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Chapter 90 Where can you do it

 On the seventh day of the fifth month in the fourth year of Qianning, more than 60,000 troops from Guide, Tianxiong, Wuwei, Jinglue, Huguo, Jianrui, Iron Cavalry, and Feilong arrayed themselves outside the south gate of Xuzhou.

After the swearing-in, the whole army marched eastward with the Jianrui Army as the vanguard.

On the northern front, the Tiande and Shunyi armies controlled Zhengzhou more and more deeply. The Chishui Army received the order and returned to Anyi for reinforcements, while the Wuxing Army went to Luoyang to guard it.

On the southern front, the Tianzhu and Weisheng armies launched an attack on the Youguo army to promote their surrender.

In the direction of Yingzhou, the Huaining Army became active again after Zhu Quanzhong withdrew, occupying the entire territory of Yingzhou and developing in the direction of Bozhou.

In the direction of Heyang, Wei Bozhen lowered his attitude and no longer dared to conflict with Xia Jun. He became much more honest.

There are three major camps and five attack directions. The entire line is red and the momentum is overwhelming.

Because "the good times are yet to come", the soldiers were able to tolerate a year of fighting abroad, their morale was not reduced, and the condition of the entire army was maintained quite well.

Xia Jun's condition is good, but Liang Jun's condition is very bad.

News of the destruction of the Kuang Wei army reached Caishui early the next morning - the Xia army adopted a three-quench strategy against Pang Shigu's tribe. Some of the tens of thousands of troops were unwilling to surrender and ran away.

Zhu Quanzhong had just finished breakfast when he heard the news. Although he had been mentally prepared, blood still rushed to his head and he was furious.

"How dare Kang Yanxiao? How dare he?" Zhu Quanzhong kicked the table over, causing cups, plates, dishes and pots to scatter on the floor.

No one dared to speak.

Zhu Quanzhong's eyes were red and he was looking around in the tent.

After a while, Zhu Youyu, the commander of the Changzhi Army's left wing, hurried over and was shocked when he saw this. Jingxiang pulled him aside and whispered the situation.

"Where did my son go just now?" Zhu Quanzhong calmed down his temper slightly and asked in a deep voice.

"If there is a country man who escapes bravely, I will lead the troops to suppress him." Zhu Youyu replied.

Most of the country's brave men are young and strong. In the current situation, it is understandable that they want to escape home. But understanding is understanding, Zhu Quanzhong will not allow this to happen.

First of all, these are all strong men with a certain military foundation and have experienced the battlefield atmosphere many times. They are an excellent source of supplementary soldiers. Put them into the old army, as long as there are not many, and the old will lead the new, the growth will be very fast.

Secondly, their escape will affect the morale of the Feisheng and Xiongwei armies. Their families are still in Xusu. Although the Liang King has great power and everyone is forced to leave their hometown to fight, it does not mean that they have no resentment in their hearts. Xiang Yong The rout caused a change in the minds of some sergeants, which had to be guarded against.

So it can be seen from here that Liang Jun has no conditions for a decisive battle. Continuous bad news is coming, the morale of the whole army is low, and some people keep wanting to desert. How can we fight this battle? It's a chicken fight.

"I don't know what to say all the time." Zhu Quanzhong snorted coldly.

Even Xiang Yong couldn't control him. Zhu Quanzhong was very disappointed and doubted whether it was right to hand over the elites of the Changzhi Army to his son. Remembering when he attacked the Chao Army in Huazhou, his eldest son's performance still made him shine and he was very proud. . But after Zhenbian, his son got married, and his performance became worse day by day.

It's all the fault of women! Zhu Quanzhong thought of his daughter-in-law Liu's beautiful face and snow-white neck, and his heart felt hot, but he quickly suppressed it.

"Has the floating bridge been built?" Zhu Quanzhong asked casually as he asked his soldiers to come in and clean up the ground.

"One building has been built, and the second one is almost completed." Zhu Youyu replied.

The floating bridge was built under the order of Zhu Quanzhong, and it went through a lot of twists and turns.

He looked at the status of his 30,000 sergeants, and considered that Shao Shude might mobilize more than 100,000 yamen troops. He knew in his heart that this battle could not be won, so he decided to retreat.

But he wanted to retreat, but he couldn't say this. At least Zhu Quanzhong still claimed verbally that he was going to rescue Pang Shigu and Ding Hui. In the end, Jingxiang understood him and took the initiative to suggest giving up the decisive battle with Shao Thief and leading the way.

When the army returned to the north, they first solved the siege of Bianzhou and then used the phrase "I am afraid that Bianzhou will be lost."

Of course Zhu Quanzhong refused and scolded him for a long time. Finally, Li Zhen and Jiang Xuanhui also tried hard to persuade him, and then he reluctantly agreed to return to the north.

The pontoon bridge spans both sides of Caishui River. After it is built, Liang Jun will cross eastward and return north along the east bank of Caishui River.

"Order to cross the river immediately." Zhu Quanzhong ordered.

"As ordered." Zhu Youyu left the tent in disgrace, sighed, and left with a heavy heart.

On the eighth day of May, Shao Shude threw off the infantry group and personally led the cavalry. The Feilong Army arrived in Fugou County. In the afternoon of the same day, he galloped southeast again and saw Liang Jun who was crossing the river.

Without his instructions, the cavalry army and the 18,000 cavalrymen of the Dingnan Army who had just arrived immediately launched an attack.

Near the ferry, the Liang Army's arrows rained down, forcing back the Xia Army's cavalry. The Feilong Army's 8,000 infantry dismounted and took advantage of the situation to launch a wave of fierce attacks. The Changzhi Army guarding the ferry desperately resisted, and the Huai people's boat division came to help again, forcing

The crossbows fired repeatedly, and the Feilong Army lost nearly a thousand people and had to retreat.

Shao Shude looked at the Feilong Army, which had suffered more than 40% battle damage before and after, and ordered it to retreat to Fugou to rest.

However, the Xuanwu Yamen could fight, but the Xiangyong could not. Thousands of people who had not yet crossed the river dispersed in a rush, and more than 3,000 people took the opportunity to surrender, saying they only wanted to go home.

Changzhi's army could not do anything, and under the cover of the boat division, they retreated to the east bank of the river, burned two pontoon bridges, and faced the Xia army across the river.

"Zhu Quanzhong had 40,000 rural warriors, so he lost more than 10,000, right?" After seeing the chaos at the ferry, Shao Shude laughed, and then said in a regretful tone: "I thought Quanzhong was a warrior and had the blood of a warrior.

Now it seems that they are just people who are looking for fame and reputation. When they see that there is nothing they can do, they run away. What did this hero do?"

It's a pity that Zhu Quanzhong didn't dare to turn around and fight with him, so he couldn't annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop.

"Your Majesty, Zhu Quanzhong is nothing more than a cunning and shameless man. Calling him a traitor is too much. He really can't be called a hero." Xiao Fu followed behind him and said with a smile.

Shao Shude had won a great victory, and he was in a good mood these days, but also a little moody. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "Quanzhong is in a war-torn place. The reason why he becomes stronger as he fights is because Zhu Zhen trains troops and selects generals for him, and because Pei Di serves as his

He dealt with Qian Gu, Yu Jingxiang gave him advice, and others like Ding Hui, Pang Shigu, Shi Shucong, and Zhang Cunjing fought for him. He is cunning and shameless, and I will kill him."

Xiao Fu could only laugh in amusement.

"Well, Zhu Quanzhong was able to capture more than twenty states in the Central Plains, and his strength was twice that of Li Shidao back then. It was not for nothing." Shao Shude said angrily.

Mao commented that Zhu Quanzhong was in a place where four battles were fought, and he was similar to Cao Cao, but "more cunning". Li Keyong said that he was "cunning and brought trouble to thieves". Wang Euzhi commented that he was "as cunning as a snake and a snake". Now it seems that this man is cunning.

The insidiousness is real. If we hadn't relied on the general trend to suppress him and used the strategy of wearing out the enemy to wear him down, it would probably be difficult to defeat him.

"Come here, leave a message for Zhu Quanzhong." Shao Shude said: "Just say Bian Song Hua Cao, where can you do it?"

Xie Tong also came, and Xiao Fu looked at each other, and both secretly said: With Zhu Quanzhong's face, I'm afraid he won't be fooled by this.

Just as Li Zhong was about to leave, he was stopped by Shao Shude again.

Shao Shude pondered for a while and gave Lu Siye some instructions in a low voice.

Lu Siye was stunned, but his professionalism was very good, so he spread out his pen and paper and finished it with a swipe.

Shao Shude picked up the manuscript, looked at it, and said, "Send it away."

Xie Tong and Xiao Fu were nearby, looking at each other and smiling bitterly.

Li Zhong left in a hurry.

After a while, several riders with loud voices shouted across Caishui: "Is King Liang here? King Xia has something to say."

With a gloomy look on his face, Zhu Quanzhong was quickly rewarded. He rode his horse to the river bank and first ordered the boat master's crossbowmen not to act rashly. Then, surrounded by his own soldiers, he asked: "Shude and I are both Tang officials.

, this should be amicable and repaired, what can I say?"

A civil servant swallowed his saliva, his heart skipped a beat, and he loudly said: "The King of Xia has something to say, 'The King of Liang lost his army and lost his territory. Ying, Cai, and Xuzhou are no longer under the king's control. Zhu Zhen has surrendered again. I would like to serve as my commander."

Lord, where will the army be in Bian in the future?' He also said, 'I heard that there are so many beauties in Prince Liang's palace, I want to go north in the autumn, hold the beauties in their bare hands, and enjoy singing and dancing with green sleeves.'"

Zhu Youyu was also nearby. Hearing this, he became furious and drew his bow to shoot him.

Zhu Quanzhong took his son's hand, without any angry expression on his face, and said: "Shu De has made a big statement. I am lucky to win a small victory. How can I count? The kings of Wu and Wei will join forces with me, and we will have five soldiers."

One hundred thousand, I will definitely break you."

The official did not answer and said, "Don't be surprised, King Liang. I have a letter."

The rider next to him heard this, picked up his bow and nocked an arrow, shot an arrow diagonally, and landed lightly on the other side. Then several people rode away and never looked back.

"Your Majesty, there is a letter." The soldier picked up the arrow that was shot.

Zhu Quanzhong took it, opened it and took a look, his face expressionless for a long time.

Jingxiang glanced at it secretly, but didn't see it clearly. He only saw a poem in it: "Tears welled up in the peach blossom face, and the tears flowed down the pillow until they were deeper."

Suddenly I took a deep breath.

However, Zhu Quanzhong didn't seem to be aware of it. He smiled and said: "Shao Shao boasted that he had strong soldiers and horses and wanted to hunt with me in the sand sea."

After that, he put the letter away and said: "The thieves are not allowed to cross the river in a hurry. They must speed up their march and don't waste time."

"As ordered." All the generals responded one after another.

The army meandered northward in a hurry and did not dare to stay.

Xia Jun's cavalry quickly moved northward, following from a distance, like a pack of wolves, trying to bite off some pieces of meat. Liang Jun's return north was destined to not be smooth sailing, and the loss of some men and horses was inevitable.

This chapter has been completed!
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