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Chapter 54 Silver Saddle Straight

 Outside Bianzhou City, heavy snow is falling.

Hundreds of riders led the war horses and hesitantly moved forward.

Encountering a post station on the way, the leading officer ordered a rest. The sergeants were relieved and looked for a place to escape the heavy snow.

The post general entertained the group of people with a smile.

This group of powerful young men from Guanbei spent so much that they almost bought and slaughtered all the Jie sheep in the station.

The postmen were killing sheep, scalding wine, and cooking meat. They were so busy that their feet didn't even touch the ground.

"Chop meat, chop meat, chop meat all day long, how can I be rich?" Zhang Wen looked at the arrogance of the warriors and sighed.

A scribe next to him was keeping accounts, and he felt a little emotional after hearing this.

The north wind was howling and the sky was freezing. Just like my own gloomy life, my heart became more and more desolate.

"How can a great man live forever?" The scribe suddenly dropped his pen and stood up suddenly.

Zhang Wen was stunned.

The scribe turned his head and smiled and said: "I met a Taoist priest in the past and told me that I will meet the Holy King this year, so I will go out and try my luck."

Zhang Wen laughed loudly, waved his ax and said, "If you are appreciated by the Holy King, come back and call me, and I will go with you."

"Definitely!" The scribe left the inn without looking back and walked into the wind and snow.

There are few people on the post road.

With such heavy snow, no one wanted to toil outside. Except for the occasional group of hard-working husbands transporting food and grass, there was basically no one else in sight.

The scribe walked around for a long time, his clothes were thin, and he shivered when the north wind blew.

"Alas!" He sighed heavily and smiled bitterly.

People say that wealth is good, but where can you find this wealth?

In the wind and snow in the distance, it seems that a large group of knights are coming. The leader of the knights is wearing a bright red robe, which is very conspicuous in the wind and snow.

The scribe blinked hard. He seemed to have seen this person from a distance.

The knight rushed past him. Everyone who passed by glanced at him and subconsciously put their hands on the sheath next to the saddle.

The scribe suddenly woke up and said loudly: "His Royal Highness, King Xia, stays behind. I have a plan to break Yuncheng!"

A rider sped forward and disappeared into the wind and snow.

After a while, more than ten riders rode back and surrounded the scribes.

The men and horses exhaled white steam from their mouths and noses, which was quickly blown away by the cold wind.

"Mao Zhuizi, the king is in a good mood today and is willing to listen to your nonsense. Let's go." An officer said with a smile.

The scribe was stunned and asked me to walk over?

While he was daydreaming, a horse came up from behind him, and with a standard grapple, he placed the scribe on his horse like a fisherman, and followed him with a big smile.

The strong horse galloped in the wind and snow, and after a while, they arrived next to the inn.

The scribe got off his horse in a daze and was led in. Only then did he realize that this was the place where he originally made a living. In that case, why bother wandering around in the wind and snow...

"I think it would be better for the king not to conquer him personally." A large group of warriors gathered in the main hall of the station, with three people sitting in the middle, warming themselves by the fire and chatting.

"Strong and sharp, loyal to the military, holding the sun, protecting the country, breaking out of the generals, six armies in the government, 50,000 to 60,000 infantry and cavalry, if I don't fight in person, who can suppress them?" Shao Shude asked.

The Jianrui Army mainly surrendered troops from Cao, Pu, Yun, Yan, Xu, Su and other prefectures, and currently there are about 7,000 troops. The military envoy Guo Shaobin was the general of Caozhou in Yun Town, who killed the assassin and surrendered to Zhu Quanzhong, and the deputy envoy Zhang Yun was at that time

Pu's Suzhou general.

The Zhongwu Army came with 8,000 men, led by Zhao Yan, a member of the Zhao family in Xuzhou.

There were tens of thousands of Japanese troops, mainly Cao soldiers and Hua soldiers. The military envoy Dai Siyuan and the deputy envoy Li Renhan were from Liang generals.

The national defense army consisted of ten thousand people, and the leader was Yuhou, who was in Mabudu in the middle of the river.

The sudden generals and the second army in Yanei did not make any major changes. They only changed the main officers. The current military envoys are Kang Yanxiao and Li Yanwei. Li Yanwei is Zhu Yougong. After restoring his original name, his reputation in Liang was not very good.

The deputy envoys of these two armies were transferred by the Xia Army system.

The deputy envoy of General Tu was Zhe Butai, who was born in Hengshan Dangxiang. In the third year of Dashun, he served under Fu Cunshen. At that time, he was still the leader of the team. He led dozens of light and agile men to climb down from Xiaoshan Mountain, first using strong crossbows.

Kill the enemy, return to hand-to-hand melee combat, and be extremely brave. After the establishment of the German Army, he was promoted to deputy general. Last year, he was promoted to the tenth general Yu Hou. This year, he got the opportunity to serve as the deputy envoy of the sudden general.

This man had a very good consciousness. At that time, Fu Cunshen praised his bravery, but Zhe Butai directly said that he fought bravely because he was afraid that Shao Shude would be defeated and bring disaster to the Hengshan party. He also said that there were not many Jiedu envoys in the Tang Dynasty.

A kind man, it is rare to meet Shao Shude who treats everyone equally, so he is willing to fight

"It may be said that the former commanders were greedy and greedy, and the tribe's good horses were all punished, and they were killed and wounded for no reason, causing resentment. From now on, we must select honest generals to control the Qiang Rong, and issue clear edicts.

Gradually you will understand."

Even Xuanzong knew that border commanders often committed crimes against the Dangxiang tribe, and he wanted to select "incorruptible generals", which is evident from this.

And what is the result of the rebel parties?

"Nanshan (Hengshan) Dangxiang has been doing evil for many years, and has not carried out its edicts. It has become a border danger. Soldiers have recently emerged and have been fighting to eliminate them for many years. Anyone who resists the officers and soldiers will be executed and captured; those who are afraid of the law will all flee."

A "kill and capture at the first glance", I don't know how much blood and tears are omitted.

The Dangxiang people were afraid of being killed. They didn't want to go back to the precarious days of the past. Shao Wuzu was so benevolent and righteous, so he didn't discriminate against them, so why couldn't he be allowed to conquer the world?

Han Zhu, the deputy envoy of the Yanei Army, was the son of Han Xun, the military envoy of the left wing of the Wuwei Army.

The Han family in Lingzhou has been extremely obedient in recent years, sending dozens of their children to join the army, and nearly one-third of them died in battle. Shao Shude has regarded them as his old foundation, and with the Yang family in Guanbei,

The Zhe family and the Wang family are treated the same.

Han Zhu serves as a deputy general in Shao Shude's military capital and is in charge of 200 people. He also has a younger brother Han Cheng, who currently serves as a deputy general in the Tielin Army and has been in the army for many years.

Han Zhu did not go to the Yameni Army alone. He was accompanied by fifty Shao soldiers, assigned as officers at all levels. They would surround Han Zhu and act as a counterweight to the military envoy Li Yanwei.

The six armies including Jianrui and Huguo had different sources of soldiers, years of formation, varying combat capabilities, complicated backgrounds, and hesitations. It was indeed difficult to replace them with anyone else, so Shao Shude had to personally command them.

"Since the king wants to personally conquer, the Tielin Army cannot be transferred back." A middle-aged warrior said: "The Japanese general can still be suppressed, but the other troops cannot guarantee it. If something happens, I'm afraid it will be

It’s unimaginable.”

"If the Tielin Army is not transferred back, who will go to Jinjiang?" Shao Shude asked.

"Let General Lu of the Wuwei Army lead his troops back to Jinjiang to guard. At the end of the month, Yi Cong, Tianzhu and other armies will begin to reorganize. They can be stationed in Luoyang and Bianzhou. After the reorganization is completed, they can practice on the spot." The middle-aged martial artist suggested: "

In this way, the Tielin Army does not need to be transferred back and can continue to fight on the front line."

"That's fine." Shao Shude agreed and said, "General Dai is right. With Tielin and Feilong armies as the backbone, they can suppress all the tribes."

"Your Majesty, the twelfth lunar month is approaching, do you want to wait before sending out troops?" Another person asked.

"General Guo doesn't know something. My sworn brother is very wild and dares to send troops even in the first month. Time waits for me. If he is delayed, it will not be so easy to attack Zhu Jin and others." Shao Shude said:

"The Eastern Expedition should be done quickly rather than later. However, this matter must be kept secret and must not be made public."

"The last general will save it." Dai Siyuan and Guo Shaobin responded in unison.

The four armies of Guangsheng, Longxiang, Shenjie, and Longhu have marched eastward. They besieged Yunzhou a while ago, but failed. Later, they were defeated by the Yun soldiers under the city. It was not ideal, and they have now withdrawn.

Li Tangbin was very resolute in carrying out the task of consuming and surrendering troops. Hearing that they were going to be forced to attack the city again, there were complaints in the army and it was not very safe. Shao Shude felt that it was necessary for him to go there in person. The method of consuming the troops was not such a waste. It was too much.

If you are serious, if there is a mutiny, it will be troublesome.

"Who are you? Just now you threatened to break Yuncheng in the road, how big are you?" Shao Shude turned his eyes to the scribe who was led in and asked with a smile.

"Servant Li Yangu, please see your Majesty." The scribe bowed and saluted.

"Do you have an official status?"

"I have never been an official."

"It's very common to get an official position if you offer a plan with merit." Shao Shude said, "What's your plan?"

"Your Majesty." Li Yangu calmed down a little and said: "I heard that after Zhu Xuan returned to Yunzhou from Weibo, Jiedushi Zhu Wei did not accept him. Xuan then went to Qingzhou, and Wang Shifan used him as a Yamen general. Zhu Xuan

How can this person be willing to lie dormant under others for a long time? If we don't send people to alienate him, if Wang Shifan kills him violently, Zhu Wei and Zhu Jin will be suspicious and fearful, and their alliance will be destroyed without attack."

"This strategy has some appearance, but someone has already thought of it." Shao Shude said with a smile.

Li Yangu was very disappointed when he heard this.

"It's good that you can think of this." Shao Shude smiled again and said: "There are still vacancies for civil servants in Yin'anzhi. If you are willing to go, you can join the army today."

Li Yangu was overjoyed: "It's true."

"Are you from Kanto?"

"My ancestral home is Zhaozhou, but now I am settled in Luoyang." Li Yangu replied.

"Okay! There are many heroes in Guandong. I will treat them all equally. I will reward those who have merit and hire those who are talented. From now on, if you have made meritorious deeds, it will be normal for you to be given the title of wife and son." Shao Shude said.

Shao Shude remembered that after Zhu Quanzhong beat and kicked various towns in Henan, many talents from other places came to travel to see if he was worthy of joining him, just like the heroes and scholars from Guanzhong who came to Guanbei to join him.

It has taken control of Bianzhou, and the area it rules has changed a lot. It is no longer a Kansai regime. It is necessary to properly absorb some Kanto talents from Kansai. Being from Kanto does not depend on where you are from, but also where you are from.

Which side did you initially join? The origins of factions are very complicated.

"If there are capable talents, you can also recommend one or two." Shao Shude said again.

"Your Majesty, I recommend myself." A cook rushed over with an ax for chopping meat and shouted.

"Wow!" Several soldiers came forward and pushed him to the ground.

Ye Li Kecheng drew his sword and asked Shao Shude with his eyes whether he would kill this daredevil.

"Let him come over." Shao Shude waved his hand and said.

The soldiers took his ax and searched it carefully before letting the man come over.

"Are you a postman?" Shao Shude asked.

"Zhang Wen, the postman, comes to see Your Highness." Zhang Wen saluted.

"Where are you from?"

"Weizhou native."

"Why are the Wei people here?"

"He started out as a primary school student in Liangjun. After the army was defeated and he had nowhere to go, he made a living at the post station."

"Want to be a soldier again?"

"I won't give up until I get rich." Zhang Wen said.

"Can you ride a horse?"


"You are very lucky today." Shao Shude said: "Yin'anzhi is going to expand its army to a thousand men. I will make the decision and accept you into Yin'anzhi."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Zhang Wen said happily.

Shao Shude smiled, stood up and said, "Let's go, it's getting late."

Yin'anzhi commanded Yang Hongyin to stand at the door. After hearing this, he immediately ordered people to form a team and prepare to return to Bianzhou.

His army consisted of 800 people, all of whom were the chiefs of Guanbei and the sons of powerful men from the frontier areas. They were the troops that the King of Xia trusted very much, almost as much as the soldiers in the capital.

This time, the army will be slightly expanded to a thousand men. Among the two hundred quotas, the King of Xia packed in many people, mainly from Bian and Song Dynasties. I don't know for what reason.

But the skills of those people were not bad. For example, the famous Dong Zhang was heard to be the boy servant of Zhu Yourang, who was shepherding sheep in Heishui City. After Yourang was captured, his family was ruined, so Dong Zhang and others dispersed. For a time, they were in Bianzhou City.

When he was a member of the Zhang family, he was later recruited by Shi Yanci, and this time he was recommended by Shi to join the army.

There are many similar people, most of them are young and capable men from Liang, which seems to show a hidden tendency. Or it may be the political tactics of King Xia, which Yang Hongyin doesn't understand well anyway.

But he knew that from now on, such people would probably be inevitable, just like Liu Han and Kou Yanqing who were promoted by Zhu Quanzhong.

This chapter has been completed!
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