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Chapter 1 Basic Disk

 There was not a single cloud in the sky. Zhao Liu, who had recently served as a village assistant, was walking slowly along the river.

When the sun was at its hottest, he rested under a tree for a while. On his horse, he carried water, biscuits, pickles, dried meat, and his beloved sword and horned bow.

Wild grass, dense forests, and swamps seem to be the eternal scenery of Ruzhou. But who would have thought that just twenty years ago, there were 200,000 people living here. More than a hundred years ago, there were 300,000 men.

The plow girl weaves.

A horse came from a distance, with a man lying on its back.

The horse walked very slowly and leisurely. The ground was rough and uneven, and the rider on the horse almost slipped off the side, but he quickly got back on his feet.

When he reached the edge of the woods, the rider slid down to the other side, but at the critical moment he righted himself again.

The rider is sleeping.

The horse stopped quickly.

It "said hello" to Zhao Liu's horse face to face, then lowered its head together, looking for food that could be eaten among the weeds on the ground.

The rider woke up.

His eyes were still a little confused, but he quickly focused on Zhao Liu. He had a black head, a brown military uniform, a dark complexion, his hands were calloused, and his eyes were sharp, perhaps with a hint of cruelty and ferocity.

"Guan Zhao." The rider quickly rolled off his horse and kowtowed.

If there is any army of the Supreme Khan that scares the grassland herdsmen the most, it must be the cavalry army.

They often appear on the grasslands to suppress rebellious tribes.

They are well-equipped, have superb riding skills, and have amazing archery skills. They are fierce and murderous, ruthlessly robbing cattle and sheep, and are famous for their ferocity on the grasslands.

"Coming?" Zhao Liu took a sip of water, stood up and said, "Let's go."

The two of them mounted their horses together and headed towards the newly established village.

Many people gathered at the entrance of the village, all of whom were Tibetan people from Hexi. They worked hard in exchange for land and gained status. Now that the leader can no longer control them, most people are still very grateful.

"The Supreme Khan will spend his summers around this lake. He has a palace and walls built, guarded by his loyal slave warriors."

"To the east where the sun rises and to the west where the sun sets, the people of the Supreme Khan are everywhere. He summoned the people and responded to his call, and the warriors followed him and conquered one place after another."

"New farmland and people make the power of the Supreme Khan even stronger. The new Ketun and Yanshi are symbols of the Khan's conquest of his enemies."

"Praise the Supreme Khan. Rivers, mountains, and land, he has given us everything."

This is Linru County.

On the barren fields, the priests were chanting words and looking far away.

The braided man began to clean up the weeds on the ground, looking happy.

This land has been abandoned for too long, and too much fertility has accumulated in the soil. Weeds have grown thickly, and it is not easy to clean up.

In fact, it is not all weeds. Sometimes you can also see grasses, such as ryegrass. It is said that the seeds were sown by the Khan's warriors. Unfortunately, no weeds can grow. If the valleys of the seven counties of Ruzhou,

If there is grass growing in the plains and near the river, it will be a great wealth.

Women and children are taking care of cattle and sheep.

Back then, when I traveled a long distance, I didn’t have many cattle and sheep left. They were either taken away by the Khan as military rewards, or some of them were eaten on the way due to lack of supply. Fortunately, Ruzhou is not bad, and the alfalfa grows higher than on the grassland.

The number of livestock has recovered somewhat, and this is really a fertile prairie.

"That's right!" Zhao Liu got off his horse, took the riding whip in his hand, waved it non-stop, and said: "After the land is divided, we can live in peace and not cause trouble. Otherwise, no one can protect you. Although I am old and retired,

, but there are still many people in the army, and their actions are much more ruthless than mine."

The priest can understand the official language and immediately explains it to everyone after hearing it.

More than a hundred people, men, women, old and young, immediately stopped what they were doing and knelt down in the grass.

The Tibetan people attach great importance to blood and race. Now the person with the most noble blood in this land is naturally the Supreme Khan, so everyone is afraid of him.

"Okay, let's all get up." Zhao Liu was just a countryman, he was not qualified to be called an "official", and he was still a little uncomfortable with this kind of situation.

The Tibetan people stood up one after another, looking at each other, then at the priest and Zhao Liu. Seeing that they had no objection, they continued to cut the grass.

"I'm here today to have a few things." Zhao Liu cleared his throat and said: "First, Guangchengze Ranch is short of manpower, and each village takes turns selecting people to take care of the horses for King Xia. Second, the land deeds are all issued to

You guys, collect them carefully. After clearing the weeds, you will plant wheat in September, so hurry up and learn. I know some of you have planted highland barley and wheat. Please help each other. Someone from the agronomy department will also come over. But don’t expect too much.

, there are too few agriculturists, and there is no energy to take care of them one by one. The wheat is all your own, and you don’t care about your own, so I have nothing to say.”

"Thirdly, the Qingshu Palace has not yet been completed, so each village selects its best men to serve. Those on duty must be careful not to offend the nobles."

Seeing that the priest was a little confused, Zhao Liu explained: "It is the Yan family of the Supreme Khan."

"Fourth, no one should be absent from drills during the off-season. Head of the township, there is a register over there. Please go by the roll call. Don't think about running away."

"Finally, King Xia has given you such a fertile land, what are you going to do?"

It took the priest a long time to complete the translation. Finally, he led everyone to face the direction of the Qingshu Palace in the west and everyone prostrated: "The born supreme wise Khan, he established his own country, he conquered the Liang Dynasty.

The hostile tribes, those who surrendered to him were named Yehu, those who did not surrender were killed, and their wives were named Ketun. The supreme wise Khan who was born to found the country gave alms to our land, and his warriors and people felt

Pleasure. We, the two Meilu from Shaqi, will always be loyal to the Khan."

After listening to the translation, Zhao Liu nodded and said, "If you violate this oath, God will also be angry."


"After a battle, the most important thing is how to digest it. Otherwise, the battle will be in vain." Outside Guangcheng Ze, Shao Shude, who had finished hunting, looked at the villages in the wild and taught his son earnestly.

The eldest son, Shao Chengjie, is thirteen years old this year. This age is really not considered a child in ancient times.

Shao Shude observed for a long time and found that his son seemed not very interested in women, but very interested in fighting, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Perhaps, in today's social climate, it is not a bad thing for Takeo to be the heir, at least his ability to withstand risks will be much stronger.

Based on this understanding, Shao Shude felt that it was necessary to add some knowledge to his son, relevant professional knowledge about maintaining social order from collapse while fighting a war.

"In today's world, warriors rule the country, and military leaders are everywhere. From the generals to the soldiers, they are unruly and unruly. Everyone thinks they are good." Shao Shude pointed to the village in the distance and said: "This village has

There were more than a hundred households, a mixture of Hu and Han, including landless people from Xiagui and Weinan counties, as well as newly arrived Tibetan people. I redistributed the land to them and allowed them to cut down trees and build houses. Everyone was grateful.

What’s the use of this?”

"Is it easier to recruit soldiers?" Shao Chengjie asked.

"This is just a trivial effect." Shao Shude smiled and said: "The biggest effect is that once there are changes in the outside world, the local troops will not just sit back and watch, and it can play a deterrent role. The soldiers recruited also have high morale and can fight tough battles.

My son needs to know that in today's world, rebellion is commonplace. When your father is alive, you can still hold back a little. When you inherit the throne, the first thing you need to ensure is that there are no rebellions in the several Gyeonggi areas, and no one can rebel. Any capital city

If it is occupied by the enemy, it will gain great political advantage, so there can be no problems here."

"The eastern capital of Luoyang, Meng, Huai, Luo, Ru, and Zheng Wuzhou must be reliable." Shao Shude continued: "Whenever there is a rebellion, the thief commander may not have many soldiers at the beginning. After blocking his fierce attack in the early stage, he has a righteous name.

With the division in hand, others will no longer wait and watch, and will definitely follow orders to suppress the rebellion. In this way, a rebellion can be defeated."

These are private words that can only be said between father and son in the Tian family.

A new dynasty is established, the founding emperor dies but his legacy remains, and the second emperor succeeds to the throne. Even if someone rebels, he is very afraid and may not be able to assemble many troops, because there are many people who are not necessarily willing to rebel.

As long as these soldiers cannot win quickly and quickly enter the capital, the end will generally be very bad.

"The governors and generals of the five states of Meng, Huai, Luo, Ru, and Zheng must all use trusted confidantes. The governors of Jingzhao, Tong, and Hua will also use their own people." Shao Chengjie said: "Master, there are also

Where are the two capitals? If they are too far, let my brother-in-law guard them."

Shao Shude invited Erlang to eat some chestnuts.

"It's good that you can think of this." Shao Shude said: "It is easy to train trusted officials, but difficult to win over trusted generals. Therefore, as a father, I do not object to you going to the battlefield. You cannot win over capable warriors with power alone, but you must pay attention to safety and do not imitate Li

He can use his father and son to fight in front of each other."

Shao Shude deeply doubted that as far as today's social atmosphere is concerned, fundamental changes may not be achieved until the day of his death. It is true that the first generation of founding monarchs were warriors, but if the second generation does not have martial arts and martial arts, is it really safe? And this

This was also the main reason why people kept making snitches saying that the prince was fond of fighting and killing people, but he did not vigorously oppose it.

Today in Xiafan Town, there are many brothers, fathers and sons who share military power. They would rather risk father and son killing each other and brothers fighting each other. Why? Because outsiders are less reliable and more cruel.

"I understand." Shao Chengjie responded.

"Learn the art of marching and fighting. I will give you three years. After three years, you will take command and go to Shuzhong. I will select veterans to assist you. In this life, there are always some hurdles to overcome. Those vassal towns in Sanchuan will depend on your ability.

If the army is defeated, I will be very disappointed, understand?" Shao Shude asked.

"I understand." Shao Chengjie's face became unusually serious and a little nervous. He knew the importance of this matter. If he returned in defeat, many things would be uncertain.

"This is the man." Shao Shude smiled, patted his son on the shoulder, and said: "Today I will show you how to cultivate the basic base of Kinki. Tomorrow, follow me to see the Liang people and surrender their troops and generals. As a father, I want to teach you.

Another trick."

This chapter has been completed!
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