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Chapter 87 Specially come to see you on a journey

"Bang!" The body fell heavily to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

The sergeant next to him turned a blind eye, still gritting his teeth and climbing up the ladder with a ferocious look on his face.

Arrows were constantly being fired from the enemy towers on both sides, and there were heavily armored warriors holding long-handled blunt weapons from the front, hitting each one.

The short wooden ladder became a path to death, corpses continued to fall, and blood sprinkled like raindrops.

Outside the village wall, in the gaps within the trench wall, the wounded but not dead soldiers were groaning in pain.

The caltrops pierced into their bodies, grabbing their blood and lives.

In the deep ditch outside the trench wall, corpses were piled on top of each other, almost compacted. If you look carefully, you can see that they are all corpses of Kuang Guards soldiers, and there are always hundreds of them.

Filling gullies was originally a matter for village warriors and even civilians, but the Kuang Guards did not capture the people in the wild. They had no choice but to fill in the ravines themselves.

Farther away, in the pits and around the small village, the bodies of Liang Jun who died on the road were everywhere. They still maintained their forward posture, and most of them died from arrows.

It was only in and around the small village that was guarded that some bodies of Xia soldiers were found, totaling more than two hundred bodies, which pales in comparison to the losses of Liang soldiers.

"Dang, dang, dang..." Liang Jun rang the golden hammer, and the attacking sergeants retreated like a tide.

"Creak!" The trench bridge was lowered, the camp door opened, and the cavalry who had been waiting for a long time rushed out of the camp.

The military cavalry waved their thick horseshoes and directly caught up with the retreating Liang soldiers. They struck with their horseshoes and several people fell to the ground with groans.

A total of more than 300 cavalrymen pursued them, happily harvesting the heads of the retreating enemy troops. It was not until the bows and crossbows were fired in front of them that the cavalrymen who charged too hard fell to the ground. Then they stopped their horses and turned around and retreated.


"Boom!" The trench bridge was raised, the camp gate was closed, and the entire battlefield became calm again.

Zhu Yougong went around the wounded barracks. When he came back, he was worried and looked worried.

Pang Shigu was standing on the watchtower, carefully observing the Wuwei Army's camp. He didn't know what he saw, but his face was full of bitterness and even a hint of despair.

"General..." Zhu Yougong was stunned when he saw Pang Shigu's face, and he was full of complaints and could not express them.

"It was me who harmed everyone." Pang Shigu sighed: "If I had known this, I might as well have stayed in Yingdong and not left."

Zhu Yougong remained silent. That was still a dead end, and even in the end the entire army surrendered, allowing the Xia thieves to capture 80,000 people in one go, making the whole world laugh.

At least there is still a glimmer of hope and a chance to fight. Even if they fail, they can abandon their baggage and run away separately, but the whole army will not be wiped out.

"The pursuers of the Xia Army are coming up. The Jianrui Army has surrendered the thieves, and now the vanguard of the Xia thieves is already more than ten miles away to the west." Zhu Yougong said: "Where to go, the generals will have to make up their minds."

"Do all the soldiers think so?" Pang Shigu looked into Zhu Yougong's eyes and asked.

Zhu Yougong sighed secretly, not daring to meet Pang Shigu's questioning eyes, and said: "If a soldier has no fighting spirit, what can he do?"

The battle lasted for almost two days. The soldiers were not spared their lives and the offensive was fierce. However, the enemy held on to the camp and continued to wear down the morale, physical strength and even lives of the Kuangwei soldiers. More than two thousand people were killed and injured before and after the Xia soldiers were killed.

Are there five hundred people?

If they continue to fight like this, their morale will collapse. After all, compared with the desire to go home, the actual casualties are more intuitive and shocking. Zhu Yougong can clearly feel that the wave of offensive just now has greatly dampened the morale of the Kuang Wei Army.

The thieves did not fight with them in the field, but they could not hold out. They still had many soldiers and were quite capable of fighting. It was completely impossible for them to capture the camp.

In short, they are trapped. They can't advance, they can't retreat, they have no way out, they can only wait for death?

"Is there any news about the Youguo Army?" Pang Shigu asked.

"No. The bandit cavalry blockade was severe. The envoy went out and hasn't come back yet." Zhu Yougong replied.

In fact, there are not many Xia army cavalry activities in this area. Scouts and messengers can still go out. The envoy Zhu Yougong sent to Yancheng failed to come back. It can only be said that he was unlucky or deserted on his own.

Pang Shigu also sent envoys to Caishui, with three or five people in three batches. He wrote a personal letter, or a final letter, to King Liang, detailing the current predicament, and finally urged King Liang not to

To advance westward, first return to Bianliang to suppress the ambitious ambitions, then tidy up Zhu Zhen's left and right yamen, and attack the two armies on the left and right. By then there will be more than 50,000 elite soldiers, who are still capable of fighting.

He was not sure whether King Liang could accept the fact that Bian Town had been reduced to small and medium-sized vassal towns such as Yun, Yan, and Qing. But if the situation was like this, what else could be done? Zhu Xuan and Zhu Jin could still live quite comfortably?

Of course, Pang Shigu also knew that Zhu Xuan and Zhu Jin had no enemies, at least for the time being, but King Liang had a very vicious enemy who had been determined to attack him for many years and wanted to kill him. By then there would be more than ten enemies.

Tens of thousands of troops surrounded him, wanting to be Zhu Xuan, but there was a high possibility that Zhu Jin would not be able to get him.

"Stop attacking, let's take a rest first." Pang Shigu said, "Hold on for as long as you want. If you really can't hold on, just retreat on your own."

"Retreat on your own" means abandoning your baggage, escaping at night, and splitting up as many people as you can. But in this way, it also means that the Kuang Wei army will be destroyed as an organic whole. Even if some stragglers can be gathered later, it will not be the same as this.

It doesn't matter that the Kuang Wei Army is gone, but this is the best ending.

On the afternoon of the fourth day of May, a large army gathered in the wilderness west of Changshe.

Shao Shude, who had just defeated the Long Sword Army, arrived on the battlefield with a great victory. Wherever he passed, the shouts were like thunder and the power was overwhelming.

More than a hundred Long Sword Army generals were dragged off their horses, and along with the captured golden drums and flags, they were displayed in front of the formation.

Outside the camp guarded by more than 7,000 Liang soldiers, there were one unit each of the Wuwei Army, Feilong Army, Jianrui Army, Iron Cavalry Army, Zhongwu Army, and the Dingyuan, Jinglue, Huguo, and Guide armies that had arrived earlier, totaling infantry and cavalry.

More than 40,000 people surrounded the Kuangwei regiment, blocking the way.

"See your Majesty." Lu Huaizhong, Qi Bizhang, Zhao Yan, Zhao Lu, Zhang Jun, Guo Shaobin, Wang Yu, Guan Kairun, Fengzhi, Fu Cunshen and other generals came to pay their respects under the great banner of Shao Shude.

Within one month, they crossed the north and south. The Sishui broke through Ge Congzhou and captured and killed more than 10,000 Longwu troops. When they entered Bo Bianzhou, the Liang people were frightened and did not dare to leave the city;

There were more than 5,000 people under the commander Wang Jingxuan. They fought again between Changshe and Linying, and defeated the Changjian Army. They killed the commander Wang Chong's division and captured more than 100 generals and 5,000 soldiers.

Who dares to be dissatisfied with such a brilliant record? Who dares to talk nonsense?

Now the Kuangwei army is a turtle in the urn, and its destruction is imminent. The Jianrui army has surrendered. If the 20,000 people from the Dinghui in Yancheng surrender again, Zhu Quanzhong will be completely finished. Even if he runs back to Bianzhou, he will not be able to hold on for long.

Doesn't it cost money to raise an army? How many soldiers and horses can they afford with just a few pieces of land? What's more, they may not be able to protect the local states and counties.

"You guys have worked hard, and so have the soldiers." Shao Shude said this sincerely.

How long has it been since you guys last saw your family? More than a year.

It was really a long time, and the soldiers were very considerate and didn't make much trouble. Maybe it was the stimulation of successive big victories that made them particularly able to endure the hardships of long-term battles.

But Shao Shude will not take this for granted. Everyone works hard and works very hard, and they will definitely be rewarded greatly afterwards. Some of the warriors who follow me will be rich, some will be promoted, and even the big soldiers will be able to get a few more horses.

Silk, a few coins, a few sheep.

"Your Majesty, your momentum is so good, we also want to seek long-term wealth for our descendants," Qi Banzhang said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at him with side eyes, but they didn't say anything.

Now that things have come to this, some things are becoming increasingly unbearable.

In the past, the top soldiers couldn't control their mouths and just talked nonsense. However, Qi Banzhang was the first senior general to expose this matter in public. More and more people will follow his example in the future.

Zhao Yan looked on, feeling excited. They had only boarded the ship a while ago, so it was a bit late. They were not as good as Yuan Cong, who had followed King Xia to conquer the world early in the morning. They were not even as good as Hu Zhen. If they wanted to go further, they would probably

All we have to do is come up with something strange.

"Pang Shigu, will Zhu Yougong refuse to surrender?" Shao Shude did not accept Qi Bizhang's words and asked instead.

"Go back to your Majesty, the general sent people to persuade him several times, but he refused to surrender." Lu Huaizhong stepped forward and replied.

Pang Shigu, a general, was entrusted with heavy troops by Zhu Quanzhong. It is understandable that he would not surrender.

Zhu Yougong was Zhu Quanzhong's elder Yuancong and his adopted son, so it seemed not surprising that he would not surrender.

"One more piece of advice." Shao Shude said: "The trapped beast is still fighting, and the end is already doomed. If you don't surrender, who will you die for? Does Zhu Quanzhong dare to come to rescue them?"

"As ordered." Lu Huaizhong immediately called for a personal attendant and asked him to do as he was told.

"Let's go, follow me to observe the enemy camp." Shao Shude didn't want to waste any more time, so he asked someone to fetch his beloved horse, galloped to the vicinity of the Liang people's camp, and stopped far away.

Behind him are numerous banners, surrounded by generals and stars, and a large army gathered.

Liang Bing watched from a distance on the wall of the stronghold, and his morale became even lower. Everyone knew that with each passing day, the number of Xia troops increased. In the end, hundreds of thousands of troops came in. With their seven or eight thousand tired troops, they could

What will happen?

Pang Shigu climbed onto a watchtower on the wall of the village and watched from a distance.

A Xia Army rider approached from a distance and shouted a few words.

There were a few Liang Jun scouts and cavalry outside the stronghold. They did not fight and just listened quietly. After a while, Yu Hou came up to the stronghold wall.

"What did Xia Thief say?" Pang Shigu asked.

Yu Hou hesitated and did not dare to speak.

"Gao Sanlang, what's the matter with you? Tell me!" Zhu Yougong got angry and scolded.

Gao Sanlang, the Marquis of Yu, immediately replied: "The Xia thieves said two things. One is to order Pang Du to lead his troops out of the camp, abandon his armor and throw the battle, and the whole army surrenders. The other is to order the military envoys to restore their original names and follow the Xia army eastward.

, to conquer the King of Liang."

The "military envoy" is Zhu Yougong, whose real name is Li Yanwei.

Becoming someone else's adopted son, changing your name, and then going back to your original name is something that is very despised by the people of the time. If you do this, your prestige in the military will be very low.

Pang Shigu snorted coldly, took the rifle bow from the soldier's hand, picked up the bow and arrow, and shot out an arrow.

It was a little far away and missed, but it still frightened the horseman who was delivering the message, and he raced back.

After a while, another horse rushed up. This time he came a little closer and shouted with all his strength: "The King of Xia has said, 'Shigu is an important general in Liang. Your intention is clear. I am here to see you off.'"

, to fulfill your good name. But why should the officers and men deserve it? Would you rather die with you than to regret it?'"

Many people on the wall heard it, and there was a commotion.

"Anyone who dares to surrender will be killed without mercy!" Pang Shigu said angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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