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Chapter 58 Chinese New Year

 Zhu Wei was shouted down from the wine table.

After listening to the brief report of the personal attendant, I immediately sobered up. If I didn’t say anything, copy it!

When the shogunate's assistants received the news, they immediately rushed out of their homes without being urged, and knocked on doors spontaneously, asking the sergeants to bring their equipment and assemble.

"The banquet at your family's house includes wine and meat. When the Xia people come here, we must not live like this again. Prepare your equipment quickly and follow me to defend against the enemy."

The sergeant on duty in the military camp was playing a game. After hearing the order, he panicked and didn't know what to do.

The officer told the troops: "Commercial taxes from the south to the north will be rewarded by Sikong. Is it possible for the Shao thief to come here? Follow me and kill the thief!"

Some children from the military school who had been practicing martial arts since childhood also went out with their father and brother, holding long guns and swords. As they walked, they listened to their father and brother chanting: "Shao has raised too many soldiers, and he will not raise any more soldiers in Yuncheng. Once he is defeated by him,

, the property in the town was confiscated, and we all lost our livelihood. Anyway, we are going to die, so it is better to fight to the death and leave!"

At this time, the battle was raging on top of the West City.

Zhang Wen led thousands of men to thin the city. On the way, they were discovered by Yuncheng scouts wandering outside the city, and the suddenness was reduced by half. However, they still stepped through the icy city god, crossed the sheep and horse wall, killed a few remaining soldiers, and walked along the

Climb up the city wall.

The number of Yun soldiers at the head of the city was limited, and they were beaten back and forth and collapsed.

Zhang Wen took the lead and rushed towards the city gate.

A small group of soldiers had appeared on the street. They were running out of breath and their armor was crooked.

Zhang Wen shouted loudly, led dozens of soldiers to meet him, and slashed furiously with his axe.

"Wang Zhongshi is here again!" Youyun Bing exclaimed.

"I'm Zhang Wen!" General Zhang Tu became even more angry. He rushed forward instead of retreating and rushed into the crowd of thieves. He ignored the swords and guns directed at him, slashing and killing, exchanging wounds for wounds and fighting for his life.

Behind him, a large group of sergeants rushed into the city gate.

There were dozens of soldiers there, and another bloody fight broke out.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Wen couldn't bear it anymore and kept retreating.

In front of him, more and more Yun people rushed over, relying on the strength of their numbers to launch a new round of charge.

"Okay!" The frozen city gate was opened a crack.

The tug-of-war general and his soldiers, who had been impatient for a long time, pushed open the city gate and swarmed in.

"Kill the thief!" Zhang Wen was panting like an ox, and barely summoned up the courage to shout, "Does the thief only know Master Wang Zhong? Would you rather not know me, Zhang Wen?"

I chop, I chop, I chop chop chop!

Changke's ax was danced by him like a windmill, whizzing back and forth, with blood shining into the sky.

More and more sergeants poured into the city. After forming a formation, they pushed the Yunchen sergeant back.

We are all veteran warriors who have been in battle for many years, and we know that the essence of a surprise attack is to kill as many of the enemy's active forces as possible and gain an advantage when the enemy is not well prepared and unable to exert its full strength.

Most of the Yun soldiers are celebrating the New Year at home, and there are not many people on duty. They should be killed and scattered without any delay.

Every moment of delay, more enemies may arrive for reinforcements, things will become more complicated, and casualties will increase sharply.

"The future will come unexpectedly!"

"Rich! Rich!"

"Kick them to death!"

"The wealth that His Highness said is in the city, kill him!"

Thousands of surprise soldiers poured into the city, pushing forward along the streets like a torrent.

The defenders could resist a few attacks at first, but the warriors who dared to fight were quickly killed. The remaining people couldn't stop it and kept retreating.

At the end of the street, people kept coming for reinforcements, but they all used tactics to add fuel to the fire.

The number of each group was too small, and they lacked organization and command, so they could not form a joint force. Therefore, they could only delay the attack of the sudden generals slightly, but the entire front still collapsed irresistibly.

"The thieves are so scared!"

"Juwei is dead!"

"I see wealth!"

The soldiers of the surprise attack became more and more courageous as they fought. They marched bravely in the heavy snow with swords and guns at their disposal.

Their footsteps sounded in unison, a quality displayed by veterans who have been fighting for more than ten years.

The wind and snow couldn't fascinate their eyes, and the long sword was firmly raised forward. Any thief who stood in front of him, no matter how capable he was, would be stabbed and covered in blood.

No one can stop them, and the street fighting is effectively over. Adding fuel tactics will not change anything, it will only drive waves of Yun people to their deaths.

"Where is the thief general? Do you dare to fight with me?" Zhu Wei came up with hundreds of soldiers and shouted loudly.

What responded to him was the sudden acceleration of the pace of the generals. What a huge pile of wealth!

"Kill!" The two sides collided head-on.

Life passed by at a staggering speed, and countless corpses fell on the battlefield where the two sides were fighting.

The blood flowed steamingly, snowflakes fell on it, and it was soon dyed a strange red.

Zhu Wei suffered several wounds and was still fighting endlessly. Unexpectedly, an iron spear came and penetrated the gap in his skirt and armor and stabbed into his abdomen.

"I killed him!" Dong Zhang shouted excitedly.

However, he was soon unlucky. Zhu Wei's soldiers rushed forward crying, risking their lives to kill Dong Zhang.

Dong Zhang was also a ruthless man. When he saw this, he refused to retreat but advanced, and cursed endlessly: "Fighting to the death, right? No one can stop me from gaining this wealth."

Yin Anzhi's Guanbei heroes and the children of Bianliang Military Academy stepped forward together to extinguish the Yun people's final counterattack.

The people of Yun were defeated.

Zhu Wei was dead, and they were at a loss for a while. Some hid in their homes, while others opened the city gate and fled. The unbreakable Yunzhou City, which had stood firm for more than ten years in front of the Wei, Liang, and Xia soldiers, changed hands.

Shao Shude waited quietly outside the city, his body covered with heavy snow and motionless.

After hearing the news that Zhu Wei had been executed and the bandits were defeated, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He rarely took risks during military operations, but this time he tried his best, but luckily he didn't make any mistakes.

The north wind became more and more violent, with a faint whine, and the snow particles made a rustling sound on people's bodies.

Shao Shude slowly entered the city under the escort of Yin'anzhi soldiers.

There were already soldiers climbing up the rafters to ensure that no one was shooting arrows from a high position, even though it was impossible to shoot arrows in this damn weather.

There were also soldiers standing in front of the houses on both sides of the street. Anyone who dared to open the door or window without permission would be immediately cut into pieces.

There were people standing in front of Zhu Wei's mansion, all of them beaming with joy.

"Your Highness is here!" the sergeants shouted.

Shao Shude became interested and shouted: "Where is the sudden general?"

"The sudden general is here!" Everyone laughed and responded in unison.

"Well done!" Shao Shude walked to the door of Zhu's Mansion and patted the sergeants on the shoulders one by one.

"Everyone!" Shao Shude turned around, faced the sergeants surrounding him, and asked, "What did I say when I was born?"

"Celebrate the New Year in Yunzhou!" Dong Zhang shouted loudly as he limped to the front, leaning on his iron gun.

"New Year! New Year!" the sergeants shouted again.

Shao Shude smiled and said: "It's still too late. Send the order and kill the cows and sheep. It will be a big meal today."

There was another burst of cheers.

Having just defeated the enemy and captured the city, everyone's morale was very high. A defeated general like Zhu Wei would definitely become a stepping stone to their fame in this surprise attack on a snowy night.

"The soldiers followed me on a long journey, and it was really hard to fight in battle. You gentlemen, just enjoy the wine and meat in peace. I will come to patrol the city tonight." Shao Shude said again.

"No, Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, just come into the mansion and sit down."

"Silence!" Shao Shude made a serious face, shook the snowflakes off his body, picked up a long stick from the ground, and said: "This is a military order. You will live up to me, and I will live up to you."

After that, he strode away.

The descendants of Yin'anzhi's wealthy frontier clan were the focus of King Xia's heart. You looked at me and I looked at you, and followed them without saying a word.

Kang Yanxiao and Zhe Butai discussed it, and then gave orders to all the ministries, selecting two thousand people to go to the city, and a thousand people to prepare for reinforcements. The rest are waiting, Da Menu!

So, how valuable is an informed subordinate.

Kang Yanxiao arranged the aftermath for Shao Shude in a few words, so that the soldiers could eat and drink in peace. With this ability, he was already in the emperor's heart.

After experiencing the brutal killings in the first half of the night, the second half of the night was relatively calm overall. Except for the noisy voices of the generals and soldiers and the occasional fighting sounds in the city, there was nothing. It was very peaceful. There were still a few scattered soldiers in the corners of the city, and the patrolling brigade

The sergeant beheaded him.

After dawn, Shao Shude went down to the top of the city.

Guarding the city at night is not a good job. He secretly thought that in the future, his sons who are well-dressed and well-fed should also be trained in this way. They know the hardships of being a soldier. Don't be fooled. See the large amount of money allocated to the army.

Silk makes my flesh hurt. If there is not enough money and food, dogs will not come to serve as soldiers. Even if they do come, they will just be hungry beggars who can only make ends meet. What kind of fighting ability can they have?

"Your Highness is back!" A large group of sergeants gathered in front of the Zhu Mansion.

After experiencing an unbelievable victory, King Xia spoke nicely and scratched the itch of the warriors with every sentence. They were not heartless and naturally returned to their hearts.

Dozens of people spontaneously surrounded Shao Shude and entered the house.

"What's going on?" Shao Shude asked, pointing to the woman in the hall.

"Your Highness." Kang Yanxiao stepped forward bravely and said: "The soldiers love Your Highness and all say that they are lucky to have such an official. These two people are Zhu Wei's wife and daughter. They have already been bathed and can serve His Highness in a while.


Shao Shude laughed.

"Where is Zhang Wen?" he asked suddenly.

"Zhang Wen! Zhang Wen!" everyone shouted.

"Your Highness, Zhang Wen is here!" Zhang Wen rushed in furiously. As he got closer, he finally remembered something and threw Chang Ke's ax on the ground with a clang.

"Last night you led the troops to ascend first, and you had no chance of killing the enemy. I said that if you were to be promoted to deputy general, you could go to attack the general, or you could go to another camp. Let me know after you think about it." Shao Shude said: "But the deputy general is not enough.

To reward merit."

After that, he grabbed Zhu Wei's wife, pushed her into Zhang Wen's arms, and said, "I reward you. Treat others well and don't be too harsh."

"Thank you for the reward, Your Highness." Zhang Wen was not polite and said, "I am poor and have not yet married. I will take this woman back to be my wife."

Zhu Wei's wife seems to be less than thirty and relatively calm. This is the best ending for her.

"Dong Zhang!" Shao Shude shouted again.

Dong Zhang will come soon.

"This girl rewards you." Shao Shude pushed Zhu Wei's daughter into Dong Zhang's arms.

Zhu Wei was killed by Dong Zhang. He did not say it directly in front of Zhu Wei's daughter, but everyone present knew it and was filled with envy in their hearts.

"Thank you for the reward, Your Highness." Dong Zhang said happily.

He was originally just a slave, but he was once reduced to being a servant. How could he afford a wife? He went out to fight in a war, was about to be promoted, got a wife, and made a lot of money.

"When the inventory of the treasury is completed, everyone will be rewarded." Shao Shude announced.

There was indeed a sum of money in the treasury of Yuncheng. This was Zhu Wei's plan to recruit new soldiers to restore the army to 30,000, which was an advantage for Shao Shude.

The promise made before the expedition was basically fulfilled. Shao Shude breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his military spirit.

This chapter has been completed!
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