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Chapter 69 Acquaintances

 Li Tangbin arrived in Yunzhou.

He is rather embarrassed now.

The King of Xia personally conquered Yunzhou, commanding one person at a time and appointing another at another time, almost vacating all the commanders and envoys of his camp in Puzhou.

As a coach, this is the most annoying thing. But what can be done? If you are smarter, you can play the role of a staff, secretly check for leaks and fill in the gaps, and perfect it around King Xia's combat intentions without leaving any trace.

King Xia cannot stay here forever. Sooner or later he will go to Heyang or Jinjiang. After he leaves, it will not be too late to fully take over.

However, nothing can be done right now.

"General Han, are the sergeants in the city reliable?" Li Tangbin found an opportunity and asked.

Han Zhu looked at the two or three hundred soldiers brought by Li Tangbin and said: "Touhou, it's better to be cautious. Although Zhu Zhen has been purged, there are still people who are loyal to Zhu Quanzhong. When the two armies fight, if anything happens

If you say 'Our army is defeated', something big will happen."

"So I came in person, and I really feel uneasy." Li Tangbin said: "We are not allowed to go out to fight. The city gates are guarded by reliable people. The rest of the soldiers, except for taking turns guarding the city head, stay in the camp and are not allowed to make any noise. If

If there is any unusual movement, report it immediately and I will hunt it down."

"Yes." Han Zhu responded immediately.

Those who stayed in Yunzhou were mainly 5,000 people from the Yameni Army. The other part followed south and was led by the military envoy Li Yanwei. This person could not stay in Yunzhou. After all, he had been father and son with Zhu Quanzhong for a long time, although this would change

I have returned to my real name, but who knows if something will happen again.

You can't gamble on this kind of thing, so he was taken away by Shao Shude.

"Du Tou, there is one more thing..." Han Zhu hesitated, unwilling to say anything clearly.

"Say." Li Tangbin looked at him and had some guesses in his mind.

"Zhu Zhen has arrived in Shouzhang County. According to the king's order, the Holy Army will go to Changqing and return to Qizhou to recruit the command of the envoy Fengzang. However, Zhu Quanzhong has gone south, and there are no troops to guard Shouzhang, Yuncheng, and Yanggu.

, Puzhou Tianxing Army only has 5,000 people, and is not very capable of fighting. This area is a bit dangerous." Han Zhu said.

Sure enough! It matched Li Tangbin’s own guess.

"Immediately capture the Peng Sheng Army and station them in Shouzhang." Li Tangbin gave the order to Zuo, the camp officer who followed him, without hesitation.

The staff member frowned slightly.

It was the King of Xia's order to hold the Holy Army eastward. Although the Lord did this in line with the battlefield situation, was it not too unruly? Sometimes it would be better to lose the battle than leave a bad impression on the Lord politically.

"Order immediately." Li Tangbin urged: "When the king ordered Zhu Zhen to go eastward, he did not receive the news of Quanzhong going south. If he had known about it, he would have done the same. There is no doubt that the king is not a narrow-minded person, so he sent an ultimatum quickly.

Hold the Holy Army."

"As ordered." The staff handed over their hands and left.

Han Zhu was somewhat impressed.

With the gradual expansion of power, King Xia's power and prestige became more and more powerful. Whatever he dared to say casually in the past must now be considered carefully. This happened naturally and did not require any special expression from King Xia. The general trend is like this.

No one dares to disobey.

"Wait." Li Tangbin called back to his staff.

The staff did not understand what he meant.

Li Tangbin put his hand on the hilt of the sword, stood still for a while, and added: "I have given the order to Fengzang to abandon the defense of Changqing to protect the country. The Zhongwu Army retreated to the Pingyin area to consolidate the defense line."

"Send an order to Guo Shaobin and Zhang Jun. The strong and sharp troops will guard Lu County and Jezhou Pass. If there is spare strength, a few elite troops can be sent to fight to prove Zhu Quanzhong's weight."

"Send an order to Shaolun and He Gui to recruit the villagers from the Puzhou Tuan Tuan and cooperate with the Tianxing army to guard the gate. Patrol the river frequently to guard against the intrusion of thieves."

After adding many orders in one breath, the staff had people spread out paper and pen to record them.

A careful analysis of these military orders shows that Li Tangbin's primary purpose was to stabilize his position.

It is not clear how many troops Wang Shifan dispatched. According to pre-war information, there are more than 50,000 regular troops in Qizhen, and the proportion of cavalry is not low. If they recruit local warriors, it will not be a big problem to collect more than 100,000 troops.

Now Zhu Quanzhong led his troops southward again, occupied Dong'a, and was close to Yanggu. He claimed that he had an army of 50,000, which may be untrue, but everyone judged that there were still around 20,000. As for the combat effectiveness, we still have to try it to know.

, before that we must not underestimate the enemy.

There is another hidden concern.

Zhu Quanzhong went south from Wei Bo, so what was Wei Bo Wufu's attitude? Will he follow him south? Although the possibility is very small, we have to be on guard. This is why Shao Lun and He Gui were ordered to patrol the river. If someone follows him south,

How about looting? Everyone likes robbing things.

Then consider your own military strength.

Five thousand of the Yameni army were guarding Yunzhou, but Li Tangbin was unwilling to let them go on an expedition and only watched them under his nose.

The Zhao Yan Division of the Zhongwu Army currently has close to 7,000 troops, with a mix of old and new troops, and its combat effectiveness when going out to the town is only about that.

There are still more than 7,000 soldiers in the Protectorate Army, and their combat effectiveness is slightly stronger than that of the Zhongwu Army, but their morale seems to be lower than that of the Zhongwu Army. The problem is not caused on the battlefield, but because the King of Xia has been brutally squeezing the river for a long time, which has caused great dissatisfaction among the locals.

This is also the main reason why King Xia sent people to help Wang Yao suppress the situation last year.

The Jianrui Army is already a "house slave with three surnames", a real old oil army, and there are currently six to seven thousand people. When fighting, they just deal with errands, but they are very active in asking for money and food. It is unrealistic to expect them to shoulder the big task.

In terms of military age, Zhu Zhen's Peng Sheng Army is shorter than Longxiang, Guangsheng and other armies. But the top and bottom are integrated, and Zhu Zhen has added the elite troops he has painstakingly built to make up for them. Currently, there are still 11,000

The rest of them, upper and lower, are like a private soldier.

As for the Peng Japanese Army, its combat effectiveness is worse than that of the Peng Sheng Army. It should be the worst among the troops currently stationed in Yun and Yanzhu towns. Moreover, they are not under the command of Li Tangbin. They are escorting Yunzhou prisoners back to Bianzhou.

, I picked up a batch of grain, grass and equipment by the way, but I couldn't put them into battle.

With a total of 40,000 people fighting, his combat power is questionable, his mind is questionable, and there is nothing wrong with Li Tangbin's decision-making.

The demons and demons all over the place were all suppressed by King Xia. If something happened to the old man, Li Tangbin would not be able to clean up the mess.


In Dong'a County, the looting has ended.

There are still some differences between Zhu Quanzhong's troops and the early Chao army. They did not swarm out and plunder in a chaotic manner, but burned, killed and looted in an orderly manner, but they seemed to be more cold-blooded.

The belongings of the people in the city were looted, and corpses were everywhere. These were the people who rose up to resist, and they were all killed by the sword.

The woman was loaded into the car and planned to be taken away and assigned to the sergeants.

"Your Majesty, General Wang sent me to report that he has entered Yanggu County and captured many people, including three thousand men. He is sending people to escort him." A messenger rushed into the city to report.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Quanzhong frowned after hearing this and said: "Such strong wives are often kidnapped. Why is Wang Yin unwilling to gather them together and send them away? This one is more important than the killing one! On the day when the thieves are broken, kill all the leaders and soldiers."

It’s okay. I kidnapped my wife and sent some elite men to come to my place. I provided them with food and clothing, but I also spent a lot of money on security and defense, so I couldn’t keep her alive.”

Lao Zhu's meaning is very clear. If you kill them all, it won't matter. But if you rob someone's wife and send their best to him, what's the point?

How much effort will he have to win over the three thousand men who were robbed of their wives? Unless he followed Qin Zongquan's example and coerced these people to steal the wives of another wave of people, unleashing the evil of human nature and letting them completely degenerate into beast soldiers.

But Zhu Quanzhong didn't want to do that yet.

Burning, killing and looting is a temporary measure, but it must be standardized in the end. This will make the sergeants happy, but there still needs to be a piece of land in the back for everyone to calm down and standardize, so that there is a future.

"Write an ultimatum to Wang Yin." Zhu Quanzhong ordered.

Jingxiang took the order and spread out the pen and paper.

After Zhu Quanzhong thought for a while, he said: "We have captured so many people that it is difficult to imprison them. Now I am sending someone to teach you how to keep a few hundred elite and brave men. If they are unfit for duty, they will be removed from the army secretly. There is no need to free them."


Jingxiang hesitated for a moment, but still finished writing. After finishing writing, he fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

After the envoy took the ultimatum, he and Jiang Xuanhui, who had taken the order, mounted their horses and ran towards the outside of the city.

"Is there any news about Zhu Zhen?" Zhu Quanzhong found a place to sit down and asked.

"We are still in contact." Li Zhen saw that Jingxiang was not interested in talking, so he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, regardless of past grudges, Zhu Zhen must not be flattered and surrender?"

Zhu Quanzhong didn't want to accept such words, so he asked again: "Is there any way to open it in Yunzhou?"

"I'm afraid it's difficult." Li Zhen frowned and thought hard for a moment, then said: "The thief general doesn't know who he is, and he is tightly guarded. He doesn't even let people go out to collect firewood. Even if he wants to capture a prisoner, he can't do it.

It seems that they don't trust the Yanei Army and are keeping a close eye on them."

"This is inevitable." Zhu Quanzhong sighed: "Who else could the thieves be? It's either Li Tangbin or Zhu Yougong. These people are all acquaintances."

Li Tangbin was once a subordinate of Zhang Quanyi, the Youyi envoy to the north of Chang'an, and had many contacts with Zhu Quanzhong, the Youyi envoy to the east, and the two sides were indeed familiar with each other.

Li Tangbin, Zhu Zhen, Zhu Yougong, Guo Shaobin, Zhang Jun, Zhao Yan and the like, which one is not an acquaintance?

Every time he thought of this, Zhu Quanzhong felt itchy with hatred, but he had to lower himself, be conceited, and deal with them patiently.

If the current situation is like this, what can we do, what can we do!

"Your Majesty, what should I do with the Bozhou soldiers crossing the river?" Li Zhen asked again.

There were probably more than a thousand soldiers from Bozhou, not to support Zhu Quanzhong, but to go south on their own initiative to plunder property, including women's. They would not listen to Zhu Quanzhong's command, nor would they stand up for him, but they were just fishing in troubled waters to reap the benefits.

That’s all.

"Choose a few beautiful women and send them to General Chen." Zhu Quanzhong stood up and said, "Just a few words, I will pay a visit in person tonight."

"General Chen" is the leader of this group of Weibo warriors who went south, and holds the rank of ten generals.

Zhu Quanzhong spent a lot of time on this man, trying to use him to break into the circle of Wei Bo warriors and get to know more generals.

If he can't stand in Yunzhou, he has a backup plan.

After the difficulties, Tian Chengsi single-handedly created a group of Weibo warriors who were unruly and self-contained. But can foreign warriors really not be military governors? Not necessarily.

When the imperial court was powerful, Li Su served as a military envoy for more than a year.

He Jantao of the Lingzhou Military Academy followed Tian Hongzheng, who was loyal to the imperial court, to Weizhou. After Tian Hongzheng moved to Chengde, He Jantao stayed in Weizhou. Later, with the support of local warriors, he mutinied and killed Shi Xiancheng, and appointed himself as the military governor, which was passed down to three generations.

He Jintao, a foreign warrior with a court background, could get Wei Bo Wufu to support him, kill Genzheng Miaohong, and Shi Xiancheng, a descendant of Tian Chengsi's old tribe, and become the military governor, so there might be an opportunity.

The warriors don't care where you are from, even if you are a monkey, as long as you safeguard their interests, the monkey can also be a governor.

Of course, everyone knows that it contains huge risks.

But in this world, warriors are not afraid of risks or death, but they are afraid of not having the chance to pass on wealth and honor to future generations.

Zhu Quanzhong decided to think of a way secretly, although Brother Luo Liu had high hopes for him to support his son as the governor.

This chapter has been completed!
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