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Chapter 88 Truncation

 At the foot of Lu County City, the sound of killing shook the sky.

Guo Shaobin actually didn't want to go all out. The battles they had fought so far were quite satisfactory and very cunning. But the Jin people didn't give them a chance and looked like they wanted to eat the Jianrui army alive. So he had no choice but to fight with the Jin thieves. Fight.

Zhang Jun's heart was bleeding.

Jin people fight so hard? I don’t know what to say.

How can you enjoy wealth after spending all your money?

The Jianrui Army has less than 5,000 men in total, and 3,000 of them are still with Shao Thief and have not yet returned to the army. Zhang Jun seemed to see his own gloomy future, and the sky was about to fall.

Commanding his old army, the Xiang Party, which he was familiar with, and serving in the Xia Army and being a mid- to high-level officer were completely different things. If he had a choice, he would rather be unpopular in the Xia Army and become a no-name, but he should firmly control it. Control an army with which you can have the final say.

The words "Jian is in the emperor's heart" and "highly valued" are all lies! They are all charity from others, and they do not deserve anything at the critical moment.

Only the army is the source of all wealth.

I am a traitor to the Jin Dynasty and you are your own mother, and you have ruined the wealth of the Zhang family for generations. Guo Shaobin and Zhang Yun are not modern people, but they have a deep understanding of what the "united front value" is. Without an army, you are worthless.

"Kill the thieves!" Guo Shaobin showed the courage he had when he led his troops to kill the governor of Caozhou. He slashed with his sword and personally boosted morale. Under his sword, three Jin people fell to the city in a row. It seemed that they were not all Jin people, but also They captured a local young man from Lu County.

Zhang Jun had exhausted all his strength and sat in the tower panting.

It can be clearly seen here that at least 10,000 Jin people are besieging the city. There are thousands of cavalry ready to go next to them to prevent sudden attacks during the siege.

Their military strength is really abundant.

And so far, at least half of the dead soldiers are Yunzhou locals. These inhumane guys are really good at causing harm to the people, although Zhang Jun himself is not much better.

A group of cavalry appeared in the fields to the southeast. Their horses were not very fast and they were cruising far away.

Zhang Jun managed to stand up, took a closer look, and found that it was one of his own, so he immediately ordered: "Get ready to respond."

The soldiers went down to deliver the order. Zhang Jun continued to watch and saw that the Jin cavalry was also dispatched. More than a thousand cavalry surrounded them, while the Xia army only had more than a hundred. They did not stay and disappeared into the distance with a roar.

"Bang!" Zhang Jun punched the pillar.

But then he comforted himself, as long as there were reinforcements, the battle could still be fought, otherwise the Jin people would be surrendered directly.

At noon, the Jin army retreated like a tide.

He Huaibao came to the front line and looked around the city. After a long time, I heard him say: "Unexpectedly, the Xia people don't have the courage to fight in the field. How long are we going to fight while huddled in the city like this? Stop fighting and camp somewhere else. Anfuqian!"

"The end is here!" An Fuqian stepped forward and responded.

"You lead people to collect food and grass. The more, the better."

"As commanded."

In fact, the simple pontoon bridge has been built and supplies have begun to be transported to the south bank. But who still thinks there is insufficient food and grass?

"Mi Zhicheng!"

"The end is here!"

"Guard the ferry camp and build the city quickly. If there are not enough people, we will seize it." He Huaibao said again.

"As you command!"

It is very necessary to build cities on both sides of Yangliudu, and then build the second and third pontoon bridges, or build a large pontoon bridge like the three cities of Heyang.

"General Li..." He Huaibao changed his tone and said with a smile: "Your troops are very elite. You can set the sea magic needle for me. You can lead your troops to keep an eye on it. If there are any Xia thieves coming to rescue Lu County, find an opportunity to let them go."

They never come back."

"As ordered." Li Siben replied in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

He led an army of 3,000 volunteers, all of whom were cavalry. They were indeed relatively elite.

The total number of soldiers and horses crossing the river has reached 17,000, including 8,000 Jin troops, 3,000 Yiwu troops, and 6,000 German troops. Li Siben has also been in battle many times, and he is somewhat looking forward to the upcoming battle.

But they still need to wait, because there are currently too few pontoons, and it is difficult for people and materials to pass through. They must wait until the channel is stable and a certain amount of materials have been accumulated before they can cross the river in large numbers to find the Xia people for a decisive battle.

Half a day passed quickly.

After night falls, the lights on both sides of Yangliu Crossing are brightly lit, and the constant flow of cars and horses on the pontoon bridge illuminates almost the entire river.

Bags of grain, bundles of arrows, packages of wound medicine, and tools were transported. There were even thousands of Bozhou masters sent over by their state and county officials to help the Jin army work.

What a busy scene!

At midnight, Li Siben got up to patrol the night.

It is quiet and peaceful inside the camp, and there is noisy and lively outside the camp, just like two worlds.

He walked around with his soldiers and checked almost every sentry post before feeling relieved.

Suddenly, there was a cry of exclamation on the river in the distance, and there was also the faint sound of war drums.

Li Siben was shocked and immediately boarded the watchtower.

On the pontoon, a long stream of torches flowed continuously. It was originally quite orderly, but suddenly, it became uncontrollably scattered.

Li Siben's eyes moved westward, and he saw a dense number of boats drifting upstream. Firewood was lit on the boats. At first, the fire was very small, and it seemed that it would be extinguished by the river wind, but as the boats gradually came closer,

On the pontoon, the fire became more intense, and gradually the entire ship was burned into a fireball.

"Boom!" Although they were far apart, Li Siben seemed to hear the sound of the fire ship hitting the pontoon.

People were coming and going on the pontoon, panicking.

Someone held a spear against the floating fire boat to prevent it from getting closer.

Some people hurriedly found buckets to get water to put out the small flames that were rising and falling on the pontoon.

Someone used an ax to cut off the bamboo ties connecting the boats on the pontoon and peeled off the burned parts.

It seemed that the situation was still controllable? But reality soon slapped him in the face.

The sound of war drums was getting closer and closer, and dozens of tall ships loomed in the firelight, slowly approaching the pontoon.

Intense arrows were shot from the ship, and the pontoon was uncovered, and screams of pain could be heard endlessly.

In just one stick of incense, the soldiers who had just struggled to control the fire were dispersed by the civilians. They even got into a mess fighting for the road, and some people kept falling into the river.

The arrows never stop, and there seems to be the sound of crossbows, mercilessly harvesting every life that is still standing on the pontoon.

Finally no one tried to put out the fire, and no one wanted to stay on the pontoon.

Some sailors from the warship came down, jumped onto the pontoon bridge, sweated profusely, and demolished the bridge as fast as possible.

The arrows protected them, and no one could survive the death-like rain of arrows. Even if they were wearing heavy armor and carrying a large shield, they would have no chance of surviving under the fire of a powerful crossbow.

"The floating bridge is gone!" Li Siben closed his eyes in pain.

He recalled Li Guangbi and Shi Siming's offensive and defensive battle in Heyang. Shi Siming was downstream, taking advantage of the east wind, heaping firewood and kerosene in the sailboat and sailing upstream, approaching the Heyang Bridge.

Li Guangbi was well prepared and asked his soldiers to use long bamboo poles to block the fireships from a distance, and then used artillery carts to bombard Shi Siming's ships, destroying the enemy in one fell swoop and saving the Heyang Bridge.

But the Heyang Bridge was so huge that it could even be filled with artillery carts. The bridge on the Yangliudu side was too small, and they were poorly prepared, which led to their defeat.

In fact, the response to the first wave was good. Xia Jun's fire attack technique did not have the ideal effect, and the fire was very likely to be extinguished. However, they still had naval warships, so they ended up shamelessly.

, use crossbow arrows to kill the sergeants and masters on the pontoon bridge, frighten the defenders who may rush over, and then calmly destroy the pontoon bridge.

"It's time to think of countermeasures." Li Siben went down from the watchtower and went straight to He Huaibao's tent.


"We cannot wait until all the enemy troops have crossed the river before destroying the pontoon bridge." In the camp in the northeast of Pingyin County, Shao Shude chatted with the soldiers while having breakfast: "I expect the Jin army to be no less than 50,000, and most of them will be soldiers who are accustomed to fighting.

.If they all cross the river, with the current strength of the troops, they may not be able to survive, and it will be self-defeating."

Li Yixian, Yang Hongyin, Zhang Wen, Dong Zhang and others listened with rapt attention and nodded repeatedly. Maybe they felt a little unconvinced in their hearts, but thinking about the soldiers and horses nearby, there were only more than 20,000 Tielin troops and more than 10,000 Feilong troops.

For those who can fight, forget about the National Protector Army, Jian Rui Army, Zhongwu Army, or praising the Japanese Army. It may be a disservice.

Moreover, after waiting for a while, the Jin people may have built more than one pontoon bridge. The ships that make up the pontoon bridge may also be connected with iron chains instead of bamboo ties. If it is more ruthless and the iron cables cross the river, the trouble will be even greater.

At that time, they can advance, attack, retreat or defend. Even if the iron cables, pontoon bridge and so on are eventually destroyed, they will still have enough time to retreat.

"Sometimes you can't be too greedy." Shao Shude said: "Ziqing and Taining still have more than 100,000 soldiers. How do you have to be brave to let Li Keyong's entire army come over?"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

"Your Majesty, now that the pontoon bridge is broken and the Jin thieves have no backup, what will they do?" Li Yixian asked.

"What do you think?" Shao Shude asked while eating milk porridge slowly.

"I heard that the Jin people built cities on the north and south banks of Yangliudu and hoarded food, grass and equipment. This was prepared for the 50,000-strong army, so there is no shortage of food and grass. Maybe they want to hold on?" Li Yixian said.

"Hold on is a dead end." Yang Hongyin said: "When the Yi army arrives and the armies are surrounded, will they still have a way to survive? No matter how stupid the Jin people are, they know that Henan is our territory. The longer we delay, the more our reinforcements will be


"Li Keyong may find another place to build a pontoon bridge." Zhang Wen said: "He will not give up his troops crossing the river."

"Difficult." Yang Hongyin shook his head and said: "Although you can temporarily repair a simple pontoon bridge when the navy is not paying attention, it will be difficult to pass through large groups of people and transport large amounts of food and grass supplies. Moreover, this kind of pontoon bridge will not exist for too long. Once it is destroyed by the navy

If discovered, it will be destroyed immediately.”

"If I were from Jin, I would go directly south to Zhu Jin's territory. Or I would go east and run to Qingzhou. Squatting at Yangliu Crossing for a long time is not an option. It would be a waste of time. The cavalry is okay, but it can run fast, but what about the infantry?

"Dong Zhang said suddenly.

Shao Shude put down his bowl and chopsticks and said with a smile: "That's good. The more you argue, the clearer it becomes. Since you can guess and predict the Jin army's next move, you can make targeted arrangements."

Everyone looked stern, knowing that the king was about to issue orders to all ministries.

This chapter has been completed!
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