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Chapter 33: Feishui is thinking about Anshi, and Jingyang is looking at Ziyi in the distance (2)

 On August 25th of the first year of Zhonghe, Tielin's army marched to the west of Gaoling County a few miles away.

Chao's army was afraid of being flanked, so they broke away. However, they did not go far. They only retreated a few miles to camp, and Shao Shude led his army into the city.

"Military envoy, the bandits are here again." On the second day, Shao Shude and Li Xiaochang had just gone to the city to inspect, and someone immediately reported it.

The total number of Tielin and Fufang armies was 12,000, and the rebel army probably numbered 17,000. The thief general Li Xiang believed that he had more troops and had just defeated Zhaoyi Festival Commander Gao Xun, so he killed him again.

Came over.

Shao Shude looked around and saw that the rebel army's camp had not moved. Instead, more than 10,000 soldiers and horses were selected to form an array outside the city. More than a hundred horses came forward, shouting abuses and being extremely arrogant.

"These hundreds of thieves are amazingly brave, their swords are very sharp, and they curse all day long. The day before yesterday, a certain general Fang Meng was sent out of the city, but he was beheaded, and all the troops were devastated." Li Xiaochang was still frightened when he said it, and he obviously hated these thieves.

Afraid again.

Shao Shude watched for a long time and felt that letting these people continue to scold would hinder their morale, so he asked: "Who can kill the thieves for a certain person?"

"Military envoy, I am willing to go!" Lu Huaizhong stepped forward and asked.

"This is not what Du Yuhou did." Shao Shude shook his head and asked, "Who else?"

"Military envoy, I am willing to go!" Li Tangbin and Guo Qi came out almost at the same time.

"How many troops will you bring?"

"Fifty riders are enough."

"Origitsugu Yu!"

"The end is here!"

"Send a general and fifty elite cavalry to accompany the two generals Li and Guo into battle."

"There's no need to favor generals. I'm going to fight with fifty percent of my son." Oritsugu replied.

"There is no such thing as joking in the army." Shao Shude looked at his brother-in-law and said slowly.

"The military envoy will be waiting," Oritsugu replied without hesitation.

"Okay, I'll send you out to fight." Shao Shude said, "Wei Boqiu, send the order and beat the drums to build momentum."

After a while, the south gate of Gaoling County opened wide. Li Tangbin, Guo Qi, and Zhe Siyu led fifty cavalry forward and marched slowly to a place a hundred steps away from the rebel army.

The scoldings of the bandits stopped abruptly, and they rode out, shouting loudly: "A certain person is Tian Gui, a personal general under Li Xiang's tent, the Zuowuwei general of the Qi Dynasty. The day before yesterday, he killed Fang Meng, the general of Yifang. Today, someone else came to die."

He looked arrogant as he spoke, pointing the spear in his hand, looking arrogant.

"Does the thief know me?" Guo Qi stepped forward and shouted.

"Who is it?"

"General Guo Qi of the Tielin Army!"

"What kind of pig or dog is it?"

Guo Qi didn't answer, so he rode his horse forward, got closer, and threw his yun from a distance, directly at the left eye of the middle field rail. The thief didn't realize that Guo Qi had such tricks, and was knocked off his horse on the spot.

Li Tangbin and Zheji Yu rode their horses forward just a moment before Guo Qi, and fifty horsemen rushed forward. Li Tangbin immediately threw two short spears, knocking down two thieves who came forward to grab his leader.

Siyu opened his bow from left to right and shot several people in succession, without missing any arrows.

The thieves were frightened by the power of the three men and subconsciously slowed down their horses. Upon seeing this, the troops on the city cheered and the noise reached to the sky.

Fifty cavalry rushed into the group of thieves at high speed. Guo Qi drew out the horizontal sword given by Shao Shude and killed several people in succession. Li Tangbin was also brave and stabbed repeatedly with an iron spear, and no one was able to defeat the enemy. Zhe Siyu's archery skills

Extraordinary, the shot caused the thief to cling to the horse's back and scream in agony.

After the fifty cavalry defeated the bandits, they turned back and charged, completely scattering the bandit army. Guo Qi calmly dismounted, slashed several times, decapitated Tian Gui, and placed it in the saddle bag.

Inside, no one dared to stop the large formation of thieves watching the battle from a distance.

"Military envoy, fortunately you have lived up to your command!" Guo Qidian walked up to the top of the city, threw Tian Guui's head to the ground, and said.

"Behead the general in front of the formation to weaken the enemy's spirit. Vice General Guo can be promoted to ten generals immediately and be given five hundred bolts of silk." Shao Shude picked up the head, looked at the sword still deeply embedded in the general's left eye, and said: "General

His skills are amazing."

"Li Tangbin and Oritsugu Yu also gave 300 pieces of silk, and the knights who went out to fight gave 50 pieces of silk." The military order was quickly passed on, and the troops shouted loudly, and their morale was high.

Lu Huaizhong was filled with envy on the sidelines, and only hated the military envoy for not allowing him to fight.

The rebel warriors were beheaded, and the army lost its strength. After standing in a standstill outside the city for a while, they finally decided to return to the camp in batches.

The retreat was somewhat organized, with some people covering it and others coordinating it, and they were all gone in a short while.

"Where did the thieves get their military supplies?" Shao Shude asked after returning to the county government office.

"Envoy Shao Jun, the thieves should have brought a lot of food and grass with the army. There is a lot of money and food in the Weiqiao warehouse to the east, but it is heavily guarded and difficult to attack." Li Xiaochang replied. He only has four left.

Qian Bing was far inferior to Shao Shude, so he spoke in a very respectful manner and did not have the aura of a feudal commander at all.

The Weiqiao warehouse is located on the bank of the Weishui River. It was originally a place used by the imperial court to store money and grain transferred from Guandong. Now that there is no money and grain from Guandong, it has been used by the Chao army as a logistics departure base, which is quite suitable.

When Li Xiaochang said this, Shao Shude understood that using his brains on the enemy's food routes would not be effective.

In ancient times, the first thing a general should do in a war is to do everything possible to weaken the enemy, including but not limited to making it difficult for them to provide food supplies, making it difficult to collect drinking water and firewood, insufficient military equipment, generals being suspicious of each other, and soldiers returning home like arrows.

Etc. Anyway, the core point is to prevent the enemy from being in the best state, adjust yourself to the best state, and then defeat it.

Both sides have equal troop strength, high morale, sufficient military supplies, and similar levels of training. This kind of battle is something that generals should try their best to avoid, and it is not in line with the art of war.

"Send an envoy to send a letter to Wang Chongrong, inviting him to lead troops to the west, threatening Li Xiang's flank and shaking his military morale." Shao Shude ordered.

It is most likely impossible for Wang Chongrong to come. After Gao Xun's defeat, Wang Chongrong successively increased his troops to Tongzhou, and Pan County should have felt the pressure. But it doesn't hurt to give it a try, just in case someone is fooled by lard and really sends an army westward.

Do yourself a favor.

"Military envoy, someone has a plan." Chen Cheng said from the side.


"The military envoy can send people to spread the news, saying that Zhu Wen, the puppet envoy of Qi Tonghua Jiedu, has surrendered to Wang Chongrong, and wants to join forces to march westward and attack Li Xiang's flank." Chen Cheng said: "Li Xiang heard the report, but he doesn't know whether it is true or not. He must calm down.

If there is a big move, there may be an opportunity to take advantage of it.”

"This plan is acceptable." Shao Shude praised: "Let's take care of these things immediately. In addition, order the generals to prepare their troops and horses. Tomorrow, we will go out of the city to form an array, invite the bandits to fight, and feel out their base first."


Early on the next morning, the gates of Gaoling County were opened wide, and thousands of Tielin troops marched out one after another.

The trapped camp is still the unyielding vanguard.

Guo Qi, who was in the limelight yesterday, sent someone to carry Tian Gui's head and run outside the Chao Army's camp. The sergeants laughed and cursed, doing their best to be sarcastic, and did not take Chao Army seriously at all.

After teasing for about half an hour, the Chao army finally moved out.

Hundreds of horsemen poured out from the camp gate in batches, intending to first drive away the provocative Tang army outside the camp, and then prepare for battle.

There were several hundred of them, and there were only a few dozen Tang soldiers riding outside the camp. It was said that driving them away would not be a problem. Unexpectedly, the group took advantage of the fact that they were about to leave and rushed straight towards them. There were more than ten people in front who were good at shooting and raised their bows.

Suddenly, all the thieves riding on the horse fell down.

"Where are the foot archers? Shoot!" the rebel cavalry general yelled angrily, urging the foot archers in the camp to drive away the Tang army's cavalry.

Suddenly, a horse suddenly arrived. Before the thief could react, he was stabbed in the chest and fell to the ground.

Guo Qi laughed loudly and rode away. The bandits were blocked as soon as they left the house, and their momentum was slightly affected.

The Chao army has no rules!

This is Guo Qi's feeling. To deal with these brave stragglers, there is no need to send the same warriors to fight, and there are many other ways to drive them away. But the rebel army does not know whether it is chaos or poor command, in short, it is slow to respond. Today, two

In a military battle, the military envoys should have the opportunity to defeat the bandit army.

In a head-on fight, from Guo Qi's perspective, the Tielin Army, with almost all veterans, had a great chance of winning.

Three quarters past noon.

The soldiers of the Tielin Army had been sitting on the ground, eating food and water, and resting for a long time. The enemy army had just finished hurriedly setting up their formation. Shao Shude stood on the high platform. From a distance, he saw that the enemy army had sent about seven or eight thousand people.

A Yanyue Formation was formed.

"Li Xiang is determined not to give up. I thought he would set up a square formation or a wheel formation, but instead he came up with the Yanyue Formation." Shao Shude smiled at Chen Cheng. The Yanyue Formation is both offensive and defensive, and is not a purely defensive formation.

"Before our army arrived, the bandit army fought in formation with the Yifang Army and won. Maybe Li Xiang felt that although our army had warriors, fighting in formation might not be enough," Chen Cheng said.

The Tielin Army arranged a simplified version of the wild goose formation. Ten generals Guo Qi led six scattered troops in front, and Li Tangbin led 700 people closely behind them. Behind them, 300 cavalry were each deployed as a form of formation.

Assault force.

Further behind, there are the main infantry force of the Iron Forest Army, more than 4,000 people. At the front is the front camp led by Lu Huaizhong, a total of 500 people, all tall and long-armed, brave men, wearing iron armor and holding long spears.

, just waiting to break through the bandit formation.

More than 1,200 cavalry, including the Yifang Army cavalry, were deployed on their right rear and were ready to go.

Different from Zhu Wen in the Tongzhou battle, they did not attack the flanks this time, but went straight to the central army. The two sides fought to the death to see who was stronger.

When the time comes, the drums rumble.

Guo Qi led the 300 men in the trapped camp to choose the front, and walked slowly, maintaining his strength. Li Tangbin led 700 men to follow closely, with a total of 600 riders on both sides. He only led the horse and followed for a while, then stopped and sorted himself out.

equipment, while calming the war horse.

Guo Qi was still holding Tian Gui's head, and the three hundred people behind him acted like gangsters, scolding them all the way. When they got closer, four groups of archers stepped forward and shot a wave first, then threw away their bows and drew their crossbows.

Dao, followed by Pao Ze who was holding a long sword, quickly rushed towards the enemy's formation.

"Kill!" As soon as the Tang and Chao armies fought, it was a life-and-death fight. Guo Qi was very familiar with both long and short weapons. After stabbing several people with the spear in his hand, the shield hand guarding him was stabbed and fell to the ground.

Qi directly threw away the long spear, took a large shield, drew the horizontal sword, and led the people forward bravely, regardless of life or death.

"Guo Qi is such a fierce general!" Chen Cheng looked on with fascination.

Shao Shude nodded, and the front line of 300 men directly dispersed the front line of the Chao army. Li Tangbin's 700 men quickly arrived and rushed in along the gap. The second line of the rebel army fought hard to release

The arrows struck, and the soldiers who were trapped in the camp fell down in rows like wheat. However, those who were not shot down quickly rushed to the front row of the bandit formation, stabbing with spears, and clashing with swords and axes. They showed no fear at all.

There are those in the Chao Army who know the inside story of the trapped camp. They are all old brothers from Henan and Huainan who fought all the way into Guanzhong. Why should they be so cruel!

The flag was waved, and a total of 600 cavalrymen in the front line began to mount their horses, then divided into two groups and headed straight towards the middle army of thieves.

The thief army probably deployed more than 3,000 people in eight small formations. At this time, the trapped camp had broken into two formations. Seeing how brave they were, the thief army suddenly made a noise. The formation seemed to be wavering, so they could attack quickly!

This chapter has been completed!
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