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Chapter 70 Disposal (Additional update for the alliance leader, Young Master Qingshan)

 He ​​Delun's speed was very fast, and he returned to Bianzhou in the afternoon of the next day.

He spoke very sternly and went directly to Duyu Housi to meet with the commanders of Tianwei, Guangsheng, Shenjie and Tianxing armies.

Zhu Youlun, the son of Zhu Quanzhong's second brother Zhu Cun, was the commander of the Tianwei Army.

Zhu Youwen, the adopted son of Zhu Quanzhong, was the commander of the Guangsheng Army.

Wang Tan, former commander of Tabaidu, now commander of Shenjie Army.

Hua Wenqi, a former cavalry general, is now the commander of the Tianxing Army.

Among these people, I will not mention the Zhu family. Wang Tan is a general who has made many military exploits. He was promoted and cultivated by King Liang, and he had the kindness to know and meet him.

Hua Wenqi was born in Chaojun. He was the son of Zhu Youyu, the eldest son of King Liang, and was very trusted.

All in all, these four generals are very reliable, otherwise the new army would not be handed over to them.

After the four of them heard the "breaking news" brought back by Hedron, they were all shocked for a moment.

He Delun didn't have time to talk to them anymore. After explaining clearly, He Delun left the military mansion and went straight to Prince Liang's residence to have a secret discussion with Zhang Lang, the commander of the guards and the army.

Zhang Lang, a native of Xiao County, is good at shooting and has great arm strength. He was promoted by the King of Liang and treated very politely by the township party, so he can be trusted.

"It's not General Ge Du's fault that the battle ended like this." Zhang Lang sighed and asked, "Do you really want to take action?"

"We have to take action." He Delun said urgently: "I'm not asking you to kill anyone. Let's put you under house arrest first."

Zhang Lang was silent for a moment and said: "The King of Liang has done me a great kindness, so I should repay him. If I wrongly blame General Xie afterwards, I should apologize generously."

"You are right to think so." He Delun said: "I still have some arrangements to make. You can take people to the military mansion first and give the princess a brief explanation."

Zhang Lang nodded and immediately gathered people to go.

After He Delun left the palace, he rushed to the shogunate and met Wei Zhao, one of Zhu Quanzhong's confidants.

Wei Zhao had just changed his name to Wei Zhen and was the deputy envoy of Xuanwu Jiedu three years ago.

The position of deputy envoy of Jiedu is actually nothing. Generally speaking, it is a position set up for counselors. It is not a military position, but a civilian position. It is not the second-in-command of the shogunate at all. In fact, positions of real power such as marching commander are much stronger than it.

Wei Zhen joined the Liang shogunate during the reign of Emperor Guangqi. At that time, the Liang king also served as the military governor of Huainan. Wei Zhen served as the left marching commander of the Yangzhou shogunate, which was actually a remote leader. In the first year of Wende (888), the Liang king attacked Qin Zongquan, and Wei Zhen became Cai Zhen.

All the camps around the state were governed by magistrates. Three years ago, Wei Zhen was appointed deputy envoy of Xuanwu Jiedu, ranking third or second among the four counselors, and his status was equal to that of Li Zhen.

"Doctor Wei, Gedu will be trapped in the rebel army. We don't know whether he is alive or dead. He may have surrendered at this time. Please make a decisive decision and come forward to take charge of the overall situation. The thieves will arrive at any time." He Delun whispered.

Wei Zhen looked calm and stared into the distance, seeming to be thinking.

In fact, from the battle in the second year of Dashun (891) to the present, Liang Jun's situation has become increasingly difficult, and today's situation is completely conceivable. Wei Zhen even imagined an unspeakably worse situation and formulated a series of so-called contingency plans.


Although the current situation is extremely dangerous, there are still opportunities that can be done.

"You can do it yourself, I'll take care of other things." Wei Zhen said.

He Delun breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to express his thanks: "As long as you are here, Bianzhou will have no worries."

And just as the two of them were talking, Xie Yanzhang had strode into Duyu Housi.

According to the rules, the soldiers must stay outside, and the swords and other weapons must be handed over to the guards for safekeeping. After Xie Yanzhang took off his horizontal sword, he entered the hall.

"Take it!" Zhang Lang shouted, and dozens of soldiers gathered around him, pressing their swords and spears against Xie Yanzhang's chest and abdomen.

"General Zhang, what do you mean by this?" Xie Yanzhang's expression changed and he asked.

"After your Majesty returns to your palace, I will apologize to you. I would also like to thank General for taking a rest in the wing." Zhang Lang said with a cold face.

Xie Yanzhang looked at him intently for a long time and suddenly asked: "But my father was defeated in Mengzhou? Did he surrender the enemy?"

"Still not taking action?" Zhang Lang raised his voice.

Xie Yanzhang sighed and did not resist. He was taken to a side room and placed under house arrest.

The commanders of Tianwu's Eighth Army were imprisoned, and the remaining four armies were in reliable hands. Zhang Lang breathed a sigh of relief, having temporarily solved a hidden danger.


Outside Bianzhou City, scouts and cavalry were out in all directions, messengers were rushing back and forth, and it was extremely busy.

Wei Zhen issued a series of orders, including moving the people of Guo into the city, collecting grain, grass, horses and mules from the suburbs, recruiting the children of generals and colleges inside and outside the city to form an army, etc.

The news has been leaked, and I don’t know who the loudmouth leaked it. It was probably one of the more than two hundred cavalry who followed Hedron back. Anyway, the news of Ge Congzhou’s defeat spread quickly among the people, and gradually spread outside the city, and

Fly to Chenliu, Weishi and other counties further away.

The people panicked and tried to rush into the city, dragging their families with them. However, the city gate guards had already received the order from the military government and only allowed the sergeants’ families to enter the city. Of course, only those who lived in Bianzhou were not allowed in.

I have no control over the sergeant's family members who are scattered in other states and counties.

The cruelty of war is clearly demonstrated at this moment. Some people have to live, while others have to try their luck. The gap is so huge.

Those who were blocked from the door could only find ways to avoid it. Those who were traveling with him comforted each other. Xia Bing did not kill people randomly. He had passed through the two previous visits to Bo Bianzhou safely, and basically nothing happened.

There are also family members of sergeants who are unwilling to go to the city to escape, fearing that they will have nothing to eat. Although it is rumored that the millions of dendrobium grains sent by Wei Bo have not been used up, and that the city has abundant grain reserves and will be safe within half a year, they still do not want to go there.

I'm willing to go. Anyway, Xia soldiers don't kill people, what's the fear? It's even unheard of to arrest, search and kill the family members of sergeants. It's been more than a hundred years since the beginning of the hardship, but it has never been heard of. Even the king of Liang attacked Yunzhou, but he didn't insist on it.

Even if the family members of the defenders tried to persuade them to surrender, it might not be effective, otherwise the city of Yunzhou would have been destroyed long ago.

Wei Zhen walked up to the city in person, looked at the setting sun, and said nothing for a long time.

The scenery outside the city is unobstructed.

The house looks like a bird, and the chickens and dogs hear each other.

The farmland is neat and tidy, and the millet and wheat are growing tall and tall, which is very pleasing to the eye.

The gurgling water in the ditch quietly nourishes the farmland.

The Bian River flows silently, and the ships are docked at the pier. Beside the water gate, there are forests of rafts and oars.

The trees are lush and green, and they will grow vigorously after spring arrives.

The official road has been renovated and is flat and straight, extending to the distant horizon.

What a magnificent picture of mountains and rivers!

It's a pity that when the war breaks out, all these things will be wiped out.

As a counselor, Wei Zhen certainly had military experience. He could see that after Ge Congzhou's defeat, Zhengzhou's military strength was empty. Sporadic resistance could not stop the Xia people, and it would probably fall soon.

At the latest before nightfall tomorrow, the Xia cavalry will arrive at the gates of Bianzhou City, and a war may break out at any time.

According to Hedron, if the thieves have many cavalry and few infantry, there is no need to worry too much. After all, the cavalry cannot attack the city. But this matter cannot be delayed for a long time. The longer it is delayed, the more likely the thieves will mobilize an army to surround Bianzhou.


Everyone who needs to be notified has been notified.

The Yingzhou front line sent people, the Xuzhou front line sent people, Zhu Zhen and Zhang Tingfan also sent people, and all the states sent people. There was no other way but to build up strong troops and wait for reinforcements.

But is there anything salvageable in the situation? Wei Zhen isn't sure, but he tends to think there is.

He did not ask Zhu Zhen to go to Bianzhou to aid. Firstly, he was not qualified to command Zhuzhen, and secondly, it was unnecessary. There was no problem in Bianzhou, and the Xia thieves had no chance to capture it. What should be worried about were other states and counties, even Liang Wang and Pang Wang.

Shigu's two armies.

"And Wei Bo!" Wei Zhen slapped his forehead and sighed. He made a mistake while busy and almost forgot about it.


In the palace of Prince Liang, Zhang Hui summoned all the concubines and persuaded them to donate some of their jewels and jewelry as rewards for the soldiers.

The process of persuasion was relatively smooth, which may be due to Zhang Hui's daily kindness to the concubines in the mansion and the prestige brought by fairness and justice in dealing with things.

After asking the steward of the mansion to take people to retrieve the treasure, Zhang Hui left several people behind, all of whom were the most favored by King Liang: Shi, Chen, and Li.

Shi is the younger sister of Shi Yanci. Her ancestral home is Liangzhou and she is of Sogdian descent. Her exotic style was very popular with the King of Liang.

Shi Yanci is forty-five years old this year and serves as the street envoy of Bianzhou. He is in charge of hundreds of people, but he can only maintain law and order. Don't expect anything else.

Shi Yanci's great-grandfather Shi Rao and grandfather Shi Zhen were both Shence generals. His father Shi Sheng failed to join the Shence army and was dismissed from his post due to his father's influence. In Chang'an, he met the "Puppet Qi" generals Zhu Wen and Zhu Wen.

The first wife was newly mourned. Hearing that Shi Sheng had a beautiful girl, "Yisu came out of the house" and "knowledgable and courteous", she was hired by force.

After Zhu Quanzhong became the military envoy of the Xuanwu Army, Shi Yanci, as the eldest son of Shi Sheng, went to Bianzhou in the fifth year of Zhonghe (885) and served as the deputy envoy of the Xuanwu Army (?). Later, he served successively as governor of the Song Dynasty and Bozhou Biejia.

, now serves as the military governor's office and the street envoy of Bianzhou.

"Second mother, please go back and talk to your eldest brother. There are many children of generals and schools in the city. Most of their fathers and brothers have been promoted by the king. They have practiced martial arts since childhood and are very brave. You can choose reliable and loyal people and issue them with weapons to maintain order in the city."

Zhang Hui took Shi's hand and said: "Your Majesty will lead an expedition and will definitely come back with reinforcements after hearing the news. There are 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers in the city. As long as we maintain our position, the Shao thieves can't do anything to us. This matter is urgent.

Do it immediately."

"Yes." Shi's face was pale, but he still responded.

Zhang Hui turned his attention to the Chen family and the Li family.

Mr. Chen is a native of Songzhou, and his family members work as minor officials in Bianzhou.

The Li family also used sex to advance. His family was in Tianxing, and he served as a junior officer in the Shenjie Second Army.

Zhang Hui taught the two of them carefully and asked them to go back and mobilize their relatives and friends to stabilize people's hearts.

She is indeed a woman of great wisdom. She knows that the human heart is the most important at this time. If she is not in trouble, Shao Thief will have nothing to do.

After Chen and Li also retreated, Zhang Hui stretched out his hands and looked carefully.

These years of pampering and living, now that I am forty years old, all traces of my escape many years ago have disappeared.

"Come here, prepare some white noodles." Zhang Hui called the servants and ordered.

According to historical records, Zhu Quanzhong had hundreds of concubines. Of course, this was not an exaggeration at this time, but there were still hundreds of women. Zhang Hui had long been angry with them. He kneaded dough and steamed cakes in the palace, and personally sent them to the army to express his condolences.


Zhang Hui still has some prestige in the army. Because Zhu Quanzhong often punished sergeants and generals, Zhang Hui helped to intercede for mercy every time, allowing many people to survive. After the news spread, the military people in Bianzhou respected the princess.

In order to stabilize people's hearts, Zhang Hui really worried.

This chapter has been completed!
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