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Chapter 5 Urban Construction

 After early June, the weather got better and farmers began to harvest millet and wheat.

They don't have much time, because at the end of June, a new round of rain will come, making it very inconvenient to harvest, dry or transport.

Shao Shude was preparing to leave for Luoyang, and Erlang, Sanlang, and Silang were accompanying him.

Zhuge personally helped Shao Shude put on his robe.

After giving birth to a child and getting older, she is no longer the insecure little girl she was. Think about it, her father is the adopted son of Zhuge Shuang, the governor of Shannan West Road, and the governor of Tongzhou. His second uncle is

After Jieduli, with such a family background, he was promised to the son of Zhang Xia, the governor of Bizhou, as his wife. It can be said that she was a good match.

But as the saying goes, things are unpredictable, and no matter how strong a family background is, there will be a day when it collapses. Zhuge Zhongbao was defeated and captured. On the eve of his wedding, the Zhuge family suddenly became a family member of a criminal general.

Taken captive back to the mansion.

At that time, she was just a frightened fawn. Now she is much better, and she was a doe having her period last night.

"I send you to your Majesty." Zhuge said with a salute.

"Do it again." Shao Shude pinched her face.

Zhuge bit his lip lightly, rolled his eyes at Shao Shude, and said in a voice like a gnat: "I respectfully send you off to my uncle."

Shao Shude laughed and left with great satisfaction.

Linru was actually not far from Luoyang. Shao Shude did not bring the main force. He only had his own soldiers who had just recovered to a thousand cavalry to escort him. He arrived in Luoyang the next morning.

Except for a few buildings, Luoyang is still in ruins, but a lot of it has been cleaned up.

The lack of manpower greatly restricted the reconstruction of this city, no matter in the era of Zhang Quanyi, Hu Zhen or Gao Renhou.

In addition, Shao Shude has his own ideas about the city's reconstruction and has not let go. This may be an important reason why the reconstruction has stalled.

The city of Luoyang in the Sui and Tang Dynasties was crossed by the Luoshui River, which was somewhat similar to Xianyang in the Qin Dynasty. As the saying goes, "the Luoshui River runs through it to resemble the river and Han Dynasty".

Of course, there is more than one Luoshui River in Luoyang.

Strictly speaking, the main water system in Luoyang City is Luoshui, as well as the Gu, Yi, Jian, Han (Han) and other rivers. It has also dug many water diversion channels, forming a large-scale and orderly urban water system in Luoyang City.

There is a developed shipping system, and it was positioned as the center of the Grand Canal during the Yang Guang period.

"I heard that during the prosperity of the country, there were many channels in Luoyang City. The Tongji Canal led to the West City, the Cao Canal led to the North City, and the Yun Canal led to the Nan City. The canals merged with Luoshui, Gushui, Yishui, and Zhenshui, and they were connected to each other.

Going to Luokou is very convenient for business travel." Shao Shude looked at the city full of weeds and ruins and said: "Now we can make use of these three major canals to transport rubble and rocks and bricks in.

Stone and wood.”

"Since your Majesty said so, we can restore the canals first." Feng Wei, the deputy envoy of Rujiedu, the eastern capital, followed behind. Hearing this, he said: "Restore the imperial city first."

There are actually buildings on the other side of the imperial city. A Tibetan monk named Mani, with a group of students, went to Henan Prefecture every day to ask for people and things, just to build some Tibetan-style palaces. Feng Wei couldn't see it

They were used to prevarication on the grounds that the front line was urgent and there were insufficient manpower and materials, which made the progress very slow.

"Caoqu?" Shao Shude asked, he really didn't understand.

Feng Wei immediately explained it carefully.

As an important tributary of Luoshui, Gushui flows into Luoyang from the northwest, and then branches into two branch canals at the northwest corner. One goes into the palace city to supply water to the palace, and the other flows into Luoshui through Shangyang Palace. The main stream of Gushui continues southward and pours into Luoshui.


The Luoshui River enters the city from the south of Shangyang Palace in the west of the city, flows from east to west from the south of the imperial city, and crosses the entire city. The river is about 130 paces wide.

The Luoshui River is divided into three streams south of the Youyemen Gate of the Imperial City and north of Jishanfang. From north to south they are the Huangdao Canal, the main stream of the Luoshui River, and the Huangjin Canal. The three streams merge again south of the Zuoyemen Gate and flow northeast to Huixun.

A canal is branched near the square.

The Cao Canal is an artificial dam and water diversion project. There is a gate at the mouth of the canal, which can be closed. The Cao Canal flows northeast to the southwest of Lidefang, forming a lake named Xintan. It then continues eastward, passing through Guiyi, Jingxing, and Shiyong.

, Yucai, Jide Zhufang leave the city, flow all the way to Yanshi County, and then merge into Luoshui River.

The Cao Canal also has a tributary, the Xiecheng Canal. This canal flows out from Hanjiacang City, passes through Xuanrenmen and Lidefang in the east of the city, and merges into the Cao Canal.

"It's a very complex water system." Shao Shude praised: "Just a palace city and an imperial city water system have so many twists and turns. The richness of Luoyang's water system is beyond the reach of Chang'an."

"Then let's start with the restoration of the palace city and the imperial city? There is a map of Luoyang, the divine capital, in Chang'an. After getting it, clean it up according to the map and rebuild it." Feng Wei said.

"Just take care of these things as you see fit. Don't rush. Take your time. The war must be your priority right now." Shao Shude said, "But there is one thing."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"I have been to the ruins of the palace city. There is a Jiuqu Pond there, which diverts valley water into the pond. This should be the source of water for the palace city, right?" Shao Shude asked.


"This is not living water, it is not good." Shao Shude said: "A canal can be opened to let it flow into the Xiecheng Canal. In addition, some underground rivers are needed in the palace city."

"Underground river?" Feng Wei was a little confused.

"It's actually a channel, covered with stone slabs, and sewage flows downstream." Shao Shude said: "The advantage of underground rivers is that they can avoid immune diseases."

This is the water supply and drainage facility.

Shao Shude even wanted to deeply transform the water tank that supplied the palace city. According to his idea, there must be a specialized agency to record the rainfall, evaporation, absorption loss of this water supply reservoir and the upstream water source (valley water), as well as the river water in arid climates.


These terms sound high-end, but they can actually be completed in this era. Of course, it requires a large number of mathematical talents, and illiterate people cannot complete these tasks.

Shao Shude has been continuously improving the status of arithmetic for many years. It has launched a large-scale arithmetic school at the state and county levels, and even doubled the enrollment quota. Chang'an has also continued to forcefully push the number of students admitted to the arithmetic course, finally increasing the popularity of this subject.

a little.

But he doesn't know how many people are needed to measure these things. We will see when the time comes. These tasks will definitely be completed.

"The old name of Jiuquchi is Jiuzhouchi. Find me some calculation students. If you can't find it, go to Master Mani and ask him to calculate Jiuzhouchi." At this point, Shao Shude didn't know how to explain.

The word "Kurong" can only be expressed in another way: "Calculate how much water there is in Jiuzhou Pool. Well, maybe we need to build a special government office, recruit people from the Chang'an Water Department doctor, and add some calculation students, give it to me

Walk along the valley water from Jiuzhou Pond all the way, and get a good feel for it. From now on, how much rain it rains every year, how much water is lost due to the hot summer sun, how deep the valley water is throughout the year, etc., will be recorded at any time and compiled into a register."

Shao Shude didn't know whether his request would give rise to the first professional meteorological and hydrological institution in the Tang Dynasty. Anyway, he needed these professionals now and was willing to support them.

Feng Wei opened his mouth wide after hearing this and was dumbfounded.

Isn’t it ridiculous to have such a yamen? Having nothing to do all day long, just touring the mountains and rivers, just to record such trivial matters as how much rain it rains, how much water is in the river, and whether there is enough water in the pond?

However, he did not dare to refuse. Warriors have privileges, and the founding emperor and the emperor also have the power to do whatever they want. Some people do more ridiculous things, such as cutting human flesh piece by piece for fun. In comparison, this request of King Xia is already easy to make.

People accepted it, but they didn’t quite understand it.

Shao Shude laughed secretly when he saw Feng Wei's look.

To build a new Luoyang City, how many disciplines should I promote? This is just recording the Gushui Basin. Will it be expanded to Luoshui, Yishui and other rivers in the future? Will you be even more surprised?

"You also need to prepare some waterwheels. In years of severe drought, the river water is not abundant, so animal power is needed to lift water. It would be better if you can get someone to build a waterwheel powered by wind." Shao Shude added.

In later generations, before the Industrial Revolution in the United Provinces, there were industrial windmills, which used wind as energy to drive machines to process grains, metals and other things. Of course, they could also lift water, although it was very unstable.

"When there are more people in Luoyang, how will the people use water?" Shao Shude asked another question.

It’s hard to describe the water supply in Chang’an. The most serious problem is serious pollution, mainly due to human and animal excrement contaminating underground water sources, making the water pumped from wells of very poor quality.

Many people were aware of this problem but were unable to solve it. Rich people began to drink clean spring water outside the city, which gave rise to the profession of water carriers.

This kind of problem must exist in Luoyang, more or less.

"Maybe we can dig a well?" Feng Wei asked.

"Not enough." Shao Shude said: "You don't know what the water in Chang'an's wells looks like. Dig a few more pools outside the city, dig them upstream, collect more water, and then transport it to various villages through channels. I'm here

When Li Renmei built the capital in Ganzhou, he knew that channels were built into the city walls and transported to various places through water trucks. This running water was cleaner and stronger than the water in the wells. In drought years, there were ponds to regulate it, and some water could be dropped.

Drink. Choose a good place and don’t mess around.”

Building a reservoir to provide water for the city was a basic operation in later generations. There were also signs of this at this time, such as the Jiuzhou Pond that supplied water to Miyagi, but it was really not popular and there was no awareness of it.

Feng Wei heard this and Nuonuo nodded.

King Xia's requirements are still very high, and he is really good to the people. If he works more now, the people of Luoyang will be grateful to him in a few decades.

"The sewage in each neighborhood is not allowed to be discharged at will. It can be transported outside the city through culverts and underground rivers." Shao Shude added: "Troughs are built on both sides of the street to collect rainwater and discharge it into the underground river. The sewage is also discharged into the underground river for drinking by the people.

The open river is the open river, stay away from the underground river. After the underground river is silted up, people are regularly sent to dig in to clear out the silt, so the entrance must be kept."

"The water from the underground river cannot be discharged directly into Luoshui." Shao Shude thought for a while and said: "Find a wasteland outside the city and dig a big pond. The water from the underground river will flow into the pond. You can prepare more ponds and set up gates at the entrances.

, when a pool is full, close the gate, let it sit for a while, and then drain the water through the outlet gate and flow into Luoshui."

This request came to Shao Shude's mind temporarily. It was actually the practice during the British Industrial Revolution.

There were too many human excrements in urban sewage, which were discharged directly into rivers, polluting water sources, and British people complained. Later, someone came up with a way to discharge the sewage into a reservoir specially designed to treat sewage, allowing it to fully settle before flowing out.

.And the things settled in the sewage reservoir can also be used. They regularly send people to the bottom of the reservoir to dig out the "sludge" with suspicious ingredients and sell it to farmers to fertilize their fields, killing two birds with one stone.

Shao Shude made one request to the left and the other to the right, which really made Feng Wei a little confused.

But he was not stupid, and he could vaguely understand the true meaning. What he was confused about was whether it was necessary to do this. But again, the martial artist's knife was too fast, so he could just do whatever he said.

This chapter has been completed!
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