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Chapter 79 Mist and Fugou

On the day Pang Shigu received the news, Zhu Quanzhong had already arrived in Chenzhou.

The governor of Chenzhou was very polite. He not only sent pigs and sheep to the army, but also plundered grain and grass, and sent horses and mules to the army. This made the people very dissatisfied.

Horses are generally owned by local wealthy households. Martial arts practice has become popular these days, and families with some conditions will let their children and grandchildren practice martial arts. The richer ones will practice horse fighting, riding and shooting. Wang Yanzhang was born in Shouzhang County, Yunzhou

There are such landlord families. As for studying, some also study, but if I could only choose one thing, it would definitely be martial arts training, but there are also many people who are good at both civil and martial arts.

So, if you want to plunder folk horses and mules, you usually just do something on their heads. Will people be satisfied?

Zhu Quanzhong waited in Chenzhou for a full day, and until the morning of the 29th, he could not get any news about the cavalry army.

Being experienced in battles, he felt that something was wrong with the situation.

Thief Shao worked so hard, and his cavalry came out in all directions, desperately trying to block the news. Where did the so-called come from?

Even since the day before yesterday, many cavalrymen have tried to get close to the team that was harassing them. Fortunately, with Caishui at their back, strong crossbows on the boat division to assist in defense, and the infantry was protected by large chariots, the Xia thieves were not allowed to succeed.


But the situation is really not right.

After resting for a day and two nights in Chenzhou City, Zhu Quanzhong felt that he had restored his physical strength and energy, so he returned to the camp with his troops.

The battalion sergeants were busy and waiting for orders.

News of the siege of Bianzhou has gradually spread to the entire army, which initially caused a certain turmoil in the morale of the army. But after walking for so many days, everyone became numb, and morale dropped uncontrollably and bottomed out.

And after rational analysis, everyone agreed that the Xia thieves' cavalry could not attack the city. Even if they sent infantry there, if the city was defended wholeheartedly, a hundred thousand government troops would not be able to capture it. As for other water irrigation, caves, etc., the possibility of success is also low.

Extremely low.

As the saying goes, if you want to defend, even if the water is up to your knees, no one can get in from outside the city. If you don't want to defend, someone may offer the city to you even if you don't use any force.

After looking for staff in the camp, the general learned about the situation of the troops and suddenly received news: someone had returned from the Yingdong front line, Yanjia's horse army had been wiped out, there had been changes in Xuzhou, and the main force of Pang Shigu's army was preparing to retreat.

"You are from the Po Xia Army? Where is Wang Yanzhang?" Zhu Quanzhong was sitting on the bed. On the table on his left hand side were the account books of the army's grain and supplies, and on his right hand side was a map drawn on silk.

"General Wang is wandering around Xuzhou and sent me and seven others to come back first." The envoy replied.

"Seven people left and only four came back?"

"Yes, I was unlucky on the way. I met a group of summer thieves on the road. They fought hard and got away, but everyone got separated." The messenger replied.

"A true warrior." Zhu Quanzhong smiled and said, "I'll go down and receive my reward later."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The envoy burst into tears of gratitude.

People like the Po Xia Army couldn't defeat the Xia Army when there were five thousand people, but when fifty people fought against each other, their performance was much better. If both sides only had five or six people each, they could sometimes even gain the upper hand.

After all, many people come from wealthy families and have practiced various martial arts and riding skills since childhood. Take archery as an example. When people practice, they may shoot several times or even ten times as many arrows as you in a year.

It's very good, but the bad thing is the battle experience and coordination.

"What's going on in Xuzhou?" Zhu Quanzhong called the medical officer and asked him to bandage the envoy's wounds on the spot, and asked at the same time.

"When I returned from Yingshui, because of the urgent military situation, I did not go to the city post to rest. However, I saw a master transporting grain outside the city and was called back. Each township was still recruiting heroes, but Pang Shuai did not give the order.

The second expedition was launched. In addition, there were knights from the Zhongwu Army who pursued us, but we were thrown away." The messenger replied.

Zhu Quanzhong remained silent with a straight face.

"What does General Pangdu mean?" Jingxiang asked from the side.

"General Pangdu sent three waves of envoys on horseback to Xuzhou to investigate, but they did not return all night. He also ordered the Zhongwu Army to send hundreds of horses to the camp, but there was no reply, and the envoys did not return."

Jing Xiang and Li Zhen looked at each other.

There are various signs that something went wrong in Xuzhou. It may be that there was a military rebellion and the Zhao family was driven out of power, or it may be that the Zhao family rebelled and took refuge with Shao Shude.

The possibility of the former is unlikely, because the prestige of the Zhao family in Chen Xu is really high, and the elder brother and younger brother have been passed down to the third Jiedushi, and there is no objection from anyone, so it is unlikely to be a military rebellion.

The possibility of Zhao's betrayal is very high.

In fact, you only need to infer it. What are the interests of the Zhao family? Continue to hold the position of Zhongwu Army Jiedushi and pass it on. So in today's situation, how can we better protect our own interests? Change to another one.

The stronger one surrenders and offers sacrifices. Otherwise, once Liang Jun is defeated, Chen Xu's position will definitely be changed, which is unacceptable to the Zhao family.

"Your Majesty, this matter..." Jingxiang stepped forward, his brows furrowed.

Bad news comes one after another, bad news comes every day. In fact, he has also imagined the rebellion of the Zhao family of the Zhongwu Army, but he just didn't say it in front of others. Well, he mentioned it to King Liang once in private, and King Liang also had some thoughts.

Worry. Now it seems that most of what I worried about has come true.

"Hold on." Zhu Quanzhong stopped Jingxiang who was about to speak, and continued to ask the envoy in a friendly manner: "What's going on with the horse army?"

"The Xia thieves captured many generals of the Jia Ma Army, paraded them along the river, and allowed the prisoners to be released. General Pang Du has killed everyone who returned to the camp." The envoy replied.

"Are you sure?" Zhu Quanzhong asked.

"Exactly. There is a military academy named Pei Gong. Someone knows him. He is indeed him."

"Where does Pang Shigu want to retreat?"

"Retreat toward Weishi County."

"How did he arrange it?"

"I don't know this," the messenger answered honestly.

Zhu Quanzhong nodded, waved his hand to the envoy to leave and receive the reward, and sat there thinking silently, glancing at the map on the case from time to time.

There are two post roads from Xuzhou to Bianzhou. One goes directly to Weishi via Changshe, the other goes to Weishi via Yanling, and finally goes to Bianzhou via Weishi. It is about 200 miles long and normally takes nine days.

If it were a little faster, it would obviously be impossible to get up within seven days.

In fact, it doesn't matter which way you take. The key is how to arrange your retreat, which is the most important.

Someone needs to cut off the rear, fight and retreat on the road, and cover alternately. Only in this way can most of the effective forces be able to retreat safely.

If Shao Thief only has cavalry, it won't be a big headache. The key is that he also has infantry. A huge number of infantry will chase you, make you panic, make you tired, and make you abandon your armor. Wait for you

When formations are out of order and people's hearts are in disarray, cavalry clashes will yield the greatest results.

Of course, the most perfect way to retreat is to win one or two beautiful battles, and Li Keyong knows this well.

This person often takes the lead, fights on the front line, and is extremely brave. Therefore, he is loved and trusted by the soldiers, and has a high prestige in the army. No one talks nonsense about whoever he arranges to cut off the rear, and he carries it out resolutely. No matter where he sets an ambush, he will do it.

It can be well executed. This is the main reason why he has successfully retreated in front of the enemy many times.

But the method used by Li Keyong only applies to the Jin army. Strictly speaking, the Liang army and the Xia army are very similar. Both have capable soldiers, dare to fight and fight according to the plan. There is no need to imitate Li Keyong and his son to go to the front line to kill.

This is the difference between an army owned by an individual and an army owned by a system, and cannot be generalized.

Shao Shude and I were essentially the same type of people, and the prestige of both of them in their respective armies could not be compared with Li Keyong's prestige in the Jin army.

Victory can cover up many things and make soldiers obedient, but warriors in these days prefer brave people after all, and it is best for them to see this bravery often, which is very similar to the Hu people's culture of respecting strength.

It doesn't matter if you come from a bad background, have no money, or have no power, you still have a chance. As long as your martial arts skills are good enough and convincing, you have a wide circle of friends, you have a bold personality, and you have many friends, you can trample people from aristocratic families under your feet.

"Your Majesty, General Pang has been in Yingdong for a year. He is most familiar with the situation in the army. If he thinks that he wants to withdraw, he probably won't be able to hold on." Li Zhen said: "Besides, if Chen and Xu both rebel, there will be no way out.

It has been lost, and even if we stay in the camp, the army will not be able to hold on to the food and grass for long."

According to the rules, if the army's food and grass supply is less than what is needed for one month, it cannot go deep into the enemy's territory. If it is less than what is needed for three months, it is not suitable to hold on to a city or fortress. Although in actual battles, due to various circumstances, not everyone may strictly abide by this iron rule.

However, there is still food and grass for two or three months in Pangshi's ancient camp. The problem is that the Zhongwu Army has rebelled, and food and materials from other states cannot be transported, so why not just sit back and eat nothing, and be destroyed sooner or later?

"Do you need to say more about this matter?" Zhu Quanzhong suddenly slapped the table and shouted.

Li Zhen was shocked and accused him repeatedly.

Zhu Quanzhong took a deep breath, forced a smile, stood up and saluted: "This is my fault. I shouldn't lose my temper. Erlang, please don't get upset."

Li Zhen was so flattered that he even said he didn't dare.

"Your Majesty, I thought about it. The Zhao family rebelled against the Xia rebels. They must have known about the defeat of the Jia Ma Army and rushed to jump ship. In addition, Bianzhou was besieged, the Jia Ma Army was defeated, and the Zhongwu Army rebelled.

Most of the news has spread throughout the army, but now the morale is low and there is no intention to fight again, so we have to withdraw." Jingxiang said: "Maybe the Xia thieves spread the word, or General Pangdu failed to control the rumors..."

"No, Pang Shigu is not that kind of person, he still knows a lot." Zhu Quanzhong interjected.

"Yes." Jingxiang agreed and continued: "That's what the Xia thieves preached. They probably remanded the captives and sent them to Yingshui on horseback, so everyone believed it. I also think that Yingshui can't be defended anymore. It's time to

Retreating via Wei's retreat is indeed the most convenient route. Your Majesty, I suggest that we go north to Fugou as soon as possible, and we may be able to meet one or two of them."

From Xuzhou to Fugou, there is only one major post road, which is the Changshe-Yanling-Fugou line, which was also the road taken by the Jiama Army before.

The post road is wide, flat, and in good condition, and can pass through the army, which is mainly infantry, because they usually carry heavy vehicles. The main force of the Xia army is also infantry, and they also have to carry heavy vehicles. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to escape from the post road system, unless

Without extra food and grass, without armor, without spare bow strings, swords, guns, arrows, etc., this is a very dangerous "quick advance with light troops".

If the cavalry is marching, there is no such choice. If there are enough horses to carry five days' worth of food and water, seven days' worth of water, and arrows to accompany the army, there is no need to take the post road.

The 70,000 of them went north to Fugou and set up camp on the west bank of Caishui River. It was very close to Yanling and it was more convenient to provide support.

"How can the Youguo Army withdraw?" Zhu Quanzhong sighed and said, "The Guxuan Yan City is two hundred miles east of Chenzhou. Can we order it to break through to the east? Chenzhou City is still in our hands, and the Zhongwu Army is in Chenzhou Zhuzhou.

There are only three to five thousand people in the county, and most of them are new soldiers. They are scattered in various places, making it inconvenient to assemble and not enough to cause trouble."

To be honest, the distance of two hundred miles is not that far, and there are spacious and large post roads to walk on. But that is a normal situation. If there is an attack by thieves and cavalry, what will happen if there is a delay? How long will it take to walk? This is a question.

"That's all, let's go north to Fugou." Zhu Quanzhong gave up the micro-management. Now that it was inconvenient to deliver the news, he was worried about disrupting Pang Shigu's retreat plan.

What if the Youguo Army has the task of alternately covering friendly forces? If you transfer them away, big trouble will happen.

On the morning of April 29, the fourth year of Qianning, following an order, the 70,000-strong army broke out of camp in batches and set off, heading north along the Caishui River and heading straight to Fugou.

This chapter has been completed!
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