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Chapter 34 It's Sudden

 It is actually difficult to say what kind of fighting power the Tutuan countrymen have, because each place is different.

In places where fighting is frequent, it is almost impossible for local warriors to escape the intensive training in winter and spring every year, which is called "exercise".

As the name suggests, the native regiment soldiers in each township brought their own dry food and pickles, gathered in a certain place, and carried out large-scale training. The main projects were to become familiar with the golden drum flag, the discipline required for large-scale army operations, and to learn several commonly used military formations, such as

Yanyue Formation, Square Formation, Front Arrow Formation, etc.

The training time is at least one month, usually two months, and occasionally as long as three months.

In addition to the regular exercises, there are also "single exercises", which do not require concentration and are distributed separately, usually individual martial arts and small-scale cooperative battles.

This kind of system existed in the Northern Dynasties, and it was implemented throughout the Guo Dynasty. But you know, in the peaceful and prosperous times, this kind of thing is easy to become a formality, and the training effect is not good. Otherwise, Anlu Mountain brought fifteen

When thousands of troops marched south, how could they capture the two capitals all the way?

At that time, Henan had not heard of war for more than a hundred years, and its military preparations were depleted. The training of local bravery at the local grassroots level was completely rotten. An Lushan's frontier troops who had been fighting with the Khitans all the year round came to attack. If they could stop them, they would be in trouble.

After the hardship, the quality of training improved linearly. Because you have to go into battle frequently, if you are still at a mediocre level, it will not only harm yourself, but also harm others.

There are places where wars break out all the year round, or where soldiers are recruited to fight in other places all the year round, such as northwest Beijing, Guanbei, Hedong, Henan, and Hebei. The quality of the rural soldiers is very good. At that time, they could fight better than the state, county, or even government soldiers in some places. Of course

Now the level of force in all states and counties across the country has increased, and it is improving every year. The differences between different places are gradually getting smaller, but they still exist.

The Henan Xiangyong should be at the top level in the country in terms of combat effectiveness, because they suffered the most and fought the most frequently.

But now Bianzhou Township, who is attacking the Jiugou camp, is weak in attacking bravely. This has nothing to do with skills, but only with spirit.

Zhu Quanzhong climbed up to the temporary high platform and overlooked the entire battlefield. As a result, he shook his head as he looked at it.

Xia Bing only fired one round of arrows, and Xiang Yong's pace slowed down.

After the second and third rounds of arrows were fired, they even retreated directly.

The officers were so angry that they captured dozens of those who were defeated the fastest on the spot. With their swords in hand, they hung their heads on the wall of the village as a warning to others.

The local warriors looked at each other in silence. They didn't seem to be afraid, but their morale didn't improve significantly.

When the drum beat started again, they turned around in silence and launched a second round of attack.

Jingxiang watched from a distance and frowned. He was worried that if the fight continued, these local warriors would turn back and fight directly with the sergeants of Fei Sheng and Xiongwei who were supervising the battle. The morale of these two yamen armies seemed to be low now.

How high is it?

After fighting for so long, even a fool knows what happened. So many people from the southern expedition to Xuzhou have not returned. Where have they gone? Are they all dead?

The higher-ups did not say anything and blocked the news, but the more they blocked the people below, the more they thought wildly. Now the rumors circulating privately in the camp are outrageous, and some even say that Zhu Youyu took the lead in demoting Shao Shude.

Unfortunately, Zhu Quanzhong did not know the fate of his son and the Changzhi Army, but the soldiers in the camp swore that the Changzhi Army had surrendered. Zhu Youyu, under the persuasion of his aunt, Mrs. Zhu of Pengcheng County, surrendered to Shao Shude and regarded him as his adoptive father.

It was as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

Li Zhen also smelled a hint of defeat.

His mind is more active than Jingxiang's, and he is preoccupied all day long. He doesn't know what he is thinking. But he dare not show it, because Jingxiang, the "old slave of the Zhu family", is very smart and perceptive, and it would be difficult for him to see it.


The drums were beating loudly, and the village warriors launched a new offensive.

Arrows on the wall were like locusts, mercilessly harvesting their lives. Soon, several groups of soldiers lowered the trench bridge, opened the trench door, and killed them directly.

Strictly speaking, bodyguards and soldiers are also country warriors, but they are not ordinary country warriors.

They were originally the tribesmen of Tuyuhun, Tubo and Uighur tribes that Shao Shude conquered. Later, they were supplemented by two troops who surrendered. For example, after the Shannan East Road was captured, Xiangyang and Fangzhou were selected to surrender thousands of strong troops to form the bodyguard army. These people

They were all singles. At first they moved to Feng, but they were very reluctant when they won. Later they found that there were very few adult men in the tribe. After they came here, they had women, children, cattle and sheep, and their resistance was much reduced. Now everyone has

The reason behind not wanting to be alone is heart-warming, because there are still more women than men in the tribe, strong men are more popular, and grassland women are more enthusiastic. As long as your body can bear it, you can just go into other people's tents at night.

The three guards and pro-army units (Woyang Palace, Yulin Palace, and Hongyuan Palace) are also relatively wealthy. Shao Shude once sent them a batch of equipment captured from the Shence Army. Therefore, the overall equipment is well-equipped and they are not a sect in fighting.

A countryman can compare.

This wave of nearly a thousand people attacked in multiple gates, with swords and guns, and immediately killed this group of Bianzhou Township braves who had low morale and fled. Some of the equipment for attacking the camp was also set on fire.

After the fight, they retreated back to the camp. Their movements were very swift and their experience was evident at first glance.

"Continue to attack!" Zhu Quanzhong was unmoved after seeing this and ordered the village warriors to continue attacking the camp.

Although they were defeated, they were not without any achievements. At least two small outlying camps were removed for security purposes, and many pits and trenches were filled in.

Using their lives to clear these obstacles while consuming the defenders' arrows and energy is the only value of Xiangyong. Zhu Quan's loyalty is as hard as iron, so naturally he will not waver in the slightest.

However, he still made some adjustments. Part of the Xiongwei army went forward, wearing armor and armed with weapons, to warn the Xia troops in the stronghold if they came out to cause trouble.

It's a pity that there aren't many cavalry.

Tabai had recruited some Henan disciples who were good at horse fighting and horse shooting to join the army, but there were still only more than a thousand cavalry. This was a rare high-mobility force that Zhu Quanzhong had at his disposal. He was not willing to use this army. He was now leading it himself.

People can call it, which shows how valuable it is.

This battle lasted until evening, and then the troops were withdrawn.

Someone counted the number and found that there were more than 2,000 casualties, but Zhu Quanzhong did not even frown. As long as the goal was achieved, it didn't matter how many casualties there were. If the Xia thieves were defeated and Zhengzhou was recaptured, he could recruit troops again.

Even if the Xia thieves increased their troops, they would have no choice but to retreat without much loss.

Unknowingly, Zhu Quanzhong, who once cared about the people and did not pay much for taxes, gradually became the same person he was when he was fighting in the Chao Army. It was really one moment and another. It can be seen that in his heart, the people are not important, power is.

It comes first. If there is a conflict between the two, it is not difficult to choose which one. Of course, almost all the warlords in the country look like this at this time.

There were many Xia army cavalry roaming outside the camp.

Their presence also greatly interfered with Liang Jun's offensive, forcing them to devote a lot of energy to vigilance. At the end of the day, the Xiongwei Army was very tired.

On the 24th, the offensive continued.

The village warriors even stormed the village wall, but were quickly repelled, leaving behind a large number of corpses.

The sun gradually rose, and the officers and soldiers of the mighty army were arrayed in armor, tired and thirsty. The whispers in the army became louder and louder, and the officers repeatedly scolded them, but they could not completely stop them.

These warriors! Jingxiang secretly sighed in his heart, they are all very talented.

As soon as the general's prestige drops, they will dare to make many small moves. If the general does not have prestige, they will dare to make trouble. If the general makes them dissatisfied, they will even dare to make noises and cause chaos.

The rapid sound of horse hooves sounded in the distance, and another raid by the Xia thief cavalry began. The officers and soldiers of the Xiongwei Army complained endlessly, and slowly formed their formations. After a series of bow and crossbow shooting, the Xia thief cavalry left dozens of corpses behind.

Left in a hurry.

An officer saw the horse abandoned on the battlefield and ran out to pull it back.

To be honest, this is against military orders, but now everyone is turning a blind eye. No one dares to scold them too harshly to prevent these increasingly unruly warriors from causing trouble. Everyone's family members are in Xu, Su, isn't it?

Occupied by the Xia thieves, it is in the hands of the Huai people. Being able to put you in armor and form an array here is already for the sake of King Liang. What else do you want?

After noon, Feishengjun, who had been recuperating for two days, finally appeared.

Zhu Quanzhong, Jing Xiang, Li Zhen and others watched carefully from the high platform.

More than 5,000 soldiers were divided into three groups, with two groups of 1,000 men each pretending to attack from the south and north, and the main force of 3,000 men attacking from the east, surrounding the three towers, and fighting fiercely.

To be fair, they worked very hard. The generals of the Xia rebels went to the head of the village to boost morale. The officers at all levels fought bravely at the top of their voices and fought bravely for more than an hour. Both sides suffered heavy casualties, so they called for gold and retreated.

Zhu Quanzhong, who had always kept a straight face, smiled with satisfaction. If Feisheng's army works so hard next, it won't take a few days to break through the camp.

At three o'clock in the morning, the last offensive of the village warriors began.

The Feisheng Army had returned to camp to rest, and the officers and soldiers of the Xiongwei Army had been on alert for a day. They were so tired that they all begged for water.

The auxiliary soldiers brought water on a load. Seeing this, the sergeants rushed to the bucket and scrambled for the wooden ladle.

After being basked in the sun all day, all I did was wear armor and stand in formation. Who is not tired and thirsty? At this time, the king of heaven came and it was of no use. No one could try to stop me from drinking water.

A silver wave suddenly appeared on the western wilderness.

The waves were moving quickly, and they were only more than 300 steps away from Liang Jun's brigade.

In front of the wave was a large group of cavalry. They gathered together, shouted loudly, and drove left and right. The land that had been exposed to the scorching sun for three days was already relatively dry, and there was even dust in some places.

Suddenly, the cavalry dispersed and outflanked Liang Jun. They moved quickly and resolutely, as if they were going to attack regardless of casualties this time.

After the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, the silver waves were already a hundred steps away, and they were seen holding long spears, knives and axes, wearing iron armor, and looking fierce.

"Kill!" The drums suddenly sounded. Not only in the west, but in fact everywhere in the southeast, northwest, and faint shouts of varying degrees of kill could be heard from the drums.

The Liang soldiers who were fighting for drinking water were a little confused. They thought it was another routine harassment. Suddenly they saw a large group of Xia soldiers charging towards them, and they were stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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