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Chapter 68 Collapse

 In the battlefield, people shouted and horses neighed, and there was chaos.

Liang Jun was cut into three sections by two brown torrents, and the head and tail could not see each other.

An officer gathered a group of soldiers nearby, with their spears pointing outwards, like hard rocks in the flood, struggling to hold back the tide.

The passing knight threw a spear and one of them fell down.

The knight following closely behind did not slow down his horse at all, and also dropped the spear.

The reef gradually disintegrated into the water.

An officer took the flag from the flag bearer, waved it vigorously, and shouted loudly. A soldier who refused to admit defeat came closer and tried to resist.

An arrow flew over and hit him in the face. Then several more arrows flew over and landed on his neck, chest and abdomen.

The flag crashed to the ground.

Someone was holding an iron gun and stabbed two knights one after another.

The third person passed by, waved the lasso, put it accurately around his neck, and dragged him away.

All of this was accomplished while on the move, reflecting the superb skills and rich experience of the cavalry soldiers.

Some people are not good at martial arts and will only follow others and cannot make various tactical moves accurately and quickly.

Some people are inexperienced and have no martial arts skills, but they end up like headless flies, not knowing what to do or how to use their own advantages.

The cavalry army has been fighting for many years, and many of them are from the background of chieftains. They have riding skills, martial arts skills, experience, and courage. They are indeed a first-class elite and powerful army. Although they are always "beggars" by military subordinates who only have one horse.

Edition" Cavalry mocked.

The first wave penetrated Liang Jun's formation and rushed into the distance.

Before Liang Jun could catch his breath, a second wave of more than two thousand cavalry followed.

Arrows, spears, and flying axes fell all at once. The cavalry army was free, and it allowed the sergeants to prepare their own weapons. Except for the short bow and cavalry bow, which were standard, the others could be completely customized.

The increasingly chaotic Liang army was unable to withstand the offensive.

Some people turned back towards Sishui City, jumped into the trench, hid behind the trench wall, and retreated into the small village.

Some people sped up and fled in the direction of the camp, peeling off their armor, throwing away their equipment, stumbling around, and their hair disheveled.

More people couldn't see the situation around them clearly. They only knew that there were people everywhere. The soldiers could not find the generals, and the generals could not find the soldiers. It was a chaotic mess. Under extreme tension, they even lost their sense of direction and had no idea at all.

Where to escape.

"Boom!" The cavalryman rushed past and knocked away an unlucky guy. The saber in the knight's hand slashed horizontally. Blood rained down wherever it passed, and the broken limbs fell on the ground.

More knights swerved past the headless fly. They harvested human lives in the most effortless way, as if Liang Bing had bumped into him.

The second wave crashed into the distance. Wherever it passed, the last remaining Liang Jun troops were dispersed. The tens of thousands of hedgehogs before the war turned into 40,000 sheep and were driven everywhere.

The third wave of cavalry auxiliaries has sped up. They are experienced hunters, holding cavalry bows in their hands, taking their time, walking in circles easily and comfortably, shooting arrows from time to time, increasing the enemy's casualties and confusion, constantly

It was consuming the last bit of morale and physical strength of Liang Bing.

Under the surprise attack, the raging wave launched by the cavalry almost crushed everything.

In the wider periphery, the troops who were determined to resist were dispersed widely. Hundreds of people rode together, like falcons pouncing on prey. When they saw the hares on the grassland, they rushed up. They first shot down the brave men who wanted to resist with arrows, and then killed Liang Liang.

The army broke and drove towards the southwest.

The soldiers who were guarding the pro-army soldiers marched up slowly, wearing armor and holding spears. The Liang people were so frightened and exhausted by the defeat that they all knelt down and begged to surrender.

"The cavalry army fought beautifully!" On a hillside, Shao Shude stood on his horse, building an awning with his hands, and carefully observed the battle situation.

Surrounded by five hundred soldiers, there are also more than 3,000 loyal guards and soldiers from far and near. If the Liang people want to turn defeat into victory, they can rush here and try their luck.

Li Zhong was very envious, while Ye Li Kecheng was a little dissatisfied. But they both had to admit that the monstrous cavalry army like the Iron Cavalry Army was indeed experienced and skilled. No wonder the Tibetan people screamed when they were beaten in the Qingtang Dynasty.

You said they were shock and combat cavalry. They didn't use thick and long horse shafts or slender spears, and they also played with bows and arrows.

You said they were wandering cavalry and archers, but it doesn't look like that. They have better melee combat capabilities than those of the Tibetans.

Generally speaking, it is somewhere between the two. It is not popular in theory, but it is very easy to use on the grasslands. In theory, it is not very easy to use in the Central Plains. But today they seized the opportunity and became famous in one battle.

"You two don't need to be discouraged." Shao Shude looked at Li Zhong and Ye Li Kecheng's faces, and said with a smile: "The selection standards for the cavalry army are not low. They are either people with superb skills or chiefs with strong backs. Others want to build such a

One unit hasn't had a chance yet."

"The great king is so powerful in the north of Guan and Helong that he has warriors vying to serve." Li Zhong said: "Zhu Quanzhong's infantry is indeed powerful, but he is not as good as the great king who has the advantages of both the grassland and the Central Plains."

"He can talk just like your grandpa." Shao Shude laughed.

Li Zhong's martial arts skills are not very good, but he is loyal, has eyes, and can speak well. He is enough and very suitable to be the leader of the soldiers. If he were to be a more reckless person, he might have ruined Shao Shude's good deeds.

The war in the field has come to an end.

Unsurprisingly, Liang Jun's infantry collapsed first. They were attacking Sishui County with great momentum. When they heard the sound of the cannon and saw the flag, they immediately organized a retreat. But it was not that simple in the rush.

The situation was extremely chaotic, and then the cavalry army seized the opportunity and rushed in. The whole army collapsed after a little resistance.

In comparison, the enemy's cavalry resisted for a slightly longer time. Their close combat capabilities were extremely good and they were not inferior in face-to-face combat, so much so that the Dingren Army also assigned some sharp archers to shoot outside the battle group.

Cold arrow.

Finally, after seeing that the infantry had collapsed, Liang Jun's cavalry also collapsed. They patted their horses crazily and fled eastward.

The cavalry of the Iron Cavalry and the Difficult Army pursued and intercepted the enemy, killing them one after another. The auxiliary soldiers of the bodyguards even came forward to help, and rain of arrows fell densely on the fleeing enemy cavalry, harvesting human lives wantonly.

"Let's go down the mountain and take a look." Shao Shude ordered.

Nearly 4,000 soldiers and guards escorted him down the hillside to the blood-soaked battlefield.

The field is strewn with corpses, and the death is horrific and bloody. When the war horses pass by at high speed, even the unbladed saber can cause terrible wounds on people. Not to mention those who have been trampled by the war horses.

The body was dead, all the bones were broken, the chest was sunken, and the mouth and nose were full of blood.

The soldiers spread out far away. When they saw the wounded but not dead enemy soldiers, they went up to mend the wounds. The guards stabbed the corpses with spears to ensure that no one was pretending to be dead on the ground and assassinated Shao Shude.


Shao Shude stopped walking. The injured soldiers of Liang Jun in the distance breathed a sigh of relief. They finally escaped on the battlefield. It would be too unjust to die in a daze again.

"Report to your Majesty, General Liu has sent people to report that the thief general Zhang Cunjing has been killed and Wen Yu has been captured." When a knight saw the big banner, he immediately ran over to report.

"Where is Liu Zijing?" Shao Shude asked.

"General Liu" is Liu Zijing, deputy envoy of the Cavalry Army, and old man Yuancong of Xicheng.

"General Liu was wounded when he charged. He has just bandaged his wounds and is preparing to continue the pursuit."

"How brave!" Shao Shude praised.

Zhang Cunjing was also a general of the Liang Army. He commanded various cavalry armies, but he was also killed in battle. A general will inevitably die in battle, and a warrior must have this awareness.

"Where's He Delun?" Shao Shude asked again.

"This man broke through the siege under the protection of personal soldiers and ran out. Our troops are pursuing him."

"He can run fast." Shao Shude cursed.

If you can't surround these generals, there's basically no chance of catching them. Each man has several empty horses, and his own soldiers have more than one horse. It's hard to catch up with them if they want to run away. The cavalry army and the trouble-making army are just doing their best.


After a while, more orders came one after another to report:

The thief commander Ge Congzhou led thousands of remaining troops to retreat into the camp and defend themselves behind closed doors.

Most of the rebel army has been defeated, and some remaining soldiers are hiding in the trench walls and small villages. The gate of Sishui County is wide open, and some infantry rush out to cooperate with the cavalry army to kill the remaining enemies.

The rebels have captured more than 7,000 people, and the remaining people are still being counted, and it is estimated that more than 20,000 people have been captured.

Every piece of news was good news, and everyone was filled with joy and joy.

Shao Shude felt great in his heart and had a calm expression on his face, as if this was just an insignificant victory. Of course, everyone knew that after this battle, the Ge Congzhou Group was finished. Longwu, Desheng, Rider, and Capture

It is inevitable that the Fourth Army will be wiped out with more than 10,000 people. No one in Tutuan will care about it, but it can also severely dampen the morale of the enemy army and kill people in every house. If morale is high, there will be trouble.

"We sent people to persuade Ge Congzhou to surrender. The matter has come to this. If we continue to defend it, we will be foolishly loyal and will not help." Shao Shude said, "More than 30,000 people have died, and there are still a few thousand defeated soldiers. I only need to mobilize my bodyguards."

The soldiers went into battle and were defeated in an instant. Now I don't want to commit more killings, hoping that they will be good and do it themselves."

"As ordered." Someone immediately went to give the order.

There are ten thousand guards and soldiers, not all of whom are cavalry. Although they can ride horses and shoot arrows, infantry actually make up the majority. They are usually busy with farm work and practice in their spare time. They are similar to rural warriors, but their equipment and combat effectiveness are stronger.

Shao Shude raised his head and looked at Sishui City. It was time to comfort the soldiers guarding the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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