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Chapter 78 Shaking

 "Form up two state troops from Yun and Qi, with three thousand each. Wang Jiao is appointed as the commander of the Qi troops, and Ye Li Kecheng is appointed as the commander of the Yun troops." After entering the city, Shao Shude immediately issued the order.

Everyone looked at Wang Jiao with envy.

Wang Jianji's light words were remembered by King Xia, and he quickly became famous. Of course, when the opportunity comes, you must seize it, otherwise it will be self-defeating.

It is difficult to tell whether it is better to be an infantry commander in the Tianxiong Army or a state troop commander in a certain state.

It seems not good to consider it purely from the perspective of future. The commander of the state army is equivalent to the ten generals of the government army. It is the ceiling of a state's military chief. It is impossible to be promoted. If he is promoted again, he will have to join the shogunate as a government officer.

Under the background that the king of Xia is paying more and more attention to the royal palace and despising the shogunate, it is not a good thing. What's more, there are not many shogunates in vassal towns nowadays. The governor of the Tianping Army will definitely be a decoration. Who will you serve as a general?

But as the saying goes, analyzing specific matters in detail, for "border states and counties" like Qi that have long-term war missions, the state army commanders have to participate in the war for a long time. For example, the soldiers from Fuzhou in Henan were very active when attacking Liang, and many

The first time he entered the battle, Ma Sixun, the first commander, was promoted to serve as the Duyu Marquis of the Heiji Army. He Piao, the former general of the Tianxiong Army, served as the commander. Currently, more than 4,000 troops of the army are guarding Luoyang, but they may go north to enter Meng at any time.

Be prepared to fight.

Qizhou has Zizhou to the east, Yanzhou to the south, and Tongde to the north. Di, must go to the battlefield.

Yunzhou is similar. If troops are used against Wei Bo, Yunzhou soldiers will also go to the battlefield.

In addition to these, it is easy to imagine that officers serving in local areas can more easily achieve "financial freedom".

In other vassals and towns, the shogunate generals all want to go to Zhizhou to become governors. There are few Xia army officers who serve as governors, and you are not allowed to have too much military power, but there are still many people who want to take this position, and you don't need to be greedy.

, there are too many legal channels to make money. Being an official is not for wealth. What do you want? You have spent countless efforts to practice martial arts since childhood, endured countless hardships, and experienced life and death on the battlefield when you grow up. After you become an official, can you do it for the common people?

Service? Then why should I work so hard? I'll just lie down and be a common citizen, and others will serve me, okay?

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your promotion." Wang Jiao immediately stepped out of the queue and replied loudly.

"The soldiers will arrive soon. I will give you two hundred people, and you can choose three hundred from Tielin's army." Shao Shude said: "These five hundred people are the backbone of Qizhou's prefectures and counties. Yesterday, we captured thousands of Qi soldiers.

Leave it all to you, let me straighten it out. Any shortcomings in staff will be made up slowly."

If the thousands of captured Qi soldiers continue to serve as state soldiers if they are not demobilized, their income will definitely drop a lot, because the six counties of Qizhou are no longer their private territory and they can suck blood at will.

But it's better than being dismissed. If those who lost the battle can't accept this difference, then Shao Shude doesn't mind killing them all. He has long been disgusted with these people.

There is a shortage of 1,500, and 500 will be used to recruit locals who have no chance to serve as soldiers, and 1,000 will be reserved first. Shao Shude has a bunch of miscellaneous troops that need to be reorganized, consumed, and demobilized. Every quota is precious.

"Qizhou is here, and there are five counties including Yucheng, Linyi, Linji, Zhangqiu, and Changqing. Take them as soon as possible." Shao Shude ordered: "But don't divide the troops. Just send a few troops to coerce them. If you are willing to surrender, we will surrender."

Then ask them to transport grain, grass, and goods to Qizhou. If they don't surrender, don't force them, and we'll deal with them later."

The counties in the war are originally just grassroots. Sometimes they turn to you, and then see you withdraw and lose, they turn to someone else, and when you come back, they turn to you again. This is normal and common. Don't be harsh on others.

Loyalty, in troubled times, when you have a new land and people's hearts are not attached to you, how can you get absolute loyalty?

Shao Shude was sure that even if the remaining counties in Qizhou would surrender to him now, they would most likely change their stance once the enemy army arrives.

Everyone is like this, don't try to be serious about their loyalty, it doesn't exist, just pretend to be confused.

"Urge the sudden generals, yamen, and Tianxing troops to speed up and rush to Qizhou. If they don't come, this battle can't be fought."

"Continue to contact the Feilong Army. Could it be that Qi Binzhang went up the mountain to become a thieves?"

"Ask Ye Liyusuo, how long will it take for the Yangmen Bridge bandit camp to be fought? When will I hear the news of success?"

"Move the cavalry army eastward to Song, Cao, Shan, and Zhu Jin to sneak attack on our army's food road. It's very abominable. Kill the thieves and cavalry that break into the country one by one."

"The Wuxing and Guzhen armies withdrew from Xuzhou and returned to Suzhou. They first pulled out Yang Xingmi's nails in Huaibei."

"What's going on with the Huaining army? How come even people like Zhu Yanshou have victories and defeats? Can Shouzhou be stable?"

"The Yi Congjun hurry up and train together, time is running out."

Inside the Qizhou Yamen Office, Shao Shude was reading the ultimatum, listening to reports, and issuing orders.

The battlefield is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more battle lines, and there are more and more things to deal with. Judging from the processing process, Shao Shude still regards Yun, Yan, and Qi as the primary battlefields, and strives to achieve breakthroughs, which can free up a lot of

Troops, food and fodder.

Wang Jiao left the government office, and everyone looked at him sideways.

He felt a little pressure, but didn't say anything. The most important thing next is to put up the airs of Qizhou State Army as soon as possible so that the soldiers can convince you.

Wang Jiao thought for a while, it was too slow to gradually win over people's hearts by being steady and steady, he still had to see the real results on the battlefield.

Taking people to capture a few counties may be the best way.


News of the fall of Qizhou quickly spread to all directions through the military relay system.

In Yidu City, Wang Shifan called Liu Wei over.

Liu Wei was not very satisfied. We were at war, so it would be a bit funny for you to call me back from the front line.

Wang Shifan didn't seem to notice Liu Wei's expression, and said: "Didn't it mean that Shao was as stable as an old turtle in fighting? Why does he use such strange tricks now?"

Liu Wei was stunned by the question. After thinking for a long time, he said: "The way to use troops is to make the antelope hang its horns and leave no trace. The Shao thief used to have many soldiers, so he used his troops cautiously and conservatively. Now he leads a group of

We must send down troops and miscellaneous troops, so we will naturally have to make unexpected moves, otherwise we may not be able to open up the situation."

"First, on New Year's Day, under the cover of wind and snow, they made a surprise attack on Yunzhou. Now they will detour to Weibo and capture Qizhou. If Shao thief can't use these two moves, he is afraid that he will stop his troops at the foot of Yunzhou City and not be able to advance."

Wang Shifan let out a long sigh and said, "I was shocked when an honest man started playing tricks."

Liu Wei was silent.

Yun, there is no doubt about Yan Er Town Wufu's will to resist. Zhu Quanzhong has fought for so many years and won countless decisive battles, but even if he can't bite it off, there is no chance that Shao will have any accidents. Everyone is waiting.

He gathered an army of 200,000 and pressed it with an overwhelming force. As a result, he did this to you.

"Are Wei Bo all dead? We usually show off our power and bravery, but the result is that he is so virtuous that he doesn't even know how to stop him." Wang Shifan sighed again: "Cangjing Lu Yanwei is probably scared enough. If Xia Bing goes again,

Go north for a while and you'll enter Texas."

"Commander, Dizhou is empty. If the Yichang army captures it, the current situation may be difficult to recover," Liu Wei reminded.

Dizhou used to be a state affiliated with the Yichang Army. If Lu Yanwei had evil intentions, it would be very possible for him to swallow it.

Wang Shifan nodded and said, "I would like to send my brother to lead three thousand troops northward to recruit brave men from Dizhou. How about that?"

"Yes." Liu Wei replied.

Wang Shifan's brother Wang Shiyue is currently the governor of Dengzhou. Wang Shifan is more relieved when he is sent north to Dizhou. Moreover, he feels guilty towards his brother. Before his father died, he gave the position of commander to him who was only sixteen years old, not because of his age.

The older brother, Wang Shifan, felt a little embarrassed.

Dengzhou was poor. His mother had told him several times that Wang Shifan was considering taking the opportunity to give Dizhou to his brother. It was the Shogunate's fault for Shao Bo. Wang Shifan was also suspicious now, so he might as well let him go to Dengzhou.

Forget it, switch places with your brother.

"Over there in Qizhou..." Wang Shifan hesitated and said, "Why don't we withdraw our troops?"

Liu Wei was shocked and said: "Commander, how can we retreat with tens of thousands of troops?"

"Is it feasible to evacuate to Yanzhou?" Wang Shifan asked.

Liu Wei thought for a while and said: "Withdrawing to Yanzhou, it is better to build a pontoon bridge to cross the river and retreat into the territory of Weibo. Commander, there are more than 10,000 horses, so don't throw them away lightly. The soldiers in the yamen have enough grain and enough food and grass to support two troops."

"Moon, if we collect more grain and grass in the countryside, we can support it for a longer period of time. Don't retreat lightly. Commander, I am willing to lead the army to attack Qizhou and reopen the grain road."

Wang Shifan smiled sarcastically.

He was shaken at the critical moment. He was really worried about the safety of his younger brother Shi Ke. He thought of the things he had written every day to criticize Shao Shude, and felt that the possibility of sending an envoy to beg for an alliance was unlikely.

"If you leave, who will entrust the defense of Ziqing to?" Wang Shifan asked.

"The Yamen general Zhang Juhou is brave and good at fighting. I can give him all the military power." Liu Wei didn't mind handing over the army he controlled to others. He had already begun to seriously think about how to defeat the Xia people and reopen the great road to Qizhou.

Post Road.

"Alternatively, you may send an envoy to Yanzhou." Liu Wei added: "Please ask Duke Zhu to send troops north. The Xia thieves have few enemies in front of them, and if they attack them hard, it may be miraculous. Once Pingyin is conquered, they can advance to Lu

In the county and Yunzhou area, the Shao thieves will lose everything."

"Shan." Wang Shifan said: "I was originally going to rescue Zhu Jin, but there was no reason for him to sit still like a mountain, so I sent the envoy away."

The situation of Zhu Jin in Yanzhou is not too bad. He is now at a standstill with the Xia thieves. There is still a high possibility that he will send troops to the north. This can be seen from his previous interactions with Zhu Xuan and Shi Pu.

Jin has a big picture view!

"Commander, King Wu Yang Xing has secretly sent an envoy." When Wang and Liu were about to end their conversation, the general came in and reported.

Liu Wei's expression changed.

Yang Xingmi had a lot of troops, and his strength was even higher than that of Qi Zhen. He stationed troops in Huaishang, and Shao's thieves couldn't do anything to him.

This is also a person who has an overall view of the situation. If he is willing to send troops to help, the situation will be greatly improved.

However, it still depends on Li Keyong. He Huaibao, why haven't Mi Zhicheng arrived yet? If the elite soldiers from Hedong arrive, they can even surround the Shao thief in Qizhou, let him be defeated and die, and make the world laugh.

"Let the envoy come in." Wang Shifan straightened his robe and ordered.

This chapter has been completed!
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