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Chapter 36 The uproar

 After issuing the order, Shao Shude led a group of staff and followers to catch up with the Tianxiong Army and arrived at the Jiegou Camp.

At this time, the Liang Army camp was filled with gloom and gloom, and everyone was speechless.

"Come here, take this trash down and kill it!" Suddenly, Zhu Quanzhong slapped the case hard and said.

The soldiers rushed in, pushed Li Sian to the ground, tied him up, and then dragged him outside the tent.

Li Sian is a mighty military envoy. Today, he suffered a huge defeat. Only 3,400 out of 10,000 people escaped, and he also lost his organizational structure. This society is in the process of reorganization, which is very miserable.

"Wait a minute!" Jingxiang hurriedly ran out and admonished: "I hope the king will show mercy. This is not General Li's crime. Even if he is guilty, he will not die. I hope the king will forgive me."

"Your Majesty, I also ask your Majesty to forgive General Li." Li Zhen stepped forward and said.

As soon as these two people spoke, other generals and staff in the tent also came out to persuade them.

Zhu Quanzhong glanced at everyone with a gloomy face, and suddenly sighed, his expression suddenly becoming sad.

I saw him walking towards Li Sian, untying the rope for him with his own hands, and saying with a sad face: "I have been serving the army for twenty years, and I don't want to end up like this. The soldiers are not guilty, and I am the only one to blame."

Everyone lowered their heads and sighed as they thought of the wars of the past seven or eight years.

The only thing worthy of praise is probably the attack on Shi Pu. At other times, the attacks were just bullshit.

If we look into it carefully, it is certain that King Liang made a strategic mistake. But if you were in that position, would you really not have made a mistake?

Zhu Xuan, Zhu Jin was beaten to the last breath, how would you choose? Leave Yun, who is about to die, and Yan Er Town to concentrate on transferring most of the combatable troops to the west to fight with the Xia thieves.

?I'm afraid no one will do that.

Everyone underestimated Shao Thief's determination and underestimated his strength.

Shao Shude, who integrated the towns in the northwest of Beijing and wiped out all the Tibetan tribes through conquests and marriage alliances, has a strength that cannot be underestimated. It is no wonder that everyone was deceived by the inherent impression, thinking that Guanzhong has been at peace for many years and that the soldiers and people in Guanzhong are unable to fight.

The north is too poor to support a large army. But who would have thought that Shao thieves built a fortress in Lingxia and went to Jiangnan?

One wrong step and one wrong step, and from then on, he fell into the rhythm of Shao Thief, and was led by his nose and beaten, until today.

It seems that everyone made no mistakes and tried their best, but they just lost. This is really inexplicable.

The negative impact caused by strategic mistakes and geographical disadvantages can be fatal enough.

"Your Majesty, the Xiongwei army has been defeated, and the soldiers have lost their morale. I ask your Majesty to decide where to go." Jingxiang saw Li Si'an standing up with sweat on his head, and said again.

"Now I only obey the king's orders. Whether to leave or stay can be decided with one word." Li Zhen also agreed.

Zhu Quanzhong's expression moved slightly and he said, "Do you all think this way?"

"I only obey the king's orders." The generals responded one after another.

The voices were not uniform, but they all expressed their opinions one after another.

Zhu Quanzhong felt a little relieved. At least everyone listened to him, which was good. But before that, what he was most worried about was causing chaos.

Although everyone was thinking about escaping, which made him slightly dissatisfied, it was already this time, and there was no point in staying here. The Xiongwei Army was defeated, Fei Sheng, and Long Xiang's Second Army had low morale. Now they were frustrated again.

If you can't fight, you will lose if you fight.

As for the Tutuan folk, they suffered heavy casualties during the attack, and their morale was even lower than that of the Yamen army.

They can barely defend the fortress now, and no one dares to let them go out to fight in the field. But as the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. In the dead land of Jiugou, there are no reinforcements from outside, and the internal food and grass can only last more than a month. How can you defend it?

The main army of Xia thieves came up and surrounded them. They did not need to rush to attack, because no one from Bianzhou would come to rescue them. There was no need to encircle the points for reinforcements. They only needed to dig trenches and surround them, and wait quietly for a month. More than 30,000 troops

If you don't attack, you will destroy yourself.

"I want to lead the army back to Bianzhou. What do the troops think?" Zhu Quanzhong sat back behind the desk and asked.

"Please give the order, Your Majesty." Everyone responded in a flurry of voices.

Retreating is something everyone wants to do, and it does not go against everyone's interests, so naturally no one objects.

"But there must be rules for withdrawing troops..." Zhu Quanzhong paused and looked at the crowd.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the camp.

Zhu Quanzhong was shocked. Just as he was about to send someone to ask, Yuhou came in and reported: "Xia thief's commander, dozens of Zhijun generals, lined up outside the camp and brought a coffin, saying that it contained the crown prince's body."

I want to return the body to the king so that he can be buried alive."

"Pa ta" someone accidentally knocked over the maza.

The tent was eerily quiet, with everyone looking down in thought. Some people looked at Zhu Quanzhong out of the corner of their eyes, but quickly avoided it.

Zhu Quanzhong was shocked at first when he heard this, and then became very calm. In fact, he had been mentally prepared for a long time. The arrival of the Tianxiong Army explained everything. It is meaningless to find out how the Changzhi Army was defeated. The most important thing now is how to escape. As for how to escape.

The death of his son is really nothing. Even if the whole family is dead, as long as he is still alive, he can make a comeback, marry a bride, and continue to have children, it doesn't matter.

"Kill me!" Zhu Quanzhong worked up his emotions, squeezed out a few tears, and said: "Youyu is my eldest son. He has been obedient since he was a child and has learned martial arts. Under the city of Huazhou, the angry thieves will scold me unpleasantly.

The arrow was shot, and the thief was killed. When he left the town of Bianzhou, he was besieged internally and externally. The military supplies were not continued, and wild vegetables were enough for food, without any complaints. He also guarded my bed with a sword, so that I could sleep peacefully. Sorry, you used to play with my son in the past.

The meaning behind my words is that I don’t want to be here today..."

Zhu Quanzhong's heartfelt performance made everyone in the tent sigh. Many people were a little ashamed of their shameful thoughts just now, and thought that they should accept the prince's body and take it back to Bianzhou for burial.

At this moment, the noise in the camp became louder, and the faint sound of war drums could be heard in the distance.

Zhu Quanzhong was startled and did not bother to wipe his tears. He staggered a few steps, but saw someone coming back to report: "Your Majesty, the Xia bandits are attacking the camp. The Tutuan villagers in Kaifeng and Junyi counties are clamoring to go home and refuse reinforcements."

Some people at the village wall had already opened the camp gate and fled. Some people from the Xiongwei army also fled with them. Yuhou went to stop them and was killed by the rebels."

"What?!" The one who made the surprised sound was not Zhu Quanzhong, but Li Sian.

Hearing the news, he was even more sad than Zhu Quanzhong himself. After the troops he led collapsed, they collapsed again before they had time to reorganize themselves. How could this make him feel so embarrassed?

It's over, it's over! Li Si'an closed his eyes and felt only darkness. What about double arrows and flying spears to kill the enemy? Without the soldiers, they are nothing. It would be better to let the King of Liang kill them just now, and finish them all in one fell swoop.

"Your Majesty, the matter is urgent! It's time to tighten military discipline and not let more people shake the morale of the army." Jingxiang trotted up to Zhu Quanzhong anxiously, took his hand and said.

"Let's go out and have a look." Zhu Quanzhong didn't care about any more performances. He took all the soldiers with him and walked out of the tent.

The generals and assistants in the tent did not need to give any more instructions. They left one after another at this moment, each going back to his own tent to perform his duties.

Soothe them when they should be appeased, suppress them when they should be suppressed, there is no other way.

It was already dark at this time, and the sergeants had just finished their dinner and were maintaining their equipment in the camp. Suddenly they heard the noise and chaos, and they all came out of the camp to check. The officers should have stopped their blind actions, but at this time military discipline was gone.

There was no one to care about it anymore, and the whole camp was in chaos.

"The King of Liang is here. Go back to each camp. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!" the soldiers used their scabbards to beat the running sergeants and shouted.

But it has no effect.

The sergeants quickly figured out the situation and saw that the officers were also hesitant and hesitant. Many people called their friends and secretly followed the rebels out of the camp.

Jingxiang and Li Zhen followed Zhu Quanzhong, and their hearts dropped.

Once upon a time, this was a strong army with strict orders and prohibitions. The King of Liang was very strict about military discipline, and he would be punished for the slightest violation. Beheading as a warning was commonplace. But what happened now? Less than eight years later, it became

Why is this virtue?

Not far away, officers came out to maintain order. They gathered some people, ordered them to wear armor and weapons, and went to close the camp gate and suppress the fleeing sergeants. At this time, there are still people who are willing to come out to maintain order. It can be said that they were the same people eight years ago.

The spiritual remnants of a strong army. More and more soldiers had no choice but to flee, almost becoming an avalanche. They were unable to support themselves and were quickly washed to pieces.

Finally someone couldn't help but take action.

A group of sergeants drew their rifles and fired at the crowd of people running around, causing screams to be heard.

"You mother, don't dare to fight with the Xia thieves, just call out to your brothers. Brothers, kill them, or no one will be able to leave!"

"Cut them down, kill them!"

"Kill Liang Jingxiang and Li Zhen. It's these two idiots who made us miserable because of their random ideas."

"Yes! Kill Jingxiang and Li Zhen, and give the head to King Xia, and you may still get some wealth."

"Where is Jingxiang? Where is Li Zhen?"

"Where is Jingxiang? Where is Li Zhen?"

First, there were people in twos and threes shouting in the camp, and then more and more people shouted in unison, and the sound became louder and louder.

After the great defeat, the sergeants were panic-stricken, but they did not dare to attack Zhu Quanzhong, the founder of the Liang Army, and it was inconvenient to attack officers at all levels, so they could only drag Jingxiang and Li Zhen out to vent their anger.

Jing and Li both turned pale after hearing this.

The soldiers surrounded Zhu Quanzhong. Not far away, someone was looking at Jingxiang and Li Zhen with malicious eyes, and his hands were slowly moving towards his waist.

Zhu Quanzhong's face was ashen. He knew that the matter was not that simple. Jingxiang and Li Zhen were his confidants. Attacking these two people was not much different from attacking him. Even if he followed the wishes of the warriors and handed over Jingxiang and Li Zhen,

Going out and killing him won't help. On the contrary, his prestige will be greatly reduced, and he will be charged by the sergeant who takes advantage of him, making the situation even worse.

"Your Majesty..." Jingxiang shed tears.

He did not die for himself, but for the great cause of King Liang.

"Let's go!" Zhu Quanzhong made a quick decision, took Jingxiang's hand, and stepped back.

Among the entire camp, only his own soldiers and his personal commander Ta Bai were reliable, and he had to stay with them.

This chapter has been completed!
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