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 After reading the comments, many people still don’t understand the cause of the matter.

Because some readers always said that the protagonist of this book has bad morals. He said this, but I didn't say anything.

But he kept chattering, posting a comment for each paragraph, repeatedly criticizing, and even used Zhu Yuanzhang as an example, saying that he had good morals.

I couldn't help it anymore and broke the defense, so I asked: Do you know Zhu Yuanzhang? Do you know his troops?

As far as the feudal dynasty is concerned, massacre of a city is the greatest evil and can be blamed by thousands of people. Compared with it, playing with women is simply not worth mentioning.

Readers always stare at women when talking about things. I thought about it, and they probably still have a spectator mentality.

If you take the place of the common people at that time, you will know that the massacre of the city is more terrible than the protagonist playing with women. You will also know that people in ancient times were extremely intolerant of massacres, but no one criticized the upper-class figures for playing with women.

The following mainly uses historical materials from the Ming Dynasty, because I am afraid that citing historical materials from the Qing Dynasty will be criticized as not being credible.

(1) The founding period of the rebel army

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Red Turban Uprising led to great chaos in the world.

The collapse of social order has caused great damage to agricultural production. Soldiers and horses from all walks of life are fighting, and there must be a serious shortage of food, so we must find ways to supplement it. In the absence of a stable logistics base, we want to

Food must be grabbed. But when the overall situation is seriously insufficient, it is often impossible to grab food. What should we do?

eat human.

Will King Xiao Ming’s Huaiyou Rebel Army eat people? Of course they will.

"History of the Yuan Dynasty" records many incidents of cannibalism, and the rebels from all walks of life cannot escape. Remember, "History of the Yuan Dynasty" was compiled by the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, ordinary people living in the late Yuan Dynasty would also record it.

Tao Zongyi at the end of Yuan Dynasty, "Nancun Stops Farming"

"The most powerful army in the world is Yin, but Huaiyou's army is fond of cannibalism and puts children first, women second, and men third. They may sit between two vats and use fire to force them out, or they may burn them on an iron frame.

Their hands and feet are first poured with boiling soup, and then the bitter skin is brushed off with a bamboo broom. Or they are put into a bag and boiled alive in a huge pot. Some men have their legs cut off, and women have their breasts gouged out, which is very poisonous.

It’s all indescribable and indescribable. The general name is “thinking about meat”, which means eating it makes people think about it.”

"Cao Mu Zi" by Ye Ziqi at the end of the Yuan Dynasty

"Runing stole the Hanshan boy and trapped him in Bianliang. He proclaimed himself emperor and changed his surname to Han. The country was named Song and Yuan Dragon and Phoenix. He divided his troops to attack and plunder. There was Liu Taibao (Liu Futong) under him. Every time he captured a city, he used people as food.

It ended up falling into one place again, so it passed through thousands of miles of red land. Most of the rivers in Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi and Huaihe were in ruins."

Wu Zhichun's "Poem of Herding Cows" by Wu Zhichun in the late Yuan Dynasty

“If the oxen does not plow the fields, there will be no millet. In the three years since the Huai Shang Dynasty, people have eaten human flesh.”

Zhu Yuanzhang's personal soldier Yu Ben's "Records of the Emperor Ming Dynasty"

"Anfeng was besieged by the Zhang family. There was great hunger in the city, and people were killing and eating each other. If there were corpses buried in the ground that were rotting, they would dig them up and eat them, or use the mud at the bottom of the well to make pills and fry them in oil."

Based on the "History of the Yuan Dynasty" and these private records, there is basically no doubt that the Huaiyou Rebel Army cannibalized human flesh on a large scale at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. This was also in line with the social reality at that time. Food was insufficient. The peasant rebel army was like this, just like Huang Chao, basically eating human flesh.

So did Zhu Yuanzhang’s troops in the Huaiyou Rebel Army eat?

"Ming Dynasty"

"Tomorrow, Chen Bingguo will arrive. They are very powerful and they are building directly under the city. The defenders are waving flags and making noises. When the ambush troops see them, they come out from the mountain and follow the river to cut off their return. One prisoner of war kills more than ten thousand people and captures three alive.

Thousands of people, often in spring, did not want to hear about it, and said: "These are all powerful enemies. If you don't kill them if you capture them, it will cause trouble in the future. If you hear about them, they will be executed without mercy."

Da didn't listen, so he heard it. He called the envoy and said: "I rushed back to the army and told the generals. They opened a gap first. We are fighting at the beginning of this day. Three thousand elite troops cannot be used up. It is best to release them and use them later."

"At the beginning of the spring, I heard that I had sent an envoy to the capital. I secretly ordered the army to kill and eat all the three thousand people. At dawn, only three hundred people remained."

What is recorded here is Chang Yuchunbu cannibalizing people.

Of course, you can say it was isolated evidence, and I won’t deny it. But given the general environment at the time, it was so difficult to raise food, and cannibalism was inevitable. Zhu Yuanzhang’s tribe would not be special to other parts of the Huaiyou Rebel Army.

(2) Regularization period

Zhu Yuanzhang now has a territory, and food is relatively less scarce, so naturally he will not continue to eat people as before.

But there were other serious problems at this time, namely military discipline.

What is the quality of the rebel army? Basically anyone is needed to coerce the people. Zhu Yuanzhang also has many bandits, bandits and the like. These people have very bad habits. If Zhu Yuanzhang had little money in the early days, the military pay would probably be too high. So how to boost morale?

Woolen cloth?

In fact, history has given us the answer, using property and children as temptations and robbery. It has happened in all dynasties, and the rebels are certainly not immune.

"Records of Taizu of the Ming Dynasty" (note, this is one of the official history books of the Ming Dynasty)

At the beginning, the generals broke into the city and killed many people violently. The people and couples in the city did not protect each other. I came out and saw a young boy standing outside the door and asked, "What are you doing?" The boy said, "Wait for my father." He said, "What are you doing?"

Where is your father?" He said, "I am raising horses in the officialdom." He asked his mother, "I am also under the official family, and my father and I dare not see each other, but we call each other brother and sister, and I dare not come in, so I wait for him secretly."

Feeling sorry for him, he summoned all the generals and said: "Compared to all the troops who came from Chu, they captured many wives and daughters, separated the married couples of the people, and the army had no discipline. How can we keep the people in peace? All the women in the army must be returned." Tomorrow.

, gathered the men in the city and the plundered women in front of the prefecture, and when they arrived, they ordered the women to stay inside, and the men lined up outside the door on both sides. Even as the women came out one after another, they were ordered to say: "If you are a married couple, let them recognize each other and go away. They are not a married couple. There is no wrong understanding."

"So the couple left together, the family was complete, and the people were very happy.

What we are talking about here is that Zhu Yuanzhang’s troops did several things:

(1) After the city was broken, "violence and killing occurred".

(2) "People and couples do not protect each other", and his wife was snatched away by the Ming army.

(3) This is something that is often done. "Since Chu, many wives and daughters have been captured, causing couples to be separated and the army to have no discipline."

This paragraph in "Records of Taizu of the Ming Dynasty" is quoted from "Benji of the Ming Dynasty". The original text is

At the beginning, there were many people killed in the city, but few survived. Even if there were survivors, the couple did not recognize each other. One day, in his spare time, there was a child in front of the horse platform, but he could speak but did not understand human feelings. He said to the child: "How are you, father?"

?" He said: "Feeding horses with the officials. How is your mother?" He said: "Where the officials are, there is someone who calls my father, my sister." I don't know. Tomorrow, I will meet everyone, and I will say: "The soldiers died.

When Yang Lai comes, everyone is single and has no wife or children. Now that the city is ruined, all the women and girls who can be obtained will be given to those who have no husbands and are not married. Those who are married are not allowed to mate." Tomorrow, all the women and men in the city will go to the meeting.

In front of the yamen. Tomorrow, I will arrive as scheduled. I will order the women to enter the yamen, and the men will line up outside the door on both sides of the street. The women will be ordered to go out one after another. The order is: "As expected, a couple will follow each other even if they know each other. If they are not husbands, they will do nothing rashly."

After the order, the women came out and half of them were gathered together.

What's the difference between the two?

"Records of Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty" states that Zhu Yuanzhang ordered all the women he had snatched to be released.

"Ming Dynasty" writes that Zhu Yuanzhang ordered women with husbands to be let go, while unmarried women continued to stay in the military camp.

Another thing.

"Ming Dynasty"

At that time, the armies had been hungry for a long time. They looked at the food and livestock and tried their best to take it, with the intention of returning with a full boat. The army's intention was just to make money. If they wanted to cross over again after leaving, they were afraid that things would be difficult and they could not capture Jiangdong.

Because he cut off the cables of the boats with his sword and pushed them into the rapids, the boats rippled and went eastward in a moment, and the troops were afraid. Someone reported to the superiors and said, "What is this?" The superiors said to the troops: "There is a state in front of us called Taiping.

Your children have everything, including jade and silk. If you break this state, take it from them, and then let you return home."

Here are a few more things.

(1) Zhu Yuanzhang's troops were short of food and would rob food and livestock whenever they saw it.

(2) In order to encourage his soldiers to attack Taiping, Zhu Yuanzhang openly publicized that there were women in the city and their property could be robbed to boost morale.

During this period, Lao Zhu actually realized that the military discipline of the army was too poor, just like bandits, and it would not work in the long term. But he was unable to solve it because the composition of the army was complex, including the Haozhou rebels, the Yuan army who surrendered, and the bandits and bandits.

There are Chaohu water bandits and so on. Everyone is a bad person. Lao Zhu wants to restrain military discipline, which may arouse everyone's opposition.

During this period, he wanted to attack Jingkou, but was worried that his men would burn, kill, and loot.

"The general wants to send troops to capture Jingkou, but he will not go there personally. He is afraid that the commander-in-chief will let the troops burn and loot too much, so he hesitates."

(3) After occupying Jinling

"Huang Ming Chronicle" records the massacre of Dongchang City during the Ming Army's Northern Expedition

"In February, we attacked Dongchang and resisted for several days. The army mounted ladders from all sides to conquer it, then slaughtered them, plundered them, burned their houses, and left."

The commander is Chang Yuchun.

Zhu Liangzu's spear army marched south to conquer Fang Guozhen.

Lao Zhu knew what the pike army was, and its military discipline was extremely bad. Before setting off for the expedition, he specifically gave these instructions:

"I ordered Zhu Liang, who participated in the political affairs, to lead the army in Quzhou and Jinhua, Zhejiang, and other guards on horseback to attack Fang Guozhen. It said: "Fang Guozhen is a peddler of rare fish and salt.

We have no long-term strategy, but we can only flee across the sea. The people of the three states are very tired, and no one should be killed while the city is under attack." So Emperor Liang bowed his head and accepted the order and went." "Records of Taizu of the Ming Dynasty"

Lao Zhu was worried that this troops with poor military discipline would fall into old habits, so he told them not to massacre the city.

The results of it?

Records of Wenzhou Prefecture during the Wanli Period recorded:

On October 26, the 27th year of Zhengzheng Dynasty, Wenzhou surrendered in Shenshi. The sergeants burned lamps at night to inspect and scrape, and at three drums (early morning) they dared to fight the battle. On the 27th, most of the city was damaged, and the troops were not safe until five days.

This is the legendary saying of not sealing the sword for five days to massacre Wenzhou.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, three women in Tao Zongyi's family committed suicide because they did not want to be humiliated.

Liu Song, a scholar in the late Yuan Dynasty, also wrote poems

In previous years, soldiers invaded Taizhou Prefecture and plundered the people of the state, causing great suffering. A wife and two daughters from the Tao family sacrificed their lives to maintain their true taste.

There is also a record in the county annals of the Qing Dynasty: "The Mingshi entered the city, and the flames were raging into the sky." Of course, some people definitely don't believe it, thinking that it was the Qing Dynasty that corrupted the Ming Dynasty, and it is written for reference only.

"Records of the Emperor Ming"

On the 15th day of the eighth month, Darling ordered the guards to go up and down the tunnels to attack the city. The city was not aware of it. During the battle, the army came out from the ground and conquered the city. The guards were detained, the men were slaughtered, and the women were plundered.

, captured Shi Dao at one hundred and eighty crossings, and beheaded him.

What we are talking about here is the massacre of the city by Xu Da.

After conquering Qingyang, they killed all the men and took away the women.

"Records of Ming Taizu"

First, Wang Zhuan, the king of Goryeo, had a niece who was killed in the army in a rebellion. The envoy came to the court to tell her the story, and ordered the envoy to visit her. He even gave her clothes, money, and food, and ordered the envoy to protect her and return to the country.

The story here is that one year after the Ming army captured Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty, the King of Goryeo asked Lao Zhu to help him find his niece.

His niece was Princess Lu of the Yuan Dynasty and disappeared.

Lao Zhu didn't know where the woman was, so he "sent eunuchs to visit the army all over the world" and finally found her in Kaifeng.

This woman stayed in the Ming army camp for a year. After she was sent back to North Korea, the King of Goryeo was "displeased" because "when the Yuan Dynasty was in chaos, she could not keep her integrity and turned aside. In order to capture the Ming Dynasty, she also

It’s shameful.” This part of the content is recorded in Korean historical materials.

There are also records in North Korea of ​​the Ming army robbing women in Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty, which can be mutually confirmed.

In fact, there are many records of city massacres. However, due to limitations of historical data, I cannot use those from the Qing Dynasty. They must be from the Black Ming Dynasty.

The other is Hubei. The genealogy records of many families in the Hunan area record the massacres by the Ming army there, but I was afraid of being criticized as being untrustworthy, so I didn’t write it.

But Lao Zhu Fang Guozhen, Zhang Shicheng, Chen Youliang and other forces defeated by him and the people under his rule each have their own opinions on whether they are tolerant.

My opinion is that Lao Zhu was very intolerant of them, and Dan Min is an example.

As far as the above Ming Dynasty historical materials are concerned, it can be confirmed that Xu Da, Zhu Liangzu, and Chang Yuchun all massacred the city. They are all historical materials from the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties and the Ming Dynasty, and there are even Korean historical materials. Everyone can identify them by themselves.

What I have written so much is not to criticize Zhu Yuanzhang, I have no bad feelings towards him.

The main reason is that some people don't understand the other side of Zhu Yuanzhang, they just rely on their imagination and think that he is a perfect person, and then they accuse me.

I can't stand being provoked, so of course I have to refute with reason.

Does Lao Zhu play with few wives? Why don't you see if he has other wives or concubines in his harem?

Zhu Yuanzhang's merits are merits, and his faults are faults. Is it difficult to look at them separately?

Why can't we look at it objectively? It has to be deified?

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