu Hanbin again.

"I still remember the old events of Yandu. We selected the elites of each army and organized them into armies. The commanders changed several times, but no matter who they were under, they all made great achievements in battles." Zhu Quanzhong's voice lowered and his face was expressionless.


Jingxiang sighed secretly after seeing this. He was very familiar with King Liang, and his demeanor and tone were very similar to those when he killed two generals, Li Chan and Li Chongyin.

"Hanbin my son." Zhu Quanzhong rubbed the hilt of the sword at his waist and said: "In the battle of Bianzhou Stone Bridge, Luoyan was defeated. In the battle of Luonan's three passes, he feared the enemy like a tiger and fled without fighting."

"Father." Zhu Hanbin was also anxious and said: "At the beginning, the bandit army was so powerful that all the tribes retreated. I couldn't support it alone, so I had no choice but to retreat."

Zhu Quanzhong seemed not to have heard what he said, and continued: "Since I left Xuzhou, I have fought in Yingbo, but I haven't made any achievements. The soldiers probably didn't even shoot a single arrow out of their pots."

"Father, during the attack on Linhuan, our troops were on the outside to guard against the bandit knights..." Zhu Hanbin explained.

"The thieves brought Qi Bizhang close to Linhuan, and Luoyandu fled to Yongcheng." Zhu Quanzhong was still talking.

"Father..." Zhu Hanbin sensed something was wrong and was so anxious that he was covered in sweat.

"You have to have talent without talent, and courage without courage. There are laws in the army. Even though he is my son, what's the use of keeping him?" Zhu Quanzhong sneered and said: "Whoever comes, drag him out and kill him to improve military law."

Soon guards rushed in, held Zhu Hanbin down, and removed his equipment and armor.

Zhu Hanbin struggled vigorously, but when he thought about his wife and children at home, he stopped immediately, but cried: "Father! I hope the white clothes will take effect on their own, just like Liu Kangyi."

"Drag him out quickly," Zhu Quanzhong ordered without even looking.

No one dared to plead for mercy, and everyone looked at it indifferently. Shi Shucong was a little nervous, glanced outside the door, and sighed in his heart, I am afraid he is not going to die here today.

Zhu Hanbin's head was quickly held over, and his eyes widened in anger.

After Zhu Quanzhong took it, he put it gently on the table, glanced at the generals in the tent, and said: "The thieves are still in Bozhou. I want to lead the army to attack them personally. Do you dare to fight to the death?"

"I am willing to die serving the king." All the generals responded one after another.

"Uncle Cong." Zhu Quanzhong shouted.

"The general is here!" Shi Shucong was so frightened that he was covered in white hair and sweat, but he reacted quickly and immediately came out of the queue.

"With your unit mainly attacking Linhuan, is there any problem?"

"I am willing to serve as the king's vanguard and vow to conquer Linhuan and return."

"Okay!" Zhu Quanzhong laughed and said: "If you have merit, you will be rewarded, and if you make mistakes, you will be punished. If you make new achievements, I will not hesitate to reward you."


News that Zhu Quanzhong was cracking down on military discipline in Bozhou quickly spread everywhere.

Ge Congzhou, who was supervising the management of grain and grass in Heyin, sighed secretly when he heard the news. The king of Liang had even beheaded his adopted son, what more can be said? Just attack! Maybe the casualties are too heavy, but they are not my family, why should I show mercy? What are you going to do?

Just blame King Liang.

On March 18, Ge Congzhou led five thousand dragon troops to the front line.

The river has thawed, and the Xia thieves cannot cross the river at will. The rangers who were harassing the rear have finally retreated. Now they can only rush out from one direction through the revolving door pass, which is much easier to guard against.

Ge Congzhou climbed halfway up the mountain to look at the enemy's situation.

On the river plain at the foot of the mountain, a large group of cavalry was engaged in a fierce confrontation.

Xia's Chishui Army had 2,000 cavalry, 500 of which were deployed in Sishui County. They rushed out of the city many times to attack and kill. Sometimes they were so defeated that the siege failed, and the retreating warriors fled in defeat. Sometimes they suffered losses and were killed.

Liang Jun's bows and crossbows caused a large number of casualties. In the battle to this day, almost all of them have been lost.

A while ago, before Sishui was completely surrounded, they sent thousands of cavalry reinforcements, which was a very big threat. When Liang Jun attacked the city, he had to deploy a large number of capable soldiers to form an array.

Prepare for them to go out of the city and rush to kill.

Today they left the city again. Zhang Cunjing, the envoy of Zhengzhou Camp Youyi, led his own cavalry, and the two armies came forward to entangle them. Desheng's army clashed with their horses. They were killed and retreated, leaving more than two hundred corpses behind.

He fled back in embarrassment.

Zhang Cunjing took the opportunity to lead his army to seize the city, but failed to return it.

"What a beating!" Ge Congzhou bitterly broke off a branch and shook his head helplessly.

Let's continue the siege honestly.

Fifteen thousand Longwu troops, more than 4,000 cavalry, and more than 20,000 native Tuan peasants, a total of 40,000 troops, have also wiped out Sishui County.

Of course, Ge Congzhou didn't know that after half a month of grinding, Sishui County was still there. The city walls were mostly damaged, and the defenders probably suffered heavy casualties, but they just couldn't defeat them.

More than half of the Xia rebel cavalry had been lost, and they were basically unable to get out, because Ge Congzhou sent people to dig two trenches to surround them. But they couldn't defeat them. This made Lao Ge sigh. There was bad news all day long.

Well, there is good news, but it's on another battlefield.

The king of Liang personally led the army and took it to Linhuan County. The bandit general Qi Bizhang left without fighting.

He didn't try to jump behind Liang Jun to attack because he didn't dare. The purpose of King Liang was very clear. After recovering the land of Bozhou, he would regain Yingzhou, threaten Caizhou, and annihilate the main force of Zhe Zongben's powerful army, Ge Congzhou, in one fell swoop.

He had different opinions on this. He did not think that Ori Munemoto could be annihilated. He had no time to retreat and the battle line returned to a stalemate.

There is no doubt that this was a tactical adventure by King Liang.

He mobilized the last elite troops in Bianzhou, and even brought over half of the Tianwu Eighth Army, which had been in force for less than two years. This was a desperate move. If it failed, it would be unthinkable.

Now it seems that the situation is developing in a good direction and everything is going very smoothly. King Liang even took the time to go to Xuzhou to appease Zhao Jue, the governor of the Zhongwu Army, and Pang Shigu, the commander of Yingshui Camp, and dozens of others.

Shao Thief was right not to come. It is impossible to achieve a breakthrough in the battle, and it will continue to take a long time, unless someone makes a serious mistake.

On the 21st, the King of Liang arrived in Yingzhou. The bandit general Cui Hong took advantage of the unsteady foothold of the army and sent people to attack at night. The result was a disastrous defeat. Chen Su, the governor of Shenzhou, was wounded and returned with more than 2,000 soldiers.

The King of Liang ordered a fierce attack, but it seemed that it had not been conquered until yesterday. The bandit general Qi Bizhang was even harassing nearby, and the situation became tense.

"This battle was so sticky!" Ge Congzhou felt a certain amount of pressure.

Tomorrow we will have to fight to the death. Give the Xia thieves a fierce attack, otherwise I am afraid it will be difficult to explain. King Liang has been unable to attack Yingzhou for a long time. In his anxiety, he will inevitably look at people with displeasure...

This chapter has been completed!
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