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Chapter 75 Route

"Confused, confused!" Luo Hongxin patted the table with all his strength, and sighed: "I knew something was going to happen, and it happened as expected."

Luo Shaowei, Yang Li, Li Gongquan, Shi Renyu and others stood aside, some frowning in thought, some looking worried, or disapproving. They seemed to have different people's hearts, just like today's Weibo Town.

"Commander, now is not the time to find out who is right and who is wrong. The Xia people have already come to the door. It's time to make a decision. Should we fight with them? Or settle the matter?" Yang Li reminded.

"I want to fight, what do you think?" Luo Hongxin asked calmly.

Shi Renyu didn't answer, but Li Gongquan jumped out and admonished: "Commander, you can't do it."

"Li Yuhou, you are also a warrior after all, so you are so greedy for life and afraid of death?" Luo Hongxin said angrily: "I am not afraid of half of the people who have buried their bodies in the ground. What are you afraid of?"

Li Gongquan was a little ashamed, but he still replied: "Commander, at the end of the past year, we stationed troops in Weizhou and had several battles with the Xia people. The thieves are strong and brave, and are not afraid of sharp edges. Our army has too many ideas and worries. If you are timid during a fight, you are not as brave as a thief who dares to fight, so you will always suffer losses."

What he said was actually quite objective.

Weibo Wufu has a nasty problem. If you don't push them into a hurry, their fighting spirit will only be the same, and they will not risk their lives against the enemy.

If you encounter ordinary enemies, they may have poor fighting ability, or they may be Hebei warriors. Everyone has the same problem, and you will not suffer any disadvantages when fighting. But if you encounter ruthless enemies who dare to fight, fight, and risk their lives, For people, such as Liang Jun back then, this problem was too big.

Xia Jun once commented on Wei Bo's warriors: They are skilled in skills, well-equipped, and skilled in military formations. They can withstand the enemy's three axes, but they are easily discouraged after three axes.

In other words, their willpower and quality are not good. To be more precise, they have too many ideas and are short of breath at critical moments. The problem lies in their brains, not their basic martial arts, equipment or battle formations.

The "armed civil servants" who serve as iron rice bowls in the old feudal towns are just like this.

If the general is capable, has high personal charisma, and has good skills, then this problem can be weakened and Wei Bojun's combat effectiveness can be greatly improved.

Or due to the situation, for example, if the imperial court wants to deal with you, you will have a chance to atone for your sins, and then you will fight very hard. When the imperial court ordered you to conquer Huaixi, Wei Bowufu fought very well.

But if you are a mediocre general who cannot effectively rectify your soldiers, and the external situation is very comfortable, then the warriors will be defeated by you.

Of course, if someone tries to destroy their iron rice bowl, the problem will be serious. The outcome of the battle may surprise you. The originally weak Weibo warriors will be like tigers descending from the mountain. Everyone will rush to be the first to destroy the battle you thought was a sure win. If a professional martial artist fights seriously, it's hard to say how effective he is in fighting, especially if you still judge others with old eyes and are not mentally prepared enough, a disastrous defeat may come.

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of veteran veterans who watch their actions and are at a very high level. It depends on whether they are willing to fight hard.

"If you don't want to fight with others, then what are you going to do by crossing the river and provoking them?" Luo Hongxin angrily rebuked: "They are just a bunch of cheap idiots, causing trouble all day long."

Li Gongquan was also speechless and didn't know how to answer.

"Commander, let's talk about business." Shi Renyu sighed and said, "Shao thief asks for Zhu Quanzhong, will he give it to him?"

Luo Hongxin hesitated.

In fact, Zhu Quanzhong had secretly sent someone here once, with a humble attitude and a humble tone, and promised to send a large amount of plundered goods to the Luo family. As for the appointment of the next Jiedu envoy by the military minister, Zhu Quanzhong was even more concerned He swore that he would make friends with many generals in Erzhou and convince them to support Luo Shaowei.

Whether his son can successfully take over the throne has almost become a worry for Luo Hongxin. He once regarded Zhu Quanzhong as a strong supporter, but after the defeats in Yanggu and Wushui, he had some doubts. Now, he feels that Zhu Quanzhong seems to be still alive. It's of considerable value.

It’s really hard to decide!

"As soon as the Xia thieves come, it's not a problem for us to offer money to settle the matter." After pondering for a long time, Luo Hongxin said: "This will make the Xia thieves look down upon, and the lion will open his mouth. I'm afraid there will be trouble coming in the future. It's best now. The best way to deal with this is to increase troops in Bozhou to intimidate the Xia thieves and make them retreat. Even if they don't leave, the thieves will lower their demands when they see my army gathering in sequence, and things will be much easier to talk about."

Li Gongquan and Shi Renyu looked at each other. What the commander said makes sense. Even if you want to calm down the trouble, you can't act like a coward. It will only make the enemy look down upon. In the future, they will often come to ask for money and food. When will it be the end? Is it like it was before? It’s the same as offering money to Bianzhou, giving money every year?

"The commander-in-chief's words make sense, and the general will agree to increase the number of troops in Bozhou." Li Gongquan said.

"The general also agreed to increase the number of troops. We will see how the situation changes before making the next decision." Shi Renyu said.

"My son, what do you think?" Luo Hongxin turned his eyes to his son and encouraged him to speak freely.

"Grandpa, I don't think you need to be too afraid of the Xia people." Luo Shaowei said confidently: "Li Keyong of Jinyang asked me for help, saying that everything in the past was a misunderstanding and he didn't want to go into it. Now he wants to make it right. Shao Thief and Li With the conflict between Keyong and Keyong imminent, isn't he worried that Weizhou will turn to Li Keyong? I think that Shao and Thieves will not push each other too hard. As long as the interests are clearly explained, Shao and Thieves may even try to win over our town."

This is Wei Bo's special skill: repeatedly jumping horizontally to get stuck in the wall.

What Luo Shaowei said does make some sense, because Shao Shude did try to win over Wei Bo before, but he didn't take it too seriously and later let it go.

In this current situation, with Shao and Li Biyou fighting, Wei Bo's value has increased. Solving the problem may not be as difficult as imagined, but Wei Bo still has confidence.

"My son's words make sense." Luo Hongxin praised: "Then mobilize immediately, increase the number of troops in Bozhou, and at the same time send envoys to Jinyang and Wushui to see what will happen."


The operation to raise food and fodder went very smoothly.

Looking at the overcrowded grain warehouse, Shao Shude was both satisfied and dissatisfied.

I am satisfied because the soldiers are so efficient. In just a few days, they "collected" more than 60,000 grains and beans, which is enough to consume the more than 20,000 soldiers brought here for two months. And this number is still growing.

, because five thousand troops from the Yameni army marched into Chaocheng County, Chanzhou yesterday, and with the help of Tianxing's army who crossed the river to the north, they spread around and collected grain and grass. It is said that they have obtained more than 30,000 husks of millet and wheat, which is a big harvest.

The dissatisfaction is that there is still not enough food because the Dingnan Army has arrived.

The Dingnan Army was established for a short period of time. It was "ripped off" by Shao Shude during his western tour last year. It is mainly composed of Hexi Tibetan people. Its combat effectiveness is average, but there are many horses. There are about 9,000 horsemen in this army, but there are no horses.

Nearly 20,000 horses, which is amazing.

With more than 30,000 horses, about 90,000 grains and beans are consumed in a month. Looking at it this way, what has been collected so far is too little, and we must continue to work harder.

"Your Majesty, you have lived up to your command!" Wei Boqiu, the envoy of the Dingnan Army, bowed and saluted.

"Okay! All the soldiers have worked hard, let's open up and eat today." Shao Shude said with a smile.

"The general will send someone to deliver the order right now," Wei Boqiu said happily.

Shao Shude smiled and said nothing, and then asked: "Do you know why I don't let you wait to enter the city, but hide in this wilderness?"

"Your Majesty, you have your own reasons. All you have to do is obey military orders." Wei Boqiu replied.

"Okay!" Shao Shu took Wei Boqiu's hand and said, "Twenty years have passed since I took you into my account in Shuozhou. Now it seems that all the old brothers from back then are talented."

Of course, this is not true.

In fact, some people gradually failed to keep up with the team. They did not improve themselves during their long military career and gradually fell behind.

Shao Shude has always regarded all the old brothers in Tielindu as Yuan Cong, and even the soldiers from the Three Cities of Heyang who were later recruited during the army expansion as old brothers. Of course, these people cannot all be talented.

Some of them died in battle, some were disabled, and some retired from old age, but their families were living well, and rich men could not escape. This was also the main reason why Shao Shude's character in the army had always been very strong.


If you follow the king, you will really have a future! Even a person who cannot hold up the wall can become a rich man in the countryside. If the next generation has outstanding children, after hearing about it, King Xia will summon him and take the exam himself.

If you look at him as a soldier, he will be accepted as a private soldier, and then he will be released as a junior officer when you find an opportunity. This approach is very convincing.

There are a thousand personal soldiers, including the powerful sons of the Northern Powers, the sons and nephews of the Tibetan chieftains, the sons of officials from the Central and Hezhong regions, and the young men recommended by the old man Yuan Cong. They are almost the epitome of the Kansai military and political group.

Now another Yin'anzhi, known as the "Second Guards", has been established, and there are a large number of frontier tycoons and children of Helong and Fan people. Recently, many talents from Bianzhou Military Academy families have been added, and the representativeness has been further expanded.

Wei Boqiu is considered to be a good person among Yuancong elders. He is in his early forties this year. He is in good spirits, does not look old at all, and has a strong fighting spirit.

"I have wronged you all first." Shao Shude said, "When my big deal is settled, I will definitely give you a reward."

"Your Majesty, what is a big deal?" Wei Boqiu couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

"Bring the map." Shao Shude ordered.

Yang Hongyin opened the map quickly, and his movements were very quick, which reminded Shao Shude of Li Yanling back then. However, Yang Hongyin was born in the Yang family of Linzhou, and he was very good at arrows and spears, so he could shoot much better than Lao Li.

"Go northeast from Liaocheng to Gaotang County, then cross the river eastward to Qizhou." Shao Shude drew a route and said.

Wei Boqiu suddenly realized it and had a more or less idea of ​​the next task.

"Going northeast from Gaotang, you can reach Dezhou under the rule of Heng Haijun." Shao Shude drew another route and said: "Going south from Dezhou, you can also reach Qizhou. Going east, you can reach Dizhou."

The ownership of Dizhou in history is more complicated.

Heng Haijun Jiedushi once governed the four prefectures of Cang, Jing, De and Di, which is roughly equivalent to Cangzhou and Hengshui in Hebei and Dezhou and Binzhou in Shandong in later generations. Of course, the current military number of this vassal town is "Yichang", but "Henghai"

It is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that many people are still accustomed to the old name, just like calling Xu Zhen "Wuning Army". In fact, the saint has given the military title "Guangcheng" again.

During the reign of Emperor Wenzong, Li Tongjie wanted to inherit his father's post after staying in Heng Haijun Festival, but the imperial court did not allow it. He ordered soldiers from Wei, Xu, Yun, and Ding towns to besiege Cangjing. Li Tongjie and Chengde's reinforcements were defeated. After the war, Dizhou was assigned to Ziqing Town.

Li Tongjie was killed and his wife was brought into the palace.

Shao Bo, the governor of Dizhou, was an old friend of Wang Jingwu. Wang Jingwu was the father of Wang Shifan.

Shao Bo had already led his army south to Qizhou to participate in the siege of Pingyin.

"Your Majesty, Dezhou is a large county with many soldiers and horses..." Wei Boqiu reminded.

"Well, it's a bit risky, so I won't take this route." Shao Shude said: "A group of horses will be sent over in the next two days. At that time, the entire army will send troops to Qizhou with ten days of grain and beans."

In war, one must be surprised, so as to obtain unimaginable results. Anyway, the cavalry comes and goes like the wind. Even if it fails, it can also retreat. This risk is still worth taking.

This chapter has been completed!
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