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Chapter 10 The Burning Daning

 The charge of two thousand armored cavalry produced the final word.

Just like a dump truck knocking over Lao Toule, the heavily armored riders charged while waving their horses with all their strength. Their coordination was quite exquisite and they were very familiar with each other. Even Shiwei's riders relied on their superb skills.

Riding skills have escaped the first sweep, but there is often a second blow waiting for them.

Wang Chong was almost at the front.

He picked up a person with his horse's bridle, causing the horse to sink. Then he threw the horse away with all his strength, shouting to the sky, as if he was a ghost.

Arrows kept falling on his body, and immediately he burst out laughing without any fear.

The war horse was panting heavily, but the momentum of the charge did not slow down at all. With the swing of the horse's spear, it knocked down two or three riders in a row.

A warrior from Shiwei rode up to meet him. As they passed each other, he stabbed him in the body with a sword.

There was no response, and the war horse continued to charge forward. Instead, the warrior was picked up in the air by the Leopard Cavalry Knight who rushed up from behind.

There are generally three ways for the lancers to charge into battle, mount lances, and mount horses to kill people.

The first is to loosen your grip on the gun as soon as you stab the enemy. After all, the effects of force are mutual. If you don't let go, the probability of the lance breaking is not small, and it is easy for you to lose your balance and fall from the horse. Lose it.

After using the lance, you can then pull out the secondary weapon from its sheath to fight, that is, fight with short weapons.

The second method is to hang a rope behind the lance and tie it to the saddle. When it is stabbed, let go, then drag and rub the body on the ground to shake it off, and then pick up the lance and use it.

The third method is to directly pick it up and then throw it out. This requires relatively high requirements for horse fighting weapons, which cannot be broken, preferably horse sticks. At the same time, the requirements for the quality of the rider are also relatively high, at least strong, usually when charging infantry.

Used more often.

The war horses of the Leopard Cavalry City are all carefully selected within the horse administration system. They have high shoulders, heavy weight, fast speed, and strong impact. There are no hard requirements for endurance, as long as they are passable.

Therefore, when such a powerful cavalry breaks through the Shiwei people's formation, its impact, lethality and psychological shock to the enemy cannot be underestimated.

After the Leopard Cavalry stormed through, the battlefield was in a mess. Dead men and horse corpses could be seen everywhere. The remaining Shiwei people were shocked and confused, their faces pale, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

The established armored cavalry has disappeared not only from the Central Plains but also from the grasslands for a long time. Many people cannot adapt to this unreasonable charge tactic, and in the process of slowly adapting, too many people are destined to have to

become the price.

The leopard riders who dispersed the enemy slowly slowed down, then turned around and launched a second charge.

"Evacuate!" Bala, who was lucky enough to escape the disaster, shouted loudly and rushed to Daning City with his followers.

His actions directly destroyed the remaining fighting spirit of the people in Shiwei. Everyone turned their horses and fled in all directions.

The Po Chou clan's people were taken into custody, and the false defeat turned into a real defeat, which was quite useless. The tribal leaders became so angry that they killed a few of the fastest runners on the spot, then personally led the team and counterattacked back.

Behind them, more Fan cavalry surged up, like a turbulent wave, hitting the fleeing Shiwei people.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The arrows flew away, and the Shiwei people who were lucky enough to survive after falling from their horses had no time to escape, and were massacred unscrupulously by the Fan cavalry who came back from the front.

Thousands of people appeared on the grassland and surrounded them from all directions.

With armed men and horses galloping around, the small city of Daning is like a small fishing boat in strong winds and waves, facing the danger of capsizing at any time.

Bala rushed into the city in disgrace. He couldn't even wait for everyone to come back and ordered the city gate to be closed.

The defenders on the top of the city were pale and trembling. People are afraid of death. Tens of thousands of horsemen have appeared outside, and the number is increasing. There are only ten thousand people in the city, and most of them are old, weak, women and children. People are panic-stricken.

Can you hold it down?

In the distance, a group of bullock carts was surrounded by riders. The men drew their spears and fought bravely. After a while, they fell down covered in blood. The women and children were pulled out of the cars one by one, dragged and beaten, and guarded.

On the outskirts of the village, a group of people rode out on horseback, but were blocked by arrows that shot into their heads and faces. Immediately, there were screams one after another in the village, and even fires were ignited, with thick smoke rising into the sky.

A hunter just came down from the mountain and saw a group of riders slaughtering his compatriots. His eyes suddenly turned red and he fired arrows, killing many riders.

More riders surrounded them, and with just one volley, they shot these skilled hunters into the sky.

Someone dismounted, cut off each head one by one, carried it with a spear, and threatened everyone.

The Ministry of Reconciliation has suffered a great disaster!

"Dongdongdong..." The exciting drumbeat attracted everyone's attention.

In the open space to the west of Daning City, a full three thousand people dismounted and lined up. Several hundred of them were wearing armor, holding hidden spears and walking bows.

There are flags behind the leader. If you are familiar with Chinese characters, you will definitely be able to identify the words "Wanhu" and "Qianhu" on them.

The chiefs wore jewelry such as brass, silver, and sesame stones on their arms, which were their identity symbols. If the defenders were familiar with the system of wing chiefs, ten thousand households, one thousand households, one hundred households, and small generals, then they would definitely

I was shocked to find out: the Tubo Empire is back! The Tubo Empire that once occupied the entire Helong and even defeated the Zhenwu Army is back!

The rhythm of the drums suddenly changed, and the Tibetan people who had finished lining up let out a loud shout and rushed up carrying wooden ladders.

The city walls of Daning are low, and there is neither a urn city nor a city emperor. To put it bluntly, it is just an earthen fence.

Three thousand people rushed over and rushed up the wooden ladder desperately.

A hand-to-hand battle was launched at the top of the city. In almost an instant, the defenses of the Shiwei people were overwhelmed.

The old man and the young man could not resist the ferocious real and fake Tubo people. Moreover, they charged too hard and were too desperate. A strong Tibetan man was stabbed off the city wall, and soon a party member climbed up after him.

; A Uyghur was shot to death by an arrow, and soon a Momo man came up with a large shield and slashed with his sword.

The Sogdians, the Long family, the Tatars and even the Han people, one after another, seemingly endless, resolutely rushed to the top of the city, defeating and crushing the resistance of the defenders.

The broken city gate was opened from the inside, and Tuyuhun Qingqi from Suzhou rushed in quickly, causing a crowd of exclamations and screams.

When there was thick smoke in the city, it was because someone was hiding in a house to resist. The attackers did not bother to kill anyone and just set fire to the house.

Fierce fighting suddenly broke out at the east gate and south gate. It was because someone in the city was escaping and was blocked by Qingqi wandering outside.

To the east and northeast, a group of cavalry appeared, numbering over a thousand. However, after seeing the dense manpower surrounding Daning City and the five thousand light cavalry with silver spears waiting in full formation, they wisely retreated.

Daning, it's over.

Yang Yue entered the city in the afternoon.

With gray hair and beard, he looked indifferent, as if he couldn't see the corpses on the ground and the burned-out houses. He casually glanced at the dilapidated city, and then snorted coldly.

"You have learned how to make carts and tents, how to farm and make wine, and now you want to learn how to build a city?" Yang Yue said in a sarcastic tone: "No chance."

A prisoner was escorted over. He obviously understood the official language and glared at him.

"You bitch, your fighting skills are so bad, how did you become Mohefu?" Yang Yue asked, looking at Bala who was forced to the ground.

Bala's self-esteem was hurt and he turned away without answering.

"Will you surrender?" Yang Yue asked.

Ba La's eyes moved, but his pride prevented him from opening his mouth or saying those words.

"Very good." Yang Yue smiled and said: "Since you won't surrender, then follow the rules and pull him down and kill him."

He turned around abruptly, and just as he was about to say something, he was struck by the handle of the knife in his mouth, and his teeth were shattered.

The soldiers dragged him out like a dead dog. Soon there was a scream, and then the head was brought up.

Yang Yue looked at the head of the leader who still had some fear and disbelief, and said: "No one from the Ministry of Reconciliation, including Mo Hefu, will surrender. They will insult King Xia and kill them all."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at him with suspicion, but no one raised a voice to object.

"Capture people, cattle, sheep, and property, and send them back to Jizhou."

"As commanded."

"Send people to sweep the surrounding villages, pastures, and forest farms. Move quickly."

"As commanded."

Several orders were given, and anyone with a discerning eye could taste many meanings from them.

The human beings belonged to the King of Xia and would probably be used to expand his slaves or move them to other places.

Cattle, sheep, and property will most likely be rewarded as rewards for each ministry to send troops, but they still need to be gathered together and counted first.

Daning City is not all of the Ministry of Reconciliation. There are more scattered herdsmen around. They graze on the pastures, farm in the villages, and log trees in the mountains. The closer to the east, the more different the living habits of the grassland people are. Various lifestyles such as fishing, gathering, herding, and farming coexist.

The Black Chezi Shiwei, also known as the Yinshan Shiwei or the Western Shiwei, is one of the "Five Northern Tribes" known as the "Five Northern Tribes" in the Chinese dynasty.

The name "Black Car" comes from the fact that they are good at making car tents, and even the Khitan people have learned from them.

"Western Wei" is because they moved south and after moving west, they once grazed in the area of ​​Tiande Army and Zhenwu Army. After the death of Uyghur Wujie Khan, his tribe appointed his younger brother Ge Ni as the new Khan, and he was immediately worshiped.

Wei, who was ordered by the Tang Dynasty, invaded the West and fled westward into Shaqi without a trace. The last Uighur khan with a righteous name was gone. Pontele and others who originally called themselves Yehu began to call themselves khans, Gaochang, Gan

The two major Uighur Khanate states were established successively.

This tribe was of some use, and King Xia could not allow its members to be annexed by others.

Just as the Long family members, who are good at looking at horses, raising horses, and training horses, have found jobs in various government-run ranches, the tents, bullock carts, and carriages made by the Wei people in the black carriage room are also quite sophisticated, and they are all made by professionals.

"Rest on the spot for a day and pay close attention to the movements of the Jin people." Yang Yue ordered: "In addition, let Yang Liang sweep away the other surnames in the black car room and Wei. We must use the fast to fight the slow. After this time, the surprise attack will

There aren’t many opportunities.”

Strictly speaking, the so-called Jin people are Shi Shanyou from Yunzhou and Li Cunxiao from Guizhou.

The former has few soldiers and can only protect itself. The strength of the latter cannot be underestimated. It relies on thousands of fine cavalry to suppress the grassland tribes all year round. On the surface, the three states of Xin, Yi, and Gui that he rules are all remote areas, but they have been controlled by him for several years.

Many Tibetan tribes, Li Keyong, fought in Hebei, and Li Cunxiao provided a large number of Tibetan infantry and cavalry, which played a great role.

Moreover, he himself is extremely brave and possesses the skills of arrows and spears. He is not that easy to deal with. No matter how careful you are, you cannot be too careful. Furthermore, the Xuzhou War has been over for more than a month. Li Keyong should have got the news long ago. If he did

It is natural to adjust the direction.

Yang Yue is arrogant, but she still has a clear understanding of this matter.

This chapter has been completed!
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