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Chapter 76: The Blind and the Deaf

 On April 24, the fourth year of Qianning, Zhu Quanzhong arrived in Xiangcheng County.

A camp fence was erected near the dock, and the villagers were busy loading supplies collected from Xiangcheng County onto the ship. It was obvious that they did not intend to stay here for a long time.

The Xiangcheng Order was relatively cooperative. It provided great convenience in collecting grain, horses, mules, and even money and silk from the people. The county towns were mainly affected. The rural heroes from Yingzhou were unable to return home. They were full of resentment and entered the city. When the city was collecting supplies, they were ruthless and plundered the market. For this reason, they were counterattacked by the guards of the trading company and lost more than ten people.

What a load of shit!

In the afternoon, after eating a labor meal provided by Xiangcheng County, the army continued northward to Chenzhou.

Everyone was worried along the way.

The sergeants felt that the surroundings were too quiet, too quiet to be normal. The Xia Feilong Army that had been harassing them had disappeared, and they had no idea where they had gone.

From time to time, some of the scouts sent out do not come back. They are all capable warriors, skilled in various skills such as hiding, observing, attacking and killing. Even if there are a large number of Xia army rangers in the wild, they may not be able to catch them. After all, There are so many places to hide.

But scouts disappear every day. What does this mean? It means that there are so many Xia army rangers in the wild that the scouts will be discovered by them accidentally, and they will be surrounded and killed.

The more silent the battlefield is, the more heart-wrenching it becomes.

Generals know more than sergeants.

They could see that from the moment Yingzhou moved north, this huge army was being targeted. The thieves did not dare to approach, but they must be cruising nearby, trying every means to attack and kill their scouts and messengers, and cut them off Their external contacts have made them deaf and blind.

Perhaps, there is a huge trap waiting for them ahead, this is the vague idea of ​​many people.

Wang Yanzhang, the new envoy of the Xia Army, captured a Xia Army cavalry yesterday and learned a shocking news from him: Shao Shude had led more than 10,000 cavalry south from Bianzhou with an unknown target.

This news was reported immediately and spread like wildfire among the middle and senior generals. Most people believed that the target of the Xia thieves was Wang Jingxuan's cavalry army. A few people thought that there might be changes in the Yingdong camp, and Pang Shi The ancient army was retreating, and the Xia thieves were ambushing them on the way back.

The cavalry force was annihilated by the organic system in Zhengzhou, which now seems to be a huge loss that is irreparable.

The three armies of Desheng, Qianqi, and Zhuosheng, with a full strength of five thousand cavalry, were just gone. To eliminate so many of them, in addition to elite cavalry several times their number, some strategies were also needed, such as letting them themselves They fell into chaos, had no time to adjust their formation, and were overwhelmed.

Zhang Cunjing really deserved his death.

In short, the situation is not very optimistic. Everything is foggy now and it is difficult to see the whole picture.

Zhu Quanzhong, Jingxiang, Li Zhen, Shi Shucong, Zhu Youyu, Li Sian and other senior officials walked together, frowning in deep thought.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Tingfan, the governor of the Guilin Army, has been recruiting troops in Xu, Su since last month to build the Shenwei and Yanwei armies. At present, he has recruited nine capitals, one thousand people in each capital, and a total of nine thousand people. In time,

, After many years of training, one can become a capable army." Li Zhen felt that he should pick out some good news, so he talked about Xuzhou's recruitment of new soldiers.

Zhu Quanzhong nodded slightly.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Zhu Dutou in Caozhou also recruited troops in Hua, Cao, and Danzhou. He established two new armies, Pengri and Pengsheng, with twenty commanders and a total of 20,000 people. Maybe they can become strong soldiers and attack Shao.

Thief." Jiang Xuanhui also joked.

Zhu Quanzhong's face fell.

Zhang Tingfan was not a military man. When he built the new army, he relied on the retired Xuanwu soldiers who stayed in Xuzhou and the training of old officers. Zhu Quanzhong didn't think he could make any big waves. This was not a bad thing. He acquiesced.

It was only last month that Zhu Zhen built the two armies to praise the sun, but it made Zhu Quanzhong extra vigilant. But there was no way, with the battle going like this, even people who were not ambitious became ambitious. Zhu Zhen was already good at training troops,

In running the army, Zhu Zhen was indispensable for the fact that the Xuanwu Army in the early years could display such strong combat effectiveness and that the recruited Cai thieves could be digested so quickly. Now that he is building a new army, Zhu Quanzhong is very worried.

Jiang Xuanhui's attempt to make fun of him is, to be honest, very stupid and incompetent.

"Your Majesty, the new army is of no use for the time being. What we should consider now is the matter at Pangdutou." Jingxiang changed the subject in time and said: "It's time to make a decision whether to leave or stay."

To be honest, Jingxiang has been a little disgraced recently. He had previously suggested that Pang Shigu's tribe should continue to defend. Now it seems that Xia Thief is leading his army south, and the target is probably Pang Shigu. There is no news about the life and death of King Jingxi's tribe of Jiama Army.

I don’t know. Everything is shrouded in fog, making it difficult to make a choice.

The lack of information is a very serious problem. Now it is best to send capable and brave people to pass through the blockade of the Xia people and get in touch with Pang Shigu, Bianzhou, and Zhu Zhen. Even just one letter can be of great use.


He turned his attention to Liu Sibin, the commander of Tabai City, and then looked at Wang Yanzhang. Perhaps only they could complete this kind of task.

"Master Pang's ancient ministry cannot be lost!" Zhu Quanzhong, after being silent for a long time, finally said, "Let's go to Chenzhou first."

"As ordered." Everyone responded one after another.

Shishu Cong sighed inaudibly. The King of Liang refused to let him go. He was worried about Fei Sheng and his majestic army would never return. There was nothing he could do.


It was sunny on April 26, the fourth year of Qianning.

In the southeast of Yangzhai County, an offensive and defensive battle is coming to an end.

Zhao Yu (hú) also went into battle and fought for a while. With hundreds of his own soldiers, he fought with his life to thwart the Xia army's fierce offensive.

When he looked back at the soldiers behind him, there were already seventy or eighty fewer, and he let out a long sigh.

They are all loyal to the Zhao family and have superb martial arts skills, but it turns out that it is wasted in a place like this. Is it worth it?

"Erlang, the thieves charged too hard and fought without their lives. They are a bit like the old men of the Zhongwu Army." The general supported Zhao Yu, whose arm was injured, and complained: "I don't know how the Jiama Army and the Kuangwei Army were able to defend.


"The thief general is called Lu Huaizhong, and the mighty army he leads is a strong force of Xia thieves. The cavalry army and the Kuang Wei army also fought very hard, and it was really difficult to deal with." Zhao Yu asked his general to help him sit down in the tent, and said: "I remember Xia

Have the thieves seen other bugles here?"

"Yes. I tortured several prisoners and found out that there was the Shunyi Army coming from Dengfeng. There were 7,000 soldiers in this army. They were crippled in the first half of last year. They have been reorganizing in the rear and were later transferred to Dengfeng to defend Zhengzhou.

A sneak attack in the direction, and also an escort of grain and grass. We once replaced the Wuwei Army, but it has not been seen for a long time." said the general.

"No! The Shunyi Army will probably not come. From Dengfeng to the east, take the mountain road and advance quickly with light troops to reach Mi County. After passing Mi County, although it is still blocked by mountains and rivers, the road is much easier. That way

I have walked this road, and it leads directly to Zhengzhou." Zhao Yu shouted and said in surprise: "Ge Cong was defeated on Monday, and the Xia bandit cavalry entered Bobianzhou, so it can be seen that this road is completely empty."

"Erlang, this is a good thing!" the general said with a smile: "Lu Huaizhong stationed troops in Yangzhai and fought us so hard. If the Shunyi army rotates again and fresh troops attack, how many of us will die? The Zhongwu army is no longer

That’s when it was.”

Zhao Yu didn't react for a moment. Hearing what the general said, he smiled bitterly.

The Zhongwu Army has always been the favorite in the eyes of all parties. The Zhongwu Army must be used to suppress rebellion, the Zhongwu Army must be used to defeat Huang Chao, and the Zhongwu Army must be used to defeat Qin Zongquan. Do you think this is the end? No! Zhu Quanzhong also asked for Xu again and again.

The state selected the elite yamen army and sent them to Bianzhou. No matter how strong the vassal town was, it could not withstand such a torment. Today's Zhongwu Army is indeed not as capable as before. It urgently needs to recuperate and recuperate so that the younger generations in the countryside can grow up and be able to fight again.

The past is glorious now.

"Erlang, there is no point in continuing this battle." The general, who is also a distant branch of the Zhao family, said in a bewitching tone: "Why don't we switch sides and cooperate with the Xia people to kill Pang Shigu, so that we can continue to live happily.


Zhao Yu glanced at him in surprise, almost thinking that he knew something. After careful observation and seeing the general's calm expression, he realized that it was probably his own idea and not related to the Xia people.

"The King of Liang led his army north. Calculate the time. If there are no problems on the road, they will probably have reached Chenzhou by now." Zhao Yu said.

"If you're afraid of this or that, why do you want to do something big?" The general was a little anxious.

"The King of Liang is very kind to me, the Zhao family." Zhao Yu said again.

In the past, Huang Chao withdrew from Guanzhong and took the Lantian Wuguan Road to Henan to besiege Chenzhou. His uncle Zhao Wei led his army to hold on and fought hundreds of battles. The thieves besieged Chenzhou for three hundred days. But by that time, Chenzhou had already run out of gas.

, I couldn't hold on any longer, and finally it was Liang Wang who came to relieve the siege.

On the day of the rescue, the uncle warned everyone with a serious look that he was "very kind" to King Liang. From then on, the Zhao family became King Liang's wing and would never betray him.

After the uncle's death, my father took over the throne and treated Bianzhou with the same respect and respect. He never neglected to select elite soldiers, donate money, make equipment, raise horses and mules, etc. He even sent troops many times to help Dinghui. Ge Congzhou was in Ruzhou.

Maintain the overall situation and ensure that Xia thieves cannot break through.

After his father passed away, his third uncle succeeded him, and he was also very respectful.

The Zhao family invested too much in Bianzhou and gained the trust of King Liang. She even mentioned marriage. If she gave up everything, she would have to start all over again. This was a painful choice. The most important thing is that she invested in Bianzhou.

On the new side, will people really treat you as one of their own?

It's all a lie if I say I'll give it to you as a military envoy, and I might take it away someday.

Unless that Yu Niang, who was born in the Zhao family of Tianshui, has great supernatural powers and can make Shao Dalang the heir apparent.

"Erlang, we have fought hard for so long and we are worthy of King Liang's kindness." The general said: "When Guo Shaobin's troops of the Jianrui Army heard that Bianzhou was besieged, the crowd was in an uproar. Pang Shigu even killed dozens of people.

After suppressing the pressure and promising generous rewards, those Yun people and Yan people continued to fight. And these generous rewards were all paid by the people of Chen Xu. We are already very interesting, so why not do the opposite? If we make great contributions, we may be able to keep our lives.

Chen Xu is not lost."

Zhao Yu was silent and silent.

In fact, the third uncle was also wavering and tended to agree to accept the recruitment of King Xia. But some people in the clan had been bribed by Zhu Quanzhong for many years, which caused many twists and turns.

Returning to Zhao Yu himself, in fact he is incompetent and only obeys the orders of his third uncle in everything. The Zhao family was able to stabilize the situation among millions of people in the nest and defeat the enemy with all their strength, relying on the respect of brothers, friends and brothers.

, the family is united, and he doesn't want to do anything to embarrass his third uncle and force him to admit the fait accompli.

The general wanted to persuade him again, but he saw someone coming over.

"See you in the office." The general saluted.

The person who came was Zhao Yan, who was missing while delivering arrows to the camp. He went to Bianzhou to become the military envoy of Po Xia, but he was not very capable and suffered repeated defeats. If it were not for the Zhao family's years of respect, he would probably end up like Zhu Hanbin.

, was beheaded directly.

After returning to Xuzhou in embarrassment, he actually got the position of personal commander in the government office. Although his position was high and his power was powerful, he was despised by many people.

Zhao Yan waved his hand impatiently, walked to Zhao Yu, and whispered: "Second brother, someone from Fugou sent news that the Jia Ma Army was defeated east of Fugou and the entire army was wiped out."

Fugou is a county under Xuzhou. As a local leader, it was not easy for the Zhao family to receive this news. After all, Zhu Quanzhong may not even know about it.

"This!" Zhao Yu was startled, stood up and asked, "Is it true?"

"It can't be wrong." Zhao Yan said happily: "Zhu Quanzhong drove me home, and now the Jia Ma Army has been destroyed. This is really retribution."

Zhao Yu glanced at him with a frown and asked, "Does Third Uncle know?"

"Already know." Zhao Yan smiled more and more cheerfully and said: "If you don't leave me here, you will have to leave me, haha."

"Shut up, Sanlang!" Zhao Yu scolded him, then sat down again and thought carefully.

This chapter has been completed!
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