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Chapter 32 The Last Moment

 Outside Zhongmou City, the rain is gradually ending.

Shao Shude stepped on the muddy grass and looked at the messy battlefield.

The traces of last night's battle were still vivid in my mind. The trenches were filled with corpses, some of them whitened by the rain.

The auxiliary soldiers moved out one by one, carried them on carts, and pulled them to a distant place.

A big pit was dug there, very deep, and all the corpses were buried on the spot to prevent the plague.

In ancient times, it was almost impossible to transport the corpses of soldiers who died in battles back during the war. It was a routine operation.

However, it is unprecedented for them to be able to leave their names in the military history files of each army and record the simplest information.

Liang Jun has surrendered and is now lining up to leave the camp.

Early in the morning, civil servants entered the camp to count the number of people. There were about 4,000 Changzhi troops and 3,000 Tutuan countrymen, totaling just over 7,000.

In addition, about 2,000 Changzhi troops were captured during the day yesterday.

At this point, the battle to encircle and annihilate Zhu Youyu's troops ended successfully. More than 5,000 people were beheaded and 9,000 people were captured. The Tianxiong army suffered nearly 2,000 casualties, the Tiande army suffered 1,000 casualties, and the Henan Prefecture soldiers suffered 1,000 casualties.

A brilliant victory.

Shao Shude stood aside and watched from a distance. The soldiers were surrounding him, wearing helmets and armor, and holding sharp swords in their hands.

The Liang soldiers who surrendered from the camp were empty-handed, their expressions were numb and listless.

This level of morale does not only appear after a defeat. In fact, it has been like this since the end of the Xuzhou War, and it has a tendency to deepen step by step.

Reflecting on the battlefield, Liang Jun is becoming more and more inexperienced and can no longer regain the momentum of the powerful army that swept across the Central Plains and looked down upon the world. In fact, it is still possible to reorganize it. Even if it cannot return to its peak state, it is still the same as in 1989.

Combat capability is not a big problem.

"Morale is really a wonderful thing." Shao Shude said with emotion.

I don’t know the history of Zhu Quanzhong in his later years, who repeatedly killed veteran generals, cut down vassals, and the morale of Liang Jun after the great purge. It should not be very high.

The gap between the uphill road and the downhill road is really too big for a political power. People are completely two people, and the army is two armies. They are not the same.

Our Kansai military and political group is still on the rise and is still making progress. The morale of the army and the attitude of the officials are pretty good, and they have a certain degree of subjective initiative.

Good times like this should be cherished.

People have a breath, and the military and political groups are composed of all kinds of people, so they naturally have that breath.

Everyone has his or her own opinion about the group. The founder of the group often determines whether the group still has the ambition to be aggressive and whether the tone has been vented.

How should I maintain the momentum of this group? How can I prevent it from becoming sluggish prematurely?

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and like to choose shortcuts and simpler and more comfortable ways of playing. There is nothing wrong with this. Sometimes you can win even more than the worst, because your opponent is worse, and you just need to be the least bad person among a group of bad people.

You can win the whole world.

But every choice you make will be seen by your subordinates, and it will have an impact in a subtle way. Because they will interpret the strategic choices of the lord, figure out the intentions, and form their own understanding.

Once the energy is relaxed and the breath is vented, it will be difficult to tighten up again.

At first, Zhao Kuangyin wanted to conquer Youyun in the north and take back the old land. Later, for various reasons, he decided to go from south to north, conquering the easy-to-fight south first, and then go north to fight the Khitan people. But later, he wanted to save 5 million yuan.

Redeem the Sixteen States of Youyun.

With everyone seeing this step-by-step concession, it is inevitable that the entire group will go downhill.

"Since the second year of Dashun, I have been determined to conquer Quanzhong and have never wavered. It has been seven years now." Shao Shude suddenly asked Ye Li Kecheng: "In your opinion, what do you think of this matter?"

"Your Majesty mobilized troops against the most powerful vassal in the world and fought for seven years. He destroyed his elite soldiers and destroyed his lair. The huge Bianliang was tied up and surrendered. This kind of courage is heartbreaking." Ye Li Kecheng answered.


"Flattering me again." Shao Shude laughed.

It can be seen that this flattery is done well.

"Your Majesty." A soldier came over and handed over a wooden box.

Shao Shude took it, opened it, took out Zhu Youyu's head, and looked at it carefully.

The eyes are half open and half closed, the mouth is slightly open, and the expression is slightly distorted.

"Wash it clean and sew up the body. Then find someone to make a coffin and bury the body." Shao Shude ordered.

Zhu Youyu is dead.

As for how they died, of course they can find out. With so many people, it's impossible to keep everyone a secret.

Shao Shude was not stingy with rewards. The dozen or so people who came with Zhu Youyu's head were all given money and silk, but he would not reuse these people again.

It is professional ethics and good customs for warriors to sacrifice their lives for money. Shao Shude does not care about it, and even rewards him highly. But if you kill someone who surrenders to your family leader, even if there is a reason, you must be careful about him. Such an old man has never been

In terms of moral integrity, whoever gives more money will listen to them. The military atmosphere of the late Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty was slowly corrupted by them.

After inspecting the wounded barracks, Shao Shude returned to the city.

Due to weather conditions, the entire army rested inside and outside Zhongmou.

The various troops returning to the battlefield from the river have successively arrived in Heyang and Luoyang. They can then attack Bajiao Town and threaten Bianzhou.

By the way, there is another good news. Tielin's army defeated Zhu Zhen in Shanzhou and killed more than a thousand enemies. Zhu Zhen's main force did not dare to fight and retreated to Caozhou, hesitant.

Although the battle between the Tielin Army and Zhu Zhen was small in scale and the result was very small, it still had a positive significance, that is, it made Zhu Zhen realize the true combat effectiveness of his army. You can ask whether he can still fight after the purge.

Su Cizu.

The treatment of the Xia army envoys living in Caozhou Station suddenly became better. Gao Shao even took the Xia army envoys to enjoy singing and dancing, and sent Mei Ji to serve them in the evening. Zhu Zhen's attitude changed little by little.

"See you, Your Majesty." After the battle, the generals of Tianxiong Army, Tiande Army, and Cavalry Army went to the county government office to pay homage.

"The war against Liang has entered the final stage." Shao Shude did not talk about how to deal with the remaining troops of the Liang Army. In fact, in his opinion, after the destruction of the Changzhi Army, the overall situation has been decided. Now the weather is bad and it is impossible to recover in time.

According to news from other fronts, there may have been results in Weishi and Xiangyi.

"I received news a few days ago that Quanzhong personally led the army out of Bianzhou and headed for Bajiao Town." Shao Shude glanced at Zang Dubao, Niu Li, Cai Songyang and others, and said loudly: "I'll intercept him.

No matter where he is stopped, don’t let him return to Bianzhou, otherwise, there will be another setback.”

Is it better for Zhu Quanzhong to be in Bianzhou or not to be in Bianzhou? All fools know the answer to this question.

Before he knows the outcome of the Zhongmou battle, completely besieging him in Bajiao Town or Jiegou, and then gathering a large army to surround him and annihilate him, is the best solution.

It is true that Zhu Quanzhong will definitely pay attention to his close friends to guard Bianzhou, such as the members of the Zhu family and the commander of the guards Zhang Lang. But they are fundamentally different from Zhu Quanzhong. Whether they can control the situation is a big problem. Or it may be temporary.

It can be suppressed, but it cannot be suppressed for a long time, which gives Shao Shude a chance.

Bianzhou, the largest metropolis in Guandong during the imperial dynasty, had considerable political significance. After it was captured, it had a great influence on people's support.

"Your Majesty, seeing that the rain is about to stop, I'll leave today. It won't matter if it's muddy, just walk slowly. It's also good to walk an extra mile." Zang Dubao, the envoy of the Tianxiong Army, said.

Tianxiong's army defeated the enemy in the field and defeated Zhu Youyu's tens of thousands of troops. Now they were so powerful that they wished they could go to Bajiao Town and pull out Zhu Quanzhong and kill him with a knife.

Shao Shude has always carefully guarded this spirit. If it does not violate his principles, he is willing to accommodate this meritorious ace unit.

"How magnificent!" Shao Shude praised: "The son of Tianxiong Army is really my Gancheng. In this case, we will send a group of infantry to the east. General Niu, you come to lead the team, and you must not make any mistakes."

Heading eastward in the rain, the queue would definitely be in disarray. Moreover, in this weather, the scouts could not go far. Wouldn't it be unfair if they were attacked by someone? Therefore, Shao Shude named Niu Li to lead the team because he was more stable and would not make any mistakes.


"Yes!" Niu Li came out of the queue and responded loudly.

Shao Shude looked at Niu Li and saw that his face looked good and his figure was well-proportioned. He put down his snack a little. Why did he pay attention to Niu Li's figure? Because Shao Shude suspected that Niu Li died of diabetes in history.

"If you encounter the rebel army, there is no need to fight directly. You can wait for the main force to arrive." Shao Shude warned again: "I expect the rain will stop today. In a few days, the ground will be conducive to the cavalry. By then, there will be tens of thousands of troops.

The army has gathered together and we are determined to teach Zhu Quanzhong that he will not be able to return to Biancheng."

In Shao Shude's plan, there were more troops involved in attacking Bajiao Town and even Bianzhou.

The 10,000 soldiers and horses led by Yuhou Fengzangzhi, the horse-riding capital in the river, are about to arrive in Zhengzhou. The Feilong Army's left wing Qibi Zhang has already arrived in Xingyang and will reach Zhongmou in a short time. With the addition of 20,000 people, the strength of the troops will be even greater

It's majestic, and the control should be a bit greater.

As for the Jinglue, Chishui and Dingyuan armies, they are still in the river. The local situation is not very stable. The Dingyuan army cannot be moved for the time being. This makes Wang Yu bedridden again. He heard that he is very ill and is not ready.

On the afternoon of September 20, the fourth year of Qianning, the infantry in the left wing of the Tianxiong Army left Zhongmou and headed east. At this time, Zhu Quanzhong had already led Xiongwei, Feisheng, Longxiang, Longhu, and Tabai to join the five armies. More than 50,000 Tuanxiang men marched westward, and the vanguard had already arrived outside Jiegoupu and set up camp.

Quanzhong's adopted son, Zhu Youwen, the commander of the Guangsheng Army, stayed behind in Bianzhou and was the governor of the city's military affairs. He was assisted by Wang Tan, the commander of the Shenjie Army, and Hua Wenqi, the commander of the Tianxing Army.

Zhu Quanzhong's family has been passed down alone for several generations, and his father Zhu Cheng's generation finally has three sons. The only ones he can trust now are a few sons and nephews. The clan power is very weak, worse than Li Keyong and worse than Shao Shude. powerful.

Zhang Lang, a native of Xiao County, also got a position as the beheading envoy of Biancheng. However, he only had more than a thousand guards under his command, and his voice was still not loud enough.

Throughout Bianzhou, the autumn wind is bleak, the storm is coming, and it has reached the last moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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